Playful motivation is a unique methodological technique. It is designed to help playfully manage people's activities. Although gamified motivation was used mainly in working with children in the not-so-distant past, today, this method is practised in most areas of human activity. Moreover, this method applies to people of different age categories.

What Is Motivation?

Motivation can be described as a person's internal impulses that induce them to perform some actions. It can refer to everything, from getting up in the early morning and taking a cool shower to achieve specific goals, life results, etc. If there were no motivation, life would stop because nothing in the world, except motivation, can force people to work to implement changes around them and within their personality.

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What Are the Benefits of the Gamified Motivation Process? 

If we turn to the history of development, we can immediately understand the most important function of play: to be a spontaneous and effective way of learning. When a child plays, he learns about the world around him. Initially, it is the world of objects and then the world of society. It is a playful way of learning. Over many years of practice, it has proven to be effective and easy to use because it is straightforward. 

Games begin to leave life as a person grows up, and it is no longer so attractive. However, even in adulthood, the game can be returned. For example, games are present even in adult life in forms of training, pokies online or team-building activities. This is caused not only by people's achievements but also by the prevalence of gaming methods today.

As for the benefits of game motivation, there are several points:

  • First, it activates a person's emotions, and they colour any, even the most tedious and routine process, with bright colours;
  • Secondly, it immerses a person in the state of a child: creativity is revealed, there is a sense of competition, a desire to win, to apply original solutions;
  • Thirdly, there is freedom from stereotypes, and intuition develops;
  • Finally, there is almost 100% involvement in what is happening. Gamified motivation techniques evoke a deep need to find a solution to a problem or task. This is accompanied by ease and joy at what he is doing.

Gamification of the popular motivation techniques allows for an experience that may be much more productive than any other method. This happens because of the increased scope of coverage of reality, the visual presentation of the consequences of decisions made, and the opportunity to test alternative solutions. 

Information possessed by a person in the real world is inaccurate and incomplete, but in the game, we can be guided through incomplete but accurate data. This allows you to be confident in the results and encourages the process of taking responsibility for your actions.

Why Staying Motivated Requires Management?

In most cases, the stimulation that compels a person to take action is underutilized. The stimulation mechanism functions automatically or mechanically, which is why it cannot bring all the benefits and rewards that can make a difference in life.

But if one studies the management of our inner states and urges, it is possible to make such changes in any area of one's life. When one knows exactly what to do and what to avoid, one has power over oneself, a tool that can make one do whatever is necessary to achieve one's dream goals.