Minecraft survival tips - GuruGamer.com https://gurugamer.com Website for Indian gamers with latest gaming and technology news. Find release dates, trailers, and scores for all upcoming and recent video games in the world Mon, 16 Oct 2023 11:01:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://static.gurugamer.com/images/logo.jpg Minecraft survival tips - GuruGamer.com https://gurugamer.com <![CDATA[Top 5 Time-Saving Tricks To Do In Minecraft 1.20]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/top-5-time-saving-tricks-to-do-in-minecraft-1-20-22347 Mon, 29 May 2023 00:58:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/top-5-time-saving-tricks-to-do-in-minecraft-1-20-22347
Minecraft is a massive game and in order to be more efficient, players can employ one of these 5 tricks.]]>

Minecraft offers a blend of engaging activities and monotonous tasks like gathering resources that can become tedious and repetitive. However, individual preferences vary, and players perceive different aspects of the game as dull. Gurugamer has compiled a diverse range of time-saving suggestions for all elements of Minecraft in this article.

1. Split mines into sections

To enhance your mining experience in a new area, strategically position barriers at regular intervals, such as fences or cobblestone walls. This practice serves two purposes: first, it prevents surprise attacks from mobs sneaking up behind you, and second, it enables you to designate certain sections of your mine as 'safe.'

21w07a Mineshaft
It is best to mark the path you have already explored.

If you happen to encounter a mob within a 'safe' area, it is likely that your fence has halted its progress, safeguarding you from harm. Additionally, this indicates the presence of insufficient lighting or an undiscovered opening in that particular area. By employing this technique, you can significantly reduce the time spent identifying the source of unexpected mob appearances.

2. Carrying a bed

When you're actively exploring above ground, particularly during long distances or mapping excursions away from your base, it is highly recommended to carry a bed with you. As dusk approaches, find a suitable spot to place the bed and sleep. Skipping the nighttime phase offers several advantages: it significantly speeds up your progress, enhances safety, and resets your spawn point (unless playing on hardcore mode).

Red Bed
Carrying a bed allowing players to "save" the game whenever they want.

Remaining active during the night exposes you to potential disruptions from hostile mobs, including the risk of being killed, and you may overlook important details in the darkness. Concerns about mob attacks can be mitigated by placing the bed early enough in an area with sufficient light, preventing mob spawns altogether and ensuring a day free from creeper encounters. Moreover, being well-rested by sleeping in the bed ensures you won't be targeted by phantoms.

3. Leave breadcrumb trails when exploring

To ensure clarity and ease of navigation, it is essential to mark your routes both above and below ground. Various methods can be employed, such as using torches on fence posts, colored wool blocks, flowers, mushrooms, redstone, railway tracks, gravel paths, or even lit netherrack. By consistently placing torches on either the left or right cavern wall or on the side of a block angled towards the exit, you can establish a reliable indication of the direction you came from. Signposts should be placed at key junctions for added guidance. This simple practice of route marking can save you significant time by preventing unnecessary detours and getting lost in your world.

Mark your path with torches

If you happen to lose your way underground, it is advisable not to spend excessive time attempting to retrace your steps. Remember that the surface is always above you. In such cases, dig a stairway upwards to reach the surface where it becomes much easier to regain your bearings. However, exercise caution and follow mining safety guidelines. Avoid digging straight down and be vigilant of potential hazards like water, sand, gravel, or lava. Additionally, be mindful of the time and try to avoid breaching the surface at night, if possible.

An effective method to mark your path while exploring caves is to adopt an "in-out, left-right" rule. Upon entering a cave, place torches on the left wall. When you need to find your way out, simply turn around, and the torches that were initially on the left-hand wall will now be on the right. Utilizing the classic "right-hand rule" can assist you in navigating your way back.

4. Get powerful enchantments as soon as possible

Enchanted items offer a range of advantages compared to their standard counterparts. While high-level enchantments may not be as worthwhile for items other than diamond and netherite in terms of durability and effectiveness, this is not the case for certain highly valuable enchantments.

Enchanted Netherite Sword
Good enchantments make the game much easier.

If you find that the enchanting table is not offering powerful enchantments like Fortune III or Looting III for a diamond tool, it's worth trying an iron tool instead. Due to its higher enchantability, you might have better luck obtaining these desired enchantments. Even with an iron tool, you'll still have something capable of efficiently duplicating important blocks and items, just like a diamond tool. The effort required to attain enchantment levels 1 to 5, or thereabouts, is insignificant. Therefore, it might be worth considering placing even low-level enchantments on your expendable tools.

5. Don't bring too many unneeded items

When venturing away from your base to gather materials, it's important to avoid cluttering your inventory with unnecessary items. Generally, it's recommended to carry logs, and possibly some coal and iron. Craft additional tools, fences, or even a crafting bench only when you actually need them. This approach maximizes the available space for the items you're collecting. However, there are a few exceptions to consider. Torches, which are constantly used, should be crafted in half a stack whenever you have fewer than a dozen of them. It's also wise to keep some ladders handy for situations where you might need them urgently. Additionally, it may be beneficial to carry a chest in your inventory in case you need to quickly clear out space.

Blocks Inventory 1 14 4
Inventory space is limited.

Another tip for efficient crafting is to aim for round numbers when making frequently-used items. For instance, when crafting fences, one log produces four planks, which can then be converted into eight sticks, resulting in two fences with two leftover sticks. It's often better to craft fences in batches of eight (using four recipes) to utilize exactly five logs without waste or cluttering your inventory.

Alternatively, you can regularly transform spare planks or sticks into torches or other frequently-used items. Similarly, crafting 24 ladders at a time using seven logs is efficient. Signs can also be mass-produced with 13 logs (one for sticks and the rest for planks), but keep in mind that they only stack up to 16, so you'll end up with 1 1/2 stacks. Fence gates require one log each, and their crafting recipe allows for quick production of any number up to a full stack by moving half-stacks six times. Boats can be crafted resourcefully in two ways: using five logs for four boats in Java Edition, or seven logs in Bedrock Edition.

>>> Read more: 6 Best Cherry Biome Seeds To Try Out In Minecraft 1.20 Update

<![CDATA[Top 5 Tricks For Minecraft Newbies In 2023]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/top-5-tricks-for-minecraft-newbies-in-2023-22158 Tue, 02 May 2023 07:07:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/top-5-tricks-for-minecraft-newbies-in-2023-22158
There are just so many things to do in Minecraft that new players can't help but get overwhelmed. Here are the best tips for starting your journey.]]>

Learning how to play Minecraft might be challenging for novice users. It is challenging to learn all the ins and outs of the game itself, particularly when a player is entering this sandbox game fully ignorant.

Fortunately for newcomers, there are a few techniques that might speed up learning and make survival in Minecraft a little simpler.

1. Work quickly and efficiently on your first day

As a beginner in Minecraft, it is crucial to gather essential resources quickly to prepare for the impending danger of hostile mobs that emerge at nightfall. One of the most important resources is wood, which is readily available in almost all biomes. Breaking down as many trees as possible, using fists if necessary, is a good start. It is advisable to gather enough wood to last the night and build a small house if possible.

Work quickly and efficiently on your first day

Crafting a bed using three wool blocks and planks made from wood is also vital. Placing the bed in a safe location and sleeping in it before nightfall is a wise move. This is because low light levels at night allow hostile mobs like creepers, skeletons, and zombies to spawn and attack players, particularly inexperienced ones.

The first day is typically the most critical and challenging for new players since they must gather as many resources as possible. If players fail to find a safe shelter, digging a small hole and burying themselves inside can offer temporary protection until the sun rises and the hostile mobs disappear.

2. Keep an eye out for any source of food

Once players have survived a night or two in Minecraft, their next task is to find a food source. As the player move around performing various actions such as sprinting or chopping wood, the hunger bar slowly deplete. Once it runs out, the health bar would drain instead.

1 1
Keep an eye out for any source of food

Food is an essential element of survival in Minecraft, and players will need a lot of it throughout the game. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to obtain food, with the easiest option being hunting. For beginners, hunting can be an exciting option with many possibilities. With a well-lit shelter, tools, and a reliable food source, players can begin their Minecraft adventure in earnest.

To find food, players must kill animal mobs or collect seeds from tufts of grass to start a farm. Killing cows, chickens, pigs, and sheep yields raw meat that can be cooked in a furnace, a campfire, or a smoker to provide hunger and health points. Alternatively, it is possible to grow crops like wheat and potatoes can be grown for food.

3. Be careful with naturally-generated structures

In Minecraft, naturally-generated structures with valuable loot and items can be found in both the Nether and the Overworld. However, they are the most challenging to locate and usually have hostile mobs nearby, so players should carry weapons when exploring them.

1 2
Be careful with naturally-generated structures

Although these structures are randomly located, they are critical to game progression and contain valuable loot. However, players must be cautious when exploring them as they can be dangerous.

While player-friendly structures like villages exist, Minecraft beginners should wait until they are well-equipped before exploring generated structures. In some cases, structures such as Desert Pyramids and Woodland Mansions can be transformed into homes, but all dangers must be eliminated first.

4. Always keep important items in chests

Ender chests and other blocks in Minecraft are unique and interesting. They operate differently from regular chests and are useful for keeping items organized and efficient.

1 3
Always keep important items in chests

Ender chests in Minecraft can be connected, which means that items stored in them are protected from other players. When players store items in one ender chest, they can retrieve them from other chests and loot. As a result, ender chests are a great place to store valuable items like diamonds on survival servers.

Players should also store backup tools in their ender chest to avoid having to return to their base for tools or blocks. A Silk Touch pickaxe is particularly important, and players should keep it in their ender chest at all times.

This will be very helpful for players who are building structures or mining far from their base. They won't have to gather blocks or craft items and can focus on their project. This way, players will not have to travel back and forth to access the chest or constantly move it around their base.

5. Take Your Time

Many individuals may not enjoy building in Minecraft because they lack patience. To overcome this, one can focus on creating smaller builds with intricate details. This approach can help inspire new ideas and reignite excitement for the game.

1 4
Take Your Time

It is best to avoid rushing in Minecraft - players should slowly explore the world and build up their base.

>>> Read more: 8 Hidden Features Of Minecraft Blocks You Might Not Know

<![CDATA[Top 10 Beautiful Minecraft House Designs 2023: From Simple Cabins To Luxury Mansions]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/top-10-beautiful-minecraft-house-designs-2023-22058 Mon, 17 Apr 2023 03:37:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/top-10-beautiful-minecraft-house-designs-2023-22058
Over the course of ten years, countless houses have been constructed by an enormous player community, and a great number of these houses are truly remarkable in their magnificence and impressive size.]]>

Table of Contents

  • 1. Swamp House
  • 2. Oak Treehouse
  • 3. Double-Story House
  • 4. Modern House
  • 5. Japanese House
  • 6. Fantasy Mansion
  • 7. Hobbit Hole
  • 8. Frog House
  • 9. Underground Bunker
  • 10. Luxury Modern House

Minecraft's vast sandbox world offers players the opportunity to create almost anything they can imagine. With an abundance of blocks and a vast map to explore, players can build anything from humble huts to grand castles, as well as custom trees, mountains, and statues. Despite the endless possibilities, building a house is often the first and most crucial structure that players construct.

Houses in Minecraft can vary greatly in size and design. Some players begin with small and cozy dwellings, gradually expanding over time, while others jump straight into creating massive mansions from scratch. Each house is unique and reflects the builder's individual creativity and style. In Minecraft survival mode, players can construct some of the coolest houses possible.

1. Swamp House

Although the swamp is not a biome favored by many, it provides an excellent setting for crafting a distinctive house in Minecraft. Players have the option of constructing the entire house on water, which can be designed to resemble a boat house complete with a platform for accessing the water. Additionally, this type of dwelling can also be created in the newly introduced mangrove swamp biome.

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Swamp House

2. Oak Treehouse

If you are seeking to construct a base surrounded by natural elements such as leaves and bark, YouTuber Shock Frost's large, chunky treehouse can serve as an excellent source of inspiration. This building requires the creation of both the house and the tree from the ground up, but the final outcome is a well-organized and visually appealing dwelling with ample interior space to meet all of your requirements.

Minecraft House Ideas Treehouse
Oak Treehouse

3. Double-Story House

In Minecraft, there is a distinct double-story house with an unusual appearance, featuring an open space on one side and a closed room on the other. The placement of the room and open balcony area alternates sides on each floor, allowing for various room designs and creative use of the balcony. The railings on every level are created using lectern blocks instead of the traditional fencing.

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Double-Story House

4. Modern House

The Minecraft community has a growing interest in constructing modern-style houses that incorporate sleek, smooth blocks such as concrete or quartz. These houses typically feature a significant number of glass blocks, allowing players to view the world outside. Additionally, modern houses can include an indoor or outdoor pool. The key aspect of this building style is the emphasis on creating straight lines rather than incorporating many layers and intricate details.

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Modern House

5. Japanese House

Many Minecraft players find Japanese-style architecture uniquely charming and visually appealing, and as a result, desire to create such structures. Fortunately, YouTuber BlueBits has created a spacious and delightful Japanese-style home that utilizes a diverse range of block types and decorative elements, such as acacia slabs and dark oak signs, to produce an intricate and aesthetically pleasing house that other players can replicate.

Minecraft House Ideas Japanese House
Japanese House

6. Fantasy Mansion

Suppose you're seeking inspiration for building a more extensive Minecraft base. In that case, YouTuber BigTonyMC has created an impressive fantasy mansion made of logs and stone bricks. What sets this mansion apart are the small details incorporated into the design. Elements such as chains and lanterns, plant life creeping up the walls, shutters constructed from trapdoors, and clock faces in the towers all come together to create an aesthetically pleasing and visually captivating dwelling.

Minecraft House Ideas Fantasy Mansion
Fantasy Mansion

7. Hobbit Hole

Minecraft players who enjoy the Lord of the Rings film series will undoubtedly admire this unique house design, which resembles a hobbit hole. In the films, hobbits are one of the many races, and their dwellings are typically situated under hills or beside mountains. Similarly, Minecraft hobbit holes can be constructed with various underground rooms and passageways, mimicking the look and feel of a genuine hobbit hole.

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Hobbit Hole

8. Frog House

In the Minecraft world, the frog is a relatively recent addition as a mob, having been included in the 1.19 update less than a year ago. As a result, some players came up with the idea of constructing a house in the shape of a giant frog resting on a lily pad in a lake. The frog-shaped house is significantly larger than a real frog and contains an entire living space within it. Its mouth serves as the living room, while the first floor is located within its eyes, adding to the unique and creative design.

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Frog House

9. Underground Bunker

Since players spend a lot of time exploring and mining the underground areas of the Overworld, it's a good idea to build a house that is entirely underground with an entrance on the surface. Having an underground house makes it easier for players to access the mines, and it's also possible to create large storage systems while protecting the base from hostile mobs.

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Underground Bunker

10. Luxury Modern House

YouTuber OSHACRA has created another stunning modern house design that combines primarily quartz and concrete blocks with clever additions of dark oak wood, fences, and even grass on the rooftops. These creative elements add depth and character to the build, making it a beautiful addition to any Minecraft world.

Minecraft House Ideas Luxury Modern House
Luxury Modern House

>>> Read more: Top 10 Resources To Farm In Minecraft 1.20 End Dimension

<![CDATA[How To Get And Use Cocoa Beans In Minecraft 1.19]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-get-and-use-cocoa-beans-in-minecraft-1-19-21465 Thu, 15 Dec 2022 11:59:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-get-and-use-cocoa-beans-in-minecraft-1-19-21465
Cocoa beans in Minecraft can be mined in which way and used for which purposes?]]>

Cocoa beans Minecraft are among the oldest items and many growable crops. Present since Minecraft’s launch, cocoa beans are very helpful.

So what can we do with cocoa beans in Minecraft and can cocoa beans grow on any tree in Minecraft?

How do you mine cocoa in Minecraft?

When it comes to how to get cocoa beans Minecraft, there are many ways you can adopt.

First, you may go to jungle biomes and find cocoa pods as these are the only place where this item grows naturally. Cocoa pods can be seen generating from jungle tree trunks.

Gamers can use bare hands or any tool in order to break cocoa pods. Meanwhile, using an ax would be the quickest way to harvest them.

Where To Find cocoa beans Minecraft
You can find cocoa beans in jungle biomes and get them by hand or axes.

A fully-grown cocoa pod with a brown texture will drop 3 cocoa beans upon breaking. The young pods, with a greenish hue, will only drop 1 cocoa bean. After obtaining cocoa beans in Minecraft, you can plant them on jungle logs for more pods and beans.

Secondly, Bedrock Edition has two ways to farm cocoa beans. You might get a wandering trader that sells 3 cocoa beans for the price of an emerald.

You also have a slight chance to get cocoa beans from fishing in jungle biomes. Both of these methods are less consistent than the first way.

Can cocoa beans grow on any tree Minecraft? They do grow on the sides of any jungle log, regardless of light level. Just note that it requires 1 empty air block in the space it will occupy.

What can we do with cocoa beans in Minecraft?

Brown dyes

Primarily, cocoa beans are used for brown dye crafting. You can make this by placing cocoa beans into a crafting slot.

Brown Dye
How to use cocoa beans in Minecraft? Make dyes with them.

Besides brown dyes, you may directly use them in recipes to make:

In the Education Editon, you can also make use of cocoa beans to create brown-colored balloons, glow sticks, and more.

Crafting food

Apart from brown items, Minecraft gamers can use cocoa beans to craft food.

You cannot eat cocoa beans (well, in the game), but you can combine them with wheat to make some cookies.

1 cookie can restore 1 hunger point and grants 0.4 hunger saturation.

Cocoa Beans Cookie
Players can also make cookies with cocoa beans, just don't eat the beans directly.

Bone meals

Last but not least, cocoa beans Minecraft can create bone meals if they are put in the composter. You may put this plant-related item in a composter to boost the compost level.

1 cocoa bean has a 65 percent chance of increasing compost level by 1. Once the composter has reached level 7, it can make a piece of bonemeal.

You might build a cocoa bean farm to receive tons of cocoa beans, then use the extra to make bone meals in the game.

>>> Related post: Top 5 Best Uses For Bone Meal In Minecraft

<![CDATA[What Are The Best Minecraft Structures To Build EXP Farms?]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/minecraft-structures-to-build-exp-farms-19532 Fri, 25 Nov 2022 03:54:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/minecraft-structures-to-build-exp-farms-19532
Minecraft EXP farms are vital in giving players a steady stream of experience orb for enchanting and using anvils. Here are the best locations to build them.]]>

Experience or EXP is actually pretty important in Minecraft. While having no direct effect on the player character, it can be used to enhance their equipment through enchanting, or by using an anvil to repair, rename, or combine enchantments on equipment. Experience also recovers durability on equipped items with Mending.

This is why an EXP farm is needed if you plan on using these features. In this article, we are going to showcase the best Minecraft structures to build EXP farms.

1. Dungeons

Dungeons, one of the smallest structures in Minecraft, is actually one of the most useful. This is because there is always a monster spawner spawned at the center of every Dungeon. There are 3 variants of spawners: spider, zombie, and skeleton, with the last one being the most common.

Underground Dungeons In Minecraft

After locating a dungeon, players can easily create a simple XP/Gear farm. Mob spawner farms such as a skeleton farm can provide you with infinite EXP and materials for your enchanting table or anvil.

2. Nether fortress

Nether Fortresses are one of the most dangerous locations in Minecraft. However, in order to get the best end game gear, players should build an EXP farm here. There are Blazes and Wither skeletons spawn in the structure, and both have useful drops.

Minecraft Nether Fortress
Nether fortress

Blazes yield blaze rods that can be made into blaze powders. They can in turn be used to fuel brewing stands, brew strength potions, and make eyes of ender to take the player to the End. Wither skeleton skulls can be used to summon a wither, which is a super powerful boss in Minecraft.

3. Swamp hut

Swamp huts are the best place to farm witches in Minecraft. Besides the EXP, you can also get decent materials such as redstone dust, glowstone dust, sticks, and more. Overall, if you want to get something other than just EXP, this farm is probably for you.

Minecraft Witch Potiom
Swamp hut

Witches have the largest loot table of any mob in the game.  Swamp huts generate fairly frequently in swamp biomes.

4. Ocean monument

The Ocean monument is the main spawn spot for Guardians and Elder Guardians, who drop prismarine and cod. The best part about these mobs is that their spawn rate is ludicrously high - players can get a lot of EXP in just a few minutes.

Ocean Monument in Minecraft
Ocean monument

Most guardian EXP farms in the past needed players to dig out a big chunk of the ocean, but the introduction of bubble columns in 1.13 update aquatic, changed the whole way that farms were made in Minecraft. Now players can just use bubble columns to push the mobs to the surface.

5. Pillager outposts

Pillager outposts are great structures to create illager EXP farms. Players can easily create an EXP farm from this while getting the various drops like Emeralds or crossbows. However, the biggest benefit from this is the Bad Omen interaction - players can kill the illager captains to get the free Bad Omen buff to trigger a raid farm.

Minecraft Pillager Outpost
Pillager outposts

>>> Read more: Top 10 Best Low-End PC Shaders For Minecraft 1.18 And 1.17

<![CDATA[5 Things To Do As Soon As You Enter Nether Minecraft If You Want To Survive]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/enter-nether-minecraft-20193 Mon, 28 Mar 2022 10:14:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/enter-nether-minecraft-20193
If you don't want to die so soon once you enter the Nether, do these 5 things to secure your life.]]>

The Nether is indeed scary. Every Minecraft player knows that this hellish realm is full of mysterious creatures and dangerous lava. After exploring the overworld, you will soon get to this realm to progress in the game.

Many new players seem to have troubles especially when they have never entered this realm. It can be accessed by a mortal made of obsidian blocks and they are greeted with an odd biome and other mobs as soon as they pass that gate.

If you don’t wish to die too soon as soon as you enter Nether Minecraft, here’s a list of things you should do.

Enter Nether Minecraft
There are things beyond that which could make your adventure a bit troubling.

Mining Nether Quartz Ore blocks

While this can be less of a top priority for new Minecraft players, collecting Nether Quart ores is the only easy thing they can do in the Nether without significant consequences.

Nether Quartz Ore
Getting Nether Quartz is a way to keep you alive.

You can mine these netherrack variants to get XP points and quartz. Players with a low level of XP will see a considerable increase because these blocks can drop a lot of XP points.

Building bridges in four directions

The Nether can help you travel to many overworld locations. With 1 block in this world, you technically move 8 blocks in the world above.

Therefore, another important thing to do right after you enter Nether Minecraft is to build bridges.

Nether Bridge Min
Set up bridges to travel more easily.

Most users make straight-line bridges and another portal that helps them teleport. In fact, you can do the task in all 4 directions to extensively explore both the Overworld and the Nether.

Crouching while bridging and mining

Most new players will attempt to mine all the way through the solid walls in the Nether hoping to find new places and various types of blocks. However, this hell-like realm’s generation is irregular with unexpected lava pockets in the walls or holes on the floor.

Crouch In Minecraft
You have to stay cautious unless you have a death wish.

Hence, always crouching while moving will save you from falling to death.

Wearing golden boots

Once you enter the Nether, you will come across the Piglins which will be hostile towards those who don’t have anything golden on. Therefore, the trick is wearing any items made of gold.

Golden boots are usually most ideal as they have the smallest amount of effect on the armor’s strength. While they will not affect you much in battles, they can help you avoid the Piglins’ aggressive behaviors.

Golden Boots
Golden boots are a go-to item to stay away from Piglins.

Securing the Nether Portal

Every player in Minecraft would like to make a base in the Overworld for a safe shelter, be it a futuristic, vintage, or medieval one. You should do the same in the Nether. This is, in fact, one of the ultimate tips and tricks to survive the Nether.

The very first thing to do when you enter Nether Minecraft is secure the portal and set up a strong base around it. This strategy will ensure you stay unharmed when you choose to enter this realm again.

After protecting the portal with a base around, you can venture into this world by bridging without worrying to get lost.

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<![CDATA[Top 5 Facts & Uses Of Wheat In Minecraft All Pro Players Must Know]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/minecraft-wheat-facts-uses-20135 Mon, 21 Mar 2022 06:30:48 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/minecraft-wheat-facts-uses-20135
Do you know every fact about wheat in Minecraft and the functions this item embraces? Here's a quick guide to help you find out.]]>

Wheat in Minecraft is one of the staple foods players cannot survive without besides carrots, beetroots, potatoes, and more. Mainly grown from seeds obtained from grass, wheat has some special uses that not every player would know of.

Below are top 5 things about wheat in Minecraft you may have not known.

1. Can be dropped by foxes

While in-game animals usually drop their corresponding meat, such as pigs dropping pork chops, cows dropping raw beef and milk, foxes seem to have a very unconventional drop that has no relation to its nature.

Foxes in Minecraft spawn holding different items in their mouths and crop is one of these goods. They can drop the crop when you give another item to them. In fact, you can also kill the foxes to get the crop.

Minecraft Fox
Foxes can drop berries, apples, and even crops.

For those unknown, the crop is not dropped by any other Minecraft mob, even the farmer villagers.

2. Make haybales

In fact, this is quite a universal use of the wheat that every player should have known about. It is among the first crops that you can farm as it takes little effort to grow.

You just need a hoe to till some grass blocks and sow seeds for the crop to seed. It also requires sunlight and a source of water to grow more quickly. Once they are grown, you can just harvest them by breaking them.

You can use wheat to make haybales in Minecratft.

Apart from making haybales, bread, and breeding farm mobs, wheat in Minecraft actually has even more special uses.

3. Reduce horse's temper

It can be hard to tame wild horses sometimes. You usually ride them after a while to conquer their temper. However, there are tricks to befriend a horse faster and one of these methods is feeding them some wheat.

How To Ride A Horse In Minecraft 1
To tame and ride a horse, you can use wheat to ease it temper a lot faster.

Essentially, it reduces the horse’s temper by 3 percent every time you feed them. This means you will have a higher chance of taming this mob.

4. Craft cookies

A lot of users know how to make cakes using crops, but they may not know that wheat can also be used in cookie recipes. As players mostly focus on survival, they seem to rarely make cookies as they may not be the best items.

Cookie Minecraft
You can craft cookies with one cocoa bean and two wheat.

Although Minecraft cookies can only gain one hunger bar, they are great items to utilize in a composter to create a bone meal.

5. Increase compost level

Last but not least, one of the least uses of wheat in Minecraft is boosting the level of a composter by 65 percent. A composter block is what players can use to craft bone meals from natural biological items.

Minecraft Compost
Multiple items, consisting of wheat, can put thrown in the composter to create a bone meal and use on crops.

>>> Related post: Sweet Berries Minecraft & Top 5 Best Uses Until Update 1.18

<![CDATA[Sweet Berries Minecraft & Top 5 Best Uses Until Update 1.18]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/sweet-berries-minecraft-20129 Fri, 18 Mar 2022 07:00:15 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/sweet-berries-minecraft-20129
Sweet Berries seem like a futile item in Minecraft, but they do possess far better uses you can expect.]]>

Sweet berries Minecraft were added in update 1.14 and they have become one of the most valuable in-game items ever since.

This burgundy fruit is not just useful to players but can also help some mobs in their development and survival. Why is it a great item to have in bulk, you may ask.

Check out the best uses you can make out of sweet berries!

Sweet Berry Bush
Here's what you can use berries in Minecraft for.


As the bush in Minecraft can grow endless berries, you may find this fruit a great good to farm. Farming and harvesting sweet berry Minecraft will assist you in a lot of purposes. You will have food to consume and survive while also breeding animals and trading for high valued items.

There are various ways to build a sweet berry farm Minecraft and you can take inspiration from many torchbearers on Youtube.

Sweet Berries Minecraft
Building a sweet berry farm will help you a lot in the game.


Another best sweet berries Minecraft use is you can utilize it to protect your home from other mobs, players, any other entities.

Although it seems to be fragile, you can still manage to make this berry a good means of protection if you know how to place it strategically around the base.

Sweet Berry Protection
Do you know sweet berries can attack enemies too?

Food source

Sweet berries are not too appreciated when it comes to the strength to defend one’s house in Minecraft, and sadly they are not amongst the strongest food either.

A single berry can restore two hunger points and does not have a lot of saturation. However, if you stock up a bid deal on these fruits, they can aid you quite considerably.

Sweet Berry Use
Although sweet berries Minecraft provide little health points, they are still worth farming.

Breeding foxes

Although you cannot tame foxes like other animals like Minecraft cats or llamas, they can be bred. Players only need to feed a sweet berry to a mature fox and a baby fox will spawn as their offspring. The little fox is also very friendly towards the players.

Apart from that, you can as well use sweet berries to reduce the needed time for the baby fox to fully grow.

Minecraft Fox
You can breed your foxes with these red berries.


The best use for Minecraft berry is trading. A master-level butcher in the game will agree to trade 1 emerald for 10 sweet berries.

Butcher Village
Emeralds in Minecraft are very important and with berries, we have one of the best methods to get emeralds for further works.

It is no doubt an exceptional deal considering how berries are easy to farm and collect in bulk.

>>> Related post: What Are The Most Annoying Mobs In Minecraft 1.18?

<![CDATA[Top 5 Simple Wooden House Designs In Minecraft For All Players]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/best-wooden-homes-in-minecraft-19868 Mon, 07 Feb 2022 04:03:49 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/best-wooden-homes-in-minecraft-19868
What are the best wooden house in Minecraft that requires little effort and accessible materials to build? Check out top 5!]]>

One of the most longlasting and accessible materials to create in Minecraft. Whatever form it’s in, it can provide a pleasing visual if used well.

As you can get wood quickly and easily in different biomes, making a wooden base can be efficient both in the early and late game. As it never hurts to make a cabin nestled away for yourself, take a look at the best wooden house Minecraft.

1. Plains Biome Starter House

Players can adorn it with lanterns or foliage nearby. The only disadvantage to this is its open structure that can make players the prey for skeleton projectiles.

However, the skeleton mob’s aim is not that good and they may hit this shelter’s side rather than the player.

Plains Biome Starter
This SquareMario design which requires stone and wood can be made quickly with minimal costs.

2. Mountain House

You can get creative with your design and no one stated that you have to build the whole shelter out of woods. In JUNS MAB Architecture tutorial, they made an epic Mountain house with this in mind.

After hollowing a nearby mountain’s side, you can set up frames from wooden blocks and put them inside the side of the mountain. Then, the player can decorate the interiors and expand this modular making for the home to have more sections.

Mountain House

3. Simple Starter Base by

Minecraft players who want to have a home in a minute will find this one of the best wooden houses in Minecraft. Besides, it can keep you safe from aggressive mobs. After the first night, you may expand the creations with more amenities. However, this base has more things to offer from the start.

In particular, new players can easily craft this design without too much knowledge in building.

Simple Starter Base @Cadio_Builds
This wooden house Minecraft is simple and efficient.

4. Animal Pen House

While Choopatsup can be more elaborate for Minecraft makers, it has everything you can ask for. A small crop farm can be complete in the underside along with an enclosure to keep livestock.

Adding planter boxes to flower pots and hedges cab also make your shelter appear more homely. You may choose to work more on placing survival aids to maximize your safety, such as an enchanting space or storage.

Starter House With Animal Pen
Another simple wooden house Minecraft even new players can build.

Upon completion, this design will meet most requirements you have for your Minecraft Survival mode game.

5. Small Wooden Starter Base

The last but not least pick in the list of best wooden homes in Minecraft is @hiimzmc's design. The Small Wooden Starter Base is quaint, condensed and needs little resources and time to finish. The only real challenge for the player will be the brick chimney.

Although its small interior may leave little room for decorations, this creation is special in terms of starter houses in Minecraft.

Small Wooden Starter Base
This house blows you away with its appearance and it can be constructed quickly.

While being built on a constrained time and limited materials, this base still shines brightly. It is cheap, safe, and does every essential thing without demanding extra frills.

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<![CDATA[How To Cure A Zombie Villager In Minecraft & Benefits You Gain From The Cure]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-cure-a-zombie-villager-in-minecraft-19811 Mon, 24 Jan 2022 08:59:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-cure-a-zombie-villager-in-minecraft-19811
Curing a zombie villager will not only get you more villagers to trade emeralds with but also more grand benefits in Minecraft.]]>

Minecraft players who want to maintain for long in the Overworld should be aware that zombies can find, attack, and turn the villagers into zombie villagers. However, instead of killing the entire village to protect yourself, you can choose to heal your village peers.

So here’s a detailed guide on how to cure a zombie villager in Minecraft you will find useful.

Table of Contents

  • What is a Zombie Villager in Minecraft?
  • How to cure a Zombie Villager in Minecraft
  • How long to cure Zombie Villager?
  • Benefits of healing a Zombie Villager
Cure A Zomie Villager
How to turn a zombie villager back into a villager? Managing to do this will also earn you an achievement.

What is a Zombie Villager in Minecraft?

Zombie villagers are a form of zombies. Although they can spawn naturally in your world, normal villagers converting into zombies after being attacked are more common.

Meanwhile, a zombie villager’s movement, strength, and behavior are similar to a common zombie’s. They can pick up the likes of swords and bows to attack players, so you should keep a distance from them unless you have set up for zombie villager cure.

How to cure a Zombie Villager in Minecraft

How to turn a zombie villager back into a villager? There are three main steps you may follow. Firstly, trap the zombie villager. Then, weaken it with a potion. And thirdly, feed it with a golden apple and wait until the curing process ends.

1. Trap a zombie villager

The first step in how to cure a Zombie Villager in Minecraft is trapping it, which comes in different means.

It is quite easy to trap one if you come across a village with houses. Otherwise, making a basic home-like structure is also a good way to lock a zombie villager in.

Trap Zombie Villager
Trap the villager to make sure it won't kill you.

Make sure that the setup looks the same as igloo basements which are practically the most ideal spot to cure an infected villager.

2. Give Weakness Potion to Zombie Villager

Weakness is a Minecraft effect that decreases any mob’s power and the Potion of Weakness is used in the zombie villager cure to diminish their zombie characteristics, making it easier to convert it to normal.

Once the zombie villager is trapped, players only have to open a single block in their trapping structure and throw the splash potion onto the zombie villager.

How do you make a Splash Potion of Weakness? Players will need Fermented Spider Eye, Blaze Powder, Brewing Stand, Water Bottle, and Gun Powder.

Potion Of Weakness
Splash Potion of Weakness will help decrease hostile zombie characteristics of the villager.

On another hand, you can also create an arrow of weakness or a Lingering Potion of weakness. The weakness potion’s effect depends on which Minecraft edition you use:

  • 1 minute 30 seconds – Potion of Weakness I (Java Edition)
  • 4 minutes – Potion of Weakness II (Java Edition)
  • 1 minute 7 seconds – Potion of Weakness I (Bedrock Edition)
  • 3 minutes – Potion of Weakness II (Bedrock Edition)

3. Feed a golden apple to the zombie villager

The last step for how to cure a Zombie Villager in Minecraft is feeding the golden apple to it. You can either use the secondary key or right-click.

A golden apple can be crafted using 8 gold ingots and 1 regular apple. On another hand, you can find it in village chests. After giving the apple to the zombie villager, you will hear a sizzling sound. The eyes of the zombie villager will turn red and it released red particles around itself.

After a while, players shall find a cured regular villager in the house.

Feed The Golden Apple
The last step is feeding the zombie villager a golden apple and waiting for it to fully heal.

If it was holding any tool, armor, or weapon, they will disappear. If it was a baby villager before transforming into a zombie, the cure will convert it into its old form. And if it was a mature villager with a profession, it will get its job back and even get a new profession once cured.

Note: The zombie villager will gain extra strength during the curing. You should keep it trapped and wait for a few minutes.

How long to cure Zombie Villager?

Once the player has fed the zombie villager a golden apple, it will take the cure 1-2 minutes in Minecraft Bedrock and 3-5 minutes in the Java edition to fully work.

You may shorten this duration by putting iron bars or beds around the Minecraft zombie villager. In fact, it won’t speed things up too significantly.

For those who ask “do Zombie Villagers despawn,” they cannot once the curing process begins. You can keep on exploring and return to find the villager having been healed. Moreover, you can save and reload your world to skip the waiting time on Bedrock Edition.

Benefits of healing a Zombie Villager

There are some benefits when it comes to saving your villagers from savageness:

  • Once a villager with a job has been healed, it will offer massive permanent trading discounts.
  • If you cure the villager inside a village, it leaves an impact on other villagers which means trading discounts will be available on more villagers too.
  • Curing a villager also prevents other villagers from transforming into a zombie.

>>> Related post: How To Make Easy Slime Farm In Minecraft 1.18

<![CDATA[What Does Minecraft Lodestone Do & How To Make Lodestone Compass]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/minecraft-lodestone-19695 Tue, 11 Jan 2022 09:06:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/minecraft-lodestone-19695
Knowing how to make lodestones and how to use them will make it easier to traverse in the world of Minecraft.]]>

Minecraft has every kind of block that you can use to build construction. from dirt blocks to the versatile Redstone ore, you can get creative with a large slew of substances. However, many may find keeping track of these blocks quite overwhelming and one of the most prominent examples is Minecraft lodestone.

Players who want to dominate Minecraft will have to step into the treacherous Nether and End realms. Lodestone will come in handy at these moments but it can only be found in few places. Therefore, follow our guide and you won't find this a hassle anymore.

Table of Contents

Lodestone in Minecraft is a rare and sought-after block.

Lodestone Minecraft Use

What does the lodestone do in Minecraft? You can use a lodestone to make a compass work as the sole Minecraft compass itself cannot work in the realms of End or the Nether.

Normally, the compass twists and turns when in these realms. However, using a lodestone and the player will be able to mark key locations that they want such as portals, bastions, or end cities.

Lodestone Compass
What does the lodestone do in Minecraft? You can use it with a compass to make a special compass variant.

The resources in each of these spots are essential for you to progress throughout the game. With the myriads of environmental threats and fatal enemies, it is easy to get lost and a Minecraft lodestone is just the solution you need.

How To Make A Lodestone In Minecraft

There are two methods to acquire a block of lodestone: getting it from a chest or making one in the Inventory.

To obtain a lodestone in a chest, you have to find a bastion remnant in the Nether. These castles spawn almost all Nether biome, except basalt deltas. All bastion remnants surely have one lodestone at least. The lodestone Minecraft will always spawn in the top part of the central rampart.

Crafting a lodestone is much more complex considering the rarity of its materials.

1. How to craft a lodestone in Minecraft

Making a Minecraft lodestone block requires 8 chiseled stone bricks and 1 Netherite ingot. Place the Netherite ingot in the center of the crafting grid while the chiseled stone bricks must be put around the Netherit ingot.

How To Make A Lodestone Minecraft Recipe
Place the Netherite ingot in the middle of 8 chiseled brick stones.

And that's how you can make a lodestone. Although the process is easy, the materials are not straightforward to have.

2. Where to find lodestone materials

While chiseled stones are among the many types of stone bricks in the game, Netherite ingots are quite rare and often used in making the strongest units in Minecraft. Here's how you can get these components.

  • Netherite ingots: 4 gold ingots + 4 netherite scraps

For the netherite scraps, players must get them from the ancient debris which can be seen in bastion chests or in groups of 1-3 between “Y” level 8 and 22.

Use at least a diamond pickaxe to acquire the ancient debris. Each debris can be smelt into one netherite scrap. Meanwhile, the odd to take ancient debris from a treasure room chest is quite low: 2%. Looking underground is more recommended to make an ingot.

To get a netherite ingot, you must have four gold ingots. Search underground in the overworld for some gold speckled ore, then smelt it in a furnace. Take the scraps and ingots and put them into a crafting table.

Netherite Ingot
Creating a netheite ingot may take some time, but it's a critical meterial.

Place these ingredients in the crafting grid with a random arrangement. You will be awarded a netherite ingot shortly after.

  • Chiseled stone bricks: Cobblestones

Making chiseled stone bricks needs some cobblestone smelted in a furnace. Put the stone into a crafting table in a 2x2 grid to craft stone bricks.

Another step is making slabs out of these fresh stone bricks, then placing 2 stone brick slabs in the 3x3 crafting grid to create chiseled stone bricks.

Chiseled Stone Bricks
A Minecraft lodestone needs 8 chiseled stone bricks, but you can make more for other cases.

For the unknown, they can also find chiseled stone bricks in igloo basements or jungle temples.


Apart from how to make a Minecraft lodestone, below is the more thorough trivia you need for your game

1. How to make a lodestone compass

Place the lodestone like any other block in the game. Then, interact with it while you are holding a compass. Doing this and the compass will turn into a lodestone compass, pointing wherever the lodestone is. You can use this method to mark any spot in the world that you aspire to come back to.

In case the lodestone is broken, the compass will spin and can't be used any longer.

2. Can you place multiple lodestones?

A compass points to only one lodestone at a time. Therefore, players can equip multiple compasses and have them point to different lodestones in different locations.

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<![CDATA[How To Make Easy Slime Farm In Minecraft 1.18]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/slime-farm-minecraft-19668 Fri, 07 Jan 2022 09:21:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/slime-farm-minecraft-19668
This is how you can make a simple slime farm in Minecraft and harvest a lot of these to craft various items.]]>

Slimes are notorious creatures in Minecraft that bounce around and multiply into smaller ones when slain. But that’s not what they are known for. These mobs drop slime balls used for several purposes such as making sticky pistons.

You may find it hard to find these slimes as they just spawn in certain areas. That’s why making a slime farm Minecraft will be useful in various ways.

Table of Contents

  • Required materials for slime farm 1.18
  • How to make a slime farm Minecraft
  • Why you should build a slime farm
Slime Farm 1 18
How to make an easy slime farm.

Required materials for slime farm 1.18

Slimeballs are used in crafting many important items and they may run out quite quickly. But a slime farm will be in good use in this case as it oozes with Slimeballs to collect.

To build a slime farm 1.18, players need these materials and below is how you can make them:

  • Slimechunks
  • Torches or candles
  • Iron Golems

1. Slime chunks

It is hard to tell the nearest slime chunks are, so you can use Chunkbase based on your seed.

Type ‘/seed’ into the game and it shall appear in the bottom left corner. Moreover, press F3 + G to enable chunk borders.

Players make create a slime chunk farm to get many of them.

This yellow grid can indicate the location of each chunk. Once seeing these slime chunks in their seed, the players can find the closest one and head there.

2. Torches/candles

You can find torches in igloos, village lamp posts, corridors, pillager outposts, woodland mansions, or chest loots. Besides, torches can be crafted using Coal/Charcoal and Stick.

With candles, Minecraft players can simply place 1 String above 1 Honeycomb in a crafting window to make them. You may light Candles up with flint and steel.

Light sources prevent other mobs to spawn in your slime farm.

3. Iron Golem

Iron Golem can either be spawned using cheat codes or using manual crafting. The needed materials to make an Iron Golem are iron blocks, some pumpkins.

Slimes usually find enemies in a distance of 16 blocks to hit and if they can’t search for any player, they will attack either iron or snow golem. This is extremely useful when it comes to building a slime farm Minecraft.

Iron Golem
Iron Golems attract the slimes, which you can use to harvest slimeballs.

How to make a slime farm Minecraft

Now that you have known the essential materials, here’s how you can craft a slime farm in the 1.18 version:

  • Find a slime chunk close by.
  • Go underground until you arrive at Y40, then dig a 20-block-deep 16x16 chamber.
  • Through the center of the chamber, make 10x10 platforms while making sure to leave a few air blocks to separate them. Doing this will leave some room for slimes to spawn on.
Slime Farm Minecraft
As slimes can generate in any light level, ensure to light up the farm.
  • Place candles or torches to light your platforms up and stop other mobs from spawning there.
  • Leave an Iron Golem on a wall opposite each platform.

These Iron Golems will make the slimes hop over the edge. You may also make some floor blocks underneath with Magma blocks. Any slimes surviving the fall can be killed as they touch the Magma blocks.

Iron Golem Slime Farm
When slimes approach the Iron Golems, they fall from height and dies, hence drop slimeballs you can get.

To maximize your time, you may try AFK fishing while waiting for the spawning of slimes.

Note: Slimes only spawn if the player is away farther than the 24 blocks and they can despawn when you’re over 32 blocks away. Make sure to make a small zone within this range to AFK in.

Why you should build a slime farm

Slimes may look like they are like “any other mob”. However, slimes can provide one of the most essential materials for Minecraft adventurers and builders alike.

When slain, one slime can drop slimeballs which are used in plenty of recipes. Here's a look at everything that you can make with slimeballs:

1. Slime block

Slime blocks look aesthetically pleasing yet they can also work for two special purposes. For one, they can bounce you and the mobs. Second, they can push and pull adjacent blocks when you combine them with a piston.

A Slime Block can be made from 9 Slimeballs in Minecraft.

A slime farm Minecraft will give you the advantage to make the most useful items.

2. Lead

Leads are what you use to lasso animals and take them around. You may as well use it to affix the animal to an object to prevent them from running away. Making a lead will need:

  • 4 x String
  • 1 x Slimeball

3. Sticky Piston

Sticky Pistons function like normal pistons with an additional feature: blocks are “pushable” and “pullable”. Using a Sticky Piston helps you push and pull the block with free will. Piecing these together will craft a Sticky Piston:

  • 1 x Piston
  • 1 x Slimeball

4. Magma Cream

Another use that makes creating a slime farm worthwhile is making Magma Cream. Brewing Fire Resistance potions and making Magma Blocks both need Magma Creams. You need these materials for a Magma Cream:

  • 1 x Blaze Powder
  • 1 x Slimeball

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<![CDATA[How To Get Rid Of Water In Minecraft: Best Ways To Remove Water For All Version]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-get-rid-of-water-in-minecraft-19360 Fri, 03 Dec 2021 10:05:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-get-rid-of-water-in-minecraft-19360
Water is practical in Minecraft, but it can be quite annoying if used in the wrong place. Check our guide to learn how to get rid of water in Minecraft.]]>

Minecraft is the game where you pay lots of effort into creating your own home and functioning world. However, something can get into your way sometimes like a swamp where you want to build a certain base.

Do not let any of those obstacles stop you as there’s always a solution. In this guide, we will show the best ways of how to get rid of water in Minecraft.

Table of Contents

  • How to get rid of water in Minecraft
  • How to remove water on all Minecraft versions
How To Get Rid Of Water In Minecraftt
Water is a practical element of the game, but nothing is useful when it is in the wrong place.

How to get rid of water in Minecraft

Players can adopt different ways to remove water in Minecraft in various situations. While small bodies of water are quite easy to clear up, the bigger ones may take more time to get rid of.

1. Replace water source

Water in Minecraft always starts in different directions from a water source block. You can spot this source block of water seamlessly. To stop it from spreading and filling the place, use a solid block and replace the water source by putting the block on it.

Water From A Source
Water flows in various directions from only a source.

2. Use a sponge

Those who want to know how to remove water from Ocean Monument can use the sponge as their rescue. A sponge block can only generate in sponge rooms of ocean monuments or you can defeat an Elder Guardian to get it.

Put walls in between to split up the water into small sections, then put a sponge in the center of each section. You can also place it on the wall, but the effectiveness to remove water will be humbler.

how to remove water from ocean monument
Sponges will absorb the water if you know how to place them properly.

A sponge can absorb water within a 7-block radius from itself and turn into a wet sponge. Smelting a wet one in a furnace can make it dry again.

3. Use an empty bucket

Players can craft a bucket by placing three iron ingots in a V shape on their crafting table. To get rid of water in Minecraft with an empty bucket, you need to spot the water source and right-click on it while also holding the bucket with your hand.

Minecraft water buckets can come in extremely handy if you can use all of their potentials.

how to get rid of water in minecraft
Empty buckets are also useful if you aspire to know how to get rid of water in Minecraft without sponges.

4. Use sand or gravel

Another alternate method you can use to get rid of water involves using sand or gravel to speed the filling up and removing part of the procedure.

  • Get access to the zone you want to clear so you are able to stand above and water surface and fill it with gravel. Every time you place a block on the surface, it will sink until that column gets full.
  • Repeat this step for every block with water you aspire to remove. The only work that’s left is to remove the columns currently standing in place of the water.
  • Dig down into one of the water body’s corners so you will have two visible solid blocks under the lowest gravel block.
  • Break the bottom of one of these and replace it with a torch.
  • To clear the sand or gravel, get rid of the remaining solid block and let the other fall on the torch. Players need to repeat this process for each block that was pre-occupied by the water.
Sand and gravel start falling if the block under them is removed, so you can use this feature to remove waterlogged in a deep area.

You can use this method as a way of how to get rid of water in Minecraft underwater as gravel and sand are affected by gravity.

5. Use flammable materials

The fire method is arguably the most instant way to remove water in Minecraft.

Fill the area of water that you want with wool, wood, or leaves. When the area is full of materials, use steel and flint to set the fire on. This way will remove the material as well as the original water without leaving any trace.

6. Use lava

If you prefer to use a method regarding how to get rid of water in Minecraft without sponges, use lava.

When lava touches a block of water, it will make it become stone. In case lave comes in contact with a water source, that source of water will turn into obsidian.

Although this strategy may not sound practical, it can be helpful for those who want to get rid of water and also mine some stone.

How to remove water on all Minecraft versions

Using Minecraft remove water command will be an effective method that works on every version of the game.

You can use the '/fill' command to remove the water. This is a beneficial command which helps players replace blocks or fill up the area with whichever block they want.

The Minecraft remove water command for all versions of Minecraft goes as below:

  • Java Edition (PC/Mac) 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, 1.16 and 1.17: /fill air replace water
  • Java Edition (PC/Mac) 1.11 and 1.12: /fill air 0 replace water
Get Rid Of Water Command
How to get rid of water in Minecraft underwater? Make use of commands!

Two sets of coordinates (X, Y, Z) need to be used to remove the water. The first coordinate has to be a corner of the area from which water needs to be removed. Afterward, you have to reach the diagonally opposite corner and note down the coordinates.

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<![CDATA[Feather Falling Minecraft Enchantment: What Does It Do & How To Get The Max Level?]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/feather-falling-minecraft-19154 Mon, 15 Nov 2021 08:51:08 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/feather-falling-minecraft-19154
Feather Falling might be hard to get and quite tricky to upgrade, but its versatility is unparalleled and any player must not miss out on it.]]>

Dying from fall damage feels triggering not only in Minecraft but also in other game titles. Minecraft players usually see themselves falling from some deep caves and high cliffs, then facing an untimely death in the midst of a thrilling adventure into the unknown.

Consequently, Feather Falling Minecraft is an amazing enchantment to have in your Inventory. The enchantment can protect you and help you be immune to fatal damages. So how to get Feather Falling in Minecraft and what does it do? We have just the detailed instruction you need.

Table of Contents

  • What Does Feather Falling Do In Minecraft?
  • How To Get Feather Falling In Minecraft
  • Feather Falling Enchantment Levels
Feather Falling Iv
Let's see what makes Feather Falling one of the best enchantments in Minecraft.

What Does Feather Falling Do In Minecraft?

The Feather Falling enchantment can reduce the damage amount that Minecraft players take from a fall. The enchantment is most ideal for players who usually fall from height in Minecraft.

Feather Falling in Minecraft is worth enchanting your in-game boots with. And below are the enchantment's various functions that make it a valuable choice:

1. Reduce Fall Damage amount

First and foremost, as mentioned above, the enchantment reduces the amount of damage that a Minecraft player takes from falls.

2. Reduce Ender Pearl teleportation damage

Apart from lessening your death rate, the enchantment also helps reduce the damage from Ender Pearl teleportation.

Players usually lose 2.5 heart damage when they teleport with Ender pearls. With Feather Falling-enchanted boots, they can cut down on this damage and this is also the most essential aspect players can benefit from this enchantment.

Feather Falling Enchantment
Enchant your boots with this enchantment will help decrease your demise rate of falling from the height.

3. Increase survival chances

Being one of the best enchantments for boots, Feather Falling surely helps you to survive longer and fight opponents. In fact, Feather Falling 4 will activate the highest durability of your boots in Minecraft.

However, while it has the ability to decrease fall damage, it cannot change your tools' speed of falling. Considering this fact, Feather Falling-equipped players should keep themselves alarmed because it can't protect you 100% from all damage.

How To Get Feather Falling In Minecraft

As this is one of the rarest enchantments in Minecraft, obtaining Feather Falling can turn out quite tricky. Although there are fewer opportunities to get it from an enchanting table, there are other ways you can adopt to get Feather Falling.

1. Trading

Players can trade with Minecraft villagers to get this enchantment. By giving them some of your everyday items in the inventory, the villagers will hand you a Feather Falling spell.

Trade With Villager
Players can trade with the villagers to collect a Feather Falling.

2. Loot chests

Loot chests are a common method to get most enchantments in Minecraft. You can also use this method to obtain a Feather Falling.

3. Enchanting Table

Feather Falling is among the rarest and hardest enchantment to get from the enchanting table. Players need to collect as many bookshelves as possible for this enchantment to be collected.

It needs at least 3 to 13 bookshelves placed near the Minecraft enchanting table. Besides increasing the number of bookshelves to increase your chance, make sure to have full of boots in the inventory.

Enchanting Table
Collect as many bookshelves as possible to get the enchantment you desire.

4. Combine two Feather Falling III

Minecraft Feather Falling max level can be obtained after you combine the two Feathers Falling level III enchantments.

5. Use the Enchant Command

Minecraft also offers its players a command from the inventory. To enchant their boots with Feather Falling IV enchantment, use the command /enchant @p feather_falling 4

Diamond Boots With Feather Falling
Not Feather Falling 5, the highest level for this enchantment is 4.

Feather Falling Enchantment Levels

There are four levels of Feather Falling enchantment and the Minecraft Feather Falling max level is 4. Each level will reduce the fall damage by 12%, hence the Feather Falling 4 will make the fall damage reduce to 48%.

That's why you'd better not jump off the sky bases unless the highest level of Feather Falling has been equipped. See the details for each level of the Feather Falling here:

Feather Falling Minecraft
The higher the level, the more powerful the Feather Falling enchantment will be in Minecraft.

1. Level 1

Level 1 enchantment gives the player 12% more protection from fall damage. However, this rate is not much different if compared to an unenchanted boot in Minecraft.

2. Level 2

The amount of fall damage reduced will be 24% with the second level of the enchantment.

3. Level 3

At this level, it will give players 36% more reduction in their fall damage.

4. Level 4

While players may be hoping that the devs will release Feather Falling 5, the highest level of this enchantment currently stays at 4. It will help you reduce the fall damage by 48% and that's a lot to consider.

How to get Feather Falling 4? You just need to combine two Feather Falling III enchantments on an anvil or trade with villagers.

One more note to remember is that Feather Falling Minecraft is exclusive to boots. It will not bring about the same benefits if you use it on other tools or items.

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<![CDATA[What Does Respiration Do In Minecraft? How Can You Use And Upgrade It To The Top Tier?]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/what-does-respiration-do-in-minecraft-18513 Mon, 13 Sep 2021 11:41:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/what-does-respiration-do-in-minecraft-18513
The deep oceans have claimed lives to drowning, and having Respiration enchantment makes sure that the players get ample time to explore and beat mobs.]]>

A large part of Minecraft worlds has huge bodies of water regardless it is a gargantuan cliff or flat terrain. Players can easily lose their life when they accidentally stay under the water a bit too long.

Therefore, many are fond of the Respiration Enchantment as it allows them to stay longer underwater. It is also one of the few Minecraft enchantments that one works hard to get for their helmet. So what does Respiration do in Minecraft and why are people so driven to have it for their sets of armor? Find out below.

Table of Contents

  • What does Respiration do in Minecraft?
  • Levels of Respiration enchantments
  • How do you use the Respiration Enchantment?
  • Minecraft Respiration 3 vs. Aqua Affinity
What can you use respiration for in Minecraft?

What does Respiration do in Minecraft?

Without a potion effect or an enchantment, you can barely hold your breath for more than 15 seconds before drowning. Respiration in Minecraft works to lengthen the amount of time you can submerge underwater.

The difference when you have and don't have it on is astronomical. Besides, Respiration enchantment also gives you a chance of not taking drowning damage each second by level/ (level + 1).

In fact, this enchantment can only be enchanted onto helmets.

What Does Respiration Do In Minecraft 3
Respiration enchantment helps players breathe longer underwater.

Levels of Respiration enchantments

The Minecraft respiration enchantment is divided into three levels: I, II, and III. Each tier of the enchantment adds 15 seconds to the time you can stay submerged.

With Respiration I, you can freely do things underwater for 30 seconds instead of 15 seconds as usual, but Respiration level II and III even offer you much more than that, besides the extended time.

To make the best out of the enchant, let’s find out what does Respiration 2 and 3 do in Minecraft.

What does Respiration 2 do in Minecraft?

Respiration II grants you 45 seconds under the water.

You can further enhance its effect by combing it with an enchantment of aqua affinity which also helps you survive underwater. Add these two enchantments to your turtle shell helmet to ratchet the effects.

With respiration II, you have 45 seconds to do anything you want in the water.

What does Respiration 3 do in Minecraft?

More than the lower tiers, Respiration III hands you a whole minute underwater. It is the best choice if players want the longest time underwater for themselves.

Although one can achieve Respiration III via an enchantment table, most users find it more convenient to level their helmet up by merging Respiration I and II enchant or books. In order to merge Respiration enchantments together, make an anvil and place two enchantments of the same level together.

For example:

  • Combining two Respiration I books and you will get Respiration II.
  • Merging the above Respiration II book with another Respiration II will give you the premium Respiration III form.
Respiration Iii
What does Respiration 3 do in Minecraft? It gives you 60 seconds unharmed underwater.

>>> Also read: What Is Minecraft Bane Of Arthropods Enchantment And How To Use It?

How do you use the Respiration Enchantment?

Respiration is interesting as you do not directly enchant yourself but with things that you have in the inventory. You can do the enchanting with caps, helmets, or tortoise shells. Here’s what you can do to use Respiration enchantment in Minecraft.

1. Access the enchantment

There are two ways to access the Enchantment of Respiration: by enchanting and by looting.

  • Enchanting

To enchant a cap or a helmet, players need to have access to an enchanting table which can be made with a book, diamonds, or obsidians. Make sure to set up some bookshelves to make sure you can reach the highest level of Respiration.

From there, it is seamless to enchant. Just put the item you want to enchant in the first slot.

Enchantment Table
Put your helmet or cap in the first slot to get in enchanted with this powerful spell.
  • Looting

Another way to access the enchantment is to loot. You can occasionally find helmets in chests or through fighting mobs, and it can happen to be an enchanted helmet as well.

However, the helmet you attained might be damaged during the process. It not only takes time to find a helmet that has already been enchanted but the possibility of finding the certain enchantment is especially low.

Therefore, you can keep your eye out for a random chance, but it is more recommended to use the Enchantment table and get it under a spell yourself.

2. Wear the Enchanted Helmet

Once you have managed to enchant a cap or helmet, you have to actually wear it to be blessed with Respiration Enchantment’s effects. To do so, move the enchanted cap to your inventory and it will show your avatar with it.

Minecraft Respiration 3 vs. Aqua Affinity

Whenever people ask what does Respiration do in Minecraft, the comparison of Respiration 3 and Aqua Affinity always comes up. Which one is better?

  • The main disparity between them is that while Respiration elongates the duration of breathing underwater, Aqua Affinity boosts your mining speed in the same environment.
  • Each of them has a separate purpose and can be obtained on different locations.
  • While Respiration 3’s power level is 3, that of Aqua Affinity is 1.
  • Meanwhile, Aqua Affinity does not decrease the drowning damage whereas Respiration does.

In other words, if players are about to have a journey off the shore, Respiration 3 is a must-have enchantment if they want to have more chances to survive.

Respiration 3 Vs Aqua Affinity
Players are divided whether Respiration 3 or Aqua Affinity is better.

There’s everything you need to know about what does Respiration do in Minecraft. Check out more useful guides on Gurugamer.com!

>>> Related post: How To Breathe Underwater In Minecraft (With Potion, Conduit, Helmet & Airlock)

<![CDATA[Minecraft Survival Tricks: Top 5 Items To Bring To A Woodland Mansion]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/items-to-bring-to-a-woodland-mansion-18508 Mon, 13 Sep 2021 05:52:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/items-to-bring-to-a-woodland-mansion-18508
If you want to survive the dangerous and deadly Minecraft woodland mansion, here are the 5 best essentials you cannot skip!]]>

The woodland mansion is highly fatal and one of the rarest structures in Minecraft. Here, players need to cope with one of the most threatening modes called the Evoker, usually found lurking in the dark rooms.

To avoid an early death, all players need to carry the most powerful items with themselves due to the fright the woodland mansion offers. Here are the best items you should bring to a woodland mansion in Minecraft.

Table of Contents

  • 5. Elytra
  • 4. Water Bucket
  • 3. Enchanted Armor
  • 2. Offensive Weapons
  • 1. Torches
Woodland Mansion
What do you need to help you survive the woodland mansion?

5. Elytra

Although the elytra is not going to be useful inside the Minecraft woodland mansion, it will be efficient on your way to the location of this structure.

The woodland mansions are often located a plethora of blocks from the spawn point. It will take quite a long time to go over all this distance only on foot. Therefore, getting an elytra would save you a lot of time as you can travel to the woodland mansion in only the blink of an eye.

Elytra will be a big help when you want to travel faster to the destination.

4. Water Bucket

A Water Bucket may sound irrelevant but it can come in handy when you are inside the woodland mansion in Minecraft.

For your information, the Vindicator is a highly hostile mob. It usually chases the player while also swinging an axe around. Imagine if that gets you. This is when the uses of water bucket prove necessary. By placing water between you and the Vindicator, you can buy some time to shoot it with a bow.

Water Bucket
A water bucket sounds like an interesting choice, but it does come in handy in specific situations.

3. Enchanted Armor

Another item that Minecraft players should seriously equip with them is enchanted armor. On your venture to defeat the woodland mansion, there will be a series of dangerous mobs waiting for a chance to come at you.

It is essential to wear a diamond or iron enchanted armor that will give you the best defensive protection possible. Moreover, using the Protection enchantment will make your armor even stronger to cope with dangers.

You can check the best armor enchantments in Minecraft for more suggestions.

Enchanted Armor
Remember to don Enchanted Armor to stay alive.

2. Offensive Weapons

If a player wants to make it out of the place in a complete piece, they will need some offensive weaponry. You are recommended to bring a sword (better be a diamond sword if you can have one) as well as a bow to prepare for any possible happening.

Moreover, the arrows coming in might be intense so you need to get a shield to protect yourself from the pillagers in the mansion.

Minecraft Diamond Sword
Don't forget your weapons!

1. Torches

Last but not least, the woodland mansion interior is quite dark and that’s why you need something to help you see. A ton of torches will help you explore the structure and avoid threats from all corners.

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<![CDATA[How To Survive Starting Out In The Desert Biome In Minecraft]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-survive-starting-out-in-the-desert-biome-in-minecraft-18347 Fri, 27 Aug 2021 04:11:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-survive-starting-out-in-the-desert-biome-in-minecraft-18347
Desert Biome is one of the hardest places to survive in Minecraft. However, there are ways that you can overcome this challenge and beat the game.]]>

Not all biomes are created equal - some are much harder than others. The Desert Biome is one of the most dangrous biomes in Minecraft, with players usually just reset the game to get a better start or relocate to a more hospitable and productive biome. However, playing every game in an easymode biome like Plains can get boring. If you want a unique playthrough, challenge yourself by starting in an endless desert is not a bad idea.

In this article, we are going to showcase how to survive starting out in the Desert Biome in Minecraft.

Build a house first

First of all, you need to dig and get as much sand as possible to craft into Sandstone - this is the best building material available in the desert at the start. You should focus on building a secure house, as you won't be able to find enough wool for a bed anytime soon. You might even have to prepare an emergency shelter for your first night, such as a jump pillar.

Cacti blocks are fairly useful, as they can repel spiders and phantoms. In a Desert Biome in Minecraft, the first few nights are the hardest.

Desert Shelter
Defensive shelters are needed until you have enough resources to build a bed.

Set up a base

Food is not really too big of an issue on desert, as you can hunt rabbits or eat rotten flesh from husks. Looks for any naturally generated structures you can find on the desert for chests, as they might contain useful materials.

Desert villages are extremely valuable - you can check the loot from its blacksmith to get iron for a pickaxe. Afterward, load up on cooked rabbits, go mine, and proceed with your game as normal. Remember to make use of dead bushes - they are very common and can be used to craft sticks.

Desert Village
Your playthrough would be much easier if you manage to find a Desert Village.

Farming probably won't be available for a while, until you manage to get some dirt from underground mining. Get some carrots and potatoes from zombies and begin to grow them. With the sticks from dead bushes and string from spiders, you could use a village crafting table to craft a fishing rod, giving you a sustainable food source. Once you have a steady supply from food farms, the hardest part is probably over.


Fighting mob in the desert is fairly challenging, and you generally want to avoid combat unless absolutely necessary. You will be very weak compared to a normal game in almost every aspect - weapons, armor, equipment, and ability to recover after death.

The lack of cover in the desert makes you more vulnerable to ranged attacks but lowers the chance for enemies like Creepers to sneak up on you. Bows are terrific weapons in this kind of terrain. However, just be careful when facing Endermen, as they are immune to ranged attacks and the flat areas give them a lot of room to teleport.

Husks are a pretty common spawn on the Desert Biome In Minecraft.

After getting enough food and weapons, you can just play the game like normal. Once you locate the portal, you can pretty much just beat it like any other playthrough.

Interested in more of our articles related to Minecraft? Please check out this post to find out Where To Find Terracotta In Minecraft?

<![CDATA[How To Make A Boat In Minecraft To Float Over The Largest Bodies Of Water]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-make-a-boat-in-minecraft-18304 Mon, 23 Aug 2021 11:12:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-make-a-boat-in-minecraft-18304
A boat in Minecraft can look quite simple but its uses are incredibly versatile. Here's the easiest way for you to make one.]]>

Seeing just how vast the Minecraft world is, players need to get creative if they want to make their trips as quick as possible. Lengthy rivers and massive open oceans are among the challenges that the overworld offers. That is the reason why making a boat is inevitable to make the trips much smoother.

Crafting a boat in Minecraft has many benefits and fortunately, its materials are not too hard to get. Here’s how to make a boat in Minecraft for those in need.

Classic Minecraft Boat
A classic boat looks simple but its uses are not to underestimate.

How to make a boat in Minecraft

1. Steps to craft a boat

For the Bedrock and Education editions, a boat recipe needs five wooden planks of the same type and a wooden shovel. In Minecraft Java Edition, the crafting process calls for five matching wooden planks only.

To make a boat in Minecraft, put 2 wood planks on either side of the second row, then 3 planks in the last row. Remember to also place the wooden shovel in the middlebox if you are playing Education and Bedrock versions. After getting the boat, move it to your inventory.

Craft A Minecraft Boat Java Edition
How to make a boat in Minecraft Java Edition.
Craft A Minecraft Boat Bedrock And Education Versions
How to make a boat in Minecraft Education and Bedrock Editions.

You can create wooden planks from wooden logs without having to use a crafting menu. To obtain at least 5 of them, you only need to collect 2 logs.

Meanwhile, the shovel has to be wooden and made from a mix of one wooden plank and two sticks.

2. Boat variants

Different trees grow in different Minecraft biomes and it means that no matter where you end up, it is possible to craft a boat in Minecraft.

Every boat has the same design, but the colors vary in six tones. The color options are connected to the chosen wooden: spruce, oak, birch, acacia, jungle, and dark oak.

Minecraft Boat Colors
There are 6 colors for Minecraft boats.

What can you use Minecraft boat for?

1. Transport players across the water

The main use of a Minecraft boat is transportation over water. Rivers and oceans are usually encountered and using a boat is among the fastest ways to get through them. For those who find the quickest path, boats are the fastest on ice.

A boat travels at a speed of 8 blocks for each second on water and 2 blocks per second on land. However, on normal ice and blue ice, it can travel for a wild 57 blocks and 72 blocks per second, respectively.

Creating a path in your base with blue ice will surely guarantee instant movement.

Minecraft Boat Use
You can use boats for various purposes in the game.

2. Transport animals, materials

On another hand, you can also use boats to transport animals, materials, and even villagers. As they can handle up to two mobs at the same time, you can effectively “trap” the villagers and animals on them and move them back to your base.

This method works well for exotic creatures whose habitats are on special biomes and for players who want to breed villagers in Minecraft for easier trading.

3. Fuel and exchange item

Another use of boats in Minecraft, which is actually less common, is being the fuel in a furnace. They take 60 seconds to burn.

Moreover, it can be a tradable good with fishermen of master level in villages. You can also trade a boat in exchange for an emerald in Minecraft.

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