Elder Scroll 6 - GuruGamer.com https://gurugamer.com Website for Indian gamers with latest gaming and technology news. Find release dates, trailers, and scores for all upcoming and recent video games in the world Mon, 16 Oct 2023 10:23:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://static.gurugamer.com/images/logo.jpg Elder Scroll 6 - GuruGamer.com https://gurugamer.com <![CDATA[Little Known Facts About The Skyrim Grandma - The Only Youtube Streamer To Appear In The Elder Scrolls VI]]> https://gurugamer.com/streamers/meet-the-skyrim-gaming-grandma-9980 Mon, 27 Apr 2020 07:57:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/streamers/meet-the-skyrim-gaming-grandma-9980
Mrs. Shirley Curry, also known as Skyrim Grandma, is one of the oldest streamers in the world at the age of 84.]]>

Mrs. Shirley is adored for her simple way of streaming, a lovely personality that never shows signs of losing temper or getting angry. She conquers the viewers with her heart-warming character, while her opponents are defeated by a high-leveled skill rarely seen in an elderly person. 

Up to now, what we know about the Skyrim Grandma often revolves around her adorable self, her very own way of attracting viewers. But are there any interesting things about her? Check out these exclusive pieces of information about Mrs. Curry that not many people can get their hands on below!

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Mrs. Curry created a Youtube channel for the sole purpose of watching videos

Mrs. Shirley Curry, aka The Skyrim Grandma

When the “streamer” concept is stated, people immediately associate it with a professional gamer or a video creator, showcasing their skills on multiple platforms such as Twitch or Youtube to earn money. But Skyrim Grandma is different, she only has a Youtube channel and her explanation to that is quite simple.

In an interview with the Senior Planet, Mrs. Curry said that she started her Youtube channel back in 2007 (although the information on the channel claims that it was created in 2011) to subscribe to the channels she likes. Having no intention of making any sort of income from Youtube, her sole goal was to watch other streamers play and leave them encouraging and heart-warming comments. Her actions touched some of the viewers, and they soon become the very first subscribers to her channel. 

Subscribers to the Skyrim Grandma channel begged her to upload videos to Youtube

The Skyrim Grandma's a streamer with a kind-hearted personality

With no initial intention of streaming or posting videos, Mrs. Curry was very confused when her subscribers kept sending messages motivating her to upload, some even begged her to do so. In the end, the Skyrim Grandma decided to give it a try and uploaded her first video on September 18, 2015. She thought it was going nowhere, but something unexpected happened.

Before her first upload on September 18, 2015, the Skyrim Grandma’s channel only had about 200 to 300 subscribers. But when she woke up the next day, the number doubled. A Reddit user by the name of "jacobthebro" found Mrs. Curry’s content unique and shared it, thus creating a chain reaction. Many people enjoyed the video, they visited her channel only to be conquered by her witty and lovable personality. Since then, the number of subscribers to Skyrim Grandma's channel has rapidly increased. 

Mrs. Curry had always wanted to own a PC to serve her cooking hobby

Mrs. Curry has a passion for cooking

Mrs. Curry never dreamed of spending the latter part of her life gaming, but she has always wanted to own a computer to help her cook or write a book. She wanted to use it to save recipes, divide them into different categories such as meat, spices, vegetables, etc. The Skyrim Grandma also revealed her long-lasting love for curry, chili powder, lemon pepper, parsley, and oregano. And when she had her very first PC, she used it to write an article for a local newspaper in California.

She will make an appearance in The Elder Scrolls VI

The Elder Scroll VI project was revealed at E3 and Mrs. Curry knew that it would take several years for the game to be released, she said: “When Skyrim VI is complete, I’ll be 88 years old, maybe I won't be able to play anymore, I may have to give up on this dream ".

The Elder Scrolls Vi Shirley Curry Skyrim Grandma
Mrs. Curry will appear in The Elder Scrolls VI

Mrs. Curry's words touched the hearts of Skyrim's fans, they quickly spread them on Reddit, creating a wave asking Bethesda to include her image in Elder Scrolls VI. And their wish had come true when Bethesda official confirmed that Mrs. Curry would appear in the game as an NPC. In response to this action, Mrs. Curry thanked the company and expressed her joy in a newly uploaded video. "This holds a special meaning to me. I’m very happy to know that someone is playing my character in Elder Scrolls", she said.

<![CDATA[Elder Scrolls 6: Things To Know]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/elder-scrolls-6-things-to-know-154 Mon, 15 Oct 2018 18:31:44 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/elder-scrolls-6-things-to-know-154
The Elder Scrolls 6 - all about its release date, news and rumors.]]>

The Elder Scrolls 6 has kept us waiting so long to have any updated information relating to its official release date. However, the reveal of Bethesda’s director Todd Howard in the E3 2018 conference that “The Elder Scrolls 6 is in development” has generated a huge applause from the audience.

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Many questions have been raised after a 37-second teaser of this game: When is it released? Where will the title of this latest game be set? Or what else could we know about this game?

All the rumors, questions and updated news about the Elder Scrolls 6 were summarised in this topic “Things to know” for your knowledge.

Key points

1. What do you know about this game?

It is the next version of the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim which is highly expected at the moment

2. When is the game released?

Not sure, but certainly not tomorrow or next week.

3. Where could I play it?

The best choice is the PC, or are other latest console generations

Elder Scrolls - The official release date

We have been waiting too long to find out when we can officially play this game. And not until recently did we receive the confirmation in Bethesda’s E3 2018 conference that the game is in progress now. However, with just a logo and a vague announcement, we never know what the release date exactly is.

According to Todd Howard,  it might come after Starfield, which means that we will be looking forward to its launch in unidentified years after.

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Elder Scrolls - Trailer

If you search the trailer of Elder Scrolls 6, you will see a very short clip with only 37 seconds introducing the logo of the game. For more information, you might need to wait until the next E3 in 2019, or, if you are lucky enough, you could find somewhere the leaked information of this highly-anticipated game.


Elder Scrolls 6 - News

Bethesda is an American video game publisher in Maryland. Its main Role-play video games (RPG) franchises are Elder Scrolls and Fallout. Besides, they also widen their business extend to mobile games, Dishonored, Prey and so on.

The Fallout series and the Elder Scrolls series are the two big projects which Bethesda has been working on, though their developments haven’t made much progress.

Coming back to Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim after a while, Howard felt like meeting an old friend from high school, which gave him the opportunity to assess it as a gamer who plays for the first time. And all this new perspective should be applied to the following titles in the Elder Scrolls series. One thing we could say for certain, this latest title shall not only be called Elder Scroll 6, but it will also be attached with a word going after the colon.

Elder Scrolls 6 – Where it will be set?

One common question is also raised from this game, where will it be set? There is no certain evidence, but based on the previous games of the series, we could guess that the game will probably still be set in the continent of Tamriel whose map is illustrated as below:

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If you have ever played the series, then you will never forget that we have been taken to Highrock, Morrowind, Hammerfell, Cyrodil and most recently Skyrim. The high possibilities for the location of Elder Scrolls 6 could be Valenwood, Elsweyr, or Black Marsh. And the remaining areas of Morrowind which haven’t been explored yet might appear in the Elder Scroll Online.

However, among Valenwood, Black Marsh and Elsweyr, which destination could win the prize? Many people bet on the Black Marsh which is the home of the reptilian Argonian race all over the world. The reason for this voting majority shall be its geographic forms including unique swampy marshlands and a variety of islands. It is also probably due to the fact that this area is less known than others in Tamriel, which could stimulate the creativity of the designers to make the game more interesting and attractive.

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Anyway, no information is official up to now, therefore, some people also turn their guess to Elsweyr, known as Khajit’s home, because of its harsh areas with dry plains and terrible badlands. The combination between the totally different cultures of Khajit and Argonians could somehow become an appeal to the audience.

Or some people think of Valenwood, the home of the Bosmer, as similar to Black Marsh, Bethesda hasn’t put much effort into exploring this area yet.

The origin of these rumors could be from a reported internal memo of Bethesda in 2014, which prevented the employees of Bethesda from using the terms Fallout: Nuka world, Elder Scrolls VI or Project Greenheart.

The rumor seemed to be neglected at the beginning, however, that Fallout: Nuka World became DLC for Fallout 4 made it more trustworthy. In addition, as Greenheart is the name of a city in Valenwood, people strengthen their belief that it is the codename for Elder Scrolls 6.

Forests and jungles haven’t been exploited in the previous titles of this series, which makes it more interesting to see how Bethesda build up in the part of Tamriel without civilization and covered with the wilderness.

In fact, the short trailer of the game might bring the hint of the official location used. However, with just 37 seconds and a large area with no sign, we could just guess that it looks more like Valenwood or Elsweyr than Black Marsh.

Todd Howard announced in an interview with Eurogamer that the team completed choosing the venue, but the accurate name hasn’t been revealed yet.

Elder Scrolls 6 – What new features will be there?

A totally new story

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Howard mentioned in one recent interview that Bethesda is reviewing and coming to the final decision on how the stories will be told in its games.

The approaches to stories in the predecessors Skyrim and Fallout 4 were a little bit different, while Skyrim creates everything to be more open to the vision of players, Fallout leads them through a more concrete storyline.

Discovering both positive and negative sides of these previous games, the next Elder Scrolls title could gain the balance in storytelling method which gives the players a free rein to tell their stories. Howard also described that they would tell a better story in an open world, he admitted the success and failures from previous products and believed that those experience will bring new ideas for the next ones.

The Witcher 3 is an example of telling stories in an open world, but the fans never want to have a duplicate of this version to the latest Elder Scrolls title, which put a high pressure on Bethesda to overcome the success of owning high-quality environmental and quest-based story telling.

The fans also do not expect multiplayer for this game. Skyrim has gained the success without multiplayer and Elder Scrolls online has been rolling along, which raises a question whether this latest title in Elder Scrolls series is in need of multiplayer or not.

Virtual reality

No one can confirm the usage of Virtual reality in this latest version, however, there is a possibility, as Bethesda applied a full VR to Skyrim.

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House building or town creation is a quite popular feature in any games.

In Skyrim, we could see a homestead with its Heartfire DLC. In Fallout 4, it is the expansion of this model with the mechanic settlement. And then, we could look forward to a further development of these features in the Elder Scrolls from the likely uncompleted design in the previous games’ version.

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The Elder Scrolls title will orient to environmental nature, which is similar to the way player use debris and junk to build their home in Fallout, they could also take the advantages of those environmental elements to implement in Elder Scrolls.

Elder Scrolls 6 – Rumors

It is rumored that the word coming after the colon which attaches with The Elder Scrolls 6 might be Redfall.

Redditors gives the hypothesis that the name traces back to either the Redfall in Tamriel or the Redguard race in Elder Scrolls. However, there hasn’t had any official information about this name.

Elder Scrolls 6 – What could we expect?

To meet the long waiting of all fans, we hope to see a completed game with better graphics and a decrease in bugs’ appearance.

In comparison with the very first title of Skyrim in 2011, its remastered version has taken a long step forward with much better graphics, which is exactly what we expect for the following titles in the series.

It is believed that a new game engine could be implemented to create a new game, similar to the way they created Skyrim, and we look forward to seeing the same creation to be applied to Elder Scrolls 6 or any upcoming Fallout titles.

The Bethesda game studio in Montreal has been looking for a good engine programmer, then we could look forward to the new change (if any).
