Free Fire Tips and Tricks - Website for Indian gamers with latest gaming and technology news. Find release dates, trailers, and scores for all upcoming and recent video games in the world Mon, 16 Oct 2023 10:51:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Free Fire Tips and Tricks - <![CDATA[TOP 5 Weapons To Clutch Like A Pro In 1 Vs 4 Situations In Free Fire]]> Wed, 26 Jul 2023 16:45:00 +0000
Let's check out the best guns for 1-vs-4 situations. These five weapons may help you perform a pro-level clutch to get Booyah in Free Fire.]]>

Winning 1 vs 4 situations is sometimes challenging for many players. But the following five guns may help you perform a pro-level clutch to get Booyah in Free Fire. Let's check out the name of these amazing weapons here.

Table of Contents

  • #1. Shield Gun
  • #2. Groza
  • #3. M82B
  • #4. MAG-7
  • #5. M249

#1. Shield Gun

When your teammates cannot give you enough cover, you can trust a Shield Gun. This modified assault rifle can generate a solid shield to give the wielder good cover and protection from the enemy's bullets.

Moreover, this gun is a good choice for both close-range and mid-range combat. Moreover, this gun has a good capacity of 30 bullets per load, which is enough for you to spray and end the whole enemy team if you shoot accurately.

Shield Gun
The Shield Gun is the best weapon for solo-vs-squad situations.

#2. Groza

You need a Groza to perform a clutch when all your teammates have been down. This legendary assault rifle has an amazing damage point and a standard bullet capacity. Moreover, it can cover from short-range to long-range combat well.

However, this is one of the rarest weapons in the battle royale mode. You have to collect airdrop supplies or use bounty tokens to purchase this gun.

Groza Free Fire
Groza is rare as it's OP.

#3. M82B

Engaging in combat from a long range is a safe way to survive. Moreover, pro assassins in Free Fire can clutch a team with a decent sniper rifle like M82B. With eight bullets per round, you should wait until the whole enemy team is in an open area to fire.

Moreover, make sure that all your bullets reach the target accurately. But keep a good assault rifle to spray bullets in close-range combat. If you have a combo of M82B and Groza and good shooting skills, it's easy for your to get Booyah alone.

M82b Free Fire
Snipers need a M82B.

#4. MAG-7

MAG-7 is also an ideal gun for 1-vs-4 situations with a high damage point and firing rate. Besides, its good range lets players engage in combat from close or medium range.  With a reliable ammo capacity, MAG-7 allows its users to perform a clutch as a pro player.

You should pick an assault rifle as the backup weapon to finish enemies in case you miss some bullets with your MAG-7. But shotguns are not good options for a 1-vs-4 situation unless you are a legendary-level shotgun master.

Mag 7 Free Fire
MAG-7 Free Fire

#5. M249

M249 is often a decent gun for bullet spray and a 1-vs-4 clutch in many FPS games like Free Fire. As a strong machine gun, it has an amazing ammo clip size of 100 bullets. It's enough for most FPS masters to clear one or two teams.

Though its single-shot hit point is not high, this gun has a high firing rate and damage per second. Pro players often combine this machine gun with a sniper to cover from close-range to long-range combat. However, no matter which weapon you use, you must master your aiming and firing skills.

Clownfish M249 Skin Free Fire
M249 has a high rate of fire.

>>> Also Read: Top 5 Mistakes Must Avoid When Using Free Fire Shotguns

<![CDATA[Top 5 Mistakes Must Avoid When Using Free Fire Shotguns]]> Tue, 25 Jul 2023 18:26:43 +0000
Free Fire Shotguns are designed for close-range combat. Let's check out the top 5 mistakes you must avoid when using this weapon here.]]>

Free Fire Shotguns are the most powerful weapons with high hit points. However, this kind of weapon is designed for close-range combat. Let's check out the top 5 mistakes you must avoid when using this weapon here.

Table of Contents

  • #1. Low Moving Speed
  • #2. Utilizing M1887
  • #3. Holding Two Shotguns
  • #4. Using Two-finger Customization
  • #5. Combating In Wide Open Areas

#1. Low Moving Speed

Moving speed is an important factor in close-range combat, especially when you use shotguns to fire single shots. Remember that you cannot spray bullets with this gun. Therefore, you should move nimbly to dodge bullets and stay safe before you can knock the opponents down.

Standing still to aim and shoot single shots will make you lose close-range combat when using shotguns.

Close Combat Free Fire
Shotguns are designed for close-range combat.

#2. Utilizing M1887

M1887 has a high hit point but very low ammo capacity. You can shoot only 2 shots before reloading. The limited ammo capacity can also lead to early death in close combat as you can give the opponent the chance to shoot you down while you reload bullets.

Therefore, you should use other shotguns with large magazines to win close-range combat. Try to aim and shoot accurately to clear the opponents in 2 shots if you must use this gun.

M1887 Free Fire
Using the right shotgun helps you get Booyah in Free Fire.

#3. Holding Two Shotguns

Holding two shotguns is not a wise tactic if you cannot shoot all single shots accurately. It can be a deadly mistake when you are not a master of shotguns. You should hold an AR as a secondary weapon to spray bullets when you miss all shots with your shotgun.

Don't stop to reload. Instead, you should switch to the AR and spray bullets until you knock down the enemy. The backup assault rifle can also save your life in short-range combat. Moreover, you can shoot enemies in the medium range in case a third-party enemy rushes you.

Use A Shotgun And An Ar
Use a shotgun and an AR in a match to have a backup weapon for mid-range combat.

#4. Using Two-claw Customization

You cannot improve your skills and performance if you use 2-claw settings. You should learn and practice to master 3-claw and 4-claw settings to do more actions at once. It allows shooters to aim, rotate the camera, and fire at the same time.

Pro players often use 5-claw or 6-claw customization for FPS games like Free Fire and PUBG Mobile. If you want to perform well with shotguns, you should master 3-claw and 4-claw settings to aim and shoot accurately.

Use 3 Claw Setting
Use the 3-claw setting to aim and shoot accurately.

#5. Combating In Wide Open Areas

You need some covers around to hide and reload your shotguns safely. A safe cover lets you correct your mistakes when you miss all shots from your guns. Therefore, pro players like taking close combat inside houses or in narrow areas with trees and rocks to cover their bodies.

Avoid these mistakes to get closer to the final circle. It's also a tip to win every close-range combat in this FPS game and get Booyah.

>>> Also Read: Top 5 Best Free Fire Guns To Rank Up In 2023

<![CDATA[Top 5 Tips To Reach Heroic In Free Fire Battle Royale Ranked Season 25]]> Fri, 11 Feb 2022 07:53:00 +0000
If you can just follow these tips, the road to the Heroic tier in Free Fire will no longer be that far away anymore.]]>

Free Fire has a ranked system for players who want to take a more competitive experience in the game. In ranked matches, players will be matched with players who have the same skill level so ranking up is definitely no easy task.

The Heroic rank is often the goal of all ranked players in every season. You will get a lot of rewards in these ranks as well as an exclusive banner and Avatar to show off to other people. In this article, we will show you some important tips to reach the Heroic tier in Free Fire Battle Royale mode.

1. Play with a team

If you can find a team to play with regularly, it will be much easier to coordinate with them in the game and leading to winning more. This is the reason why many pro Free Fire players and YouTubers mostly only play Squad mode. On the other hand, if you play with random players, there is a high chance that everyone will just do whatever they want and you will end up losing quickly.

Free Fire Squad
Having a team that you usually play with will make winning much easier.

2. Avoid hot drops when landing

Landing on hot drops is a high-risk high-reward option. You might be a ton of good loot if you manage to survive. However, you might also end up losing early and thus losing a lot of rank points. If you are planning to push to Heroic, you would want a safer option and land in a remote area. Still, make sure you choose an area with enough loot for the team.

Free Fire Hot Drop
A hot drop right a the start of a match can lead you to an early loss.

3. Avoid unnecessary fights

While getting kills can get you a lot of rank points, you should consider carefully before getting into a fight. It is best to pick a fight that you are having an advantage over the other team such as having the high ground, being inside the safe zone, etc.

4. Good character combination

There are a lot of great different character combinations in Free Fire that can give you a huge advantage over the enemy. Some of the characters who are universally good are K, Alok, Skyler, Moco,... Other than that, you can pick other abilities that suit your playstyle such as Rafael for sniper players or Wolfrahh for rusher players.

Even if you are a F2P player, there are still a lot of great free character options for you to choose from.

Elite Kelly
Elite Kelly is a great F2P character for all character combinations in Free Fire.

5. Improving fighting skills

No matter what tips you are using, you must always try to improve your fighting skills in Free Fire in order to rank up. The higher your rank is, the better your opponents will be. You need to practice not only your aiming skill but your movements and your ability to use utility items such as Grenade and Gloo Wall.

Players are free to train their skills in casual mode or the Training Room, where all the weapons are available.

free Fire Training Mode Tricks
Players can enter the Training mode to horn their skills.

>>>> Read more: Dimitri Vs Wukong: Which Is The Better Character In Free Fire?

<![CDATA[Top 4 Tips To Increase Your K/D Ratio In Free Fire]]> Wed, 19 Jan 2022 11:15:00 +0000
If you can learn these simple tips in Free Fire, you will find that it is not that hard to increase your K/D ratio in Free Fire.]]>

The performance of a player in Free Fire is mostly judged by their K/D ratio. When you are applying for a high-tier guild or a team to compete in the tournament, people will look at your K/D ratio in Free Fire as the entry criteria.

A skilled players should know how to protect themselves while taking down the enemy at the same time. It is actually not impossible for anyone to achieve a high K/D ratio of at least 2 or above. If you are looking for a way to improve your K/D ratio in Free Fire, check out a few tips below.

1. Spot sure win situations to engage

This is the utmost and easiest thing you can do to increase your K/D ratio. There will be quite a lot of situations where you have a great advantage over the enemy that you shouldn't waste. For example, when an enemy is running outside of a safe zone or an enemy who is busy aiming at another target.

You can also create for yourself these situations by staying in the high ground or tactical positions.

Free Fire Clash Squad Hidden
Make sure you don't waste the free kill when it comes to you.

2. Staying too long in one place

Lingering in one place for too long can lead you to doom, especially after a gunfight. People will hear gun sounds and they will come over from every direction.

You also should check out the safe zone move slowly toward it whenever possible and don't wait until the last second. Dying because of the safe zone is the worst way to reduce your K/D ratio in Free Fire.

3. Build a good character combination

A good character combination will give you a huge advantage over other players in a gunfight. Weapon skins will also help in this aspect but characters still play the most important role. Players are recommended to use META characters such as K, Alok, Skyler if possible.

Dj Alok
A good character combination will help tremendously in a fight.

4. Make sure your squad has the same skill level

When playing in a Squad, you would want everyone in your team to have the same skill level. Otherwise, you will either have to match against players with a much higher skill level or get dragged down by your teammate because they are too bad. The best option is to play with friends and people you know so you can work on your coordination better.

Squad Free Fire
A good squad will help you destroy your enemies.

>>>> Read more: Free Fire OB32 Balance Changes: Nerf To All Shotguns, Olivia Character Buff... And More!

<![CDATA[5 Situations Where You Should Use Gloo Walls In Free Fire]]> Fri, 31 Dec 2021 03:22:00 +0000
Knowing different uses of Gloo Walls in Free Fire can really step up your fighting skills and gain advantages over the enemies.]]>

Gloo Wall is a multiple purposes item in Free Fire. More skilled players know how to use Gloo Wall to their advantage in a very creative way apart from the usual situation. But even if you are a beginner, you can learn when to use Gloo Walls in Free Fire from their experience.

1. Rushing the enemies

When rushing a player in Free Fire, you always need to make sure that you stay behind covers most of the time. People who are in a defensive position often have more advantages. However, you won't always find hard covers to stay safe when you are pushing. This is a perfect opportunity to use Gloo Walls. You can use multiple Gloo Walls to get close to the enemies without putting yourself at risk.

2. Running from a fight

There are many bad situations in Free Fire you might be in such as running out of healing items or being in a bad position. The best thing to do during those times is to retreat using Gloo Wall. There is this little technique called "backrun Gloo Wall." Basically, you will be running backward while facing the enemies to deploy Gloo Walls.

Back Run Gloo Wall
You can use Gloo Wall to safely retreat from a fight.

3. Blocking entrances

Blocking off the doors of the house can prevent the enemies from coming in or block the escape route when you are pushing them. If you have the new Nairi character then it will be almost impossible for the enemies to break down these Gloo Wall barricades.

Gloo Wall
Use Gloo Walls to blocking off the door in buildings.

4. Climbing buildings

The high ground in Free Fire has a lot of advantages. You will have a better vision of the area. The enemy cannot get close to you and some won't even expect that you are there in the first place. To reach these locations, players need to use Gloo Walls and stack them up to make a stair.

How To Climb House Free Fire
You can use Gloo Wall to make a stair.

5. Blocking damage in close-range fights

Gloo Walls in Free Fire can be an amazing tool in close-range fights if the player is skillful enough. In close-range combat on open ground, it is up to the players to make their own cover using Gloo Wall to cut off enemies' attacks and take the initiative.

Weapons such as shotguns and SMGs can burst you down very quickly from this distance and Gloo Wall will be your only way to survive.

>>>> Read more: How To Get Free Diamond Royale Voucher In Free Fire Treasure Hunt Event

<![CDATA[How To Not Get Stuck Outside Of The Safe Zone In Free Fire]]> Fri, 24 Dec 2021 10:12:00 +0000
You will be at a massive disadvantage if you get stuck outside of the safe zone in Free Fire. Here are a few simple tips to advoid it.]]>

Getting stuck outside of the safe zone in Free Fire is a situation that no player wants to be in. If you are too far away, you might die outside of the safe zone. Even if you can make it in, you are in great danger because your HP is low and other players already got a good spot.

Here are a few useful tips you can do to avoid being outside of the safe zone.

Check the first safe zone and move early

I understand that you land far away to have a lot of time looting at the start of the game but you also need to move in early if you do this. It is a must to check the first safe zone when it appears and plans to move early. You can also move across the map and loot at the same time.

 Playing Zone
Check out the position of the first safe zone and move early.

Find a vehicle

If you can a vehicle or a surfboard, you will be able to move across the map super quickly. Running across the map to the safe zone is acceptable, but you are putting yourself at great risk.

Free Fire Vehicle
Vehicles will allow you to travel faster and safer in Free Fire.

Avoid unnecessary fights

This is one of the most common mistakes that Free Fire players make. They are stuck in a fight for too long and won't leave until they defeat the other team. However, this often ends up with both teams dying to the zone damage and other teams.

The heat of a battle can make players forget about the time and other elements in the game. Remember that your ultimate goal in the game is to be the last survival.

Kord Free Fire
Don't get stuck in a fight for too long.

>>>> Read more: Free Fire Rising Day Top Up: How To Get Snow Doom Katana And The Angel With Horns Gloo Wall

<![CDATA[Free Fire Players Must Do This When Combating Outside The Safe Zone To Survive]]> Fri, 17 Dec 2021 04:09:00 +0000
You need some Free Fire tips for combat outside the play zone. Here are the top 3 things you must do when fighting outside the white circle.]]>

Countering enemies outside the play zone is very dangerous. You will die faster when taking damage from both the electric zone and enemies. Therefore, you need some tips for combat outside the play zone. Here are the top 3 things you must do when fighting outside the white circle. These tips will help you survive till the endzone and finish the match in the top 10 in the BR Ranking mode.

#1. Make Sure You Can Escape

When battling outside the safe zone, you need to leave a safe way to escape the combat. You can escape on foot or use a vehicle. But if you are far from the zone, you should have a vehicle or surfboard to move into the play zone in time.

Don't be too greedy in combat outside the safe zone. Count the time and enter the play zone, especially after the third circle because the zone will shrink faster and the electric zone deal more damage on players.

Make Sure You Can Escape
Make sure you can escape the gunfight safely.

#2. Use Supplies Wisely And Sparingly

In a gunfight outside the play zone, every bullet and medkit are very essential. You should conserve them because you do not have time to loot after the gunfight. Don't waste your bullets when the opponent has a hardcover to hide and avoid all bullets.

There are two options for you in this situation. First, you can use your safe way to escape the combat and enter the play zone. Or else, you can rotate and find a good shooting angle to take him down. After you win the gunfight, loot supplies quickly to move into the safe zone.

Eat Mushroom To Save Medkits
Eat mushrooms to save medkits.

#3. Find Hardcover And High Ground

Another must-do in a gunfight outside the play zone is having a hardcover to hide. Instead of using breakable Gloo Walls, you should find a big tree, wall, or rock to hide. Besides, you should save Gloo Wall for later combat in the last zone or countering camper near the edge of the play zone.

The high ground will give players a wider ad better view over enemies on the low ground. Besides, you can spot and shoot them down with a better angle from higher grounds. When you use the prone action, enemies can hardly spot you. Therefore, always accupy high grounds, such as mountain peaks, rooftops, and balcony of houses and buildings.

>>> Also Read: 6 Underpowered Weapons In Free Fire OB31 That Players Should Avoid Using

<![CDATA[Best Tips And Tricks To Outsmart Free Fire Campers]]> Mon, 13 Dec 2021 01:54:00 +0000
Facing campers is a daily routine in Free Fire BR mode. So, you need smart tips and tricks to outsmart Free Fire campers and eliminate them.]]>

Camping is a popular playstyle in Free Fire Battle Royale mode, especially for beginners and defensive players. Facing campers is a daily routine in the battle royale mode of this game. So, you need smart tips and tricks to outsmart Free Fire campers and eliminate them.

#1. Flank Campers By Gunsound

Many campers are still greedy for kills, so they will be attracted by gun sound. You can draw their fire to flank and kill them. When campers leave their safe corner and expose themselves to shoot you, you will have a better shooting angle to kill them with accurate bullets and even headshots.

To draw the enemy's fire, you have to move in the open ground. You can attract them by making footsteps or gun sounds. Then, your teammates can get them easier. In this case, you may get some damage, so you should use some characters with healing, shield, or running skills, such as DJ Alok and Kelly.

Flank Campers
Flank campers and make them leave their safe zone.

#2. Throw A Frag Grenade After A Stun Grenade

Utilities in Free Fire are also useful in countering campers. You can use a flashbang first to stun campers for a while. Then, throw a frag grenade right after the stun grenade. When the flashbang makes the camper blind and deaf, they cannot react to the frag grenades.

If you do it well, these throwables will blow the camper away. Besides, you won't take any damage from the enemy. It's one of the best tips to outsmart Free Fire campers.

Use A Combo Of Flashbang And Frag Grenades
Use a combo of flashbang and frag grenades to blow the camper away.

#3. Use Counter-Camping Tip

Another tip to outsmart campers in Free Fire is the counter-camping tip. It's a useful tip to counter campers in the last circles. You should make the plan to have the best result.

Campers often rotate in their region of ambush. You can camp inside that region and wait for them to approach you. But make sure that campers do not know your location. When they are in your shooting range, shoot them down quickly.

Fake Your Move
Fake your move and surprise the camper.

#4. Fake A Rotation & Turn Back

You can outsmart the camper by faking a rotation and turning back to the area to surprise enemies. You can do it safely by using surfboards or vehicles. Approach them and fake a rush to draw their fire, and turn back quickly.

If your area is in the playing zone, you should keep a safe corner to fall back and counter camp enemies. When campers start to rotate around their area, you can use a strong vehicle to crash into them or set them into a vulnerable position to shoot.

Feint A Rotation To Draw The Camper Out
Feint a rotation to draw the camper out.

#5. Distract Campers By Throwables

Apart from flashbangs and frag grenades, smoke grenades are very useful in outsmarting campers. You can throw some smoke grenades to blind their view and distract them.

You can also flank them by using smoke grenades. But it can be pretty risky when campers use frag grenades and assault rifles to counter you. Experienced campers can also avoid being flanked in this situation. So, you may fail to outsmart Free Fire players, but try to survive.

>>> Also Read: Top 7 Cheap But Over-Powerful Free Fire Characters In 2021

<![CDATA[Best Free Fire Gun Combos With Higher Damage After OB31 Update]]> Thu, 09 Dec 2021 06:54:00 +0000
Free Fire has balanced some guns in the recent update OB31. Here are the best Free Fire gun combos with higher damage after this update.]]>

Free Fire has balanced some guns in the recent update OB31. Some weapons have damage buff, making them more powerful and deadly for faster kills. Here are the best Free Fire gun combos with higher damage after this update.

Table of Contents

  • #1. M14 & Thompson
  • #2. SCAR & M1014
  • #3. AWM & UMP
  • #4. SKS & MP5
  • #5. AK & M1887

#1. M14 & Thompson

The weapon combination of M14 and Thompson can cover all ranges of gunfights, from short to long-range combat. Thompson is one of the best close-range weapons for hot-drop locations. Despite its low base damage, this SMG is still powerful due to its high firing rate.

M14 is a powerful AR that can work like a DMR for mid and long-range combat. It has a high base damage of 77 and low bullet drops. It also has great mobility for players to dodge bullets while keep firing. But you should only use it as a backup weapon due to its low rate of fire.

M14 can cover both mid and long-range combat.

#2. SCAR & M1014

SCAR is one of the best ARs in Free Fire for mid-range combat. Its statistics are very balanced. In specific, the damage point, range, firing rate, and movement speed are around 53 to 62. There is no outstanding feature, but all necessary features are high enough for fast kills.

You should use an M1014 as the backup gun in this game combo. It has a high base damage of 94 but it's only effective in close combat. Besides, its movement speed is also high enough for dodging bullets.

Scar Is The Most Balanced Ar
SCAR is the most balanced AR in Free Fire.

#3. AWM & UMP

One of the best Free Fire gun combos for in-game leader and sniper roles is UMP and AWM. UMP is a nice Sub-machine gun for close combat. This SMG is one of the most balanced guns with a high firing rate, reload speed, movement speed, and armor penetration.

AWM is the most powerful sniper rifle in Free Fire with a super high base damage of 90. You can take one target down with an accurate headshot only. UMP is a great backup gun for players to reflex in panic situations.

Free Fire Ump
UMP is a great backup gun for snipers.

#4. SKS & MP5

Another great gun combo for Free Fire after update OB31 is SKS and MP5. This combo also covers all ranges of combat. MP5 will cover close combat well. Besides, MP5 has a large ammo capacity for a squad clutch.

SKS is one of the best Marksman Rifles for mid-range and long-range gunfights. Its high armor penetration and firing rate make this gun very useful to deal with moving targets in the open ground.

Sks Free Fire
Use SKS to cover long-range combat.

#5. AK & M1887

The gun combo of AK and M1887 is the best choice for fraggers in Free Fire. This combo covers both close and mid-range combat and both of them have high base damage points. M1887 is the best shotgun with a super high base damage of 100.

AK is a very balanced and powerful gun with high base damage, effective range, firing rate, and mobility. You should always hold this gun as the main weapon when playing in hot-drop locations. M1887 is the backup gun when you fall into a trap, but you have to master AR's recoil and drag headshot skills.

>>> Also Read: Free Fire Tips To Survive Longer In Ranked Battle Royale

<![CDATA[Free Fire: You Must Follow These 5 Tips To Survive Longer In Ranked Battle Royale]]> Thu, 09 Dec 2021 04:08:00 +0000
If you are tired of dying early and losing rank points Ranked Battle Royale then you really need to check out these tips.]]>

Surviving is one of the best ways to get more points in Ranked Battle Royale mode and climb higher rank tiers. It doesn't matter if you have an aggressive playstyle or not, you need to make sure that you can survive as long as possible.

Of course, it is not an easy task at all since you are facing 49 enemies who have the same skill level in a single match. But if you use the tips we provide above, you might be able to survive longer in Ranked Battle Royale.

1. Avoid fighting in the early game

Fighting in the early game bears a lot of risks while giving you almost no benefit at all. That's why we recommend you stay safe in the early game by avoiding fights and focusing on looting more. Also, it is better to choose an area with few enemies at the start of the game.

Avoid Fighting Free Fire
Most of the fights in the early game are not worth taking.

2. Always rotate after a fight

Rotating often is one of the key habits that will keep you alive. This way, you will be able to avoid ambushes from other enemies nearby who hear the gunshots.

Free Fire M14
Always being on the move will keep you alive in Free Fire.

3. Choose characters that increase your survivability

Characters that help you survive longer in Ranked Battle Royale include K, Alok, Skyler, Kelly... They offer a lot of healing as well as mobility for you to get in and out of combat easily. The character store in Free fire also just got a change that makes some of these characters more accessible to free-to-play players.

Free Fire Skyler Shirou New Characters En 1
Free Fire Skyler character can provide you with survivability.

4. Stock up Gloo Wall and Med Kit

These 2 utility items are super important to your survival in Free Fire. Gloo Walls can save you from certain a lot of time if you know how to use them. Meanwhile, having Med Kits will accelerate your healing speed even if you have a character that provides healing.

Loot Many Med Kits
Loot many Med Kits to heal and survive.

5. Get away from a bad fight

Knowing when to run is the ultimate skill to survive longer in Ranked Battle Royale. Not picking up a bad fight will save you a lot of Med Kits or even a loss. However, you need to have a lot of experience and a good game sense in order to do this.

Run Around To Loot
Run is the best option if you are in a bad spot.

>>> Read more: Free Fire Winter Wish Event: How To Get The Old Man Mask Skin And Black Turtle Neck Skin

<![CDATA[Free Fire Pro Tips & Tricks For Open Fights And Rushes]]> Sun, 05 Dec 2021 13:16:17 +0000
Here are the top four Free Fire pro tips and tricks for open fights and rushes that help you play better. Your gameplay will also be improved.]]>

Open fights and rushes in Free Fire are often dangerous and risky. So, you may die in these situations if you don't have enough skills and tricks. Here are the top four Free Fire pro tips and tricks for open fights and rushes that help you play better.

#1. Use Grenades

Grenades work as a useful teammate for players in Free Fire. There are many grenades with different uses to help you stay safe and rush enemies in open fights.

For example, you can use some smoke grenades to block the vision of enemies and cause distractions for them. Besides, pro players often toss some frag grenades to cause significant damage to the target before rushing him. But you need to know the location of enemies.

Cook Grenades Before Throwing
Use grenades for assistance.

#2. Master Franking

Another pro tip and trick for open fights and rushes in Free Fire is franking. Pro players know how to frank their teammates and enemies well.

When your team rushes the enemy team but you are not the carry, frank your teammates and make sure that you can support and revive them when they are outplayed. You can also frank enemies to catch some lonely targets.

#3. Use Character Abilities

Some character abilities in Free Fire are useful for open fights, such as Chrono's and Skyler's abilities. You should equip their skills for your character to assist him in open fights and rushes. It's one of the best tricks for open fights in this game.

For example, Skyler's skill helps you break the opponent's Gloo Wall quickly to shoot him down. When enemies set the Gloo Wall to cover and reload bullets or heal HP, break it and finish him before he is ready for combat. Use Chrono's shield to make a quick cover if you fail to take the enemy down in a load of bullets.

Chrono Free Fire
Use Chrono's ability to defend.

#4. Use SMGs And Shotguns

The best weapons for open fights in Free Fire are shotguns and SMGs. Shotguns are very powerful in close combat as long as you shoot accurately and drag the aim quickly.

Free Fire SMGs are also nice choices in this situation since they have high rates of fire and accuracy. These weapons can guarantee fast kills in open rushes. Keep in mind that mobility and bullet speed also affect combat results.

Use Smg For Open Rushes
Use SMGs for open rushes.

>>> Also Read: Must-Know Tips & Tricks To Defeat Chrono Character In Free Fire

<![CDATA[Must-Know Tips To Defeat Chrono Character In Free Fire]]> Sat, 04 Dec 2021 08:58:00 +0000
Chrono is one of the strongest characters in Free Fire with his OP ability. You can defeat this character more easily with these tips and tricks.]]>

Chrono is one of the strongest characters in Free Fire with his OP ability. However, he has got a big nerf in the latest update. That's why you can defeat this character more easily with these tips and tricks.

Table of Contents

  • #1. Approach Chrono With A Shotgun
  • #2. Force Chrono To Use His Ability Beforehand
  • #3. Cook Grenades Before Throwing
  • #4. Use Xayne To Break Chrono's Shield
  • #5. Get To A Good Position And Wait To Fire

#1. Approach Chrono With A Shotgun

Chrono cannot shoot from inside of the shield anymore. So, you can approach him and stay close to this character safely while he still stays in his shield. But if he is out of the shield, Chrono is more dangerous.

That's why you should use a powerful shotgun to approach him and react quickly if he shoots you. Make sure that you drag the aim quickly and fire accurately. If it goes wrong, you will be eliminated.

Approach Him With A Shotgun
Approach him with a shotgun.

#2. Force Chrono To Use His Ability Beforehand

Every character ability in Free Fire has CD time. Chrono's ability has a long CD of 120 seconds. So, you should feint an attack to bait and force him to activate his shield before real combat. Then, he has to use Gloo Wall.

When Chrono cannot use his skill due to CD, he is more vulnerable. It's time for you to rush and take him down with some frag grenades or Xayne's ability to break the Gloo Wall shields. You can also force him to activate the shield by shooting some bait bullets.

Bait His Shield Before Real Combat
Bait his shield before real combat.

#3. Cook Grenades Before Throwing

When the shield of Chrono goes down, you can kill him with an explosion. But timing is important in this situation. In specific, the shield of Chrono can protect him from damage from your bullets and explosion. Therefore, you need to count the time to make sure that the frag grenade explodes at the time the shield goes down.

It's the best way to deal with this OP character with the solid shield. If you do not throw the grenade at the right moment, it does not cause any damage to Chrono. Master grenade tricks to use it effectively.

Cook Grenades Before Throwing
Cook grenades before throwing.

#4. Use Xayne To Break Chrono's Shield

The most OP ability of Chrono is creating the shield. But you can use the ability of the character Xayne to cause damage to that shield with the Xtreme Encounter ability. Her ability increases damage to the shield by 100% at the max level.

You can use this tip with the previous tip to take down Chrono faster. Firstly, break the shield of Chrono with Xayne's skills. Then, throw a frag grenade to kill him when his shield is broken. You can co-operate with your teammate to do this trick.

Xayne Vs Chrono
Use Xayne to counter Chrono.

#5. Get To A Good Position And Wait To Fire

When the shield is activated, you cannot shoot and cause damage to Chrono. So, don't waste your bullets. Instead, you should find a good place to hide and prepare to shoot when the shield of Chrono disappears.

You can also throw grenades from that position. But make sure that the cover is safe and secret enough. Or else, the Chrono user can rush to kill you. Combine all these tips and tricks to have the best result.

>>> Also Read: Top 5 Reasons Why Players Fail To Reach Grandmaster In Free Fire

<![CDATA[Top 5 Must-Know Tips To Aim Better For Free Fire Beginners]]> Wed, 01 Dec 2021 06:05:00 +0000
Here are the top 5 tips to aim better for Free Fire beginners. Then, you can take the enemy down fast with accurate headshots.]]>

Free Fire beginners often have difficulty in controlling the gun recoil and locking the aim. It's very important to aim accurately in this shooting game because good aiming skills let you shoot the enemies down quickly with accurate headshots. Here are the top 5 tips to aim better for Free Fire beginners.

#1. Master Drag Rotation

Drag rotation is a basic skill for higher accuracy in aiming and shooting. But it's hard to master this skill, especially for beginners. But you should try to improve this skill because it's useful for both long and short-range combat.

To master drag rotation and aim better, Free Fire beginners should have a proper sensitivity setting and build muscle memory for their hands. Then, try to drag the aim quickly to land an accurate headshot while rotating and moving. To do this, you need to maintain the crosshair at the head level of enemies and keep it stable while moving.

Rotation Drag
Master rotation drag and improve the accuracy.

#2. Loot Scopes For ADS & Select The Right Scope

ADS helps Free Fire beginners aim better and shoot more accurately with the help of scopes. The magnification of scopes lets you see the target more clearly. So, you can aim at the enemy's head more accurately.

But not all weapons have attachment slots for scope, such as shotguns. So, you need to master hip-firing skills when using shotguns in close combat or avoid using those weapons. When using ARs, SMG, SRs, and other weapon categories, you should use the proper scopes.

Use Ads For Better Aiming
Use ADS for better aiming.

#3. Aim For The Upper Body

The gun recoil often makes the barrel choke up to the sky, especially ARs and weapons with high gun recoil. So, you should aim for the upper body of the target. It guarantees that you won't miss that shot. The bullets will reach the chest or head of the target.

This technique is very useful for beginners to learn the gun recoil of all weapons in this game. Then, you will know which is the best crosshair level to make more headshots. It's one of the top pro tips to aim better.

Aim For The Upper Body
Aim for the upper body.

#4. Get A High Ground

Getting a high ground gives you a large view and a clear shooting angle to aim and shoot players on the low ground. Besides, you should crouch or lie on the high ground to make it harder for enemies to spot you. But you can still use the TPP view to spot and locate enemies.

Besides, the scope will help you see the target clearly. You can stand on the balcony or mountain top near the edge of the white circle to practice aiming and shooting. Then, fall back to the cover and wait for another target.

#5. Select Suitable Character Skills

There are some Free Fire characters with an accuracy boost that helps you aim better, such as Dasha and Laura. Dasha's Partying On skill helps reduce the gun recoil to maintain high accuracy, even when you use ARs.

Besides, the Sharp Shooter ability of Laura boosts the accuracy of players at any range of fights when using ADS. You can use these characters or equip their abilities to the character you play. It's one of the best tips to aim better.

Use Dashas Skill For Higher Accuracy
Use Dasha's skill for higher accuracy.

>>> Also Read: Top 5 Most Subscribed Free Fire YouTubers In The World In December 2021

<![CDATA[Stop Making These Mistakes To Reach Free Fire Grandmaster In 2021]]> Tue, 30 Nov 2021 04:34:00 +0000
A lot of Free Fire players haven't reached the Grandmaster tier because they are still making these mistakes. Stop making these mistakes now!]]>

A lot of Free Fire players haven't reached the Grandmaster tier because they are still making these mistakes. Stop making these mistakes to reach Free Fire Grandmaster soon.

#1. Use Wrong Weapon Combos

Using the wrong weapon combinations is a common mistake that makes you fail to reach high tiers in Garena Free Fire. Each weapon in your weapon combo has unique stats and features, such as damage, range of fire, rate of fire, etc. So, they will have different uses. Free Fire has different weapon categories for different ranges of fire and gameplay.

Choose The Best Weapon
Have at least one automatic gun.

You need to select the right Free Fire weapon combo for your squad role and gameplay. Here are some tips to select the best weapon combination for pushing rank in the BR mode:

  • Have at least one automatic gun with a high firing rate for backup.
  • Use M1887 is the best choice for fraggers in a squad.
  • Pick up an AWM that is the best SR for sniper players or supporters in a team.
  • Don't use two weapons with low firing rates, such as two snipers.

In addition, you should choose the best guns of each category and try to master them.

Weapon Combo
The wrong gun combo makes you lose more matches.

#2. Play Without Strategy

A lot of Free Fire players are still playing without a clear tactic and strategy. When you want to rush enemies, you need to think twice and have a backup plan to make sure that you won't die soon.

Pro players often plan every move and action during the BR match, including the drop location, routes to the safe zone, the gun combos, and utilities to loot and use, etc. Avoid risky situations to survive and get a top position to get plus rank points.

Plan Every Action
Plan every action and move.

#3. Use Poor Skill Combos

Another common mistake making players fail to reach Grandmaster in Free Fire is using poor skill combos, especially when enemies have a better skill combo. To have a perfect synergy, you need to combine the most important feature for a character in the BR mode, including mobility, accuracy, and healing skills.

DJ Alok is one of the best characters for BR mode. So, you should equip his skill for your character and make him stronger. Don't combine poor skills.

Combine Proper Skills
Combine proper skills based on your role and gameplay.

#4. Not Use The Early Phase

The early phase of the match is very important to loot and get ready for the match. But a lot of players do not utilize this phase to get well-prepared for combat in later phases. It's a stupid mistake that prevents you from ranking up and reaching high tiers.

Don't engage too early or just roam around without looting. If you don't have enough weapons, ammunition, and supplies, you may lose the fight and die soon.

Dont Waste Early Phase Of The Match
Don't waste the early phase of the match.

#5. Play With Random Teammates

The deadlines mistake that makes you get minus points in the ranked match is playing with random teammates. You may team up with toxic players when using random matching. Then, your team cannot cooperate well to win in squad or duo modes. It's better to play solo if you don't have a permanent team.

>>> Also Read: New Free Fire Faded Wheel: Get The Wavebreaker Kaze AWM And The Stormbound Mizu Bundle Now

<![CDATA[Push Rank Faster With These Free Fire Tips For Beginners Without Camping]]> Mon, 29 Nov 2021 06:40:00 +0000
You can push rank faster with these Free Fire tips and tricks for aggressive gameplay for beginners. Check out how to push rank fast without camping.]]>

Most Free Fire beginners prefer the passive gameplay and they often camp behind their cover. But you can stop camping now because you can push rank faster with these Free Fire tips and tricks for aggressive gameplay for beginners. Check out how to push rank fast without camping in this game here.

#1. Pay Attention To The Surrounding Area

You always need to pay attention to the surrounding area to spot enemies first. If you can spot enemies before they see you. Besides, you need to know the location of enemies to avoid exposing yourself to them and becoming an easy target.

In addition, the player who spots enemies first can fire earlier to have more chance to win close combat. Check house corners, behind rocks, trees, and walls to make sure that you are not aimed or camped. Don't run ahead without checking the surroundings.

Pay Attention To The Surrounding Area
Pay attention to the surrounding area.

#2. Keep Looting & Moving

Don't stand still when you are playing actively and aggressively. After landing and looting all useful and decent supplies in your landing spot, you need to move to a new place as quickly as possible. You shouldn't land in a crowded place because you may encounter many real players.

If you stay and camp in one location, you won't have enough supplies, weapons, and ammunition. Moreover, you can be rushed by enemies from surrounding regions. Besides, you should keep moving to enter the next zone gradually before it's too late.

Keep Moving And Looting
Keep moving and looting

#3. Master Gloo Wall For Defense

The most basic and simple use of Gloo Wall in Free Fire is for defending. You need to master this Free Fire utility to stay safe and alive in close combat and panic situations. When you suddenly encounter enemies in an unexpected situation, make a Gloo Wall quickly to have a solid shield for defending.

Loot and keep some Gloo Wall grenades to protect yourself from gunfights. Gloo Wall also has many other uses that can help you survive longer and get a top position in the rank match.

Use Gloo Walls To Defend
Use Gloo Walls to defend and survive.

#4. Occupy A High Place Inside Safe Zone

When the playing zone shrinks, you should have a high place. When you are staying in a high place, you have a larger view over the surrounding area to spot enemies, aim, and snipe them. Besides, if you are in a high and secret location, other players cannot spot you if you are lying on the ground.

But you can still see other players from the perspective of the third person. It's one of the best Free Fire tips and tricks for beginners to play actively. You can also improve your sniping skills.

Occupy A High Place To Snipe And Spot Enemies
Occupy a high place to snipe and spot enemies.

#5. Be Active But Conscious

You should be conscious and active during the match. Don't play too aggressively or you may fall into an ambush and die. Be careful when rushing. If you underestimate enemies and rush unconsciously, you may become an easy target for campers to kill.

Take things carefully and attack if you have the advantage. If you don't have the chance to attack, you should stay extra careful.

>>> Also Read: 4 Weapons That Will Get Buffed In The Free Fire OB31 Update

<![CDATA[Pro Tips & Tricks To Use Free Fire Utilities Wisely In Ranked Mode]]> Sun, 28 Nov 2021 13:44:00 +0000
Don't underestimate utilities in Garena Free Fire. These Free Fire utilities are more efficient than you think. Here's how to use them wisely.]]>

Garena Free Fire utilities are very useful. Sometimes, they can save your life and help you get Booyah. Here are the best pro tips and tricks to use utilities wisely in Garena Free Fire. These tips may help beginners get pro faster.

#1. Escape From House Combat With Smoke

Most beginners prefer camping gameplay. But sometimes, it's very dangerous and life-threatening when you are surrounded and rushed by some opponents. In this case, you can throw some smoke grenades to blind enemies and escape the house. Don't stay inside the house and wait for enemies to rush. Passive gameplay when being rushed can put you in a deadly situation.

Use Smoke To Escape Houses
Use smoke to escape houses when being rushed.

#2. Climb Structures With Gloo Walls

Gloo Wall is a special utility in Garena Free Fire. It works like the shield in other battle royale games. But it's more special because you can stack Gloo Walls to make stairs to climb high structures.

For example, many pro players prefer climbing the second-floor balcony by using Gloo Walls. There are some high towers for scouting on the map but you need to stack some Gloo Walls to climb.

Stack Gloo Walls
Stack Gloo Walls to climb on high structures.

#3. Distract Enemies By Decoy Grenades

If you are surrounded by a full squad when being alone, you can throw some decoy grenades in some corners to make enemies distracted. Then, they don't know where you exactly are.

Besides, enemies can be attracted by these effigies. Then, they will make mistakes. It's a chance for you to escape the fight if you are not really ready for it, or you can find the right moment to take them down.

Make Some Effigies To Distract Enemies
Make some effigies to distract enemies.

#4. Defend With 360-Degree Gloo Walls

The main use of Gloo Wall in Free Fire is defense. Most pro players in this game master the 360° Gloo Wall trick to protect themselves well. If you cannot use this trick, just use a simple shield to hide to you may trap yourself insides. Then, enemies can kill you with some frag grenade before you can escape your trap.

To make a perfect 360° Gloo Wall, you need to arrange them in different layers and leave an exit.

Master 360 Gloo Wall
Master 360° Gloo Wall tricks.

#5. Use Smoke In Close Combat

In close combat, both you and your enemies are easy and big targets to shoot down. So, you need to rely on your aiming and shooting skills. It's harder for beginners to win without tricks and utilities. You can use smoke in these situations to cover your way and fire.

You can hide in the smoke to reduce the enemy's accuracy and make the fight equal for noobs and pro players. Besides, you can also heal and reload bullets while hiding in the smoke.

Use Smoke Granades To Reduce Enemys Accuracy
Use smoke grenades to reduce the enemy's accuracy.

#6. Use Surfboard To Go Downhill Faster

The surfboard is a useful utility for players to move faster, especially when moving downhill. It helps players increase their mobility when traversing the map. It's very efficient when players need to enter the playing zone or escape combat. Although it does not as safe as the car, the surfboard is very silent. So, it won't reveal your position on the battleground.

Don't underestimate utilities in Garena Free Fire. These Free Fire utilities are more efficient than you think.

>>> Also Read: Free Fire Asia Championship 2021 Grand Finals: HQ Esports Becomes Champion, Team Elite Finishes 8th

<![CDATA[Follow These Tips To Improve Your Personal Skill In Free Fire]]> Tue, 23 Nov 2021 03:49:00 +0000
It doesn't matter if you only play Squad mode in Free Fire, you still need to constantly horn your personal skill to achieve victory.]]>

Personal skill in Free Fire is extremely important whether you are playing Solo or Squad. If you cannot hold yourself up in Squad, you will become a deadweight for your teammates and make the game more difficult. The good news is anyone can improve their skill in Free Fire, as long as they are willing to put their effort in. In this article, we will show you several tips you can apply to improve your personal skill in Free Fire.

Play aggressively

Playing aggressively will make your win rate in Free Fire suffers. However, that is the most effective way to improve your personal skill. At the start, you will die a lot. But then gradually, you will learn to survive and what to do. Your reflex will also improve a lot by doing this.

Being a rusher will earn you a lot of in-game experience.

Watch your own replay

The replay feature in the OB30 update is the best feature for you to learn from your mistake and improve your personal skill in Free Fire. It is hard to spot your own mistake while playing the game or understand why you got killed. By watching your own replay, you have the time to analyze the overall situation and your actions.

Replay Free Fire
Use the replay feature in Free Fire to look back at your past mistakes.

Remember to use what you learned

Being able to learn something new is great, but you have to put it to use in order to truly benefit from it. You will often forget to use what you learned and commit the same mistake. Remember that you only truly learn a skill if you can use it without even thinking. You have to practice new skills to the point you can perform them automatically.

You will be successful if you can perform your skills without having to think.

>>> Read more: Top 5 Worst Free Fire Characters For Ranked Mode

<![CDATA[3 Drop Tactics In Free Fire To Loot Fast And Get Kills Easily]]> Fri, 19 Nov 2021 10:22:00 +0000
Check out these tips so you can have a great early game in Free Fire every match.]]>

Being able to land first in Free Fire will give you a massive advantage over other players in Free Fire. If you can find a weapon before the opponent, you will be able to kill them easily and they can't do anything about it. Check out the drop tactics in Free Fire below to make sure you have an early game.

1. Use Falco pet

At the max level, the advantage of Falco pet can increase your diving speed by 50% and it will give you a huge boost over all other players. You will almost be guaranteed to land before all other players in the area to get loot early and hunter people who land late. Sometimes, you can even kill players who are still parachuting.

Falco Pet
Falco Pet in Free Fire will help you land faster than other players.

2. Drop into the Blue Zone

The Blue Zone in Free Fire is a zone with a lot of high-tier loot so a lot of players love landing here. It is a risk-high rewards area so if you fail to land early, you will be in great danger. While you are diving in the air, make sure you look out for other players so you can change your plan in time when things go south.

3. Spot enemies and ambush them

While the enemy while looting, they will let their guard down and this is your chance to take them down. You should land at the edge of the location and look for other players in the middle. This way, you can be sure that there will be no one who will ambush you from behind.

Sks Free Fire
You should move in from the edge of your landing location inside to ambush other players.

>>> Read more: Top 5 Ways To Deal With Campers In Free Fire
