Minecraft Legends - GuruGamer.com https://gurugamer.com Website for Indian gamers with latest gaming and technology news. Find release dates, trailers, and scores for all upcoming and recent video games in the world Mon, 16 Oct 2023 10:53:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://static.gurugamer.com/images/logo.jpg Minecraft Legends - GuruGamer.com https://gurugamer.com <![CDATA[Minecraft Legends: All Bosses You Should Know]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/minecraft-legends-all-bosses-22690 Wed, 02 Aug 2023 08:44:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/minecraft-legends-all-bosses-22690
In this article, we'll reveal the secrets of each formidable boss, their unique abilities, and how to conquer them.]]>

Table of Contents

  • 1. Minecraft Legends: The Beast
  • 2. Minecraft Legends: The Devourer
  • 3. Minecraft Legends: The Unbreakable
  • 4. Minecraft Legends: The Great Hog

Welcome to our concise guide to Minecraft Legends: All Bosses. In this article, we'll reveal the secrets of each formidable boss, their unique abilities, and how to conquer them. Whether you're a seasoned player or a curious newcomer, get ready to become a true Minecraft legend as we explore these thrilling encounters together!

1. Minecraft Legends: The Beast

The Beast reigns as the powerful Piglin leader of the Horde of the Hunt. As one of the secondary antagonists and formidable boss units, The Beast stands as a challenging adversary in this epic tale. Prepare yourself to face the might of The Beast as you embark on an unforgettable journey through this thrilling world of Minecraft Legends.

Minecraft Legends The Beast
The Beast stands as a challenging adversary in this epic tale.


Once all the Horde of the Hunt's bases are destroyed, The Beast appears in village attacks, retaining its HP from each encounter. It retreats if the village fountain is destroyed or when the night ends.


Once defeated, The Beast will always drop the following:

  • 100 Gold
  • 1 Piglin key


At night, The Beast sets its sights on attacking villages. Should the timer run out without defeating it, The Beast vanishes only to resurface in another village the following night. Interestingly, The Beast can be stunned if confronted by grindstone golems, adding a unique tactical aspect to the encounter. Prepare for a thrilling battle as you strive to protect the villages and face The Beast's relentless onslaught.



  • The Beast charges in a pointed direction, demolishing unprotected buildings in its path. This powerful attack exhausts and immobilizes The Beast briefly after its rampage.


  • With a thunderous roar, The Beast swings its mighty club, causing unprotected buildings to crumble instantly. In addition, this devastating attack deals approximately 17% damage to a Fountain, making it a force to be reckoned with in any village encounter. Prepare your defenses and brace for The Beast's destructive onslaught.

Double Swing

  • In a menacing display, The Beast rises up, clutching its club, and proceeds to deliver two powerful swings that lay waste to any unprotected buildings in its path. This destructive onslaught leaves villages vulnerable and underscores the fearsome might of The Beast. Brace yourself for a fierce confrontation as you face this formidable foe.


  • With a deafening roar, The Beast pounds its club onto the ground, unleashing a triple onslaught of powerful strikes. The ground trembles with each impact, revealing the raw strength and ferocity of The Beast. Prepare for a relentless barrage of attacks as you confront this formidable and fearsome opponent.


  • Sensing the tide of battle turning, The Beast strategically retreats just beyond the village's borders, where it summons reinforcements in the form of more Piglins. This cunning tactic adds to the challenge, as you must now face not only The Beast but also its newly spawned allies. Prepare for a fierce and relentless struggle as you contend with this calculated strategy.


Achievement In-game description Actual requirements (if different) Gamerscore earned Trophy type (PS)
Became the Hunted Defeat The Beast. - 40G Silver
No Time for Swine Defeat 1,000 Piglins in a single world. - 40G Silver


  • Equipped with the Bone Cudgel from Minecraft Dungeons, The Beast wields this formidable weapon with awe-inspiring prowess. While its appearance may feature subtle distinctions, the Bone Cudgel's devastating power remains unchanged, making The Beast an even more formidable and fearsome opponent in Minecraft Legends. Prepare for an epic battle as you face off against this menacing adversary and its mighty weapon.
  • The Beast's legs are joined to the hoglin's tusks, creating a distinctive and formidable appearance.
  • The Beast exerts control over the hoglin by utilizing its legs to tug on the hoglin's tusks, directing it in the desired direction.
  • Although the battle ensues during the night, the Hoglin's eyes remain an unchanging white instead of the expected red color.

2. Minecraft Legends: The Devourer

Holding the second slot in our Minecraft bosses list is The Devourer, the commanding Piglin leader of the Horde of the Spore. As one of the secondary antagonists and a formidable Minecraft Legends boss, The Devourer stands as a challenging adversary in this epic tale. Remember to prepare yourself for an unforgettable encounter with The Devourer whenever you embark on a thrilling journey.

Minecraft Legends The Devourer
Holding the second slot in our Minecraft bosses list is The Devourer.


After successfully demolishing all the Horde of the Spore's bases, a final base emerges, housing The Devourer within its walls. The Devourer makes its presence known on a platform located around one-third of the distance to the portal. At approximately 70% and 30% of its HP, The Devourer deploys its Rocket Pustle ability to retreat to a platform situated about two-thirds of the way up and finally at the portal, respectively. Prepare for a thrilling showdown as you chase down The Devourer and face its relentless attacks in this climactic encounter.


  • Once The Devourer is vanquished, it will consistently drop the following rewards as a testament to your triumph:
  • 100 Gold
  • 1 Piglin key


The Devourer attacks allied mobs within range and idles when not under attack. During its spitting attack, its tusks transform into cheeks and its mouth widens. At 70% and 30% health, it uses a Rocket Pustle to move to another platform in the base.


When assailed by grindstone golems, The Devourer becomes stunned, raising its gaze to the sky and emitting a groaning sound. This momentary pause in its aggression provides an opportunity for strategic counterattacks. Stay vigilant and make the most of this opening to gain the upper hand in your battle against The Devourer.


Melee Smash

  • The Devourer lifts its arms and slams them down, causing damage to nearby foes.


  • The Devourer pauses briefly, and then spits a goo glob at its target, with a range similar to a Redstone launcher.


  • The Devourer pauses briefly, groaning and looking to the sky, then deals with a devastating attack that instantly kills nearby mobs.

Pustule Spew

  • The Devourer crouches to charge up its attack, and then the cyst on its back spews green liquid in a circle, damaging nearby targets.

Rocket Pustle

  • When The Devourer reaches 70% and 40% HP, it beats its chest, sits down, and causes the cysts on its back to explode, propelling it deeper into the base.


  • The Devourer regurgitates three times in quick succession, inflicting damage upon any nearby targets positioned in front of it. Beware of this rapid and noxious attack as you engage The Devourer in close combat.


Achievement In-game description Actual requirements (if different) Gamerscore earned Trophy type (PS)
More Than It Could Chew Defeat The Devourer. - 40G Silver
No Time for Swine Defeat 1,000 Piglins in a single world. - 40G Silver


Internally, in the game files, The Devourer is known as "RotterBoss."

3. Minecraft Legends: The Unbreakable

The Unbreakable commands the Horde of the Bastion and serves as a secondary antagonist and formidable boss unit. Steel yourself for an epic encounter with The Unbreakable as you explore the thrilling world of Minecraft.

Minecraft Legends The Unbreakable
The Unbreakable commands the Horde of the Bastion and serves as a secondary antagonist and formidable boss unit.


Once all the bases of the Horde of the Bastion have been successfully destroyed, a final base emerges. Enclosed within a ring of fortified walls surrounded by lava, this formidable stronghold stands in preparation for the ultimate battle. A bridge leads to the portal area, where The Unbreakable awaits its challengers. Prepare for an epic showdown as you face The Unbreakable within this perilous and treacherous fortress.


  • Upon defeating The Unbreakable, it consistently drops the following rewards as a testament to your victory:
  • 100 Gold
  • 1 Piglin key


The Unbreakable will idle in its Piglin base until provoked by allied mobs or the player.



The Unbreakable stands still before unleashing a torrent of flames from its gauntlet, inflicting heavy damage to nearby allies. The intensity of the flames can even one-shot a player at full health if they remain stationary and take continuous damage from the start until near the end of the attack. Exercise caution and quick reflexes as you confront The Unbreakable and its formidable fiery assault.

Magma Geyser

  • The Unbreakable stabs its golden gauntlet into the ground, spewing lava from its back furnace generator, creating erupting lava geysers.

Direct Shot

  • The Unbreakable hurls a magma block at its enemies with deadly precision. Prepare to evade this fiery projectile as you confront The Unbreakable in battle.

Cube Rain

  • Aiming its gauntlet skyward, The Unbreakable fires a barrage of large magma cubes. Brace for impact as you face this fiery onslaught in the midst of your battle against The Unbreakable. Stay nimble and strategize wisely to counter this formidable attack.

Melee Swipe

  • Elevating its left arm, The Unbreakable performs a powerful swipe at nearby enemies, capable of knocking them back. Beware of this forceful attack as you engage The Unbreakable in close combat, and be prepared to adapt to its relentless assault.


Achievement In-game description Actual requirements (if different) Gamerscore earned Trophy type (PS)
Broken Defeat The Unbreakable. - 40G Silver
No Time for Swine Defeat 1,000 Piglins in a single world. - 40G Silver


The Unbreakable appears in the second Lost Legend, "The Breakout," within the world of Minecraft Legends.

4. Minecraft Legends: The Great Hog

The Great Hog plays the role of Piglin leader and Minecraft Legends final boss, serving as both the central antagonist and ultimate boss.

Minecraft Legends Great Hog
The Great Hog is the final boss in our list of Minecraft Legends: All Bosses


Following the triumphant defeat of The Devourer, The Unbreakable, and The Beast, The Great Hog materializes at the Well of Fate. This pivotal moment unfolds within a sprawling base amalgamating elements from all three hordes. Positioned adjacent to the Well, The Great Hog stands encircled by a protective wall adorned with gates.


In the game, The Great Hog will idle around in the Well of Fate until being attacked by allied mobs.


Spear Throw

  • The Great Hog exhibits its formidable prowess by hurling three spears at its enemies, each possessing a range akin to a Redstone Launcher.

Ring of Fire

  • Unleashing its power, The Great Hog drives the tips of its spear and staff into the ground, giving birth to a blazing ring of fire encircling itself. Any unfortunate enemies that come into contact with this fiery barrier are instantly set ablaze.

Spinning Charge

  • With a burst of energy, The Great Hog charges forward in a straight line, spinning rapidly as its staff emits a mesmerizing purple light. This formidable move is unleashed not just once, but three consecutive times, leaving its opponents in awe and anticipation of its relentless assault.

Spear Swipe

  • Elevating its staff into the air, The Great Hog performs a sweeping motion, inflicting damage and sending nearby enemies flying backward due to the force of its attack. Beware of this formidable strike that can disrupt and overwhelm those who dare to stand in its way.

Staff Smash

  • With a mighty smash of its staff into the ground, The Great Hog sends shockwaves rippling through the vicinity, knocking back any nearby enemies. This powerful move is sure to create chaos and disarray among those who stand in The Great Hog's path.

Energy Staff Smash

  • The Great Hog wields its staff to smash the ground, conjuring purple lightning textures around nearby blocks for two seconds. This electrifying display stuns and damages enemies within its reach.


Achievement In-game description Actual requirements (if different) Gamerscore earned Trophy type (PS)
Defender of the Overworld Defeat The Great Hog. - 60G Gold
Legendary Hero Defeat the campaign on Legendary. - 100G Gold
No Time for Swine Defeat 1,000 Piglins in a single world. - 40G Silver

>>> Also read: List Of All Minecraft Legends Biomes

<![CDATA[How To Unlock Every Golem In Minecraft Legends]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-unlock-every-golem-in-minecraft-legends-22118 Mon, 01 May 2023 15:34:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-unlock-every-golem-in-minecraft-legends-22118
With a solid understanding of Minecraft Legends' combat mechanics and the right blend of Golems, you’ll be unstoppable.]]>

A great aspect of Minecraft Legends combat is the diverse selection of Golems that can fight alongside you. These pixelated creatures can be summoned during gameplay and there are several types, each with their own unique advantages and disadvantages. It is essential to understand how to utilize them efficiently during battles. A comprehensive guide is provided here, which includes instructions on unlocking all the Golems in Minecraft Legends and tips on their effective usage in combat.

While the focus of this article is on PVE gameplay, it should be noted that all the Golems mentioned can also be used in PVP matches.

1. How to Summon Regular Golems

The initial four Golems discussed in this list are standard Golems that become available as you advance through the campaign. To summon them, you must construct a spawner for each Golem variant. It is necessary to strategize the number of Golems of each type to summon, as there is a limit to how many can be summoned.

Minecraft Golems Mossy
Summon Regular Golems

If your Golems are defeated during battle, you can quickly retrieve them by using the spawners.

Cobblestone Golem

Cost 1 Wood, 1 Lapis, and 1 Flame of Creation

Golems Cobblestone Main
Cobblestone Golem

Cobblestone Golems are among the initial types of Golems that become available in the game and can be unlocked during the tutorial level. These Golems are both durable and cost-effective, and their primary abilities involve demolishing structures, enduring attacks, and pushing back adversaries. They function particularly well when paired with Plank and Mossy Golems.

It is recommended to bring 5 or 6 Cobblestone Golems with you during battles initially, as they can effectively eliminate large groups of enemies and take down structures. As you expand your army, it is suggested to allocate approximately one-quarter of your troop allowance to Cobblestone Golems as they are an excellent foundational unit and can be utilized in various scenarios.

Grindstone Golem

Cost 1 Iron, 1 Lapis, and 1 Flame of Creation

Golems Grindstone Main
Grindstone Golem

Grindstone Golems become available relatively early in the game's storyline. Once you acquire the Gather Iron ability, you can construct Grindstone Golem spawners and deploy them in combat.

The most notable feature of Grindstone Golems is their stunning ability. This potent blast can disable and immobilize adversaries for a significant duration, offering an excellent opportunity to gain an advantage in combat and eliminate troublesome ranged mobs.

It is advisable to include 4 or 5 Grindstone Golems in your army initially and then expand this number as you acquire the ability to have more troops.

Mossy Golem

Cost 1 Iron, 1 Lapis, and 1 Flame of Creation

Mossy Golems are exceptional healers and are a valuable asset to have on your team. You can construct Mossy Golem spawners after unlocking the Gather Iron ability, just like with the Grindstone Golems.

Golems Mossy Main
Mossy Golem

Even though it would be tempting to ignore these golems because they are weak and do not deal damage, it is essential to have at least one or two of them in your army. By keeping your mobs healthy, they can save a large amount of time and money.

Plank Golem

Cost 1 Wood, 1 Lapis, and 1 Flame of Creation

At the beginning of the game, along with the Cobblestone Golems, you also receive Plank Golems.

Golems Plank Main
Plank Golem

Despite being little, these golems are incredibly mobile and excellent at dealing close-range damage. They are not the most durable creatures, though, and their inability to do melee damage renders them vulnerable in battle if they are misplaced.

To take full advantage of their abilities, I recommend bringing a significant number of these Golems with you into combat. Position them behind your front-line mobs and move them as a unit. One Plank Golem may not be very effective, but a group of them can be a force to be reckoned with.

2. How to Summon the First Golems

Compared to the regular Golems discussed earlier, acquiring and incorporating the First Golems in your army requires more effort. These steps are applicable for the campaign mode, but they can also be spawned in PVP matches.

To begin, you must first locate the Firsts in the overworld. A fast mount such as the Regal Tiger is recommended for this task. Although the exact locations of the Firsts are random, they are generally found in specific biomes. Once you've located a dormant First, you'll acquire the ability to craft the "Wake the Firsts" upgrade.

To create the upgrade, you'll need to return to the Well of Fate and spend 100 Stone and 100 Prismarine. After you've crafted the upgrade, you'll need to locate the Firsts again in the overworld. Summoning them will cost you another key resource and 100 Gold.

Once you've paid the fee, you'll be able to command your First Golems in battle. They do not occupy any army slots, and if you lose sight of them, you can easily find them at a nearby safe Village or beacon.

The First of Brick

  • Found in the Badlands biome
  • Cost 100 Gold and 125 Iron

When it comes to supportive gameplay, the First of Brick is the most suitable First Golem. It may not be the most powerful or aggressive, but it has the ability to protect your troops.

The First of Brick

It is recommended to place the First of Brick near the front of your army when attacking a Piglin base. While the shield is not permanent, it can withstand the initial attacks and give you enough time to plan your strategy.

The First of Diorite

  • Found in The Jagged Peaks biome
  • Cost 100 Gold and 125 Coal
2 Which Golems Should You Unlock First 1024x576
The First of Diorite

The First of Diorite is an exceptional Golem in the game with a distinct ability. It doesn't have a particular attack, but instead, it generates other random Golems to fight along with it in combat. This could be very beneficial in challenging battles where you're losing mobs quickly, and you're not able to reach your spawners.

To prevent losing it quickly, it's recommended to position the First of Diorite behind your other mobs or on the fringes of the battle. This is because it's not the most robust of Golems.

The First of Oak

  • Found in The Badlands biome
  • Cost 100 Gold and 500 Wood
The First of Oak
The First of Oak

The First of Oak is an upgraded variant of the Plank Golems that possesses an exceptionally potent ranged attack. It is the perfect pick to battle with other ranged creatures like Skeletons because of its cannon's ability to deal massive damage to adversaries.

However, it is susceptible to assaults and is quickly defeated if positioned recklessly, just like other ranged mobs. It's advisable to keep it at the rear of the squad and let the melee mobs handle the brunt of the damage.

The First of Stone

  • Found in The Meadow biome
  • Cost 100 Gold and 500 Stone
Minecraft Legends Windows 2023 04 18 23 56 17
The First of Stone

The First of Stone is perhaps the most powerful of all the First Golems in terms of its brute force. This Golem can hurl huge rocks at its enemies, causing significant damage. Additionally, it can be useful when attacking bases, much like the Cobblestone Golems.

Given its ability to withstand attacks, the First of Stone can be placed at the forefront of your army, where it can handle opponents with ease. Compared to the other First Golems, it is a fairly sturdy mob.

>>> Read more: 8 Best Minecraft Enchantments For Helmet In 1.20

<![CDATA[List Of All Minecraft Legends Biomes]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/list-of-all-minecraft-legends-biomes-22075 Wed, 19 Apr 2023 07:55:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/list-of-all-minecraft-legends-biomes-22075
Knowing your environment is crucial for victory on the battlefield, and with the following list of Minecraft Legends biomes, you can dominate in PvP combat.]]>

Are you in search of all the biomes in Minecraft Legends? Starting a new game in this blocky, real-time strategy-like game can be confusing initially, as the maps are randomly generated. Therefore, it's crucial to have a clear idea of your location and where to find valuable resources. Assembling a powerful army to confront the Piglins is a daunting task, but we have gathered all the information on Minecraft Legends biomes in a single location to help you locate the necessary materials while exploring the terrain. Use every Minecraft Legends biome to collect resources, expand your empire, and defeat your adversaries in this strategic game.

Minecraft Legends Piglin Base
Minecraft Legends' overworld is very colorful.

List Of All Minecraft Legends Biomes

As you explore the Minecraft Legends map, you will come across nine distinct biomes. Each biome has a unique appearance and offers opportunities to gather precious resources. Additionally, some of the biomes contain Minecraft Legends mounts that you can ride if you wish to vary your transportation method from your dependable steed.

Here are all the biomes in Minecraft Legends:

  • Meadow
  • Fatelands
  • Badlands
  • Forest
  • Swamp
  • Jungle
  • Tundra
  • Dry Savana
  • Jagged Peaks
Minecraft Legends Biomes Netherrock
List Of All Minecraft Legends Biomes


The meadow biome in Minecraft Legends is mostly flat and filled with various types of plant life, winding rivers, and can be a valuable source of Wood and Stone.


The Fatelands in Minecraft Legends are similar to meadow areas, with lush green fields and wildflowers. However, they are unique due to the hundreds of anomalous rock formations that make them an excellent spot for gathering Stone.


The Badlands biome in Minecraft Legends is a desert plateau that features sticky tar pits and deep valleys with rare plant life. The high elevations of the Badlands offer excellent vantage points to survey the surrounding areas.


The forest biome in Minecraft Legends is more densely wooded than the meadow and is home to tall, sturdy trees, babbling brooks, and mud puddles. This biome is a great spot to gather Wood.


The swamp biome in Minecraft Legends is densely populated with mangroves and mushroom trees. The red mushrooms that are found in this biome can be used to increase your jump, which is useful for exploring and discovering precious Redstone.


The jungle biome in Minecraft Legends is a hostile environment, with tall trees covered in green vines and an abundance of Redstone. Be cautious while exploring this biome, as some of the plant life can be harmful if you get too close.


The tundra biome in Minecraft Legends is a fairly barren environment with few trees, rocks, and a vast supply of Diamond if you are willing to search for it.

Dry Savana

The Dry Savana biome in Minecraft Legends is a somewhat desolate area with dry grass, some watering holes, stone outcrops, and unusual coral plants.

Jagged Peaks

The Jagged Peaks biome in Minecraft Legends has huge peaks and deep valleys that provide fantastic vantage points to view your surroundings and a plentiful supply of Diamond. The area also offers excellent cover for strategic attacks.

Minecraft Legends system requirements

Curious about the system requirements for Minecraft Legends? While the spinoff game is a bit more demanding than the original, it won't necessarily put your gaming PC through its paces. In fact, even a ten-year-old Nvidia GPU will be sufficient to take on Piglins, so you likely won't have to worry about your computer imploding like a Creeper.

To meet the minimum specs for Minecraft Legends, your GPU should be comparable to either the Nvidia GTX 780 or AMD Radeon 285. You may also be able to use an integrated GPU such as the Intel HD 520. The inclusion of this option emphasizes that you don't necessarily need a top-of-the-line graphics card to play Minecraft Legends, though you may need to adjust your settings accordingly.

Minecraft Legends system requirements

If you're looking to maintain high fps while also keeping graphic quality intact, it's recommended that you meet the recommended specs for Minecraft Legends. This will require upgrading your GPU to something like the Nvidia GTX 1060 or AMD FX-4100, but it's likely that this will be the only change you'll need to make. Both the minimum and recommended requirements call for 8GB of RAM and an i5 CPU or its equivalent, which means that even older gaming laptops might be able to handle the game's various biomes.

In terms of storage space, you'll need to make sure that you have 24GB of free space to meet the size requirements for Minecraft Legends. This might not be a big deal for those with the best SSDs for gaming, which typically have more than enough storage space. However, it might come as a surprise to fans of the original Minecraft, which only takes up 300MB of space.

>>> Read more: How To Craft All Bamboo Blocks In Minecraft 1.20

<![CDATA[Beginner’s Guide For Minecraft Legends 2023: Tips, Tricks, And Strategies]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/beginners-guide-for-minecraft-legends-2023-tips-tricks-and-strategies-22066 Tue, 18 Apr 2023 07:31:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/beginners-guide-for-minecraft-legends-2023-tips-tricks-and-strategies-22066
Do you need guidance as a beginner in Minecraft Legends? We offer a complete beginner's guide with tips and tricks to help you get started.]]>

After a lengthy period of anticipation, Minecraft Legends has finally arrived, expanding the Minecraft world by combining real-time strategy and open-world adventure. As a courageous hero, you will guide a powerful army of minions on a mission to defeat the evil Piglins. With a diverse array of unit types and breathtaking landscapes, this game will keep you alert, especially at night when hostile enemies emerge from the darkness.

Minecraft Legends Multiplayer
The game is best played with friends.

This guide will highlight the crucial importance of strategic planning and assist you in maximizing the unique abilities of your units. You will learn how to utilize mounts to gain a tactical edge on the battlefield, as well as explore various techniques for managing resources and constructing bases. Additionally, you will gain proficiency in advanced tactics like flanking, multi-pronged attacks, and effective team coordination to secure victory. Let's get started!

General Tips

Minecraft Legends
Legends reveals a bit of Minecraft Lore

Exploit biome-specific resources

To gather resources effectively, it's crucial to understand the types of ores and materials available on the map. The following tips can help you make the most of each biome:

  • Redstone: If you need Redstone for crafting devices and contraptions, search for it in jungles and swamps. Look for exposed veins on the surface or in caves at the edges of these biomes to locate Redstone more easily.
  • Iron: Forest biomes are rich in iron, which is necessary for crafting tools, weapons, and armor. To find iron, explore caves or exposed cliff faces within the forest biome.
  • Coal: Coal, a crucial resource for crafting torches and smelting, is abundant in badlands and meadow biomes. Surface deposits of coal can be found, or you can dig shallow tunnels to uncover coal veins.
  • Diamonds: Precious diamonds, used to craft powerful weapons, armor, and summoning skeletons, are primarily found in tundra biomes. They're usually located deep underground, so be prepared to mine extensively in tundra biomes.

Why should you use Mount units?

When choosing a mount in Minecraft Legends, it's crucial to consider how their abilities will complement your gameplay strategy. Consider the terrain and obstacles you may face during a match and select a mount that can help you navigate those challenges more effectively.

  • Stamina Management: To avoid being stranded mid-air, keep track of your mount's stamina. Plan your route to land periodically, allowing your mount to recover stamina.
  • High Ground Advantage: Use your mount's hovering ability to explore elevated areas effortlessly, providing you access to resources that may be challenging to reach on foot.
  • Quick Escapes: In case you encounter dangerous mobs or players, use your mount's speed and hovering abilities to make a quick escape and avoid unnecessary confrontations.
  • Mounts for Exploration: Having a hovering mount can significantly enhance your exploration experience. Hovering across the world allows you to move faster and cover more ground, making it easier to locate the ores and resources you need.

Pick the right Mount

Minecraft Legends Golems 1680729633928
The right mount makes the game much easier.

While powerful mount abilities can be advantageous, it's important to consider that these abilities mainly impact you, the player, and not your army. When devising your strategy, consider how your chosen mount's abilities can be used in conjunction with your army's strengths to create a well-rounded approach.

  • The horse mount, which is available at the start of the game, lacks any special abilities, but it remains a reliable and swift means of transportation. Despite not offering any additional advantages, it can still be a suitable choice for players who prioritize their army and strategy.
  • The visually impressive Regal Tiger, a purple saber-toothed tiger, offers potential benefits, such as a health boost.
  • The Tropical Bird's unique gliding ability can be particularly useful for navigating the map and accessing hard-to-reach areas. Although this ability may not directly benefit your army, it can help you scout the terrain, spot enemy movements, and plan your strategies more effectively.

Unlock hidden abilities and recipes

Here are some tips to help you discover and master the various upgrades, abilities, and recipes in Minecraft Legends:

  • Rewards for Exploration: During your exploration, look out for hidden chests, dungeons, or temples. These locations may contain valuable items, recipes, or even new abilities that can give you an edge in your gameplay.
  • Trading with NPCs: Trading resources with NPCs in villages or settlements can grant you access to unique recipes or abilities. By building good relationships with these characters, you may also uncover new opportunities for upgrades and bonuses.
  • Experimentation: Combine different items or resources in your crafting table to discover new recipes. Trying out various combinations may lead to powerful upgrades or unique items, allowing you to further enhance your gameplay.

Multiplayer PVP tips

Minecraft Legends Mobs Skeleton
Being a RTS, Multiplayer PVP is the core experience of Minecraft Legends

Roles adaptability

While each team member is assigned a specific role at the start of the match, it's important to encourage adaptability and flexibility. Being comfortable with switching roles during gameplay can make your team more dynamic and better equipped to respond to unexpected challenges.

Dynamic Strategy Development

As the game progresses, it's crucial to continuously evaluate and adjust your strategy. Utilize newly acquired resources, upgrades, and discoveries to pivot and take advantage of evolving opportunities. Effective communication and collaboration among team members are key to making these adjustments successfully.

Get to know the Terrain and Map

To improve your gameplay, learn about different terrain types and how they impact your gameplay tactics. Plan your strategies based on the map's geography, including gathering resources, troop movements, and attacks. Knowing where mounts and valuable resources spawn can help you work more efficiently.

Effective Resource Management

To optimize your team's performance, distribute resources among your teammates strategically. Allocate resources to support both offensive and defensive roles, ensuring that the entire team is equipped to handle any situation.

Try out different defensive tactics

Test out different defensive designs and layouts to create a tougher base to penetrate. Consider choke points, decoy walls, and traps to delay and mislead enemy mobs. Build elevated platforms and towers to provide your defenders with better visibility.

Use mounts strategically

Select mounts that align with your strategy and role. Swap mounts as needed to optimize their effectiveness in different circumstances. For instance, use the Regal Tiger for quick hit-and-run maneuvers or the Parrot for scouting out resources and aerial reconnaissance.

Coordinate Attacks

Work with your team to coordinate and synchronize attacks from multiple fronts, which can be more effective in breaking down the enemy's defenses. Divide your mobs into smaller groups and assign them to attack different areas of the enemy base simultaneously to create chaos and disorder.

Exploit Environmental Hazards

Take advantage of natural hazards like red thorns to impede your enemies. Use them tactically to create obstacles and make your opponents take longer routes.

Timing and Coordination

Coordinate the movements and attacks of your team for maximum impact. For instance, launch attacks at night when Piglins are stronger or synchronize your offensive strikes with your teammates' defensive rotations to optimize your chances of success.

Effective Healing Strategy

Be aware of your health status and healing options. Take advantage of the Carpenter Hub for faster healing when defending and retreat strategically to recover health when on the offensive. This approach will keep you prepared for action at all times.

Proactive Communication

Be proactive in communicating with your team by keeping them updated on your actions, resource requirements, and the enemy's movements. Use pings to draw attention to critical locations or request assistance from your teammates.

Targeted Offensive Priorities

During an offensive, focus on attacking key structures such as the Carpenter Hub and Improvement Hubs, to weaken their defenses and block their access to vital resources. By doing so, it will be easier to take down their Well of Fates and emerge victorious.

Adapting to the Enemy's Tactics

Keep a close eye on the tactics employed by your opponents and be ready to adapt your strategy accordingly. Take advantage of their weaknesses and neutralize their strengths.

Deny Resources

Take control of or destroy the resource-generating structures of your opponents to prevent them from acquiring vital resources. This will impede their progress and make them vulnerable.

Efficient Piglin Management

Concentrate on seizing and improving Piglin structures to gain valuable resources and strong mob companions. Utilize your understanding of the terrain to strategize your Piglin conquests and outmaneuver your rivals.

Collaborative Teamwork

Foster a strong sense of unity and collaboration among team members. Share resources, provide assistance to one another during attacks and defense, and synchronize your actions to achieve the greatest possible outcome. A well-synchronized team will be much more effective than a collection of individuals.

>>> Read more: List Of All Wood Blocks In Minecraft 1.20, Ranked

<![CDATA[Everything To Know About Minecraft Legends: Release Date, Gameplay, And More!]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/everything-to-know-about-minecraft-legends-22001 Tue, 18 Apr 2023 01:31:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/everything-to-know-about-minecraft-legends-22001
Find out more about Minecraft Legends gameplay details ahead of its release on Xbox, PlayStation, Switch, and PC this April.]]>

Table of Contents

  • Minecraft Legends release date and available platforms
  • Minecraft Legends gameplay
  • Minecraft Legends story
  • Is Minecraft Legends Multiplayer?
  • Does Minecraft Legends have crossplay support?
  • Minecraft Legends development

Minecraft Legends, a new game for the upcoming Xbox Series X, is set to be launched in 2023. Mojang Studios and Blackbird Interactive have collaborated to create an exciting action-strategy spin-off that takes place in the vast Minecraft universe. The game will have a colorful visual style and a unique take on the familiar Minecraft mechanics.

In contrast to surviving in the Overworld, you will need to collaborate with the mobs to combat a Piglin army invasion. The game is expected to be user-friendly for casual strategy fans while offering a surprising level of complexity for hardcore gamers. With the release of Xbox Game Pass, gamers can try out Minecraft Legends soon. Check out more information about Minecraft Legends below.

Minecraft Legends release date and available platforms

Minecraft Legends is scheduled to be released on April 18, 2023. The launch date was announced in January during an Xbox Developer Direct event, which also showcased Redfall, Elder Scrolls Online, and Forza Motorsport. Mojang, along with other Xbox Game Studios members, participated in this event, and it was then that Microsoft Gaming unveiled the game's PvP mode for the first time.

Minecraft Legends

Although Microsoft owns Mojang, having acquired the developer and the Minecraft IP in 2014, the company remains committed to ensuring release parity for this universe. That means that Minecraft Legends will be launching on practically every platform there is: Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch, PS4, and PS5 on April 18. Minecraft Legends will also be a part of the full Xbox Game Pass list from day one, meaning it'll be available to Xbox and PC Game Pass users as part of the subscription.

Minecraft Legends gameplay

Minecraft has earned a reputation for being very user-friendly, enabling people of all ages to dive in and start building. This is also true for Minecraft Dungeons, a cooperative dungeon-crawler that is effortless to start exploring with friends. Based on the video previews, Minecraft Legends gameplay appears to follow a similar trend. The game has a low entry barrier, making it simple to grasp but also has a profound depth for those seeking a challenge.

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Minecraft Legends gameplay

In Minecraft Legends, players can expect to gather resources to construct more robust defenses against the Nether's invading armies. The game will feature exploration across various biomes, enabling players to collect unique and rare resources. It will also include large-scale combat, allowing players to direct their allies in pushing back the enemy forces.

Minecraft Legends story

The Minecraft Legends plotline revolves around the objective of "Uniting The Overworld." The events are not based on fact or fiction but rather on a legend that has been passed down through generations. According to the legend, a great hero united the Overworld to combat an invasion by the Piglin army. Players will collaborate with various mobs, such as Creepers and Zombies, to repel the Piglins back into the Nether. Minecraft Legends includes a complete story campaign and offers opportunities for cooperative and competitive multiplayer modes with friends.

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Minecraft Legends structures

Is Minecraft Legends Multiplayer?

Minecraft Legends will launch with a distinct PvP mode, separate from its campaign. With support for up to eight players (split into two teams), your objective is to capture and destroy your enemy's base while establishing defenses of your own. There's also a third team to worry about, with an AI-controlled Piglin faction present on each of the procedurally generated maps to create a little chaos for both sides.

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Minecraft Legends Multiplayer

What's interesting here is that Mojang has still kept the collaborative spirit of Minecraft alive and well in this Minecraft Legends multiplayer mode. Each side's army and resources are shared among the members of a team, something which should allow players to specialize – resource gathering, building, fighting, and so on – without having to worry about the bigger picture in minute detail. Blackbird and Mojang have designed the multiplayer to be in-depth and fast-paced, with games said to last between 20 and 30 minutes.

There's also a more traditional online co-op mode in Minecraft Legends, which will allow up to four friends to join together in drop-in, and drop-out multiplayer sessions to build structures, build armies, and generally mess around in the Overworld.

Does Minecraft Legends have crossplay support?

Minecraft Legends will have crossplay support available on its launch day, allowing players from Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PS5, PS4, PC, and Nintendo Switch to play together. This feature will enable players to enjoy the game's PvP mode with friends, no matter which platform they are using, and also participate in four-player online co-op sessions with others.

Minecraft Legends development

Minecraft Legends 2022 06 12 22 009
Minecraft Legends

Mojang, the developer of Minecraft, often collaborates with outside studios to create spin-offs that differ from the original sandbox game. For instance, Double Eleven, a British developer, worked on Minecraft Dungeons in 2020. Similarly, Mojang has teamed up with Blackbird Interactive, the studio behind Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak and Hardspace: Shipbreaker, to develop Minecraft Legends as an action strategy game. Blackbird has experience working with Mojang, having contributed to the now-defunct Minecraft Earth AR game.

In an Extended Showcase presentation of Minecraft Legends, executive producer Dennis Ries revealed that the partnership with Blackbird was initially called Project Badger, and even showed footage of Mojang lead developer Jens Bergensten wearing a Badger-themed t-shirt during Minecon 2018. While it may seem like an obscure Easter egg, it's still a charming detail.

>>> Read more: How To Customize Armors In Minecraft 1.20

<![CDATA[Minecraft Legends Review: A Charming And Simple RTS]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/minecraft-legends-review-22059 Mon, 17 Apr 2023 06:34:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/minecraft-legends-review-22059
Minecraft Legends combines adventure and RTS elements in a way that has potential, but is hindered by the game's excessive constraints on player freedom and control.]]>

As I survey the vast piglin outpost before me, I hatch a plan. With a series of button presses on my controller, I summon a substantial zombie army. Their high health pools make them perfect for a frontal assault that will distract the piglin forces, giving me time to carry out a flanking attack with a group of friendly creepers.

My strategy would have been a masterpiece, but unfortunately, my minions' poor pathfinding abilities led to half of my zombies falling off the staircase and burning in the lava moat. Meanwhile, my creepers failed to climb a wall and instead became surrounded by Piglins and destroyed. Frustrated, I returned to my starting point with only a portion of my army remaining and a significant loss of resources.

Minecraft Legends is a game that combines real-time strategy and open-world adventure, but it falls short of its potential due to its flaws. Although it has some impressive features, the game's shortcomings have left me feeling dissatisfied. It's a missed opportunity for a game that could have been so much better.

Minecraft Legends Hero
Minecraft Legends 

Minecraft Legends Overview

Minecraft Legends is a unique real-time strategy game that allows you to take direct control of a character in the game world. In other RTS games, you would typically select units and give them orders, but in Minecraft Legends, you move your character over to units, rally them under your banner, and lead them to their destination yourself. Your character is called the Hero, and the game's campaign begins with the Hero being visited by three creatures called the Hosts. The Hosts have created their own Minecraft world, but they need the Hero's help because Piglin forces are invading the Overworld through Nether portals.

The game drops you off next to the Well of Fate, which serves as your base of operations throughout the campaign. The open world is yours to explore, and it looks stunning. It retains the blocky aesthetic of Minecraft but with cel-shaded graphics and improved lighting that breathe new life into the game's environments. As you travel through the world, you can place down chests and assign friendly Allays to gather specific resources like wood and stone automatically. This saves you from having to chop down trees yourself, although it took some time for me to adjust to this new mechanic as I figured out what I needed to do next.

The concept of using a character to control armies in Minecraft Legends is an intriguing one, aligned with Mojang and Blackbird Interactive's efforts to simplify the RTS genre and potentially appeal to younger players. The game's simplicity allows for all commands to be easily mapped onto a controller, but my initial admiration for this simplicity gave way to frustration as I found it challenging to control my units with the precision needed for more advanced tactics. Minecraft Legends' control scheme restricts players to rudimentary tactics and strategies, and I feel constrained when playing because of this limitation, wishing there were more options to control things on a larger scale.

Minecraft Legends Gameplay

World Map

In Minecraft Legends, the game world is divided into around 15 distinct biomes that feature both friendly villages and enemy piglin outposts. The game operates on a real-time day-night cycle, with each night seeing the piglin clans expand their territory by constructing new outposts or attacking nearby villages. Throughout the game, the player is constantly urged by the three Hosts to split their time between attacking outposts and defending villages. With this in mind, the player sets their sights on a nearby outpost and begins to summon and manage their units.

Minecraft Legends Map
A view of the campaign map in Minecraft Legends, showing various biomes, villages, and piglin outposts as well as the player's location.

Each time you play Minecraft Legends, the map in both the campaign and PvP matches is randomly generated, giving you the potential for a unique experience. However, there is a disappointment that there aren't more biomes to explore in the game.


If you have played Tooth And Tail before, you'll find the process of controlling units in Minecraft Legends to be familiar. You can summon mobs by placing down spawners and interacting with them. After that, you can rally all nearby mobs under your banner, and they'll follow you, but sometimes they don't behave as you want them to. You can order them to attack a specific direction, but only up to a few meters away or hold position. Banner Mode can be activated to provide you with additional options, such as targeting a particular enemy unit or building.

At first, you'll only be able to spawn two types of mobs: Cobblestone Golems that are strong against buildings, and Plank Golems that are effective against piglins. However, you'll quickly gain access to more spawner types for summoning Creepers, Zombies, and Skeletons, as well as a few new types of Golems that can be used for healing or dealing with ranged units.

Minecraft Legends Flag
The Firsts, giant immortal golem minions, can be found dotted about the map and reactivated to help fight against the piglins.

Throughout my approximately 20-hour campaign playthrough, I found myself constantly relying on the same type of unit to get anything done due to the limited control I had. The most effective strategy was to build up a monotonous army and lead them on hit-and-run attacks to destroy key buildings. The piglins never seemed to come up with a response to this tactic, and their army would just mindlessly chase after me without ever really causing any harm. The only time I encountered trouble was when my minions failed to obey my commands or when poor pathfinding resulted in awkward positions.

While there is technically a way to gain more precise control over your army through Banner Mode, as I mentioned earlier, executing these commands in real-time is finicky, leaving me once again wishing for a tactical overview map that would allow me to order my units in a more intelligent way.


The building aspect of the game takes place mainly around friendly villages where you build walls and towers to defend against piglins' nighttime attacks. However, the building feature ended up feeling repetitive after a few sessions due to the lack of creative freedom expected from a game with the Minecraft name. The walls can only be of a fixed height and often block the projectiles from your own towers. Furthermore, you cannot replace sections of the wall with a gate, so you must place your gates first or spend a lot of time deleting one tile at a time. This is frustrating and doesn't make sense.

Minecraft Legends Building Wall
The player character in Minecraft Legends constructs a wall around a friendly village in a grassy plains biome.

Most of the buildings you can create in Minecraft Legends are defence-oriented. There are walls, gates, arrow towers, carpenters to heal your buildings, kaboomeries to make arrows explode, and so on.

It goes on. There are just three basic tower types, and the rest of your buildings are used to upgrade those towers with a faster fire rate, or by converting them from wood into stone, and so on. Every one of my villages ended up looking exactly, utterly identical - just a circle of walls with towers dotted about along the perimeter. I'm sorry, but this just isn't good enough for a Minecraft game with even the smallest focus on building.

We were told that instead of building block by block, you would build "thought by thought". It turns out that, translated, this means that you place down whole premade buildings, with no room for the personal touch and freedom of expression that Minecraft does so well. What a spectacular opportunity, squandered!

Minecraft Legends Exploration


Due to the difficulties encountered while building and fighting in Minecraft Legends, I found myself spending more time exploring the world than I needed to. While exploring, there are three important things that can be found: three new mounts, one new tower type, and four unique special units called Firsts, which respawn whenever they die. However, these items are not tied to specific biomes and are scattered all over the place. In contrast, in regular Minecraft, you travel to a biome to obtain what you need, such as bamboo in a jungle, terracotta in the Badlands, or lilypads in the swamp.

In Minecraft Legends, biomes feel like a superficial element in the game, as the only reason to visit a particular biome is to obtain the one basic resource available there, such as iron, coal, redstone, or diamond, which are required to build more units and improve structures. Unfortunately, these resources are scattered in uninteresting ways throughout the biomes, which is not an enticing incentive for exploration.

Minecraft Legends Multiplayer
I strongly suggest that you play PvP with at least one teammate to avoid constantly having to defend your base against piglin attacks.

It is a disappointment that Minecraft Legends did not take full advantage of its connection to Minecraft to become a unique RTS game with a focus on building and exploration. Instead, the focus seems to be elsewhere. Nevertheless, some parts of the game are impressive, such as the animations, the vibrant world, the cinematics, and the voice acting, even if it's not to everyone's liking. It's a shame that the game gets in its way to the point where it's not enjoyable to end a play session thinking, "that was fun."


Regrettably, I did not get a chance to fully test out the PvP mode in Minecraft Legends, which is the aspect Mojang believes will keep players engaged over time. I briefly entered a training match against an AI base to get a sense of how it all works, but I didn't stay there for very long. Although the developers have stated that the PvP mode can be played as a simple 1v1 experience, I anticipate that this will only result in further annoyance, as the piglins will start attacking your base less than a minute into the match, causing you to divide your attention between defending and gathering resources in a more disjointed manner than in the campaign.

It probably won't be a problem if you have friends to play with, but after spending 15-20 hours on the campaign, I personally don't feel motivated to try PvP. The PvP map is very small, so exploring is pointless. The main objective is to build defenses, establish forward bases, and attack the enemy's Well Of Fate. It was already challenging enough to control my units in the PvE campaign, so I can only imagine how difficult it would be against a more skilled opponent who couldn't be fooled into a game of tag around their base.

Final Thoughts

In my opinion, Minecraft Legends falls short of its potential. There are certain aspects of the game that lack creativity and this detracted from my overall enjoyment. As a Minecraft real-time strategy game, I expected more possibilities and freedom. For instance, why can't I play as the piglins or dig into the ground to attack the enemy's base? Why are there no towers that throw splash potions or lava, and why can't I summon a spider army that can climb walls? Furthermore, I feel limited in building multi-level bases instead of being confined to a flat plane.

Future updates could address these issues, but I believe the developers have painted themselves into a corner with the core mechanics of Minecraft Legends. Simply adding more features and complexity will not solve the problem of the clunky controls and lack of precision that are essential to making a great RTS game.

It is clear that the game is primarily aimed at a younger audience, perhaps as an introduction to the RTS genre, and in that respect, it may succeed. However, if you can tolerate the simplistic tactics and subpar AI that often leads your minions to self-destruct, and don't mind that your buildings will all end up looking the same, then you might enjoy Minecraft Legends to some extent. Nevertheless, I am not convinced that the game will hold players' attention for long since once you've seen one biome, one mountain, one piglin outpost, and one well-defended base, you've seen them all.

>>> Read more: 10 Best Biome Mods For Minecraft 1.19 Fabric

<![CDATA[Minecraft Legends Mob List: All Units, Hosts, And Piglins]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/minecraft-legends-mob-list-all-units-hosts-and-piglins-22044 Fri, 14 Apr 2023 03:45:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/minecraft-legends-mob-list-all-units-hosts-and-piglins-22044
Here are all the mobs, both old and new, that you can encounter as allies or enemies in Minecraft Legends, as they are an essential part of the gameplay experience.]]>

Wondering which new and returning mobs are present in Minecraft Legends? Don't fret, we have compiled a comprehensive list of all the creatures, critters, and monsters that you are likely to come across in the game. From Piglins making their way into the Overworld to forming an alliance with Creepers (yes, you read that right!), the game features many familiar faces from the original Minecraft and Minecraft Dungeons.

The storyline of Minecraft Legends is a legend in itself, and it's hard to determine what's true and what's not after years of alteration. Some people find it difficult to believe that we once coexisted peacefully with the skeletons and zombies in the Overworld. However, working with these mobs will be crucial to saving the world when the game releases. So, in this strategy game, we've listed all the Minecraft Legends mobs - friendly or hostile - that you might encounter.

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Minecraft Legends Mob List

List of All mobs in Minecraft Legends

Here are all Minecraft Legends mobs we know so far:


  • Piglin Grunter
  • Piglin Runt
  • Piglin Bruiser
  • Piggo
  • Portals Guard


  • Action
  • Foresight
  • Knowledge


  • Creeper
  • Golems
  • Skeleton
  • Zombie


  • Beetle
  • Horse
  • Llama
  • Regal Tiger


  • Allay
  • Badger
  • Fox
  • Pig
  • Rabbit
  • Turtle
  • Wolf

Minecraft Legends Piglins

In Minecraft Legends, the Piglins are adversaries who have fled from the Nether and are attempting to seize control of the Overworld. While these mobs are familiar to those who have played vanilla Minecraft, they are distinct in Minecraft Legends and come in many different variations that may be unfamiliar.

Minecraft Legends Piglins

Up to this point, our understanding of Piglins in Minecraft Legends is largely limited to Piglin Grunters and Runts. These are diminutive, child-like Piglins with their own unique weapons and abilities. The weapons they wield are too large for their small frames, resulting in their attacks being unbalanced and somewhat comical. Despite feeling guilty about laughing at their awkward attempts at combat, it's essential to remember that they are the antagonists. Although their small size and clumsiness pose a challenge, their sheer numbers make up for it as hordes of these little Piglins are sent through the portal first.

Minecraft Legends Hosts

The introduction of the newly expanded Host mobs in Minecraft Legends is an ambitious move for the franchise. These Hosts, namely Foresight, Action, and Knowledge, are set to play a significant role in the game, marking the first time voiced mobs will appear in the series. They will guide players through the story and quest of Minecraft Legends, acting as the voice of the Overworld, ensuring that players maintain their unique characteristics while also providing skill trees for players to develop their abilities and resources.

Minecraft Legends Mobs Hosts Allays
Minecraft Legends Hosts

The Host mobs are not only unique due to their speaking abilities but also because they add a new and intriguing dimension to the lore of Minecraft and the Overworld. While Minecraft has always had compelling lore elements, such as the Ender Dragon and Ancient Cities, the Hosts, acting as divine spirits, may finally provide much-needed context regarding how the various realms and structures within Minecraft are interconnected.

Minecraft Legends Golems

Are these golems in Minecraft Legends a new addition or are they extinct, considering the game's past setting? Regardless, each golem is crafted from a specific Minecraft block and serves a unique purpose in battle.

Golems Plank Concept
Also called Plank golem

The Cobblestone Golem, though small and slow, packs a powerful punch in melee combat. While it may seem cute and content to live peacefully in the Overworld, its forced entry into battles has revealed its true strength.

On the other hand, the Grindstone Golem also delivers a strong blow, but its moves create distance between itself or allies and enemies by knocking them back. This ability is especially useful when you and your army are overwhelmed, or when weaker golems and allies need protection against enemy attacks.

The Mossy Golem acts as a support unit for your army, possessing a unique healing power. It sprays water in a circular motion, healing anyone within its range, making it an excellent pairing with the Grindstone Golem, which keeps enemies at bay while you heal.

Finally, the Plank Golem is a ranged attacker, functioning like a turret, firing projectiles at enemies at a rapid pace. As a wooden golem, it has minimal defense, and you must rely on its projectiles to fend off enemies.

Minecraft Legends Zombies

According to Minecraft Legends, one of the formerly friendly mobs that has become hostile in the game is the zombie. In this version of the story, the Overworld is a utopia where all the mobs coexist peacefully. The creators of the game have made sure to maintain consistency with the existing lore, so the zombies still burn in sunlight and can be protected with a helmet. To explain this, the zombies in Minecraft Legends wear farmer hats that serve as their protective gear.

Minecraft Legends Mobs Zombie
Minecraft Legends Zombies

Minecraft Legends Skeletons

Similar to the attention given to the zombies, the designers have also paid close attention to the skeleton lore in Minecraft Legends. The helmets that skeletons wear serve the same purpose as the zombies' hats, protecting them from burning in daylight. Skeletons are valuable allies in ranged combat, and having a group of skeleton fighters in your army will aid you in defending the Overworld from afar.

Minecraft Legends Mobs Skeleton
Minecraft Legends Skeletons

Minecraft Legends Creepers

In Minecraft, Creepers are typically known for their frightening behavior of exploding when they get too close to you. However, in Minecraft Legends, Creepers are on your side, just like zombies and skeletons. Instead of being a threat, Creepers can now be useful allies. You can use your army of Creepers to destroy structures and take down enemies by having them explode in your favor.

With all of these mobs available to aid you on your journey in Minecraft Legends, you'll have the support you need to push the Piglins back into the Nether. Additionally, there are some mobs that you can use as mounts, so be sure to check those out as well. And don't forget to prepare for the long journey ahead by knowing just how much time it will take to complete Minecraft Legends.

>>> Read more: Top 5 Best Minecraft Parkour Maps To Play In 2023

<![CDATA[Minecraft Legends Release Date Revealed: System Requirements, Mobs, And More!]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/minecraft-legends-release-date-mob-list-system-requirements-and-more-21168 Fri, 27 Jan 2023 01:11:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/minecraft-legends-release-date-mob-list-system-requirements-and-more-21168
Minecraft Legends is likely to come out very soon. Check this article to find out about the various new mobs added to the game.]]>

Minecraft Legends is an upcoming action-strategy game based in the overworld of classic Minecraft. It is a real-time strategy game developed by Minecraft’s original creator, Mojang Studios along with Blackbird Interactive. It is set to be the next big RTS game on PC and console.

In this article, Gurugamer is going to showcase everything you need to know about Minecraft Legends.

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Minecraft Legends

Minecraft Legends Release Date

The piglins’ Nether corruption is spreading across the Overworld, scorching everything it touches. Are you the hero who will protect this gentle land? Plan your strategy and face the piglins in epic battles – but be warned: they always fight back. Take on piglin bases by day and defend your allies after dusk. Explore lush biomes filled with treasures and perils, meet new friends, and reunite with familiar mobs. With the allays by your side, all that’s left to do is save the world."

List of Minecraft Legends Mobs

In Minecraft Legends, dimensions will battle each other, and because of that, hostile mobs like zombies and skeletons are friendly and on players' side.


Zombies are the foot soldiers of your army who fight in the melee. They do not burn in Legends because of their hats.



Skeletons are bone creatures that use bow and arrow. They are your main ranged attacker in Minecraft Legends.

Skeleton Mc Legends


At the moment it is unclear if Llama is a combat mob or a utility mob. In Minecraft, they have the ability to spit at enemies, dealing low damage but high knockback. They can also carry items.

Llamas Mc Legends


Horses are the primary vehicle in the world of Minecraft Legends. They are very fast and it is likely that players need them to create cavalry units.

Horses Mc Legends


Similar to the vanilla Creeper, the Minecraft Legends version of the mob also self detonates to deal damage to enemies in the radius. They will be great against masses of low HP mobs.

Creeper Mc Legends

Emerald Cavalry Golem

An alternate option for horses. The cavalry golems can carry troops on their backs and rush toward the enemies. They have high movement speed but are rather fragile and can be killed in a few hits. They have a charge ability that stuns foes.

Emerald Cavalry Golem
Emerald Cavalry Golem

Mossy Golem

The mossy golem is a ranged attacker who shoots water that heals allies and temporarily slows down the enemies. Mossy Golems are the medic of your army and need to be protected, as they have no offensive ability.

Mossy Golems
Mossy Golem

Plank Golem

Similar to skeletons, plank golems is also a ranged attacker. However, they are faster and can shoot multiple arrows in succession.

Plank Golems
Plank Golem

Cobblestone Golem

Cobblestone golems are frontline heavy troops that fight at close range. They have higher HP than zombies but are much slower. Players need to deploy them carefully in order to maximize their usefulness.

Cobblestone Golem
Cobblestone Golem

Grindstone Golem

Grindstone golem is a powerful mob with a charge ability that can knock back multiple enemies at once. It is great in melee combat against multiple foes.

Grindstone Golem
Grindstone Golem


Piggos are small boars with helmets and strong horns. They are weak melee attackers that swarm their targets with numbers. Enemies can also put a magma cube catapult on top of them.


Portal Guard

Holding a chain mace on their left hand, the portal guard is one of the strongest units on the piglin side in Minecraft Legends. This mob is heavily armored, hard to kill and can deal tons of damage. Its mace can shoot out dealing damage and knockback to a whole group.

Portal guards are perfect to deploy against strong enemies and structures.

Portal Guard
Portal Guard


Weakest melee unit on the Piglin side. They are disposable horde mobs that have low health and damage. Players can build them as a harass unit early on.



Runts are small units with large weapons - they deal a lot of damage but are also very fragile.



Bruiser are dangerous piglin mobs who wield a number of bladed weapons. They can deal a lot of damage and have high HP.


Minecraft Legends Gameplay

Minecraft Legends Announce Trailer Xbox Bethesda G

Discover the Mysteries

Learn the story of Minecraft Legends and explore its new, yet familiar world, while experiencing the Minecraft Universe in an exciting new way in this new action strategy game.

Dynamic World

Explore a beautiful land, both familiar and mysterious, full of diverse life, lush biomes, and rich resources needed to build your defenses and defeat the piglin invasion. Like the world of Minecraft itself, the PvP mode will be procedurally generated, meaning the world where players face off against each other will be random and different every time you play.

Epic Battles

Inspire unexpected friends to form valuable alliances and lead them in strategic battles to protect their home. Take the fight to the piglins before their Nether corruption devours the Overworld!


While the core gameplay seems to revolve around two teams of players invading each other's camps, Minecraft Legends appears to be encouraging a wide range of playstyles depending on player preference.

Players who want to play on the offensive can take the fight and siege the enemy base or attack Piglins. Players who want to explore can scavenge for resources, and secrets, or scout out enemy bases. On the other hand, players who like building can build complex, Minecraft-style bases and armaments to defend against enemies.

Minecraft Legends: Minimum Requirements

Minecraft Legends
Minecraft Legends

Players need to meet these requirements to be able to play Minecraft Legends:

  • OS: Windows 11/10 (Nov 2019 or higher) or Windows 8/7 (limited functionality)
  • Processor: Core i5 2.8GHz or equivalent
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 or AMD Radeon HD 7870 or equivalent DX11 GPU
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Storage: 8 GB
  • DirectX: Version 11

>>> Read more: 6 Best Minecraft Horror Mods To Try Out On Halloween

<![CDATA[Mojang Reveals RTS Spin-Off Minecraft Legends, Launches 2023]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/mojang-reveals-rts-spin-off-minecraft-legends-launches-2023-20578 Mon, 13 Jun 2022 02:11:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/mojang-reveals-rts-spin-off-minecraft-legends-launches-2023-20578
Minecraft Legends is a brand new spin-off of the Minecraft franchise, bringing the world and characters into a brand new genre. Find out more in this post.]]>

Minecraft's success has led to multiple spin-offs, from Telltale's Minecraft: Story Mode – a narrative adventure starring Patton Oswalt – to Minecraft Dungeons, a Diablo-like dungeon crawler.  And now, Mojang Studios has announced its next chapter for the Minecraft franchise, titled Minecraft Legends. It is yet another spin-off title based on the world of Minecraft, but in a different genre altogether.

The game was revealed during the Xbox and Bethesda Games Showcase and is going to come out in 2023. In this article, Gurugamer is going to showcase everything you need to know about Minecraft Legends.

Minecraft Legends 2022 06 12 22 009
Minecraft Legends would be about the Overworld vs the Nether

About Minecraft Legends

Overall, this brand new spin-off game will be more like StarCraft than the usual RPG sandbox experience of Minecraft. It is a strategy game set in the Minecraft world, with Minecraft mobs and characters. The game is developed in partnership with Blackbird Interactive, maker of the RTS series Homeworld.

Minecraft Legends Announce Trailer Xbox Bethesda G
Building bases in Minecraft Legends

This is not their first collaboration, as this developer has previously worked with Mojang Studios on the now-defunct Minecraft Earth.

Looks like Mojang is creating a new Minecraft game for each video game genre, with the previous spin-off, Minecraft Dungeon, being an Action RPG. The game is going to be on Xbox consoles and PC, Game Pass, and Xbox Cloud Gaming.

Minecraft Legends Story and Gameplay

In a press release, Minecraft Legends executive producer Dennis Ries revealed that players will discover "a gentle land, both familiar and mysterious, full of lush biomes and rich resources," when they enter the world of Minecraft Legends. However, the beautiful world is under the threat of a piglin invasion - players need to team up with others to defeat them.

Apparently, Minecraft Legends will feature co-op online campaign and competitive multiplayer on release, similar to other popular RTS games. The studio has not detailed what its multiplayer would be, however. They are going to share more details at a later date this year.

Key Features

Minecraft Legends
The world of Minecraft looks better than ever.
  • Discover the Mysteries – Learn the story of Minecraft Legends and explore its new, yet familiar world, while experiencing the Minecraft Universe in an exciting new way in this new action strategy game.
  • Player-versus-Player – Challenge your friends –or team-up with them – in exciting battles as you defend your village and lead your allies to defeat your opponents.
  • Epic Battles – Inspire unexpected friends to form valuable alliances and lead them in strategic battles to protect their home. Take the fight to the piglins before their Nether corruption devours the Overworld!
  • Dynamic World – Explore a beautiful land, both familiar and mysterious, full of diverse life, lush biomes, and rich resources needed to build your defenses and defeat the piglin invasion.

>>> Read more: How To Download Minecraft 1.19 Update (Bedrock & Java Edition)
