Cyberpunk 2077, one of the most hyped open-world RPG of all time from Witcher creator CD Projekt Red, has been delayed yet again. It is going to move from the planned Sep 17 release date to Nov 19, exactly 2 months later. Below is the open letter from the devs announcing the delay.

Cyberpunk 2077 Ciri
Cyberpunk 2077 is going to be one of the biggest titles this year

Based on intel revealed in the announcement itself, the game is technically finished content-wise – all the quests, skills, cutscenes, items and functionality completed. However, due to the sheer size of the game, CD Projekt Red said that they need some extra time to go through everything all over to fix bugs and balance out some mechanics.

The letter from CDPR to fans

While this might be the truth, it is completely possible that they are lying through their teeth. Based on various sources, CDPR’s employees have been on a heavy crunch to push this game out – with the release of the two new consoles on the horizon, these delays might even be purposefully made in order to port 2077 to next-gen.

It has been an extremely long development road for Cyberpunk 2077. The game has been in development from at least 2012 – 2013, with the first trailer released at about that time. It was originally set for an April 16 release but then delayed to Sep 17, also for “bugs and optimization” reasons. The multiplayer component of the game is going to be delayed even further – it likely won’t appear until next year.

This delay has disappointed a lot of fans who are counting down the day for the game. More information about Cyberpunk 2077 would be available on the June 25 announcement stream and preview builds from journalists.

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