Minecraft crafting - GuruGamer.com https://gurugamer.com Website for Indian gamers with latest gaming and technology news. Find release dates, trailers, and scores for all upcoming and recent video games in the world Mon, 16 Oct 2023 10:37:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://static.gurugamer.com/images/logo.jpg Minecraft crafting - GuruGamer.com https://gurugamer.com <![CDATA[How To Grow Mushrooms In Minecraft & Guide To Their Recipes]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-grow-mushrooms-in-minecraft-19536 Thu, 23 Dec 2021 04:33:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-grow-mushrooms-in-minecraft-19536
Mushrooms are not rare to find yet it has diverse uses in the game. Check out how to grow Mushrooms in Minecraft to have yourself an abundance of these materials.]]>

Fungi have been there in Minecraft ever since the destined June 2009 and have proven themselves to be the most essential items. You can farm them to make goods with high value.

For the unknown, Mushrooms in Minecraft usually have brown or red color, spawn in dark cave areas, and can range from small to massive size. Players can instantly mine Mushrooms with any tool in the game and the fungi will drop into smaller pieces to pick up.

Further instruction on how to grow mushrooms in Minecraft as well as the recipes that you can use them for will be clarified below.

How To Grow Mushrooms Minecraft
Players can build a mushroom farm to harvest this food item in Minecraft. 

How to grow Mushrooms in Minecraft

Luckily, crafting a mushroom farm in Minecraft is a relatively simple task. Although you can totally shear some mooshroom cow to cultivate 5 mushrooms instantly or rifle a whole cave for the same purpose, building a mushroom farm will be the ultimate solution.

Here’s a step-to-step process to create a mushroom farm in Minecraft:

  • Craft a room that is two blocks high and horizontally large.
  • Dig a block up to the ceiling and put down a torch for recessed lighting. (This will allow the mushrooms to grow and spread).
  • Put one torch every 6 squares to prevent dangerous monsters and mobs from spawning.
  • Spread the mushrooms on the ground and wait for them to grow.

This method will allow you to have an unlimited source of brown and red mushrooms. The material does not require sand, water, or any extra space.

Besides, mushrooms are placeable everywhere in Minecraft world, except well-lit zones or on transparent blocks. As mushroom farming has to include low-lit indoor rooms, it poses the danger of monsters spawning in the same place. But planting torches can solve this.

How to get mushroom blocks in Minecraft

Apart from how to grow mushroom in Minecraft, getting mushroom blocks is also an inevitable need. In this case, you can obtain Mushroom blocks by using a tool enchanted with the Silk Touch.

This enchantment helps you get blocks that don’t typically drop by themselves. Without it, you will get either no mushroom block or some regular mushrooms of the same kind.

Minecraft Mushroom Block
Using Silk Touch is the only way you can harvest Mushroom blocks.

Mushroom farms are among the top 5 best food farms in Minecraft to survive and thrive, so do not overlook and create one for yourself.

Mushroom recipes in Minecraft

Minecraft Mushrooms are not too tough to find yet they have a lot of uses. They serve as a component in brewing Minecraft ingredients like a fermented spider eye, and as part of various food recipes.

  • Mushroom Stew (restores 6 hunger) - Brown Mushroom + Red Mushroom + Bowl.
  • Rabbit Stew (restores 10 hunger) - Cooked Rabbit + Any Mushroom + Baked Potato + Carrot + Bowl.
  • Suspicious Stew (restores 6 hunger) - Brown Mushroom + Red Mushroom + Bowl + Any Flower.
Suspicious Stew
Mushrooms are used in many important recipes.

The further you play Minecraft, the more aware you are of Suspicious Stew’s importance in the game. Its exclusive effects depend on which type of Minecraft flowers is added to the stew. You may get poisoning or fire resistance.

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<![CDATA[How To Make A Happy Snowman In Minecraft For This Christmas Season]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-make-a-happy-snowman-in-minecraft-19376 Mon, 06 Dec 2021 10:45:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-make-a-happy-snowman-in-minecraft-19376
The Christmas Holiday is coming soon. Check out this guide on how to make a happy snowman in Minecraft here and celebrate this Holiday.]]>

The Christmas Holiday is coming soon. Have you decorated your house and homeland with snowmen? Check out this guide on how to make a happy snowman in Minecraft. You can even craft a snowman without pumpkin in the game.

I. How To Make A Happy Snowman In Minecraft

Minecraft is an amazing sandbox game that lets you create and build many structures and decorations, including the snowman. You will have a good chance to show off your creativity to make amazing items, including the happy snowman to decorate your house. Follow these steps to make a snowman in Minecraft.

Snowman In Minecraft
Learn to make a happy snowman in Minecraft here.

#1. Collect Materials

You need to collect enough materials for a snowman first. There are only two required materials for the snowman in Minecraft, including:

  • 2 snow blocks;
  • A pumpkin.

To have a snow block, Minecraft players need to collect four snowballs by using a silk touch tool to break the snow. It can only be found in the snow biome in Minecraft. Players can also use a shovel to break the top layer of the snow and pick up snowballs.

Besides, you can collect the pumpkin in many biomes in Minecraft, including the snow biome. So, you can collect enough materials for your snowman in the snow biome. In addition, the game also allows players to grow this vegetable on their farms. So, you should pick up some pumpkins in the wild and grow them in your garden.

Basically, you should find a snow biome in Minecraft to collect both materials, snow blocks and pumpkins for your snowman.

Materials For Snowmen
You need to have a pumpkin and two snow blocks to make a snowman in this game.

#2. Make A Happy Snowman

After having enough materials, you can build a happy snowman with these steps.

  • Place a snow block on the ground.
  • Put the other snow block on the top of the first one to make the body of the snowman.
  • Place the pumpkin on the top of two snow blocks to complete the head.
  • Hold the shear on your hand and approach the snowman.
  • Shear a happy face on the head of the snowman.

To make your snowman look happy, you need to shear a smiling face on the pumpkin. After completion, the snowman will start to move around.

If you don't want to give life to the snowman, you can replace the snow blocks with white wool blocks or white concrete blocks. You can also add two levers to make the arms for your snowman.

Shread The Pumkin
Shear the pumpkin and make a happy face for your snowman.

II. How To Make A Snowman Without Pumpkin In Minecraft

If you don't have pumpkins or don't want to make a snowman with the pumpkin, you can replace it with other materials. For example, many Minecraft players use a block of wool instead of pumpkin to make the head of the snowman. You can shear the wool to make a happy face for your snowman.

Wool is available to collect from sheep. Minecraft players can tame and breed the sheep to get wool. The snowman Minecraft skin is moderately different when you use different materials, such as snow, concrete, and wool.

You Can Use Wood Blocks
You can use wood blocks to make the head of your happy snowmen instead of pumpkin.

III. Facts About Snowman In Minecraft

There are some interesting facts about snowmen in Minecraft. The snowman that can move is also known as a snow golem. Here are some amazing facts about this special golem.

1. What Do Snowmen Eat In Minecraft?

Snowmen eat wheat. That's why you can breed these golem in Minecraft with wheat.

2. How to use snowmen in Minecraft?

Snowmen or snow golems in Minecraft do not have many practical uses. Here are some common uses of snowmen in this game:

  • Decoration: These snowmen make your house and farm look nice, especially in the winter and the Christmas holiday.
  • Protection: Snow golems will attack neutral or hostile mobs around them and near your land.
  • Combat: Snowmen are very useful for blaze enemies but they are very weak. Their snowballs do not deal much damage. Moreover, snow golems are vulnerable to fireballs.
  • Source of snow: These snowmen can be used as unlimited sources of snow on your farm. You can go after them to collect snowballs when they walk. Then, you can craft more snow blocks to build houses or more snow golems.
Make A Snowman
Build a big snowman to make your world look nice.

3. How to save snowmen from melting?

You can save snowmen from melting by applying Fire Resistance to them.

Those are all you need to know about how to make a happy snowman in Minecraft as well as some uses of snow golems. Start to collect snow blocks and pumpkins to decorate your farm with a mob of snowmen and celebrate Christmas now.

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<![CDATA[How To Make A Piston Door In Minecraft | Double Piston Door Designs]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-make-an-piston-door-in-minecraft-19357 Fri, 03 Dec 2021 10:08:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-make-an-piston-door-in-minecraft-19357
Building a piston door in Minecraft your base is one of the things that all Minecraft players must try.]]>

Piston doors have been around in Minecraft for a long time. Thanks to the power of red stone, players can make tons of cool piston doors designs for their secret base in Minecraft. These piston doors can be super simple or be super complicated, depending on what you prefer.

In this article, we will show you how to make a piston door in Minecraft. This is a Minecraft double piston door design. It is simple to build, compact, and suitable for most uses.

Piston Door In Minecraft
Piston doors in Minecraft can be super simple or be super complicated.

Table of Contents

  • 1. Required materials to build a piston door in Minecraft
  • 2. How to make a piston door in Minecraft

1. Required materials to build a piston door in Minecraft

  • Redstone dust
  • 4 sticky pistons
  • 2 Redstone torches
  • 4 pressure plates
  • A lot of building blocks

How to make a piston in Minecraft

To make a piston in Minecraft, you need 3 wood planks, 4 cobblestones, 1 iron ingot, and 1 red stone.

Open the crafting table, put 3 wood planks on the top row, put 4 cobblestones on the left and right columns. Put the iron ingot in the center slot and the red stone in the remaining slot.

The pattern should be exactly the same as the image below, then you will have a piston crafted.

How To Make A Piston In Minecraft
Crafting recipe to make a piston in Minecraft

How to make a sticky piston in Minecraft

You need 1 piston and 1 slimeball to make a sticky piston. You need to put the piston in the center slot and the slimeball directly above it on the crafting table.

You can refer to how to make slimeballs here if you don't know how to do it.

How To Make A Sticky Piston In Minecraft
Add a slimeball to a pistol to make a sticky piston in Minecraft.

2. How to make a piston door in Minecraft

Here, we will show you a step-by-step guide to build a 2x2 automatic piston door in Minecraft with pressure plates. This is one of the simplest and most popular piston door designs in Minecraft. While this piston door design is nothing compared to other complicated designs, it is very compact and even a new player can make this door easily.

When you step into a pressure plate, they will trigger the pistons and cause the door to open or close thanks to the red stones underneath. Follow the steps below to learn how to make a working piston door in Minecraft.

Step 1: Dig a hole

Dig a 2x3 hole and then expand the middle part of the hole on both sides by 2 blocks. The hole should look like a fat "+" sign when looking from the top. Also, it needs to be 2 blocks deep. This is where we put our mechanism for the door.

How To Make A Piston In Minecraft 1
Digging a hole to set up for the piston door.

Step 2: Put the Redstone in

Fill out the bottom part of the hole with Redstone. After that, expand each side by 1 block and then put a Redstone torch there. These 2 Redstone torches is used to power the Redstone you just put down.

How To Make A Piston Door In Minecraft
Dig an extra hole on each side of the initial hole and put a Redstone torch in it.

Step 3: Cover the hole

Take out your building blocks (stone, wood, whatever). First, put 2 blocks on top of the 2 Redstone torches and put a Redstone on top of each of them. After that, use your building blocks to completely cover up the hole.

How To Make A Piston Door In Minecraft 1
Cover up the hole as well as the Redstone torch with your building blocks.

Step 4: Add pistons and the door

Now add 2 sticky pistons on top of each other to each side, next to the 2 high blocks with Redstones. Also, fill up the space between the 2 pistons with building blocks. That will be your door.

How To Make A Piston Door In Minecraft 2
Putting up the pistols and filling the space in between to make a door.

Step 5: Add triggers

Most of your door is basically done now, but you won't be able to open/ close it yet. You will need to add some kinds of triggers. There are multiple options in Minecraft for you to choose from such as a button, a level,... In this design, we are going to use pressure plates.

How To Make A Piston Door In Minecraft 3
Add pressure plates in front of and behind the door to trigger the pistols.

You are going to place these 4 pressure plates right in front of the door as well as behind the door. This way, when you try to walk through, the door will open/ close automatically without having to do anything.

Step 6: Disguise your door and the triggers

Now, you have built a working piston door for your base. However, there is still a little more work to do. You need to give it a little bit of retouch to hide the red stones, the piston and make it look nicer.

If you don't want other players to find your Minecraft secret base, you can add some dirt, or grass to it so it blends with your surrounding.

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<![CDATA[Minecraft Mundane Potion: Uses, Crafting Recipe & More]]> https://gurugamer.com/mobile-games/minecraft-mundane-potion-19308 Mon, 29 Nov 2021 10:58:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/mobile-games/minecraft-mundane-potion-19308
Minecraft Mundane potion is one of many potions that have essential uses for the brewing process. Check out its uses and crafting recipes here.]]>

Minecraft Mundane potion is one of many potions that have essential uses for the brewing process. This game allows players to craft potions and use them. Check out this full guide on how to craft and use Mundane potion here. You can make the game easier and more interesting with this special potion.

Table of Contents

  • I. Mundane Potion Uses
  • II. Mundane Potion Recipes
    • 1. Materials For Mundane Potion
    • 2. How To Brew Mundane Potion In Minecraft
    • 3. How To Make A Long Mundane Potion In Minecraft
Brewing Stand
You need the Brewing Stand to brew many potions in Minecraft, including the Mundane potion.

I. Mundane Potion Uses

What does a Mundane potion do? It's hard to point out the real purpose of this potion in Minecraft because players need it to brew many Minecraft potions.

Basically, the mundane potion is an important ingredient to brew the Potion of Weakness that is essential in this game. You can use the potion of weakness to cure zombied villagers.

The potion of weakness is very useful in this game because you can reduce the damage of players' attacks for a minute and a half. As Minecraft players cannot use this potion on themselves, many of them still underestimate this potion or have not known how to craft the Minecraft Mundane potion. This guide will show you how to brew Mundane potion in Minecraft.

Use Mundane Potion
Use the Mundane potion to brew other important potions in this game, such as the potion of weakness.

II. Mundane Potion Recipes

The recipe of the Minecraft Mundane potion is pretty complicated. You need to collect six materials to brew this potion in this game. Then, brew this potion to use in the crafting recipes of other potions.

Not All Materials Are Ready In The Homeworld
Not all materials are available to collect in the homeworld.

1. Materials For Mundane Potion

Here are six ingredients to make the Mundane potion in Minecraft and how to get them. Go to different locations or use different methods to gather enough materials for this

Materials Where to get it?
Glistering Melon From loot chests, crafting, and trading.
Spider Eyes Kill Spiders to get their eyes, or kill Witches for drops, or get from loot chests.
Magma Cream From Magma cubes or crafting.
Sugar Blaze Powder
Craft by using Blaze Rods. Get Blaze Rods by killing Blazes.
Ghast Powder Mine in many locations, including Divan's Gateway, Rampart's Quarry, Cliffside Veins, and Forge Basin.
Redstone Dust Go to Overworld to find and break Redstone Blocks. Redstone spawns underground in the Overworld.


Collect Materials
You need to explore the homeworld and Overworld to collect materials for this special potion.

Most ingredients can be collected and crafted in the homeworld but some of them only spawn in the Overworld. Besides, you should open all chests you find when exploring nethers and villages to loot materials.

2. How To Brew Mundane Potion In Minecraft

After collecting enough materials, you need to follow some steps to brew the Mundane potion in Minecraft.

  • Build a crafting table from four planks. It's necessary for all potion recipes in Minecraft.
  • Place the crafting table in your house and place three glass bottles on the table.
  • Fill these bottles with water.
Have A Crafting Table
Minecraft players need to have a crafting table to place the Brewing Stand on it and craft potions.
  • Make a Brewing Stand by placing a Blaze Rod and three cobblestones on the table. You can brew both Mundane and Thick potions in the Brewing Stand.
  • Put the Blaze Powder and a water bottle in the crafted Brewing Stand.
  • Add Mundane potion materials you have collected to the Brewing Stand interface.
  • Wait until the process is done to get the potion.

After the production is completed, you get the potion and keep it in the inventory. If you have the problem of the Mundane potion not working, you may have made mistakes when crafting it, or your Brewing Stand does not work.

Brewing Recipe
Put all necessary brewing materials in the Brewing Stand and wait until the potion is ready.

3. How To Make A Long Mundane Potion In Minecraft

If you want to make a long Mundane potion, you need to brew a normal Mundane potion first. After having a working Mundane potion in Minecraft, you can craft the long Mundane potion.

  • Brew a Mundane Splash potion by placing the gunpowder and a Mundane potion in the Brewing Stand.
  • Collect the Mundane Splash potion.
  • Remove remaining gunpowder from the Brewing Stand.
  • Put both the Dragon’s Breath and Mundane Splash potion in the Brewing Stand.
  • Craft a long Mundane potion and wait until the process is done.

When the potion is ready after the brewing process, you can collect it and keep it in the inventory. It's important to follow these steps in the right order to get the working potion.

Those are all you need to know about Minecraft Mundane potion and how to craft it as well as other versions of this potion. Don't forget to pick up its materials while exploring the homeworld and Overworld in Minecraft.

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<![CDATA[How To Make And Use A Hoe In Minecraft]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-make-a-hoe-in-minecraft-19171 Mon, 15 Nov 2021 08:23:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-make-a-hoe-in-minecraft-19171
The Hoe is an important tool in Minecraft for players to create their farm along with other uses. In this article, we will show you how to make and use a Hoe in Minecraft.]]>

Hoe is a wonderful tool in Minecraft that players can use for multiple purposes. In this article, we will show you how to make a Hoe in Minecraft, how to use it, as well as all the best enchantments you can apply to make it the best tool you have ever had.

Table of Contents

  • How to make a Hoe in Minecraft
  • What does a Hoe do in Minecraft?
  • Best Hoe enchantments in Minecraft
Hoe In Minecraft
Hoes are indispensable in Minecraft farming.

How to make a Hoe in Minecraft

There are many types of Hoes in Minecraft, ranging from wooden to diamond hoes. Thus, there are many different ways of crafting hoes in Minecraft. Below are steps to make hoes of different materials in the game.

How to make a Wooden Hoe in Minecraft


  • 2 Sticks: You can get 4 Sticks for every 2 Wood Planks.
  • 2 Wood Planks (any type of Wood): You can get 4 Wood Planks for every Wood.

Follow the steps below to make a Wooden Hoe in Minecraft:

  • Open your crafting table.
  • Put 2 Wood Planks on the top row on the middle slot and the slot on the left. Put 2 Sticks in the 2 remaining slots in the middle column.
  • Put the Wooden Hoe in your inventory.
How To Make A Wooden Hoe In Minecraft
Wooden Hoe recipe in Minecraft

How to make a Stone Hoe in Minecraft


  • 2 Sticks: You can get 4 Sticks for every 2 Wood Planks.
  • 2 Cobblestones or 2 Blackstones: Cobblestones are more common, can be obtained from cobblestone generator and easier to find than Blackstones.

Follow the steps below to make a Stone Hoe in Minecraft:

  • Open your crafting table.
  • Put 2 Cobblestones or 2 Blackstones on the top row on the middle slot and the slot on the left. Put 2 Sticks in the 2 remaining slots in the middle column.
  • Put the Stone Hoe in your inventory.
How To Make A Stone Hoe In Minecraft
Stone Hoe recipe in Minecraft

How to make an Iron Hoe in Minecraft


  • 2 Sticks: You can get 4 Sticks for every 2 Wood Planks.
  • 2 Iron Ingots: You can obtain Iron Ingots from Iron Blocks, and Iron Nuggets on the crafting table.

Follow the steps below to make an Iron Hoe in Minecraft:

  • Open your crafting table.
  • Put 2 Iron Ingots on the top row on the middle slot and the slot on the left. Put 2 Sticks in the 2 remaining slots in the middle column.
  • Put the Iron Hoe in your inventory.
How To Make An Iron Hoe In Minecraft
Diamond Iron recipe in Minecraft

How to make a Diamond Hoe in Minecraft


  • 2 Sticks: You can get 4 Sticks for every 2 Wood Planks.
  • 2 Diamonds: You can get Diamonds from mining (need an Iron Pickaxe or stronger tools) or from Chests.

Follow the steps below to make a Diamond Hoe in Minecraft:

  • Open your crafting table.
  • Put 2 Diamonds on the top row on the middle slot and the slot on the left. Put 2 Sticks in the 2 remaining slots in the middle column.
  • Put the Diamond Hoe in your inventory.
How To Make A Diamond Hoe In Minecraft
Diamond Hoe recipe in Minecraft

How to make a Netherite Hoe in Minecraft


  • 1 Diamond Hoe
  • 1 Netherite Ingot

Follow the steps below to make a Netherite Hoe in Minecraft:

  • Open your Smithing Table.
  • Place 1 Diamond Hoe in the first box and 1 Netherite Ingot in the second box.
  • Put the Netherite  Hoe in your inventory.
How To Make A Netherite Hoe In Minecraft
Craft a Netherite Hoe In Minecraft

Now you know all the methods of how to make a Hoe in Minecraft. Check out the sections below to find out what a Hoe does in Minecraft and the best Hoe enchantments in Minecraft.

What does a Hoe do in Minecraft?

The Hoe has different uses in Minecraft. Briefly, you can use a hoe for tilling, harvesting, using as a weapon and distracting piglins.

Below are details of what you can do with a Hoe in Minecraft.


Players can use Hoe to turn dirt, grass blocks into dirt paths and farmland. Hoes can also be used to turn coarse dirt and rooted dirt into regular dirt.

Beetroot Farm
You need a Hoe to make a farm in Minecraft.


Players can use a Hoe to harvest some plant-based blocks in Minecraft including Sculk Sensor, Moss Block, Nether Wart Block, Warped Wart Block, Shroomlight, Hay Bale, Target, Dried Kelp Block, Sponge, Wet Sponge, Leaves.


In Java Edition, the Hoe can deal 1 damage while in Bedrock edition, the Hoe can deal 4 damage. It is not a very effective weapon but it can be handy sometimes.

Distracting Piglin

Piglin is hostile toward players unless they wear a piece of golden armor. If you are getting chased by a Piglin, you can throw Golden Hoe on the ground and it will be attracted to the Hoe instead. It will inspect the Hoe for 6-8 seconds and then put the Hoe in its inventory.

Piglin Minecraft
A Golden Hoe can save your life if you are getting chased by Piglins in the Nether.

Best Hoe enchantments in Minecraft

Here is the list of best enchantment for your hoe. Basically, they are mostly common enchantments for tools in Minecraft.

  • Unbreaking: Give the item a chance of not losing durability.
  • Mending: Repair the items you are equipping (with the enchantment) using EXP.
  • Fortune: Increases the number of items that drop when you break blocks. You need this enchantment to get more apples with your Hoe.
  • Efficiency: Speed up your mining speed. You can break blocks instantly if your Hoe has this enchantment.
  • Silk Touch: This enchantment allows you to mine the block itself instead of the drop.

>>> Read more: How To Get Flint In Minecraft Without Gravel & Fastest Way To Mine Flint

<![CDATA[Minecraft Potion Of Regeneration Vs Healing: Which Is Better & How To Make?]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/potion-of-regeneration-vs-healing-19150 Fri, 12 Nov 2021 07:52:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/potion-of-regeneration-vs-healing-19150
Healing and regeneration are one of the most crucial potions players need to craft in Minecraft. Check this post to find out which is better.]]>

Potions or healing items in Minecraft are some of the most common items that players need to use in the game. They are a crucial source of sustain in fights, both PVE and PVP. In this article, we are going to analyze Minecraft Potion of Regeneration vs Healing to see which one of them is better.

You can also find the detailed guidelines of how to make a potion of regeneration or healing, along with their variants in the later section of the post.

1. What is the difference between healing and regeneration?

Before we analyse the differences of Minecraft potion of regeneration vs healing, let's answer the general question of how to regenerate health in Minecraft. Briefly, there are two ways to regenerate health in Minecraft: food and potions (particularly potions of regeneration and potions of healing).

While players can easily recognize the best food items in the game via the number of hunger and saturation points they provide, it's more difficult to weigh the effects of Minecraft potion of healing vs regeneration.

In summary, healing potion gives you health instantly while regeneration potion gives you health over a duration. Overall, healing potions are just as good as regeneration potions. These two potions have different purposes and each of them is better in a specific situation.

Minecraft Potion Of Healing
Potion of Healing in Minecraft

Regeneration vs Healing in Minecraft PvE

Minecraft is a fairly easy game overall, in comparison to other offline PvE games. Mobs are rather easy to predict and deal with. Overall, they are only dangerous in large numbers or if you get caught off guard.

When venturing into a dangerous area that you know there would be mobs, the potion of regeneration is better. You can just drink it in advance to get the effect in combat. Healing potions, on the other hand, need to be used in combat, which can be a distraction.

However, if you are taking a lot of damage because of a dangerous attack, a healing potion would be better to prevent the mobs from finishing you off.

Regeneration vs Healing in Minecraft PvP

PVP in Minecraft is fairly fast and a fight could be decided in a matter of seconds. Therefore, Minecraft healing potion has an edge here, as you can instantly regain HP.

However, drinking a regeneration potion right before the fight is also an option. In fact, both are needed, as you will need every advantage you can get.

Minecraft Potions
Potion of regeneration is necessary in both situations.

Both potion's splash versions can be used to help teammates in PVP or multiplayer. Regeneration potion II is the best method to regenerate health in Minecraft.

Minecraft potion of regeneration vs healing stats

Below is the detailed stats of healing and regeneration so that you can have a vivid look of how much these potions heal:

Potion  Effect
Potion of Healing Instantly heals 4 HP.
Potion of Healing II Instantly heals 8 HP.
Potion of Regeneration Restore 0.5HP every 2.5 seconds. Lasts 45s. Heals a total of 9HP.
Potion of Regeneration + (extended) Restore 0.5HP every 2.5 seconds. Lasts 90s (Java) or 120s (Bedrock). Heals a total of 18/24HP, respectively.
Potion of Regeneration II Restore 0.5HP every 1.25 seconds. Last 22s. Heals a total of 9HP.

2. How to make potions of regeneration and healing

Generally, both potions have similar process of crafting, but with different recipes.


To create potions of regeneration and potions of healing, you will need the following items:

  • A Crafting Table (craft with 4 Wood Planks)
  • A Brewing Stand (craft with 1 Blaze Rod and 3 Cobblestones)
  • Blaze Powders (craft with 1 Blaze Rod)
  • Netherwarts
  • Ghast Tear (for regeneration potion) / Glistering Melon Slice (for healing potion)
  • Water Bottles
brewing stands
Brewing stands for Minecraft potion of regeneration vs healing

Furthermore, if you want to brew variations of the potions, the following materials are also needed:

  • Gunpower
  • Dragon's Breath
  • Redstone Dust
  • Glowstone Dust

You can also create other potions recipes in Minecraft using the brewing stand.

Steps to craft potions of regeneration and healing

The steps to make these two potions are mostly identical - the only difference is the final component.

  • Firstly, activate the brewing stand by placing a blaze powder into the upper-left box.
  • Add a Water Bottle to one of the boxes at the bottom of the brewing menu. You can make up to three potions at once with three bottles.
  • Add a Nether Wart to the top box of the brewing menu and wait for the brewing process to finish. The result would be an Awkward potion, which carries no effect.
Create Awkward potion
Create Awkward potions using Nether Wart
  • Potion of regeneration recipe: Ghast Tear + Awkward Potion.
  • Potion of healing recipe: Glistening Melon Slice + Awkward Potion.
Place ghast tear
Place ghast tear into a brewing stand. Replace it with Glistening Melon Slice for a health potion.
  • Wait for the brewing process to finish to get the final product.
The final product - you can craft three potions for each piece of ingredient.

How to make all variants of regeneration and healing potions

There are 4 extra effects you can add to your regeneration potions: Extend, Enhance, Splash and Lingering. Meanwhile, healing potions cannot be extended.

  • Enhance

To enhance a potion of healing or potion of regeneration to level 2, you need to place the potions into the brewing stand and add glowstone dust into them. The effect of the potion would become stronger (heal more HP).

  • Extend

To extend the duration of potions of regeneration, players need to add redstone dust into them.

  • Splash

To make a splash potion of healing/regeneration that you can use on others, add gunpowder into them. You can use level 2 of the potions as the base.

Splash potion
Splash potion of regeneration vs healing can be created using gunpowder.
  • Lingering

To make a lingering potion of healing, you need to further add Dragon's Breath to the splash potion. If you throw a lingering healing potion, it will create a cloud of healing effect. If someone runs through the cloud, it will give them the healing effect and they will get instant health.

The process of making a lingering potion of regeneration is the same.

Lingering potions are the best, as you can just run into the zone to get healed.

This is the end of our guide for Minecraft potion of regeneration vs healing. Interested in more of our articles related to Minecraft? Check this post to find out more about How To Get All Music Discs In Minecraft & Full Rank From Best To Worst

<![CDATA[Minecraft Potion Of Healing: How To Make, Usage, & All Variants]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/minecraft-potion-of-healing-18758 Fri, 01 Oct 2021 10:35:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/minecraft-potion-of-healing-18758
Here is everything you need to know about the Potion of Healing in Minecraft, the one potion that can save you from the most dangerous situation.]]>

In Minecraft, there is a host of different options with all kinds of effects that you can brew.  Among them, potion healing is one of the most useful potions in the game, keeping players safe during combats and world explorations. Using a potion of healing at the time can save your life from dangers. In this article, we will show you how to make a Minecraft Potion of Healing and all the things you can do with it.

Nether Portal
To make a healing potion, you have to build an entire Nether portal to travel to the Nether first.

How to make Minecraft Potion of Healing

To craft a potion of healing, players have to prepare enough 6 ingredients. Then, they need to make an Awkward potion before obtaining the potion of healing level I, and II.

Required materials

  • Blaze Powder
  • Brewing Stand
  • Nether wart
  • Water Bottles
  • Gold Nuggets
  • Melon slices

To get Blaze Powder and Nether Wart, you need to find a Nether Fortress. You can find Blaze Rods by killing blaze enemies. Blade Rods are used to craft Brewing Stand and Blaze Powder.

You need to build a Nether portal 5-block tall and 4-block wide using Obsidian blocks. Light the Nether Portal with Flint and Steel and walk through it to reach the Nether. If you don't have much experience with the Nether, check out some Nether survival tips. Finding a Nether Fortress can be really hard. You know you find it when you see the red/purple hue bricks.

  • Open Crafting Menu. Place 1 Blaze Rod in the middle slot and 3 stone blocks in the 3 bottom slots to make a Brewing Stand.
Brewing Stand Minecraft
Craft a Brewing Stand in Minecraft
  • You can get 2 Blaze Powder for each 12 Blaze Rod in the Crafting Menu.
Blaze Powder
You can get Blaze Powder from Blaze Rod in the Crafting Menu.

To make Water Bottles, you need to find some Sand and smelt them in a furnace to get Glasses. You can craft 3 Glass Bottles from 3 Glasses. Arrange three pieces of glass in a “v” shape in a crafting menu to make Glass Bottles. Fill your Glass Bottle with water by holding it in your hand and right-click any water source.

Glass Bottle Recipe
Craft a bottle by arranging three pieces of glass in a “v” shape in a crafting menu.

As for Gold Nuggets and Melon Slices, you are going to use them to make Glistering Melons.

  • You can find Gold in chests while adventuring. Smelt your Gold in a furnace to get a Gold Ingot. Place your Gold Ingot in a crafting menu to turn it into Gold Nuggets. Each Gold Ingot can make 8 Gold Nuggets.
Gold Nuggets Minecraft
Craft Gold Nuggets in Minecraft from Gold Ingot
  • You can find Melon easily in savannah villages with farms. Break a Melon with your hand to get Melon Slices. In the crafting menu, put 1 Melon Slice in the middle slot and surround it with 8 Gold Nuggets to make one Glistering Melon.
Glistering Melon Minecraft
Craft Glistering Melon in Minecraft

Steps to make Minecraft Potion of Healing

After you have gathered all the items above, follow the step below to create a Minecraft Potion of Healing:

  • You first need to make an Awkward Potion as the base for the potion of healing first. Place 3 Water Bottles on the bottom 3 slots and Nether Wart on the top slot.
Make Awkward Potion Minecraft
Make Awkward Potion in Minecraft
  • Now you have Awkward Potions at the base of the brew stand. Leave the Awkward Potions there and add Glistering Melon to the top slot.
Make Healing Potion Minecraft 1
Make Healing Potion in Minecraft
  • After the process is done, you will have three Potions of Healing I.
  • To make a Potion of Healing II, keep a Potion of Healing I there and put Glow Dust Glowstone Dust on the top slot.
Make Potion Healing Ii
Add Glowing Dust to make a Potion of Healing II

Check out the video below for more details.

Potion of Healing variants and effects

Potion of Healing I heals 4 HP and Potion of Healing II heals 8 HP instantly when used. They deal damage to undead mobs instead of healing them. There are 2 variants of Potion of Healing in Minecraft, Splash Potion of Healing, Lingering Potion of Healing.

Splash Potion of Healing

You can make a Splash version of Potion of Healing. The Splash version can be thrown to have the same effect as Potion of Healing. Splash Potion of Healing I deals 6 damage and Splash Potion of Healing II deals 12 damage to Undead.

You can brew Splash Potion of Healing using Potion of Healing and Gunpowder.

Make Splash Potion Healing
Make Splash Potion Healing in Minecraft

Lingering Potion of Healing

Lingering potions are variants of splash potions that can be thrown to leave clouds with status effects that linger on the ground in an area. The initial heal is less than Potion of Healing but the overall heal is much more.

Lingering Potion of Healing I heals 2 HP/s (10 HP total) while deals 3 HP/s (15 HP total) to Undead. Lingering Potion of Healing II heals 4 HP/s (20 HP total) whiles deals 6 HP/s (30 HP total) to Undead.

You can brew Lingering Potion of Healing using Splash Potion of Healing and Dragon Breath.

Make Lingering Potion Healing
Make Lingering Potion Healing in Minecraft

>>> Read more: 10 Best Minecraft Tower Ideas And Detailed Tutorials

<![CDATA[10 Best Minecraft Tower Ideas And Detailed Tutorials]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/minecraft-tower-ideas-18743 Thu, 30 Sep 2021 10:01:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/minecraft-tower-ideas-18743
These designs are the best Minecraft tower ideas you can use to create a stunning skyline.]]>

If you are looking for an iconic tower to build in Minecraft, these juggernauts are climbable, baroquely detailed, and will protect you from intruders unless they begin fading at the base.

Whether it is a simple base or something you want to remake from your favorite cartoon, movie franchise, or memories from a trip, our list of Minecraft tower ideas has them all. Have a look at these suggestions for inspiration or follow the videos to build them right now.

Table of Contents

  • 1. Medieval tower
  • 2. Avengers tower
  • 3. Big Ben
  • 4. Tower of light
  • 5. Simple tower
  • 6. Watchtower
  • 7. Wizard tower
  • 8. Rustic tower
  • 9. Paw Patrol headquarters
  • 10. Castle tower

1. Medieval tower

This is one of the Minecraft tower designs for all the brooding necromancers out there. The medieval tower uses Blackstone and Warped stone to make an evil look. It feels like we can hear the witches chortling from there.

In case you need a place to sleep while preparing for some schemes for other players, this design from TheMythicalSausage is made for you. Surround the tower with goats to boost its devilish theme.

Medieval Tower
A Minecraft tower design frm TheMythicalSausage Youtuber.

2. Avengers tower

If you’re a film lover, especially a Marvel fan, then there is nothing more iconic than this design. This one in the list of Minecraft tower tutorials is made by Youtuber “TSMC - Minecraft”, leaving players to exclaim looking at a stunning recreation of Tony Stark’s tower.

Any MCU fan would aspire to reenact their fave scenes from the movies. Lounging around in the awesome Marvel skins around the Avengers Tower, need to say more?

Avengers Tower
Not a Minecraft tower ideas easy design, but it is worth it especially if you are an MCU fan.

3. Big Ben

Big Ben will be one of the architectures that make you feel special. The challenging build, though takes time to finish, certainly looks impressive when done.

You can follow the Minecraft tower tutorials by Youtuber “N11cK” to know how to complete it. The Tower Bridge is also available for those who want to put up a Minecraft-version London of their own.

Big Ben
Bring the world to your Minecraft world.

4. Tower of light

Nights in the game are dark and scary, but this build of A1MOSTADDICTED MINECRAFT will be your warm beacon that can even be seen from space.

Start with a stone pillar before you move on to crafting a pretty house on top. From then, go for more complexity and detail as it goes higher. When it is dark outside, the Tower of light will be even better with the lights on the column and windows.

This is certainly one of the best Minecraft tower ideas for you to take some hints from.

Tower Of Light
The tower also looks breathtaking in the nighttime.

5. Simple tower

Looking for something more effortless? The GeminiTay's building is the Minecraft tower simple idea made for yours truly. As its materials are easy to collect, it will be easy to build in both survival and creative modes.

Once having completed the building, take a step back to see how great it looks despite the minimum effort. Also, take a look at the best Shaders for Minecraft to make your build more alive.

Simple Tower
A simple tower can save your time and effort

6. Watchtower

Medieval seems to be a popular theme among the many Minecraft tower ideas. This watchtower from Cortezerino is flawless for those who want to cast their eyes out through the land and be awed at other blocky creations.

Although it is not a Minecraft tower ideas easy design, it is worth all the building time. The impressive interior will even come alive at nighttime with lanterns on the wall as you go up the spiral staircase to watch out for the lurking phantoms.

This watchtower can help you enjoy the sceneries and also protect your village.

7. Wizard tower

If you are looking for that mix of magic and fairy tale aesthetic, wizard buildings are the fantasy towers for you. Follow Pixlriffs’ charming Minecraft tower tutorials and players will have a pretty yet practical build.

The Wizard tower has multiple turrets, a chest, and a potion lab to make the magical brews.

Wizard Tower
Wizard towers with the fairy tale aesthetic of fantasy towers with a little magic.

8. Rustic tower

The Rustic Tower of Avomance is yet another pick among the top Minecraft tower designs. The beautiful tower is perched on top of a hill, looking over a port village.

Nicely blending in with the rest of the world, the creation lies among the greenery and built of equal parts stone and wood.

Rustic Tower
Most impressively, this structure was built freehand.

9. Paw Patrol headquarters

TSMC - Minecraft tutorials make it seamless to create your own Paw Patrol Headquarters in your world. Add some cool houses in and you can actually end up having an Adventure Bay.

Even if you are not a Paw Patrol fan, you can crank it up by removing the logo and add your own touch into the building that already appears more vibrant than other picks in this guide. Use it to make your Minecraft world pop.

Paw Patrol Headquarters
You can turn this Paw Patrol headquarter into something else equally vivid.

10. Castle tower

The Castle tower by Youtuber “Welsknight Gaming” is the classic and unmissable Minecraft tower simple design.

With moss all over the stones and iron bars, it feels like it was ripped straight out of a history book.

Go to the top and you shall find the best platform to fire some arrows to defend your village. You can also add a stable outside to keep the horses you own.

>>> Also read: Top 5 Minecraft Best House Designs In The World

<![CDATA[How To Make A Boat In Minecraft To Float Over The Largest Bodies Of Water]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-make-a-boat-in-minecraft-18304 Mon, 23 Aug 2021 11:12:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-make-a-boat-in-minecraft-18304
A boat in Minecraft can look quite simple but its uses are incredibly versatile. Here's the easiest way for you to make one.]]>

Seeing just how vast the Minecraft world is, players need to get creative if they want to make their trips as quick as possible. Lengthy rivers and massive open oceans are among the challenges that the overworld offers. That is the reason why making a boat is inevitable to make the trips much smoother.

Crafting a boat in Minecraft has many benefits and fortunately, its materials are not too hard to get. Here’s how to make a boat in Minecraft for those in need.

Classic Minecraft Boat
A classic boat looks simple but its uses are not to underestimate.

How to make a boat in Minecraft

1. Steps to craft a boat

For the Bedrock and Education editions, a boat recipe needs five wooden planks of the same type and a wooden shovel. In Minecraft Java Edition, the crafting process calls for five matching wooden planks only.

To make a boat in Minecraft, put 2 wood planks on either side of the second row, then 3 planks in the last row. Remember to also place the wooden shovel in the middlebox if you are playing Education and Bedrock versions. After getting the boat, move it to your inventory.

Craft A Minecraft Boat Java Edition
How to make a boat in Minecraft Java Edition.
Craft A Minecraft Boat Bedrock And Education Versions
How to make a boat in Minecraft Education and Bedrock Editions.

You can create wooden planks from wooden logs without having to use a crafting menu. To obtain at least 5 of them, you only need to collect 2 logs.

Meanwhile, the shovel has to be wooden and made from a mix of one wooden plank and two sticks.

2. Boat variants

Different trees grow in different Minecraft biomes and it means that no matter where you end up, it is possible to craft a boat in Minecraft.

Every boat has the same design, but the colors vary in six tones. The color options are connected to the chosen wooden: spruce, oak, birch, acacia, jungle, and dark oak.

Minecraft Boat Colors
There are 6 colors for Minecraft boats.

What can you use Minecraft boat for?

1. Transport players across the water

The main use of a Minecraft boat is transportation over water. Rivers and oceans are usually encountered and using a boat is among the fastest ways to get through them. For those who find the quickest path, boats are the fastest on ice.

A boat travels at a speed of 8 blocks for each second on water and 2 blocks per second on land. However, on normal ice and blue ice, it can travel for a wild 57 blocks and 72 blocks per second, respectively.

Creating a path in your base with blue ice will surely guarantee instant movement.

Minecraft Boat Use
You can use boats for various purposes in the game.

2. Transport animals, materials

On another hand, you can also use boats to transport animals, materials, and even villagers. As they can handle up to two mobs at the same time, you can effectively “trap” the villagers and animals on them and move them back to your base.

This method works well for exotic creatures whose habitats are on special biomes and for players who want to breed villagers in Minecraft for easier trading.

3. Fuel and exchange item

Another use of boats in Minecraft, which is actually less common, is being the fuel in a furnace. They take 60 seconds to burn.

Moreover, it can be a tradable good with fishermen of master level in villages. You can also trade a boat in exchange for an emerald in Minecraft.

>>> Related post: How To Whisper In Minecraft In The Easiest And Fastest Way Possible

<![CDATA[How To Make Different Fireworks In Minecraft & Set Up Automatic Display]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-make-different-fireworks-in-minecraft-18198 Tue, 17 Aug 2021 01:07:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-make-different-fireworks-in-minecraft-18198
Who doesn't enjoy a good firework light show? If you're planning to take your friends' breath away, here's how to make different fireworks in Minecraft.]]>

Who doesn't enjoy a good firework light show? If you're planning to take your friends' breath away with a stunning display of colors, craft some firework rockets! Here's how to make different fireworks in Minecraft of all shapes and sizes!

Table of Contents

  • Usage Of Firework Rocket
  • How To Make Different Fireworks In Minecraft
  • How To Make Automatic Fireworks In Minecraft?

Usage Of Firework Rocket

A firework rocket is an item used for creating decorative explosions, flying with the Elytra, and ammunition for the crossbow. Players can only obtain firework rockets from crafting. You cannot loot or purchase it from any other sources.

The most important thing to know about the firework rocket is its explosion effect. Depending on how you craft your rockets, each firework may have a different color or pattern when they explode. The simple firework rockets (crafted with only gunpowder and paper) have no explosion effect.

Minecraft Fireworks Feature
Light up your world with firework rockets.

In order to add colors and patterns to the firework rocket's explosion effect, you will need an item called the "Firework Star". Think of it as the core combustion that determines everything from the size of the explosion to the colors and effects.

If you don't use a "Firework Star" when crafting a firework rocket, it will only detonate and leave a small trail of smoke as it disappears.

Minecraft Fireworks Show
Indulge in a presentation of light and explosion!

Besides the aesthetic values, firework rockets are also used as fuel to fly the Elytra. Using a firework rocket while flying with elytra propels you in the direction you are facing and increase fly speed in Minecraft Survival. The duration of the speed boost depends on the flight duration of the rocket. You can increase the flight duration by adding more Gunpowder.

How To Get And Use The Elytra In Minecraft
Craft some firework rockets to use the Elytra.

If the firework rocket has an explosion effect, meaning you craft it with a Firework Star of any kind, you will take damage when it explodes. So, unless you want to die from an explosion of colors, leave the Firework Star out. However, it does sound like a great way to go.

How To Make Different Fireworks In Minecraft

Now that you have learned the basics, it's time to get into more advanced content. The recipe for firework rockets with explosion effects include:

  • Gunpowder: The amount of Gunpowder you add will determine the flight duration of the firework rockets. It's the time between when they detonate and when they explode. More Gunpowder means longer flight duration.
  • Paper: Crafted from sugar cane. You only need 1 piece of paper in this recipe.
  • Firework Star: The most important part of the firework rockets. It adds different effects to the explosion.

So, since the two first ingredients cannot be changed, it leaves us with the Firework Star. Altering it is the way to make different fireworks in Minecraft. Read on to learn how to create different Firework Stars in Minecraft.

Firework Star Recipe
The Firework Star is truly the star here.

How To Add Colors To Firework Stars?

Colors are what bring your firework rockets to life! You can freely combine different colors to create a thrilling light show. Altering the colors of the Firework Stars will also change the colors of the explosion.

You can simply do so by combining different colored dyes when crafting the Firework Star. Dyes can be collected and crafted from various ingredients in Minecraft. Adding different colored dyes to make a multi-colored star. That's how to make a rainbow firework in Minecraft.

Here's how you can make different colors for dyes in Minecraft to add them in your rainbow fireworks:

  • Red - beetroot, roses, poppies, red tulips
  • Green - cactus
  • Light grey - azure bluet, white tulips, oxeye daisies
  • Pink - pink tulips, peonies
  • Lime green - sea pickles
  • Yellow - dandelions, sunflowers
  • Light blue - blue orchids
  • Magenta - alliums, lilacs
  • Orange - orange tulips
  • Blue - lapis lazuli, cornflower
  • Brown - cocoa beans
  • Black - ink sacs, wither roses
  • White - bone meal, lily of the valley
Minecraft Fireworks Small
The rocket will explode into the color of the star.

You can also combine the basic colors above to create a new color at the Crafting Table. Check out the combinations:

  • Purple - combining one red dye and one blue dye
  • Cyan - combining one green dye and one blue dye
  • Light grey - combining one black dye and two white dyes, or combining one grey dye with one white dye
  • Grey - combining one white dye and one black dye
  • Pink - combining one red dye and one white dye
  • Lime green - combining one green dye and one white dye
  • Light blue - combining one blue dye and one white dye
  • Magenta - combining one pink dye and one purple dye, or combining one blue dye and one white dye and one red dye, or combining one blue dye and two red dye and one white dye
  • Orange - combining one red dye and one yellow dye
Minecraft Fireworks
Here's another way to enjoy the sunset.

How To Add Patterns To Firework Stars?

Adding different materials/ingredients when crafting the Firework Stars also changes its explosion patterns, resulting in unique light shape such as Creeper fireworks. This adds a fun animation to your light show. Here are the ingredients you can use and their effects:

  • Gold Nugget: Create a Star-Shaped explosion.
  • Head (any kind): Create a Creeper-Shaped (Creeper Face) explosion.
  • Feather: Create a Burst explosion.
  • Glowstone Dust: Adds Twinkle (Crackle effect and sounds after the explosion).
  • Diamond: Adds Trail effect after the explosion.
  • Glowstone Dust + Diamond: Add both Twinkle and Trail effects after the explosion.
  • Any Dye: Add Fade effect. The firework slowly changes into the color of the dye. Each Firework Star can only have 1 Fade effect. Adding a new dye will rewrite the current color of the effect.

As for how to make a Creeper firework in Minecraft, you need to add any mob' head. No matter whose head you use, it always results in a Creeper Face explosion. You can spawn a mob's head or even get a player's head in Minecraft using commands to make Creeper fireworks following the above recipe.

Firework Star Creeper
No matter whose head you use, it always results in a Creeper Face explosion.

How To Make Small Firework Stars?

Small Firework Stars will result in a small explosion. Here's the recipe to craft small firework stars.

  • Open the Crafting Table.
  • Add Gunpowder.
  • Bring in the Dye for colors.
  • Add Extra ingredients for effects.
  • Drag the Firework Stars to your inventory.

The location of the ingredients doesn't matter. No matter where you place your materials, the result stays the same.

How To Make Large Firework Stars?

When you add a Fire Charge to the equation, you get a large Firework Star. It makes the explosion much bigger and brighter. This means to make large firework stars, you need to collect Blaze powder, charcoal or coal and Gunpower to make a Fire Charge in Minecraft first.

The recipe for crafting large Firework Stars is essentially the same as that of the small version. Just add a Fire Charge. Large Firework Stars share the same colors and effects as the small ones. So, if you ever want to craft a firework, make it big!

Firework Rocket Recipe In Minecraft

Once you have your Firework Stars ready, it's time we send them to the sky using firework rockets. Here's the recipe:

  • Open the Crafting Table
  • Place Gunpowder at the bottom row. You can add up to three pieces to increase the flight duration.
  • Place Paper in the middle slot.
  • Add your Firework Stars. You can use up to five Firework Stars with three Gunpowder.
  • Drag the firework rockets back to your inventory.
Minecraft Fireworks Effects
Check out these colors and effects.

Notices When Making Fireworks in Minecraft

  • You cannot add more ingredients/materials to alter the firework rockets' explosion effects once you have crafted the Firework Stars.
  • When you hover your mouse cursor on the Firework Star, it will display its color as well as its patterns. This allows you to check for your preference.
  • You can launch the firework rockets by hand or using a crossbow. To launch them by hand, simply equip them, then right-click/interact with a block.
  • How to make fireworks in Minecraft for crossbow? You can fire any fireworks with the crossbow. However, only those with explosion effects inflict damage.

How To Make Automatic Fireworks In Minecraft?

Let's say you want to create a fully automatic firework light show in Minecraft, how do you do it? Firework rockets can be launched from Dispensers, and that's exactly what you want to do. Here's our guide to set up an automatic fireworks display.

Step 1: Collect The Ingredients

Everything you need for this elaborate build of automatic fireworks includes:

  • 56 Dispensers
  • 11 Repeaters
  • 1 Redstone Torch
  • 1 Lever
  • 236 Redstone
  • Firework Rockets. Make sure they all have explosion effects.
  • Chairs (Optional)
  • 1 random block

Step 2: Set Up The Dispensers

First, place your dispensers to make a square. Make sure there are 14 Dispensers on each side. You want to place them every other block to run in and out more easily. Also, the Dispensers should be facing out of the square.

Minecraft Fireworks Sqaure
Set your Dispensers right.

Step 3: Run The Redstone

Take your Redstone and run it along the inside of the square. Connect all the Dispensers by putting Redstone dust on them.

Minecraft Fireworks Connect
Collect all Dispensers.

Step 4: Set Up The Repeater

Break a piece of Redstone to disconnect it. Then, lead a row of Redstone into the square. Place your Repeater, put down a block with a lever on it. When you switch the lever, the Redstone should light up.

Minecraft Fireworks Repeater
Here's the switch.

Step 5: Build Your Auditorium (Optional)

Choose a place to set up your chairs.

Step 6: Load The Fireworks And Launch

Put all of your firework rockets in the Dispensers. Flip the lever, sit back, and enjoy the show.

Above is our guide on how to make different fireworks in Minecraft. Feel free to mix and match the colors and patterns to create the explosion effects you like! For more Minecraft guides, visit our website at GuruGamer.com.

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<![CDATA[How To Make A Fire Charge In Minecraft? Essential Ingredient To Craft Fireworks]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-make-a-fire-charge-in-minecraft-18193 Mon, 16 Aug 2021 10:17:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-make-a-fire-charge-in-minecraft-18193
Here's how you can craft a fire charge in Minecraft and how you want to use it! It's actually more helpful than you'd ever thought!]]>

The fire charge is one of the required materials to make firework stars in Minecraft. It can also be used as ammunition for a fire shooting dispenser contraption. You won't need the fire charge to actually survive in the game. The things you can craft from this item lean more towards the quality of life and fun spectrum.

With that said, how do you make a fire charge in Minecraft? Here are all the materials you need to collect as well as the recipe to craft fire charges.

Nether Fortress Minecraft Min
Prepare yourself for the Blazes at Nether Fortress to get required ingredient for a fire charge.

Materials For Crafting Fire Charges

The ingredients you need for the fire charge are pretty basic. One Blaze Powder, one charcoal/coal, and one Gunpowder will get you three fire charges. The most challenging thing to get from this list is the Blaze Powder. To acquire it, you have to venture down the Nether realm, find the Nether Fortress in Minecraft and fight Blazes there.

Upon death, the Blazes will drop Blaze Rods. Place these rods inside your inventory's crafting area and you shall receive Blaze Powder. From there, mine up some coal, slay some Creepers for Gunpowder, and you're good to go.

How To Make A Fire Charge In Minecraft

To craft a fire charge in Minecraft, place the ingredients including a Blaze Powder, a charcoal or coal and a Gunpowder inside the Crafting Table according to the recipe below:

  • Put Gunpowder at the bottom row. Either row out of the three works.
  • Place charcoal/coal directly above the Gunpowder.
  • Finish by placing the Blaze Powder on top.
  • Drag the Fire Charge into your inventory.

Trivia: Piglins in the Nether can also give fire charges if you trade with them using a gold ingot.

Fire Charge Recipe
Easy recipe for fire charge

How To Use Fire Charge In Minecraft?

In Minecraft, the main usage for the fire charge is to be the main combustion core of firework stars. Players can mix and match different dyes and materials to get a multitude of firework stars with varying colors and patterns. They can then use the stars to craft firework rockets that explode into the corresponding patterns.

Players can also use the fire charge as a sort of a grenade to light an area on fire when thrown. This item is similar to Flint and Steel in the sense that it lights up other items. Each use will consume one fire charge.

Fire Charge Light
You can use the fire charge to light things up.

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<![CDATA[How To Make Concrete In Minecraft | Fastest Ways To Get Concrete]]> https://gurugamer.com/mobile-games/how-to-make-concrete-in-minecraft-18109 Wed, 11 Aug 2021 03:41:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/mobile-games/how-to-make-concrete-in-minecraft-18109
Concrete is a great material in Minecraft for buildings and decoration with 16 different dye colors.]]>

Concrete is a block in Minecraft that is mostly used for decoration and building houses. It has more hardness and less blast resistance than stone. Concrete can have 16 different dye colors. In this article, we will show you how to make Concrete in Minecraft in different colors.

Concrete Minecraft
Concrete blocks in Minecraft

Table of Contents

  • How to make Concrete powder in Minecraft
  • How to make Concrete in Minecraft
  • FAQs on making concrete of different colors

How to make Concrete powder in Minecraft

In general, players need to collect concrete powder and find a water source to make concrete in Minecraft. However, not all water sources will work as you cannot use rain, water bottles, or filled cauldron. You can use rivers, lakes, ponds. An alternative way to do this is by digging a hole and fill water in.

Regarding Concrete Powder, it doesn't generated naturally in Minecraft. Thus, you must craft to obtain Concrete Powder. In order to make Concrete Powder in Minecraft, you will need these items:

  • 4 Sand
  • 4 Gravel
  • 1 Dye
  • Crafting Table

Gravel and Sand can be found in many biomes in Minecraft, typically near lakes, ponds, or beaches.

As for Dyes, you will have to craft, smelt, or trade to get them. There are various Dye recipes in Minecraft with different colors. Whichever color you use will result in Concrete with the same color.

How To Make Concrete Power Minecraft
Concrete Powder recipe

How to make Concrete Powder in Minecraft? In order to craft Concrete, put all the required materials into the Crafting Table. You don't need to follow any formation at all as long as all the material is there. Players will get 8 Concrete blocks from this recipe.

How to make Concrete in Minecraft

Make sure you have prepared Concrete Powder and a working water source to make concrete. Please note that the color of your Concrete will be determined by the color of your Concrete Powder.

How to make Concrete powder into concrete

To make Concrete in Minecraft from the powder, all you have to do is to touch Concrete Powder with Water. There are many ways to do this. You can use a Water Bucket to pour water on Concrete Powder or drop Concrete Powder into rivers, ponds, etc.

After the Concrete is generated, you need to break them with a Pickaxe to put them in your inventory. This is important because if you break them with anything else, nothing will drop.

How To Make Concrete In Minecraft
You can just simply pour water on Concrete Power to make Concrete.

Concrete making machine in Minecraft

Making Concrete in Minecraft from concrete powder is simple but rather slow if you want to make a large number of Concrete blocks. So how to make Concrete in Minecraft fast? You will need to build this Concrete Making Machine designed by the Minecraft YouTuber Shulkercraft. By using this machine, you can make more than 10,000 Concrete per hour.

Here is the required material to build the Concrete Making Machine:

  • 13 Building blocks
  • 3 Temporary blocks
  • 2 Redstone
  • 2 Chest
  • 1 Hopper
  • 1 Sign
  • 1 Dropper
  • 1 Observer
  • 1 Wooden Stair

Follow these steps to build a Concrete Making Machine:

  • Step 1: Dig a 2x1 hole and put 2 Chests into the hole.
Concrete Making Machine in Minecraft 1
Dig a hole and put 2 chests in.
  • Step 2: Put a Hopper on top of 1 the chest
Concrete Making Machine in Minecraft 2
Add a Hopper on top of one chest.
  • Step 3: Surround the hole with Building blocks
Concrete Making Machine in Minecraft 3
Build walls around the hole.
  • Step 4: Add a stair aligned with the hole, on top of the Building blocks.
Concrete Making Machine in Minecraft 4
Add a stair to contain water.
  • Step 5: Put another layer of Building Blocks to make walls.
Concrete Making Machine in Minecraft 5
More wall for the machine.
  • Step 6: Put a Dropper on top of the entrance. You need a temporary block on top of the Building blocks to do this.
Concrete Making Machine in Minecraft 6
The Dropper is to provide more Concrete Power supplies.
  • Step 7: Add an Observer next to the Dropper, facing down the Hopper.
Concrete Making Machine in Minecraft 7
Add an Observer next to the Dropper.
  • Step 8: Put 2 Red Stone on top of the Observer and the Dropper.
Concrete Making Machine in Minecraft 8
Put Red Stone on to make them work.
  • Step 9: Add Water into the Stair. Now the Concrete Making Machine is basically done.
Concrete Making Machine in Minecraft 9
Add Water to the Stair.

How to operate the Concrete Making Machine

  • Add Concrete Powder into the Dropper so you don't run out of items when using the machine.
  • Hold Concrete Powder in your hand press F to move it to your left hand. Hold a Pickaxe with your right hand.
  • Go inside the machine, facing the water, and then hold down both left-click and right-click at the same time.
  • While holding both left-click and right-click, press F3 + T on the keyboard to make things auto.

How to make Concrete in Minecraft in Creative mode

You can generate Concrete in the Creative mode in Minecraft using the command:

/give @p (color)_concrete (number)

Use the command above with a specific color and number of Concrete blocks to generate Concrete in the Creative mode. For example, "/give @p black_concrete 1" command will generate 1 Black Concrete block.

FAQs on making concrete of different colors

Here is our list of common questions related to concrete crafting in the game. The brief answers will help you to get an overview of the entire process to get concrete in Minecraft in different colors.

1. How to make Concrete Powder in Minecraft?

Put 4 Sand, 4 Gravel, 1 Dye into the Crafting Table to make 8 Concrete Powder.

2. How to make Concrete Powder into Concrete?

Simply put Concrete Power next to a source of water will turn them into Concrete. Use a Pickaxe to break the Concrete and store them in your inventory.

3. How to make white Concrete in Minecraft?

To make white concrete in Minecraft, you use white dye to make white Concrete Powder then turn it into white Concrete. The recipe for white dye is bone meal and lily of the valley.

4. How to make light gray Concrete in Minecraft?

To get light gray concrete in Minecraft, you use light gray dye to make light gray Concrete Powder then turn it into concrete of the same color. The recipe for light gray dye is azure bluet, white tulips and oxeye daises.

5. How to make black Concrete in Minecraft?

To make black concrete in Minecraft, you use black dye to make red Concrete Powder then turn it into black Concrete. The recipe for black dye is ink sacs and wither roses.

6. How to make red Concrete in Minecraft?

To get red concrete in Minecraft, you put beetroot, roses, poppies and red tulips into the crafting table to make red dye first. Then, use it to make red Concrete Powder and turn it into red Concrete.

Other colored concrete can apply the same recipe but with different dyes in Minecraft. That's the end of our full guide on How to make concrete and concrete powder. Do come back to GuruGamer for more gaming tips.

>>>> Read more: How To Make A Bookshelf In Minecraft

<![CDATA[How To Make A Bookshelf In Minecraft And Make Use Of It]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-make-a-bookshelf-in-minecraft-18077 Sat, 07 Aug 2021 09:16:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-make-a-bookshelf-in-minecraft-18077
Knowing how to make a bookshelf in Minecraft will allow you to access the best enchantments for your gears in Minecraft.]]>

Bookshelf is a block in Minecraft that is mostly used for decoration for getting more enchants with the enchanting table. It is quite simple to make a Bookshelf in Minecraft but it is an important block to get powerful enchanted items. In this article, we will explore how to make a Bookshelf in Minecraft. Bookshelf is available on all supported platforms of Minecraft.

Table of Contents

  • How to find Bookshelf in Minecraft
  • How to make a Bookshelf in Minecraft
  • What can you do with a Bookshelf in Minecraft?
Village Library
You can find Bookshelves in the Village Library in Minecraft.

How to find Bookshelf in Minecraft

Bookshelf does naturally generate in Minecraft in the Village Library and some houses. A Village Library has 10 Bookshelves per library.

You can also find Libraries in strongholds. There can be up to 2 Libraries in a stronghold. A Stronghold Library features Bookshelves arranged in pillars and often has more Bookshelves than a Village Library. A single-level Library in Minecraft can have 161 Bookshelves while a Library with a balcony has 233 Bookshelves.

Minecraft Stronghold Library
You can find large Libraries with a lot of Bookshelve in Strongholds in Minecraft.

You need to break Bookshelves in order to transfer them to your inventory. You can break Bookshelves fairly easily by hand. However, using an axe will be much faster. The better your axe is, the faster you can break Bookshelves. You can break a Bookshelf in 0.2 seconds with a Golden Axe.

You can also get Bookshelves by trading with Novice-level librarian villagers.

  • In Bedrock Edition, novice-level librarian villagers have 50% chance to sell a bookshelf for 9 emeralds.
  • In Java Edition, novice-level librarian villagers have 63% chance to sell a bookshelf for 9 emeralds.

In fact, there are some tips to get discount when trading with villagers in Minecraft, so you had better take a look.

How to make a Bookshelf in Minecraft

Here are the requirement as well as the full recipe to make a Bookshelf in Minecraft (with pictures).

Required Items

  • A Crafting table
  • 6 Wood Planks
  • 3 Books

Press E to open the Crating Menu with a 2x2 grid. Put 4 Wood into the Crafting Menu and put the Crafting table into your inventory.

Make Crafting Table
You can make a Crafting Table in Minecraft with only 4 Wood blocks.

You can get Wood Planks by putting Wood into the Crating Table. You can use any type of Wood Plank, they don't even have to be the same type.

You can craft a Book with 3 Paper and 1 Leather. Put 3 Paper on the top row of the Crating Table and 1 Leather on the middle slot on the left. You must place the material in this exact position.

How To Make A Book Minecraft
You can make a book in Minecraft with 3 Papers and 1 Leather on the Crafting table.

Steps to craft a bookshelf

You can make a Bookshelf in Minecraft on the Crafting Table. Open the Crafting Table fill the top and the bottom row with Wood Planks. Put 3 Books in the middle row. You will see a Bookshelf on the slot on the right. Just drag it into your inventory.

How To Make Bookshelf In Minecraft
How to make a Bookshelf in Minecraft


To make a bookshelf in Minecraft, open the Crafting table with a 3x3 grid, put 3 Books in the middle row and fill all other slots with 6 Wood Planks of any type. Now simply drag the bookshelf into your inventory.

What can you do with Bookshelves in Minecraft?

Apart from decorating, Bookshelves is the only way for you to upgrade the Enchantment table get the best enchantments on Minecraft armor and weapons. These enchantments will make you much stronger and much harder to kill.

When you place an Enchantment table near Bookshelves, glyph particles will fly from the Bookshelves toward the Enchantment table. You need 15 Bookshelves to max out your Enchantment table.

How to make an Enchantment table

You need to have:

  • 1 Book
  • 2 Diamonds
  • 4 Obsidians

Open your Crafting Table, fill the bottom row with 3 Obsidians. On the middle row, place 1 Obsidian in the middle and 2 Diamonds on the other 2 slots. On the top row, place the Book in the middle slot. You can check out the picture below to see how it looks like. The arrangement needs to be precise or it won't work.

Make An Enchantment Table In Minecraft Full Recipe
Make an enchantment Table in Minecraft Full Recipe

Bookshelves arrangement

In order the upgrade the Enchantment table with Bookshelves, the Bookshelves need to be exactly one block away from the Enchantment table. There must be no block between the Enchantment table and the Bookshelves or else it won't work.

Check out the picture below for some enchanting room designs for you to max out your Enchantment table. Most of them will require more than 15 Bookshelves to make them look better so you don't have to do exactly like that.

Enchating Room Minecraft
Some ideas for arranging Bookshelves and the Enchantment Table in Minecraft

>>> Read more: 

<![CDATA[How To Build A Conduit In Minecraft To Create An Underwater Base?]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-build-a-conduit-in-minecraft-18066 Fri, 06 Aug 2021 03:52:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-build-a-conduit-in-minecraft-18066
A conduit is vital if you want to build an underwater base in Minecraft. Here's how to build yourself a conduit and control the sea.]]>

A conduit is a beacon-like block that provides Conduit Power and attacks hostile mobs underwater. It is one of the most useful tools to have if you want to build an underwater base. In this article, we are going to show you how to make a conduit in Minecraft.

What are the benefits of having a conduit?

Upon activation, conduits in Minecraft give the "Conduit Power" effect to all players in contact with rain or water, within a spherical range of 32-96 blocks. This effect restores oxygen, increases mining speed by 16.7% (1/6th) and gives underwater night vision. Conduits also damage any hostile mobs, like guardians, drowned, and elder guardians within a range of 8 blocks of the conduit.

The oxygen restoration effect is the best, as you no longer need to find ways to breathe underwater in Minecraft. If you found multiple Heart of the Sea, you can also use the conduit as a watchtower against hostile mobs.

A completed conduit in action
A completed conduit in action - its power affect a huge area.

How to build a conduit in Minecraft

To construct a conduit of your own, you need to prepare Heart of the sea and nautilus shells to craft the core first. Then, you can use 16 prismarine blocks to build and activate the conduit. Here is the detailed instruction.

Crafting the core

The conduit's core requires a Heart of the Sea and eight nautilus shells. Heart of the Sea can't be farmed and only spawn in buried treasure chests, which are difficult to find. To get it, you need to acquire Buried treasure maps from shipwrecks and underwater ruins chests. Use the maps to locate the buried treasure. They can also be located using explorer maps as well.

Crafting a conduit in Minecraft core requires a fair bit of grinding, especially for the Heart of the Sea.

Nautilus shells are easy to get. You can either go fishing or farm them from the Drowneds. They have an 8% chance to spawn holding a nautilus shell. If it is holding a nautilus shell in the offhand the drop is guaranteed. Wandering traders can have it in their inventory as well.

Build and activate the conduit

You need only 16 prismarine blocks to construct a minimal activation frame to create an initial conduit. Sources of prismarine or its crafting materials can be acquired by beating ocean monuments and exploring ocean ruins. Additionally, you can also try your luck with digging.

The frame of a conduit is built out of prismarine blocks in three 5×5 open squares centered on the conduit, one around each axis. A minimum of 16 blocks are required and produce an effective range of 32 blocks.

A complete frame of 42 blocks increases the effective range to 96 blocks. The conduit only begins to attack hostile mobs when it is completed with 42 blocks. The center of the frame needs to be filled with water, with the conduit core in the middle.

conduit activation
A completed conduit is capable of attacking hostile mobs within 8 blocks of the conduit by 4 damage every 2 seconds.

Interested in more of our articles related to Minecraft? Please check out this post to find out more about the Top 5 Hardest Achievements In Minecraft Bedrock Edition.

<![CDATA[How To Craft And Use A Fishing Rod In Minecraft]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/what-do-you-need-to-know-about-fishing-rod-in-minecraft-18060 Thu, 05 Aug 2021 19:52:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/what-do-you-need-to-know-about-fishing-rod-in-minecraft-18060
Craft yourself a fishing rod in Minecraft and start capitalizing on all of those sweet materials down under the water.]]>

Fishing is actually a pretty interesting mechanic in Minecraft. Players can cast their lines out into the water, not just to get fish! There are different items available to grab like junks, potions, or even treasures. But in order to tap the surrounding water bodies in Minecraft, you will first need to craft a fishing rod.

Fishing Rod Minecraft
Use the fishing rod to catch all of the sea dwellers.

Here's our simple guide on how to craft and use the fishing rod in Minecraft!

How to make a fishing rod in Minecraft?

The fishing rod has been in Minecraft since day one. It's a basic tool that players can craft pretty much from the start of the game. In order to make one fishing rod in Minecraft, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 3 sticks
  • 2 strings
Fishing Rod Minecraft Recipe
Fishing Rod recipe

Sticks can be crafted from wood planks, a readily available resource everywhere in Minecraft. Strings are also very common. You can kill spiders or break cobwebs for some.

Once you have obtained all the required materials, follow the recipe below to craft a fishing rod in Minecraft:

  • Open the Crafting Table menu.
  • Place 3 sticks diagonally, starting from the upper top right corner down to the lower bottom left corner.
  • Place 2 strings to the left column.
  • Drag the fishing rod to your inventory.

How to use a fishing rod in Minecraft?

Using the fishing rod itself is as simple as it gets. All you have to do is to find a body of water, right-click to cast (PC version), and wait. On consoles, you can use the left trigger to cast. In the game's Pocket Edition (Bedrock Edition), simply tap the screen. Casting the rod will throw its lure out into the water.

When you can see a small trail of bubbles surfacing the water and approaching the fishing rod's bobber, there's something on the line. Once it pulls the bobber down, start reeling! If you get the timing wrong, the catch will get away.

As we have mentioned previously, the fishing rod brings in not only fish but other items as well. It has an 85% chance to land some type of fish. For 15% of the time, you may reel in items like bows, enchanted books, name tags, fishing rods, bowls, bones, or ink sacs,...

The junks and treasure items also vary according to the biome you're in.

Get out there and start fishing!

Other ways to use the fishing rod

The fishing rod actually has some other uses apart from fishing. You can use it to reel in mobs on land, too. More specifically, when you use fishing rods in combat, they will hook distant opponents and pulling them closer. This is particularly useful to deal with long-range mobs like Ghasts and Blazes.

Another way to abuse the fishing rod is to use it as a steering wheel. If you combine carrots or warped fungus with fishing rods, you can craft either a Carrot on a Stick or a Warped Fungus on a Stick. Throw a saddle on a pig or a Strider, and off you go! You can use the fishing rod to ride mobs in Minecraft around.

Minecraft Pig Riding
Do you know you can ride pigs?

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<![CDATA[How To Make Glistering Melon Slice In Minecraft?]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/glistering-melon-slice-minecraft-18037 Wed, 04 Aug 2021 02:53:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/glistering-melon-slice-minecraft-18037
Make a Glistering Melon Slice, brew a few bottles of Potion of Healing, and prepare yourself for the long and dangerous adventure throughout Minecraft!]]>

There's a wide variety of food items in Minecraft. Some of them only restore your hunger bar, while others can go for an awful lot of uses. We call these the "utility" food items. And the Glistering Melon Slice falls to the second category. You cannot eat it straight away, but it's the essential ingredient to brew potions of healing. They will come in very handy when fighting bosses!

Glistering Melon Slice
Here's another use for the many watermelons you plant in Minecraft!

Here's what you need to make one in Minecraft.

Glistering Melon Slice Recipe in Minecraft

The Glistering Melon Slice is an inedible item used for brewing potions of healing. It is also one of the many potion ingredients that can be used to make mundane potions. Players can loot or craft this ingredient from scratch.

Naturally, the Glistering Melon Slice in Minecraft can be found in chests around the Ruined Portals in the Nether. Master-level farmer villagers also sell 3 Glistering Melons for 4 emeralds.

Regarding its crafting recipe, one slice of the Glistering Melon requires:

  • Gold Nugget x8
  • Melon slice x1

To make a Glistering Melon Slice in Minecraft, open your Crafting Table menu. Place the melon slice in the middle, then surround it with the Gold Nuggets.

Glistering Melon Slice In Minecraft Recipe
You can craft a slice of Glistering Melon right from the Crafting Table.

What to use Glistering Melon Slice for?

Mundane Potion

Mundane Potion is the base potion need to brew all kinds of potions in Minecraft. Being a base potion, it won't have any effects on players. In order to brew a Mundane Potion, place your Glistering Melon Slice and a Water bottle into the Brewing Stand.

Glistering Melon Slice Brewing
Mundane Potions are the base to many great potions you can brew in the game.

Potion of Healing

A bottle of Healing Potion will restore players' health bar immediately upon consumption. Level 1 potion will replenish 4 hearts, while a level 2 bottle instantly replenishes 8 hearts. It's an incredibly helpful potion to brew in preparation for an extended boss fight, say fighting the Ender Dragon or killing The Wither.

How To Make A Healing Potion Instant Health
If your Hearts are low, throw back a few Potions of Healing and get back into the fight!

In order to brew one bottle of Potion of Healing, players need to have:

  • Glistering Melon Slice x1
  • Awkward Potion (Base potion) x1

Place them both into the Brewing Stand to start crafting. It's just simple as that!

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<![CDATA[How To Make A Jack O'Lantern In Minecraft: A Complete Guide]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-make-a-jack-o-lantern-in-minecraft-17921 Mon, 26 Jul 2021 10:25:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-make-a-jack-o-lantern-in-minecraft-17921
Halloween hasn't come, but Jack O'lantern is the item every Minecraft player needs for the best of their game. See how to make and how to use it now.]]>

Jack-o’-lantern is an interesting-looking carved pumpkin that was added as part of the Minecraft Halloween special update. While its usage in the game varies a bit from that in the real world, how useful and decorative it is, remains an undeniable fact.

So what can players use Jack O Lantern in Minecraft for and how can they make one for themselves? Here's a complete guide for all that matters.

Table of Contents

  • Required materials
  • How to Make a Jack O Lantern in Minecraft
  • About Jack O lantern in Minecraft
  • FAQs about Minecraft Jack O'lantern
Jack O Lantern 2
How to craft a Jack O'lantern in Minecraft?

Required materials

A Jack O lantern can serve as a light source as well as keep hostile mobs far away. Jack O lantern in Minecraft recipe requires just a few components, bearing in mind that it is such a multifunctional item. The require materials include:

  • Torch
  • 1 block of Carved Pumpkin

You only need to place 1 charcoal/coal and a stick in the 3x3 crafting grid to craft a torch. Carving a pumpkin, meanwhile, would take more time.

A Minecraft pumpkin is not an item players can make with a furnace or a crafting table. Instead, they must find and collect it.

Use torch

First, look for a pumpkin plant that grows in the Minecraft world. You can usually find one in the Plains or Extreme Hills biomes. Once a pumpkin has been found, players must dig the pumpkin up. Make sure you get it before the pumpkin vanishes into thin air.

Second, when you have had a pumpkin, craft a shear with two iron ingots.

Place the pumpkin on the ground and close to you. Use the Hotbar to equip the shear and use it on your pumpkin by left-clicking on it. When you see marks on the pumpkin as indicated in the picture, it means you have successfully carved a pumpkin.

All you need to do now is digging it up, store it in the inventory, and move on to Jack O lantern in Minecraft recipe.

Carved Pumpkin With Shears
Carve pumpkins with shears.

How to make a Jack O Lantern in Minecraft

1. In a Nutshell

To craft a Jack O'lantern in Minecraft, put a carved pumpkin in the crafting GUI with a torch stick on the beneath. Players should place the pumpkin in the 3x3 grid's center.

Once the player has completed making a Jack O Lantern, simply move it to the inventory.

2. Step-by-Step Guide

Follow this simple guide and you will get a Minecraft JAck-O-Lantern without an obstacle:

  • Open the crafting table

Start making a Jack o'lantern by open your crafting table along with the contained ingredients in the inventory.

  • Insert Carved pumpkin

Put the carved pumpkin block you have made from the inventory to the first row's second cell.

Add Carved pumpkin
Place the carved pumpkin on the middle top box.
  • Place the torch

Next, put the torch right underneath the craved pumpkin. It coincides with the second row's second cell.

Add Torch
Next, place a torch exactly under the pumpkin.
  • Place in inventory

Now that players have filled the correct patterns in the crafting area, the jack o'lantern shall show up in the box to the right. You need to move the new item to your inventory, and bam, you now have your own Jack o'lantern!

Jack O Lantern Recipe
Remember to put the lantern into your inventory.

About Jack O lantern in Minecraft

How can we use Jack-o-lantern in Minecraft? In fact, it can work more than being a decoration.

1. Decoration

Sometimes, players use them in themed ghost house projects to add more spookiness, specifically with  Redstone torches and cobwebs.

2. A source of light

When immersed underwater, Jack o'lantern can have light and own a luminance of 15. While they are meant to be decorations, they can also be a striking navigational beacon thanks to the high levels of luminance and exotic appearance.

Jack O Lantern Golem
An iron Jack O Lantern golem.

3. Material to make golems

Apart from that, players can use Jack o’Lanterns to make golems of both iron and snow varieties. You need to stack up the essential number of snow or iron blocks in the requisite configuration, place a Jack o’Lantern atop, and wait for the creation to come alive. When placed, the Jack o’lantern will automatically face you.

Pro tip: Scream “It’s alive... IT’S ALIVE” and the process may be sped up.

FAQs about Minecraft Jack O'lantern

We will also answer the most asked questions about Jack O'lantern in Minecraft.

1. Where do you find Jack O'Lanterns in Minecraft?

You may occasionally find a pre-made Jack o’Lantern in pumpkins piles that generate in snowy taiga and taiga villages. They are most usually found at night as they glow brightly – even underwater, hence melt ice and snow around them.

Jack O Lantern 3
Do Jack o Lantern scare away Enderman? Are Jack o Lantern better than torches? All revealed below.

2. Do Jack O Lantern scare away Enderman?

No, they do not. Their light level merely influences the spawning of mobs, not the direction they would head to.

3. Are Jack o Lantern better than torches?

While both torches and Jack o Lanterns are a decent light source, Jack O'Lantern is better considering the fact that it has a relatively larger light radius and it can function underwater.

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<![CDATA[Things To Know About Barrels In Minecraft: Better Than Normal Chest?]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/barrels-in-minecraft-17913 Mon, 26 Jul 2021 02:21:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/barrels-in-minecraft-17913
Barrels in Minecraft are blocks that double as both storage units as well as a Job Change Site for jobless villagers. Here are the details.]]>

There are many blocks that are meant to be the storage space for other items in Minecraft. The barrel belongs to this category. However, it's not the kind of chests that you usually see in the game. So, what do barrels in Minecraft do? How to craft them? We have all of the answers you need right here!

What are barrels in Minecraft?

The barrel is a block that doubles as both a storage unit as well as a Job Change Site for villagers. Players can store items in barrels, just like they do with chests. Each Minecraft barrel has 27 slots, like a normal chest or an Ender Chest.

However, barrels cannot be placed next to each other to form a doubled variant. Also, a barrel doesn't require space above to open.

Barrel Minecraft
You can change a villager to a Fisherman at a barrel.

The barrel also acts as a Job Change Site for jobless villagers. Each house has a small percentage of spawning up to 3 barrels inside (in villages). Barrels in Minecraft can be broken off with any tool, but axes work the fastest.

How to make barrels in Minecraft

Barrels are also craftable. The only required materials to make barrels in Minecraft are wood; wood planks and wood slabs to be exact. Each barrel will cost you 6 planks and 2 slabs of any kind. Place the materials as the recipe below to make a barrel (Java Edition).

  • Place 3 wood planks on two side columns.
  • Place 2 wood slabs in the middle column, leave the middle slot.
Barrel Minecraft Recipe Java
Here's how to craft a barrel in Java Edition.

However, the Bedrock Edition's recipe is a little bit different. Instead of wood planks, the recipe use sticks.

  • Place 3 sticks on two side columns.
  • Place 2 wood slabs in the middle column, leave the middle slot.
Barrel Minecraft Bedrock
Bedrock's version is different.

Are barrels better than normal chests in Minecraft?

Technically speaking, making a barrel is cheaper than making a chest in Minecraft. So, how come you don't see many players replacing their chests with barrels for storage units? We think because chests are still a tiny bit better than barrels in Minecraft.

Chests can be merged together to form a double-chest, which barrels cannot. It's also easier to label chests and their content. A barrel can only be labeled with a name tag, something no one wants to waste them for.

Minecraft Rare
You can find barrels in villages, but the chance is slim.

There's another thing with how barrels are present in the game. You can only place 1 in each row, while chests come in two. Once you place a barrel in front, you cannot access the one standing behind it. All in all, chests are still better storage units than barrels in Minecraft.

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