Review - Website for Indian gamers with latest gaming and technology news. Find release dates, trailers, and scores for all upcoming and recent video games in the world Mon, 16 Oct 2023 11:08:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Review - <![CDATA[Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Review: Has Potentials, But Still Full Of Technical Issues]]> Sat, 24 Jun 2023 10:31:00 +0000
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is currently experiencing a lot of bugs. Yet despite that, the game is still pretty enjoyable. If Niantic can polish the experience, it'll definitely be great.]]>

Table of Contents

  • Harry Potter: Wizards Unite stays close to the formula established by Pokémon GO, which is both good and bad
  • The stamp collection part makes no sense
  • Filling out the Ministry ID is extremely fun, though

The most important question in people’s minds when they read reviews about a new game is probably “Is it fun?” So let us answer that right away: Yes, Harry Potter: Wizards Unite IS fun – when you can get it to work.

Within our first 24 hours of playing the latest game from Niantic, we’ve encountered freezes, crashes, and connection issues more times than we can count. And that’s not even mentioning the myriad of features that are currently unavailable. Yet despite that, we’ve got to say this magical experience has a lot of potential, provided that its massive collection of bugs can be ironed out.

Harry Potter: Wizards Unite trailer

Harry Potter: Wizards Unite stays close to the formula established by Pokémon GO, which is both good and bad

At first glance, Harry Potter: Wizards Unite appears like a Pokémon GO reskin, and in several ways, it is. That is both a praise and a complaint. Pokémon GO’s massive success has proven that the formula works, so Niantic took the right approach by not trying to fix what isn’t broken.

However, the magical universe of Harry Potter is not a perfect fit. While putting us in the role of members of a special task force under the Ministry of Magic whose responsibility is to protect Muggles from magical misconduct hits the right spot, the collectibles are an absolute miss.

Harry Potter Wizards Unite 1 0 0
Track down the Foundables and bring them back to the magic world

Pokémon GO has a huge collection of Pokémon for you to catch. Meanwhile, Harry Potter: Wizards Unite has Foundables, which are basically magical objects or creatures that have escaped into the “normal” world where they don’t belong. Naturally, it falls to you to restore order.

So far, our experience has mostly consisted of rescuing various characters from the Harry Potter universe that have been entangled in ravenous man-eating plants or frozen in ice, with some occasional battles against magical foes. They all play out in a similar way, though: You have to draw certain patterns on the screen of your phone to cast spells.

Hp1 Noscale
Draw patterns to cast spells

Just like with Pokémon GO, your chances of pulling off an enchantment are decided by how accurately you swipe. However, this time there are several patterns to draw, adding a certain degree of variety to the usual “flick to throw a Pokéball” thing.

The stamp collection part makes no sense

If you successfully cast your spell, you’ll complete that particular Foundable and obtain a stamp to add to your collection. And this is the part that we think is a lot less satisfying compared to filling out a Pokédex in Pokémon GO.

The idea is not bad by any means – after all, who doesn’t like a stamp collection - it’s just that it doesn’t make sense. Think about it, you are trapped in ice, then a dude comes, casts a spell to free you, and you just give him a… stamp of yourself? It’s just bizarre.

Harry Potter Wizards Unite
Explore the world and engage in magical duels

Thankfully, Inns – the equivalent of Pokéstop – do work better. Harry Potter: Wizards Unite doesn’t have that many items, so these Inns mostly serve as a place to recharge the energy you spent performing spells. It makes sense from a realism standpoint too: Grabbing a nice drink to refresh yourself and regain energy sounds quite reasonable.

Filling out the Ministry ID is extremely fun, though

Another thing about Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is that you get to fill out your Ministry ID, which is basically creating a character. You can pick a photo to put on the ID, create your own wand, choose the Hogwarts House you like, and more. A minor disappointment is that you don’t get to take a quiz or go through some sort of sorting process to determine which House you belong to, so it’s just basically picking whichever you want.

Hp Wizard Unite
Create your own Ministry ID

We’re still not a long way into Harry Potter: Wizards Unite yet, but we’ve absolutely enjoyed what little of it we’ve experienced. It’s made great use of the idea of Pokémon GO to bring our beloved magical world to life.

The experience is hampered quite a lot by tons of bugs at the moment. Still, it was the same for Pokémon GO when it first came out, so we can expect Niantic to iron things out in the near future. We have high confidence that it will become a title that will stay on your phone for a very long time.

<![CDATA[These games within games will win your heart]]> Fri, 05 May 2023 14:55:00 +0000
Here are some of the games that come with their own great minigames.]]>

In the world of literature, nested stories are a popular device to make a tale stand out and give it additional context. These are essentially “stories within stories.” Popular examples include The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens, and more recently, top US writer Stephen King’s The Wind Through the Keyhole even features a story within a story within a story. 

The same technique can be seen in TV, such as Bart and Lisa Simpson watching Itchy and Scratchy, and in movies like The French Lieutenant’s Woman and Tropic Thunder. It should come as no surprise that game developers have jumped onto this same theme by nesting or embedding games within games. Here are some where the nested game is just as enjoyable as the game that hosts it. 

Lestercrest Gtao Artwork

Grand Theft Auto – a whole world of gaming

Perhaps the best example of the nested gaming principle in action, Grand Theft Auto has a whole suite of games you can play within its virtual universe. The attention to detail in each one is phenomenal. For example, the golf game is GTA 5 would perform well against the competition as a stand alone golf game. 

Likewise, when you need some down time from roaming the mean streets of San Andreas, there are several locations where you can pick up a pool cue, not as a weapon, but to take on all comers for a couple of racks. 

These are just a couple of examples. There are also dart boards and, of course, there’s an entire virtual casino full of games to try!

Red Dead Redemption helps you brush up your poker skills

If you have dreams of taking on the top US poker players in the WSOP tournament, you’re not alone. About 60 million Americans play poker, and playing online is the perfect way to get started. Card games are popular features of nested game scenarios, and poker is the obvious choice for a Western themed game. 

Incredibly, the first wild west game to feature poker as an in-game feature was The Wild Bunch, released by Telecomsoft for the ZX Spectrum in 1984. Fast forward almost 40 years, and Red Dead Redemption uses an identical model whereby you can play poker against assorted characters to earn in-game currency. 

The Witcher introduced us to an all-new card game

A little like Quidditch in the Harry Potter universe, Gwent is a card game that was created as part of the storyline in The Witcher series. Essentially a collectible card came, Gwent soon took on a life of its own and in 2019 CD Projekt hit upon the masterstroke of releasing it as a stand alone game for download on iOS and Android. 

The game has received numerous awards, including being named among the best competitive games in the Google Play Awards for 2020. There are numerous Gwent tournaments held around the globe every year, and as well as playing online, it is even possible to buy physical decks of Gwent cards. 

Resident Evil 7 includes a terrifying bedroom game

Every iteration of Resident Evil has faced a tougher challenge to come up with something more unsettling than the last. If you have played Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, one word should be sufficient to make you keep the light on when you go to bed. Margueritte.

Think Mrs Massie from The Shining’s Room 237 meets Annie Wilkes and you are somewhere close. Margueritte is guardian of The Bedroom in an embedded puzzle game that follows the overall survival theme of the main game. The objective is to use whatever time you have to find clues that might lead you out of the room. The catch is you need to make sure everything is left as it was when your hostess returns. You won’t like her when she’s angry. 

Fallout 4 is rescued by Red Menace

When it was first released in 2015, Fallout 4’s reception could best have been described as a mixed bag. While the overall narrative and the game universe were mostly praised, there were more glitches than would normally be expected, and the developers even faced a lawsuit

One aspect of the game that everyone seemed to love, however, was its embedded mini game. Red Menace can be unlocked about 30 minutes into gameplay. You’ll find it on a tape in a terminal, and will have the opportunity to eject it and play it. Players of a certain age will recognize that Red Menace is a parody of the original Nintendo classic Donkey Kong. There are only three levels, but it’s great fun, so seek it out. 

<![CDATA[Reasons to choose the Vega Wallet payment system]]> Tue, 25 Apr 2023 15:37:00 +0000
Compared to other payment systems, Vega Wallet's use of two-factor authentication, encryption technology, and cold storage make it a more secure choice for individuals and businesses looking for a reliable payment system.]]>

Vega Wallet is a secure, user-friendly, and reliable payment system that enables users to make transactions with ease. It is a digital wallet that allows for the storage and management of various digital assets, including cryptocurrencies, fiat currencies, and tokens. The payment system is designed to cater to the needs of individuals and businesses that require a fast, secure, and efficient payment system.

One of the unique features of Vega Wallet is that it provides users with a single platform to manage their various digital assets. This means that users can easily switch between different currencies, send and receive payments, and monitor their transaction history all in one place. Additionally, the payment system is accessible through a mobile app, making it convenient for users to make transactions on the go. Vega Wallet also provides users with the ability to transact in multiple currencies, making it a great choice for individuals and businesses that operate globally. Overall, Vega Wallet is an innovative payment system that provides users with a secure, user-friendly, and efficient way to manage their digital assets.

These foreign casinos offer their players to make deposits using Vega Wallet. Click here for a list of these casinos.


Importance of choosing the right payment system

Choosing the right payment system is essential for individuals and businesses that want to make transactions efficiently and securely. A payment system is the backbone of any transaction, and it is crucial that it meets the needs of the user. The right payment system will provide users with a secure and reliable platform to make transactions, while also being user-friendly and convenient. It will also offer reasonable transaction fees, fast transaction speeds, and the ability to transact in multiple currencies, depending on the needs of the user.

Choosing the wrong payment system can result in delayed or lost transactions, security breaches, and unnecessary fees. It can also lead to a poor user experience, which can negatively impact a business's reputation. The importance of choosing the right payment system cannot be overstated, as it directly impacts the efficiency, security, and convenience of transactions. Therefore, it is crucial that individuals and businesses carefully evaluate their payment system options and choose the one that best meets their needs.

Explanation of security measures used by Vega Wallet

Vega Wallet has implemented robust security measures to ensure that users' digital assets are protected from theft and fraud. One of the security features used by Vega Wallet is two-factor authentication (2FA), which adds an additional layer of security to the login process. This means that users must enter a unique code sent to their phone or email to access their account, making it more challenging for hackers to gain access. Additionally, Vega Wallet uses encryption technology to secure users' private keys, which are the digital codes that grant access to their digital assets. The encryption technology ensures that only the user has access to their private keys and that they are protected from unauthorized access.

Another security feature used by Vega Wallet is cold storage, which means that users' digital assets are stored offline, away from potential threats. Cold storage makes it virtually impossible for hackers to access users' digital assets, as they are not connected to the internet. Additionally, Vega Wallet regularly conducts security audits to identify and fix potential security vulnerabilities. Overall, Vega Wallet has implemented a range of security measures to ensure that users' digital assets are protected from theft and fraud, making it a secure choice for individuals and businesses looking for a reliable payment system.

Comparison of security measures to other payment systems

Compared to other payment systems, Vega Wallet's security measures are among the most robust in the industry. For instance, some payment systems only use a password for login authentication, making it easier for hackers to gain access to users' accounts. In contrast, Vega Wallet employs two-factor authentication, which adds an additional layer of security to the login process.

Moreover, Vega Wallet uses encryption technology to secure users' private keys, which are the digital codes that grant access to their digital assets. In contrast, some payment systems do not provide users with full control over their private keys, making them vulnerable to theft or fraud. Furthermore, Vega Wallet's use of cold storage for storing users' digital assets makes it more secure than payment systems that rely solely on hot storage, which are connected to the internet and are therefore more vulnerable to hacking attempts.

In conclusion, Vega Wallet's security measures are among the most robust in the industry, offering users a secure platform to manage their digital assets. Compared to other payment systems, Vega Wallet's use of two-factor authentication, encryption technology, and cold storage make it a more secure choice for individuals and businesses looking for a reliable payment system.

<![CDATA[Minecraft Legends Review: A Charming And Simple RTS]]> Mon, 17 Apr 2023 06:34:00 +0000
Minecraft Legends combines adventure and RTS elements in a way that has potential, but is hindered by the game's excessive constraints on player freedom and control.]]>

As I survey the vast piglin outpost before me, I hatch a plan. With a series of button presses on my controller, I summon a substantial zombie army. Their high health pools make them perfect for a frontal assault that will distract the piglin forces, giving me time to carry out a flanking attack with a group of friendly creepers.

My strategy would have been a masterpiece, but unfortunately, my minions' poor pathfinding abilities led to half of my zombies falling off the staircase and burning in the lava moat. Meanwhile, my creepers failed to climb a wall and instead became surrounded by Piglins and destroyed. Frustrated, I returned to my starting point with only a portion of my army remaining and a significant loss of resources.

Minecraft Legends is a game that combines real-time strategy and open-world adventure, but it falls short of its potential due to its flaws. Although it has some impressive features, the game's shortcomings have left me feeling dissatisfied. It's a missed opportunity for a game that could have been so much better.

Minecraft Legends Hero
Minecraft Legends 

Minecraft Legends Overview

Minecraft Legends is a unique real-time strategy game that allows you to take direct control of a character in the game world. In other RTS games, you would typically select units and give them orders, but in Minecraft Legends, you move your character over to units, rally them under your banner, and lead them to their destination yourself. Your character is called the Hero, and the game's campaign begins with the Hero being visited by three creatures called the Hosts. The Hosts have created their own Minecraft world, but they need the Hero's help because Piglin forces are invading the Overworld through Nether portals.

The game drops you off next to the Well of Fate, which serves as your base of operations throughout the campaign. The open world is yours to explore, and it looks stunning. It retains the blocky aesthetic of Minecraft but with cel-shaded graphics and improved lighting that breathe new life into the game's environments. As you travel through the world, you can place down chests and assign friendly Allays to gather specific resources like wood and stone automatically. This saves you from having to chop down trees yourself, although it took some time for me to adjust to this new mechanic as I figured out what I needed to do next.

The concept of using a character to control armies in Minecraft Legends is an intriguing one, aligned with Mojang and Blackbird Interactive's efforts to simplify the RTS genre and potentially appeal to younger players. The game's simplicity allows for all commands to be easily mapped onto a controller, but my initial admiration for this simplicity gave way to frustration as I found it challenging to control my units with the precision needed for more advanced tactics. Minecraft Legends' control scheme restricts players to rudimentary tactics and strategies, and I feel constrained when playing because of this limitation, wishing there were more options to control things on a larger scale.

Minecraft Legends Gameplay

World Map

In Minecraft Legends, the game world is divided into around 15 distinct biomes that feature both friendly villages and enemy piglin outposts. The game operates on a real-time day-night cycle, with each night seeing the piglin clans expand their territory by constructing new outposts or attacking nearby villages. Throughout the game, the player is constantly urged by the three Hosts to split their time between attacking outposts and defending villages. With this in mind, the player sets their sights on a nearby outpost and begins to summon and manage their units.

Minecraft Legends Map
A view of the campaign map in Minecraft Legends, showing various biomes, villages, and piglin outposts as well as the player's location.

Each time you play Minecraft Legends, the map in both the campaign and PvP matches is randomly generated, giving you the potential for a unique experience. However, there is a disappointment that there aren't more biomes to explore in the game.


If you have played Tooth And Tail before, you'll find the process of controlling units in Minecraft Legends to be familiar. You can summon mobs by placing down spawners and interacting with them. After that, you can rally all nearby mobs under your banner, and they'll follow you, but sometimes they don't behave as you want them to. You can order them to attack a specific direction, but only up to a few meters away or hold position. Banner Mode can be activated to provide you with additional options, such as targeting a particular enemy unit or building.

At first, you'll only be able to spawn two types of mobs: Cobblestone Golems that are strong against buildings, and Plank Golems that are effective against piglins. However, you'll quickly gain access to more spawner types for summoning Creepers, Zombies, and Skeletons, as well as a few new types of Golems that can be used for healing or dealing with ranged units.

Minecraft Legends Flag
The Firsts, giant immortal golem minions, can be found dotted about the map and reactivated to help fight against the piglins.

Throughout my approximately 20-hour campaign playthrough, I found myself constantly relying on the same type of unit to get anything done due to the limited control I had. The most effective strategy was to build up a monotonous army and lead them on hit-and-run attacks to destroy key buildings. The piglins never seemed to come up with a response to this tactic, and their army would just mindlessly chase after me without ever really causing any harm. The only time I encountered trouble was when my minions failed to obey my commands or when poor pathfinding resulted in awkward positions.

While there is technically a way to gain more precise control over your army through Banner Mode, as I mentioned earlier, executing these commands in real-time is finicky, leaving me once again wishing for a tactical overview map that would allow me to order my units in a more intelligent way.


The building aspect of the game takes place mainly around friendly villages where you build walls and towers to defend against piglins' nighttime attacks. However, the building feature ended up feeling repetitive after a few sessions due to the lack of creative freedom expected from a game with the Minecraft name. The walls can only be of a fixed height and often block the projectiles from your own towers. Furthermore, you cannot replace sections of the wall with a gate, so you must place your gates first or spend a lot of time deleting one tile at a time. This is frustrating and doesn't make sense.

Minecraft Legends Building Wall
The player character in Minecraft Legends constructs a wall around a friendly village in a grassy plains biome.

Most of the buildings you can create in Minecraft Legends are defence-oriented. There are walls, gates, arrow towers, carpenters to heal your buildings, kaboomeries to make arrows explode, and so on.

It goes on. There are just three basic tower types, and the rest of your buildings are used to upgrade those towers with a faster fire rate, or by converting them from wood into stone, and so on. Every one of my villages ended up looking exactly, utterly identical - just a circle of walls with towers dotted about along the perimeter. I'm sorry, but this just isn't good enough for a Minecraft game with even the smallest focus on building.

We were told that instead of building block by block, you would build "thought by thought". It turns out that, translated, this means that you place down whole premade buildings, with no room for the personal touch and freedom of expression that Minecraft does so well. What a spectacular opportunity, squandered!

Minecraft Legends Exploration


Due to the difficulties encountered while building and fighting in Minecraft Legends, I found myself spending more time exploring the world than I needed to. While exploring, there are three important things that can be found: three new mounts, one new tower type, and four unique special units called Firsts, which respawn whenever they die. However, these items are not tied to specific biomes and are scattered all over the place. In contrast, in regular Minecraft, you travel to a biome to obtain what you need, such as bamboo in a jungle, terracotta in the Badlands, or lilypads in the swamp.

In Minecraft Legends, biomes feel like a superficial element in the game, as the only reason to visit a particular biome is to obtain the one basic resource available there, such as iron, coal, redstone, or diamond, which are required to build more units and improve structures. Unfortunately, these resources are scattered in uninteresting ways throughout the biomes, which is not an enticing incentive for exploration.

Minecraft Legends Multiplayer
I strongly suggest that you play PvP with at least one teammate to avoid constantly having to defend your base against piglin attacks.

It is a disappointment that Minecraft Legends did not take full advantage of its connection to Minecraft to become a unique RTS game with a focus on building and exploration. Instead, the focus seems to be elsewhere. Nevertheless, some parts of the game are impressive, such as the animations, the vibrant world, the cinematics, and the voice acting, even if it's not to everyone's liking. It's a shame that the game gets in its way to the point where it's not enjoyable to end a play session thinking, "that was fun."


Regrettably, I did not get a chance to fully test out the PvP mode in Minecraft Legends, which is the aspect Mojang believes will keep players engaged over time. I briefly entered a training match against an AI base to get a sense of how it all works, but I didn't stay there for very long. Although the developers have stated that the PvP mode can be played as a simple 1v1 experience, I anticipate that this will only result in further annoyance, as the piglins will start attacking your base less than a minute into the match, causing you to divide your attention between defending and gathering resources in a more disjointed manner than in the campaign.

It probably won't be a problem if you have friends to play with, but after spending 15-20 hours on the campaign, I personally don't feel motivated to try PvP. The PvP map is very small, so exploring is pointless. The main objective is to build defenses, establish forward bases, and attack the enemy's Well Of Fate. It was already challenging enough to control my units in the PvE campaign, so I can only imagine how difficult it would be against a more skilled opponent who couldn't be fooled into a game of tag around their base.

Final Thoughts

In my opinion, Minecraft Legends falls short of its potential. There are certain aspects of the game that lack creativity and this detracted from my overall enjoyment. As a Minecraft real-time strategy game, I expected more possibilities and freedom. For instance, why can't I play as the piglins or dig into the ground to attack the enemy's base? Why are there no towers that throw splash potions or lava, and why can't I summon a spider army that can climb walls? Furthermore, I feel limited in building multi-level bases instead of being confined to a flat plane.

Future updates could address these issues, but I believe the developers have painted themselves into a corner with the core mechanics of Minecraft Legends. Simply adding more features and complexity will not solve the problem of the clunky controls and lack of precision that are essential to making a great RTS game.

It is clear that the game is primarily aimed at a younger audience, perhaps as an introduction to the RTS genre, and in that respect, it may succeed. However, if you can tolerate the simplistic tactics and subpar AI that often leads your minions to self-destruct, and don't mind that your buildings will all end up looking the same, then you might enjoy Minecraft Legends to some extent. Nevertheless, I am not convinced that the game will hold players' attention for long since once you've seen one biome, one mountain, one piglin outpost, and one well-defended base, you've seen them all.

>>> Read more: 10 Best Biome Mods For Minecraft 1.19 Fabric

<![CDATA[The best places to stay in Assagao]]> Thu, 13 Apr 2023 01:42:00 +0000
Overall, Assagao is a beautiful and peaceful village that offers visitors a unique blend of culture, art, and natural beauty.]]>

Assagao is an incredibly popular tourist spot as it is known as the Land of Flowers, as well as by several other nicknames – “The Southern part of Goa”, "The Village of Artists", “Beverly Hills Goa”, “Tuscany Goa". The people living in Assagao cultivate marigolds and vend them in markets such as the one in Mapusa. As Assagao is positioned quite a distance away from the seashores and enclosed by mountains, it is a peaceful location that is very popular among those who enjoy discovering some places off the beaten track. Nevertheless, if you are traveling to Assagao, it is crucial to think about your rental housing. There is a myriad of choices: hotels, guest houses, hostels, bungalows, and villas in Assagao. In this article, we are going to find out all the perks and the best places to stay in Assagao. So, let’s get started!

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Why Assagao?

Assagao is a small village located in North Goa, India. It is situated in the Bardez taluka and is known for its scenic beauty and tranquil atmosphere. The village is surrounded by green hills and is home to a number of beautiful Portuguese-style villas and houses.

Assagao is also known for its vibrant art and culture scene. It is home to a number of galleries and art studios, and is a popular destination for artists and art enthusiasts. The village is also known for its music scene, with live music performances taking place at various venues throughout the year.

In addition to its cultural offerings, Assagao is also known for its natural beauty. The village is surrounded by lush green forests and is home to a number of beautiful waterfalls and natural springs. It is also located close to some of Goa's most popular beaches, including Anjuna, Vagator, and Morjim.

Where to stay in Assagao? (top 10 places)

  1. Villa Satori: This marvelous villa has 3 private cottages, and every cottage is for 4-6 people. This villa offers you a swimming pool, and a large fenced and landscaped yard. This is a perfect choice for friends, couples, and families who want to relax and recover.
  2. The Postcard Moira: This luxury boutique hotel offers colonial-style rooms with modern amenities, a pool, and a spa. It has 9 rooms and is ideal for those who are seeking luxury and is ready to pay for it. However, there are no special facilities, so if you are looking for a place to stay with children, that might be not the best option.
  3. Villa Vika: This beautiful villa in North Goa is the perfect getaway for families or big groups of friends. Why? On this villa, you can accommodate up to 6 adults because it has 3 bedrooms. Moreover, due to its location, you may enjoy the popular beaches of Anjuna and Vagator and the best dishes of local and international cuisines offered by the restaurants nearby.
  4. The Tamarind Hotel: A charming hotel with cozy rooms, an outdoor pool, and a restaurant serving local and international cuisine. The hotel offers 26 rooms, which is perfect to be with friends. However, due to its livability, perfect hotel facilities, and amazing staff, it is a perfect place for a peaceful and relaxing stay.
  5. Villa Costa Grande: This astonishing hotel offers exclusive 4 bedrooms equipped with the best modern amenities. Moreover, it is provided with a private swimming pool, Wi-Fi, CCTV system, 3 resident staff, and plenty of space to relax on the sun terrace and garden with the lush green grass. Thus, villa Costa Grande is a perfect option for those who want to spend a wonderful family holiday.
  6. Assagao Heritage: A restored Portuguese villa with a tranquil courtyard, comfortable rooms, and a restaurant serving Goan cuisine. This villa offers 3 accommodations with WiFi and its own parking. Rooms open to balconies or patios. Moreover, this villa is pet-friendly, thus, if you are planning to go on you holiday with a pet, consider renting this villa.
  7. Neelam the Grand: This large home-designed villa in the Goa-Portuguese style offers all the modern amenities. Moreover, it is situated amidst hills and verdant valleys. This villa includes air conditioning, TV, Wi-Fi, and all necessary kitchen facilities. Neelam the Grand is ideal for wonderful family or group getaways.
  8. The Project Cafe: A trendy cafe with a boutique hotel attached, offering stylish rooms and a rooftop pool. This trendy and creative gathering spot is located in a vibrant yellow bungalow near University Road. It is an innovative blend of an Art House and Café. The seating options range from outdoor dining to comfortable lounge chairs, cozy sofas, and casual seating arrangements, creating an eclectic mix. The atmosphere is ideal for those who are great connoisseurs of tasty dishes, and there is even a shop located inside the café.
  9. Villa Serenida: A cozy villa nestled in the jungle on a hillside offers a comfortable and homely ambiance. It comprises three roomy ensuite bedrooms and a private kitchen for guests to use. The luxurious amenities of the villa include Wi-Fi internet, a DVD-music system, and optional services of a personal chef and supermarket product delivery. The guests can relish a delicious breakfast with fresh fruits, cereals, coffee, tea, and pastries. This tropical paradise is ideal for couples and families seeking a relaxing getaway.
  10. Villa Vivre: A luxurious villa with modern amenities, a private pool, and stunning views of the surrounding countryside. This villa is a perfect spot for those who appreciate and know the price of luxury.

Overall, Assagao is a beautiful and peaceful village that offers visitors a unique blend of culture, art, and natural beauty. Moreover, it offers a wide range of rental opportunities, so wish you the best of luck in finding the best holiday home or a villa in Assagao.

<![CDATA[An In-depth Study: Understanding Contract for Differences(CDFs) ]]> Thu, 23 Mar 2023 14:26:00 +0000
Again, contracts for differences enable investors to take short or long positions easily or even sell or buy positions.]]>

Contract for Differences: Definition

A contract for differences involves an arrangement concerning financial derivative trading where the differences in the settlement between closing and opening trade prices are cash settled. CDFs do not include the physical delivery of securities or goods. This is an advanced trading strategy commonly utilized by highly experienced CFD trading Equiti traders.       

Initially, contracts for differences were used in exchange–traded futures on both interest rate contracts and stock indices. They were suitable for these instruments as those involved in financial futures either did not want or need to receive or make delivery of the underlying instruments in their trading. 

Teen On Computer

Understanding Contract for Differences

Typically, CDFs allow traders to trade in the price movement of derivatives and securities. Derivatives involve financial investments derived from a particular underlying asset. Usually, contracts for differences will be used by investors to make price bets on whether the price of an underlying security or asset will fall or rise. Thus, a CDF trader can either bet on the downward or upward price. Those forecasting a downward shift in the price will sell an opening position, while those predicting an upward shift will buy the CDF. 

Further, if a buyer of a CDF achieves a price rise of the asset, they will offer their holding for sale. And the net difference between the sale and purchase price will be netted together. The net difference showing the loss or gain from the trades is usually settled through the investor's brokerage account.

On the other hand, if a trader predicts that a security’s price will go down, they can place an opening sell position. They must buy an offsetting trade if they want to close the position and their net difference of the loss or gain settled through their account in cash.

What is Involved in Transacting CDFs?

CDFs can be used to trade numerous securities and assets, such as exchange-traded funds(ETFs). Traders can also use these products to guess the price shifts in commodity futures contracts like corn and crude oil. Future contracts involve standardized contracts or agreements with obligations to sell or buy a specific asset at a current price but with a future expiration date. 

While contracts for differences allow investors to trade the price shifts of futures, they are not future contracts themselves. They lack expiration dates having current prices. Nevertheless, they trade like other securities with sell-and-buy prices. CDFs trade over the counter through a network of brokers who organize the market supply and demand and make prices for CDFs accordingly. In simpler terms, contracts for differences are not traded on significant exchanges like the New York Stock Exchange. Therefore, a CDF involves a tradable contract between a broker and a client exchanging the difference between the initial price of a trade and its value after the trade is reversed or unwound.

Why Should You Trade With CDFs?

Primarily, contracts for differences will offer traders all the benefits of owning a security without actually taking any physical delivery of the asset or owning it. 

Additionally, CDFs are traded on margins. This means that the broker allows investors to borrow cash to elevate the leverage or size of the position, thus amplifying gains. However, you will be required to maintain a specific account balance before being allowed to access such transaction types. Trading CDFs on margin also offers increased leverage, unlike traditional trading. 

You will enjoy fewer rules and regulations surrounding the CDF market than those in standard exchanges. For this reason, contracts for differences can have reduced capital or cash requirements in a brokerage account. You can have an account for as low as 1000 dollars with a broker. 

Again, contracts for differences enable investors to take short or long positions easily or even sell or buy positions. Remember that the CDF market lacks short-term selling rules, meaning an instrument could be shortened at any time.

<![CDATA[Top 5 Guidelines When Considering To Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer]]> Wed, 02 Nov 2022 08:41:00 +0000
Without the assistance of a knowledgeable personal injury attorney, it might be difficult to fight your case in court.]]>



You may consider hiring a lawyer to defend you if you have been hurt in an accident. Lawyers who specialize in cases where a person has been hurt due to another party's carelessness are known as personal injury specialists in the judicial and legal spheres. 

You can seek suitable compensation to compensate for your losses with the assistance of an experienced lawyer. 

You could be eligible for compensation if you believe someone else's carelessness caused your injuries. However, without the assistance of a knowledgeable personal injury attorney, it might be difficult to demonstrate the other party's carelessness.

Here are some important guidelines you must keep in mind when hiring a professional injury lawyer.

Things You Need To Check Before Hiring A Personal Injury Lawyer

If you’re hiring a personal injury lawyer, it's best to get one who is trained and can be trusted.

To ensure the best, you need to follow the guidelines and confirm the points mentioned below:

1. Specialization And Experience

You would want to make sure the lawyer has a large amount of expertise with cases of this sort if you were wounded due to medical malpractice or a dangerous product. 

Try to find a lawyer that specializes in handling personal injury cases. Lawyers with experience handling personal injury cases require less effort to get a favorable settlement offer.

A knowledgeable attorney is better equipped to represent you in court and ensure a successful outcome. Take your time and enquire about their handling of instances comparable to yours. 

A lawyer with greater experience will have a higher chance of winning the case than one who is just out of law school and is using your case as practice.

2. Skills

Before selecting a personal injury lawyer, learn as much as you can about their skill set. See whether they possess any qualifications or benefits that prove their ability. Find out whether they are a part of any professional organizations as well. 

It’s important to pick a legal representative with a strong communication style. After all, they'll end up providing testimony for you in court. 

Examine their active listening skills as well. Your lawyer must pay attention to the defense attorneys to formulate counterarguments.

3. Fees

Talking with a personal injury attorney about rates and costs is essential before choosing them. Finding a lawyer whose fees fit your budget is necessary, especially given that you could get hurt and be out of work.

Some attorneys charge a contingency fee, which means you only pay them if you win your case and receive a settlement. Before signing the contract, ensure you've read and comprehended it.

This is a crucial consideration for many people when determining whether or not to sign a home purchase agreement with them.

4. Accessibility

Famous attorneys are occupied by a significant backlog of unresolved legal cases. It is essential to ensure you can constantly get in touch with your attorney when you need to, especially if your injuries prevent you from moving around. Finding a lawyer that is willing to go to your area might be helpful.

It is vital to learn how your injury lawyer will interact with you as you will need to speak with them frequently. You will be happier with their services going forward if you learn how they will communicate with you.

5. Track Record And Reviews

An option to gauge an attorney's demeanor is to read feedback from previous clients. Did they come highly recommended? You can get a terrific idea of an attorney based on Facebook, directories, and lawyer-matching sites like Avvo. Reviews from previous clients can also shed light on a lawyer's negotiating skills and expertise in similar cases.

You should explore their website for any testimonials they host as part of your search for a personal injury attorney. For unbiased testimonials and reviews, search on independent websites. Any friend who knows of a legal firm or who knows someone who can, please let me know. Also, the physician you see regularly may know of someone else.

Select The Best For Your Case

Ask yourself all the necessary questions before hiring a personal injury lawyer. You will want a tough legal team that isn't hesitant to battle insurance companies tooth and nail. 

Know if they dealt with instances similar to yours before. Find out if the matter was arbitrated or tried in court. 

Lastly, listen to your gut feeling when selecting a personal injury lawyer. Then you can find the best one in town with your own instincts. 

<![CDATA[5 Things To Know When Selecting Paper University]]> Tue, 08 Mar 2022 07:49:00 +0000
Paper University is a platform where students can learn from the best professors in the world and get expert feedback on their writing, assignments, and papers.]]>

Everyone wants to write a perfect first essay, but not everyone is talented in the same way. It is difficult to assess someone's writing ability without giving them a chance to prove themselves, and so it is important that we give people their due opportunity. For this reason, some students even prefer custom papers for college. Based on years of writing experience, the specialists from BestCustomWriting are confident that no one can come up with an ideal work written from the absolute scratch, so you should make a plan and come up with a sequence for your essay. This is not meant to discourage you - it's just the reality of where we are as a society.

  • The university is a UK-based company
  • They have been in business since 2013
  • They have more than 50 students enrolled at their university
  • Their most popular course is Creative Writing and they offer other courses such as Poetry and Creative Writing for children
  • Students can join their course using small monthly installments that vary between £20-£40/month depending on the student’s needs

What is a Paper University?

Paper University is a platform that helps students by providing them with all the required study materials for their courses. They offer helpful strategies, high-quality content, and peer guidance.

This is a new type of education that is completely paperless and does not require any real-life classroom. Instead, it has a virtual classroom where students learn from each other and professors can teach from anywhere in the world.

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The online course platform was founded in 2016 by Salahuddin Ahmed, who also happens to be its CEO. It has been growing exponentially. It currently offers over 800 free courses to students across 190 countries and offers more than $1 million worth of certificates every month to its students who are eager to learn something new.

The platform offers courses on topics like engineering, finance, marketing, management and law among others. It also offers some paid courses like Microsoft Excel.

Why should you consider getting a paper university?

To learn how to be a paper university, it is important to understand the paper university's definition. A paper university is a virtual learning community with learning objectives, courses, and assessment systems that can be accessed from anywhere and is an all-encompassing self-teaching system.

It has been proven that traditional universities offer an outdated learning experience. By providing a different approach to education in the form of a virtual university, students can learn as much as they want without anything holding them back. The benefits of studying at a paper university include:

  • more time for other activities
  • not having to worry about deadlines or exams
  • increased flexibility in scheduling

What are the benefits of becoming a Paper University?

Paper University is a platform where students can learn from the best professors in the world and get expert feedback on their writing, assignments, and papers.

The benefits of becoming a Paper University member are numerous. You will be able to access the highest-quality content from some of the world's most intelligent minds. Plus, you will have exclusive discounts when you purchase college writing services with us.

As a member of the Library, you can benefit from exclusive content that is only available to members. This includes courses on academic writing skills and content marketing strategies that will provide students with a wide range of career opportunities, in addition to giving them the vital skills needed to be successful in their chosen career path.

Example of how Paper Universes can help college athletes

Paper Universes is a platform that can provide scholarship support, guidance, and admissions to college athletes. It provides students with a way to do their homework and provides them with the resources they need to get the most out of their future school.

A paper university can be an effective way for college athletes to remain eligible to play sports while still getting a degree. As they are unable to attend classes in person, learning is made easier through the use of artificial intelligence powered writing assistants who can work on studying at home. These assistants are able to learn and adapt their content based on the student's preferences and dexterity.

This article will discuss how paper universities are being utilized by college athletes and the pros and cons of this approach. It will also give an overview of the use of paper universities in professional sports as well as some thoughts on the advantages and disadvantages that exist in such a system.

>>> Visit for more updates and gaming reviews!

<![CDATA[Is FFXI Worth Playing in 2022?]]> Wed, 09 Feb 2022 08:34:00 +0000
The game is still viral 18 years after its release, with almost 100K daily players. So, you can say that FFXI is still worth playing.]]>

The game is still viral 18 years after its release, with almost 100K daily players and over 1 million subscribers. So, you can say that FFXI is still worth playing. In North America, Final Fantasy XI was released for PC in October 2003, and in March 2004, PlayStation 2 users could access the game.


Something about the game certainly keeps players engaged and interested. Despite its release in September 2010, Final Fantasy XIV was a dismal failure. Further, you will know the reason why FFXI is still worth playing.

Unique Gameplay

FFXI has remained popular due to its unique gameplay. This game is an MMORPG with several differences from previous games in the series. Unlike previous Final Fantasy titles where the characters were predefined, this game allows players to choose a race, a facial style, and many other things. 

Unlike previous titles in the series, the setting of this game is entirely three-dimensional, and enemies roam freely, making battles more realistic than in the random encounters. With approximately 15,000 to 20,000 players in each, the game now offers 16 public game worlds rather than 32 at its peak. 

Players were granted access to a private Test Server in mid-2011 to provide feedback on game updates. As a result, each server has a name referring to one of the summoned monsters from a past Final Fantasy game. 

Ff Xi

It is possible to move between servers, but you might have to pay a fee for these transfers. A library of translated phrases is available to make an automatic translation available to players of different languages, unlike other games that rely on servers.

Like many other games, FFXI also has an in-game currency called GIL. It will take different quests to earn more GIL in Final Fantasy XI. You can make GIL by purchasing it, however. Several sources are available for you to purchase GIL. 

When purchasing in-game currency, people often recommend MMOPIXEL as one of the few trusted sources. MMOPIXEL has affordable prices to buy FFXI Gil.

Unique Story

The story unfolds primarily through missions assigned to the player's governing nation across the base game and its expansions. Generally, affiliation with a nation is quite straightforward, with a few prerequisite quests to complete and a progression of rewards and recognition to achieve. 

It is even necessary to complete some missions to progress further into the additional storylines of each expansion or specific area. San d'Oria, Bastok, and Windurst make up the game's three major countries, and you must ally them against the Shadow Lord. 

As revealed in the expansion Rise of the Zilart, Eald'Narche, and Kam'lanaut, two Zilart princes who survived the extinction, planned the Crystal War and raised the Shadow Lord. Players are charged with stopping the Zilarts from gaining power through the opening of paradise.

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Weapon Skills & Magic Bursts

The Final Fantasy XI also has a unique weapon and magic bursts system. The use of weapons is an essential aspect of battle in Final Fantasy. When a player deals physical damage, they gain Tactical Points. 

TP gauges above 1000 enable players to unlock Weapon Skills, allowing them to attack their enemies and sometimes to benefit themselves. There is a maximum amount of TP a Weapon Skill can use. 

The amount of TP that it uses during use is also taken into account when determining its efficiency. Skill chains result from using the right weapon skills at the appropriate time in succession.

The damage dealt by different skill chains varies with their power level. Chaining skill chains of lower levels on top of one another can result in stronger chain effects. 

A Magic Burst happens when a spell is cast immediately after a Skillchain occurs. Skill chains and magic bursts act like a team effort and are often needed to take down the most challenging foes in battle.

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Leveling & Partying

Leveling and partying is another thing that makes Final Fantasy XI worthy even in 2022. You gain experience points by leveling up. In addition to defeating enemies, completing Quests and Missions, and participating in Campaign Battles, there are other ways to gain experience.

Parties are a common feature in almost every gameplay system since they allow each role to excel, allowing players to kill harder monsters faster than when playing alone. 

By working together with a Warrior specializing in damage output, the two can use each other's strengths - the Warrior can bring down a foe while the White Mage cures him - to defeat enemies faster. Chaining the deaths of hard monsters gives you a significant experience bonus. 

The maximum number of players in an alliance is 18, comprising up to 3 full parties. Despite the limitations on the number of players that can be on a battlefield simultaneously, multiplayer games using battlefields are there to challenge large numbers of people simultaneously.

>>> Visit for more updates and gaming reviews!

<![CDATA[Keeping Up With The Ever-changing Gaming Industry]]> Thu, 04 Feb 2021 02:32:00 +0000
Read this article to know more about the evolution of the gaming industry as well as some key changes that happened over the years. Click to get started.]]>

Rapid Changes in the Gaming Industry.

Gone are the days where games can only be enjoyed at brick-and-mortar casinos. But the advent of new internet technologies has provided more convenience for players. You can now enjoy your favourite game in the comfort of your home, on the bus or the train so long you have your mobile phone. Online casinos have flooded the internet making it easy for players to access their favourite games. The internet has helped the gaming industry grow rapidly. Some of the notable improvement over the years is the quality of the graphics of the games at online casinos.

Gaming Industry

Timeline of Gaming as an industry

UK gaming history can be traced to 1190 when the king decreed that betting was only for the noble. Since then, several acts have been enacted regarding gambling in the region. However, in 2014, a new Act was introduced to address the issue of remote gambling. The licensing authority in the region is the UK Gambling Commission (UKGC), and it is responsible for supervising and controlling online casinos under their jurisdiction. Established under the Gambling Act 2005, the UKGC is considered as one of the strictest gambling authorities in the gaming industry.

How Smart Phones Changed the Face of Gaming

When the internet first broke, people were using desktop computers to access the information they needed online. However, the innovation that brought out mobile devices made it easy for players to access their favourite games on their smart devices. All you need to do is to install your favourite casino app on your mobile device then you can begin your gaming experience. The only difference between desktop and mobile devices is in the screen size. Players can enjoy a wide collection of games on their mobile devices. Some of these impressive games are new online slots, video poker, live dealer games, table games and more.

Guy Playing Game On Mobile

New Ways to Reach Customers

Online casinos reach out to new players using different marketing campaigns such as blog post style advert. The internet is filled with a lot of blog posts that give expert advice on how to play specific games at online casinos. Besides using marketing campaigns, it is common for casino sites to offer bonuses and promotions. The aim behind this is to attract new players to register with them and to also retain existing customers. Online casinos often send promotional newsletters to players and site visitors via email. Some of the common bonuses they offer include welcome bonuses, match bonuses and reload bonuses.

Summary and Conclusion

So far, we have been able to look at the changes that are happening in the iGaming industry. One notable change is the transition from the land-based casino to online casinos. Online casinos have changed the face of gaming by introducing new features like online payment methods, customers support services, awesome bonus offers and more. Another breakthrough in the gaming industry is that casino games can now be accessed on mobile devices. Playing on mobile offer more flexibility since you do not have to be in front of your desktop device all the time. Gambling sites have to be able to keep up with the trends in technology to remain competitive in the industry.

>>> Visit for more gaming news!

<![CDATA[Hollywood Movies, TV Shows And Video Games That Indians Can Look Forward To In 2021]]> Wed, 16 Dec 2020 08:07:00 +0000
What does 2021 hold, though? Gaming and streaming will no doubt continue to rise and rise and rise but what about big studio movies?]]>

After 2020 was a total bust for the cinema industry thanks to a certain worldwide pandemic, it saw a huge boom in both streaming services and video games – two forms of entertainment best suited for staying indoors for weeks, even months at a time. Certainly, India with its huge, crowded population needed home entertainment more than ever. What does 2021 hold, though? Gaming and streaming will no doubt continue to rise and rise and rise but what about big studio movies? Will they save the cinema industry or signal the end of the entire thing?

Cinema Industry
After 2020 was a total bust for the cinema industry thanks to a certain worldwide pandemic

This only applies to major movies from Europe and America, though, because Bollywood movies are so huge, especially in India but in places like South Africa and the UK as well, that Indian cinema should come through this whole nightmare unscathed. Imports, though, maybe in for a rough year.

Unsurprisingly, the entertainment industry that came out tops in 2020 was the streaming services with brand new platforms by Warner Brothers, Disney and Apple joining favourites like Netflix and Amazon Prime. The only question, though, is when will these services be available in India?  Honestly, it’s probably still too early to tell but one things for sure, even on India’s more dedicated streaming services, there has been a plethora of new and old stuff to watch.

Matching the success of streaming, though, was the gaming industry with plenty of new releases holding our attention for hours upon hours while we were all stuck indoors. 2021 promises to be no different. It’s not just the latest generation of consoles, though, as online gaming on PCs, tablet and phones exploded this year too. This includes major games from Steam, indie Java games and even online casinos.

Steam Games
Games from Steam

One area that really bloomed was online casinos with live dealers because they offered the best of both worlds. Players could play their favourite casino games from their own homes but rather than being limited to playing an AI, users would be able to play live, with other players from across the world. Instachat in video games makes video gaming a truly communal experience but that’s nothing in comparison to kicking back for a great game of poker with other, real-life players.

What of cinema, though? Well, that’s much more tricky. Disney and Warners will be releasing their big films next year on both their streaming services and in cinemas. It’s been a highly controversial move that threatens to cost the producers, directors and actors money off the back end and it has been called the end of cinema as we know it. With huge titles due for release next year, including Dune, The Eternals and Fast and Furious 9, it should be a big year at the movies but will the fact that these movies will be available online as well as cinema mean that no one will go out to see them or will streaming just be an extra boost and cinemas themselves will continue to attract crowds of people looking for a true cinematic experience or even a night out? Time will tell.

All we do know is that 2021 will no doubt be no less interesting than 2020 (though hopefully much less horrible) and the worldwide entertainment industry should reflect that. Come December next year who knows where we will be?

<![CDATA[Call Of Duty: Mobile India – Tips And Tricks To Play Like A Pro Player]]> Wed, 08 Jan 2020 10:42:00 +0000
Call of Duty: Mobile India reviews are giving you some information as well as tips and tricks to play and master this battle royale game like a pro player. Check out more Call of Duty: Mobile news with now.]]>

Call of Duty: Mobile is a battle royale game release to iOS and Android platforms. It’s developed by Timi Studio Group and launched by many publishers in different countries, including Activision, Tencent, and Garena. The international version came to gamers on October 1st, 2019. Since Call of Duty: Mobile release date, this FPS battle royale game has been increasing in popularity crazily and become the best game of 2019. This article of is going to give you many informative and interesting Call of Duty: Mobile India reviews. Check it out here.

Call of Duty: Mobile Overview

Call of Duty: Mobile is a first-person shooter game of the battle royale game sort. It also offers players an exciting action-horror experience in Zombies mode. Besides, players can join in high-pace combat with friends in Multiplayer mode. The Battle Royale mode gives players more choices when they can play from the first or third perspectives in solo, duo, or squad modes. The battle royale gameplay is quite similar to that of PUBG mobile in comparing Call of Duty: Mobile vs PUBG Mobile.

Call Of Duty Mobile Launches Worldwide October 1
Call Of Duty Mobile Launches Worldwide October 1

Call of Duty: Mobile India was launched by Activision. Before the international version came to players, the publishers launched many Call of Duty: Mobile beta versions. Australian players were the first ones to get this game on their smartphones. The first beta version came to this country on December 15th, 2018. Then, the publisher launched it in India. The Call of Duty: mobile release date in India was on May 16th, 2019. 

Call of Duty: Mobile Requirements

To install and play this game on your smartphone, your Android devices should have at least 2GB of RAM. This game only runs on Android 5.1 or better. With iOS devices, you also need the same RAM capacity and iOS 9.0 or up. Moreover, you should update your devices are running the newest operating system. Otherwise, you will have to update the operating system before installing the game. Make sure that your smartphones meet these requirements for a successful Call of Duty: Mobile download.

Call Of Duty Mobile Has High Quality Graphics
Call Of Duty Mobile Has High-Quality Graphics

Call of Duty: Mobile India: Gameplay, Tips, and Tricks

After Call of Duty: Mobile game download and installation are done, go on exploring the game modes and tips to play like a pro. As mentioned, this game offers players two major game modes, including Multiplayer modes and Battle Royale Mode. Let’s learn some tips and tricks in each game mode to play like a pro and win the matches.

Multiplayer Modes

The latest Call of Duty: Mobile update has five main multiplayer modes, including Practice vs AI, Search & Destroy, Domination, Frontline, and Team Deathmatch. It also features many special modes, such as Gun Game, Sniper Only, and Standoff – Halloween. Each game has a unique map with a different size and gameplay. Call of Duty: Mobile India reviews also give you some tips and tricks to play multiplayer modes.

Joining Fierce Combat In Call Of Duty Mobile Reviews
Joining Fierce Combat In Call Of Duty Mobile Reviews

Call of Duty: Mobile India Multiplayer Tips

  • Earn XP to rank up fast, then you can unlock more load-outs. You have five load-outs for different maps, including primary and secondary weapon and grenade load-outs, an operator kill, and three perk load-outs.
  • Choose proper weapons for each mode, upgrade your weapons periodically. You can upgrade your weapons by using weapon cards you get as a reward.
  • You cannot hide in these multiplayer modes, so keep moving and fight till the end of the match. When you need to reload ammo, find a cover, and do it quickly.
  • Use the slide and crouch features to avoid being shot while moving. Besides, use sprint to move faster in the match.
  • Using a pistol will be a wise tip in these multiplayer matches. Besides, don’t use silencers as they decrease the shooting range of your weapon.
  • Master your grenades. Grenades can cause damage to enemies, especially in Nuketown and Killhouse maps. You can clear the enemies hiding in their shelters with ticky grenades, and smoke grenades can be a very useful cover.
  • Keep aggressive in Team Deathmatch mode as once you step back, your enemies will blow you out of the game.
Call Of Duty Mobile Shooting Tips
Call Of Duty Mobile Shooting Tips

Battle Royale Mode

The Call of Duty: Mobile battle royale gameplay is pretty similar to PUBG Mobile ranking modes. It also features FPP and TPP game with a solo, duo, and squad mode. However, unlike PUBG Mobile, Call of Duty: Mobile iOS and Android have random zombies on this battle royale map. In this mode, you also parachute and landing on the battlefield without firearms. Then, players run around, loot supplies and weapons, fight and try to survive as the last survivor on the map.

Call Of Duty Mobile Zombies Mode
Call of Duty Mobile Zombies Mode

Call of Duty: Mobile Battle Royale Tips

  • Choose the right place to land on carefully. If you are a beginner and want to begin the match slowly and carefully, choose a low-risk spot to drop on. If you’re pro players and want to find decent weapons, you can land in crowded cities.
  • Work as a team in duo and squad modes. Keep in mind that in these modes, your team fights with other teams of two or four players. If you leave your teammates and fight alone, you are on the blunt edge of the combat. So, stay with your team, cover, and revive your teammates.
  • Keep your eyes on the mini-map and watch out for enemies around. You can spot the enemies close to you by seeing the footprints or hear the sound of them.
  • Unlike in multiplayer mode, you can hide in battle royale mode and wait for the chance to come. It would be wiser than engaging too early in any combat.
  • In this game mode, you also have to watch out for zombies. The game also offers players a Zombie Mode for training. You can also learn some tips and tricks to clear out zombies in this mode. 
Call Of Duty Mobile Battle Royale Map
Call Of Duty Mobile Battle Royale Map

Here are some tips and tricks in two major Call of Duty: Mobile game modes. It can be useful for beginners to get familiar with the game, and also for old players who haven’t mastered the game. You can get more tips from an informative tutorial Call of Duty: Mobile video, or learn from pro players, too.

The game is now available in Google Play and App Store for you to download and play. But if you don’t have a high-quality smartphone and want to play this game on PC, you can download Call of Duty: Mobile APK and run it on emulators. Call of Duty: Mobile APK download link is also free and easy to get on many websites.

This article has given you some useful information, tips, and Call of Duty: Mobile India reviews. To update more Call of Duty: Mobile news, let’s visit

<![CDATA[Road Redemption Review: Are You Ready For A Tough Race?]]> Mon, 06 Jan 2020 02:46:00 +0000
Road Redemption brings gamers more than a car race. Check out some interesting stories and information about PC requirements for playing this game on PC. Get ready before entering the race with this Road Redemption review.]]>

Road Redemption brings gamers more than a car race. You have all existing gaming experiences such as combat, racing, insane crashes, AI, online multiplayer mode, classic formula, etc. in this combat racing video game. In today’s Road Redemption review, will not only bring you some interesting stories of this game. This article also gives you some useful information about Road Redemption system requirements as well as platforms to play this game. Check it out right here.

Road Redemption Review: Brief History

This combat racing game was inspired by the motor-racing game Road Rash of the famous game publisher Electronic Arts. Road Redemption was developed by EQ Games and Pixel Dash Studios. Now, you can play this game on many Road Redemption platforms, including PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. It was launched to PC on October 4th, 2017 by EQ Games. Then, one year later, it came to consoles. For years, it has been one of the best PC/Console games ever. 

Road Redemption Review Fierce Combat Race
Road Redemption Review: Fierce Combat Race

Road Redemption game is a combat race of a recently-paroled felon in the American Midwest. After living in federal jail for 8 years, this man comes back to work in his old motorcycle club. You have to work, do the missions, race, and rank up. As your rank rises, the game will unveil some mysteries. For example, not every brother you have in the game is working with their best interests for your club. Besides, many of them may be the ones who pushed you in jail 8 years ago.

Moreover, as the protagonist, you must play the core part in the outcomes of the power struggle. Your in-game decisions and actions will determine the result. You also lead your gang to take control of many drug distribution routes and territory in war.

Road Redemption Review Nostalgia Wipeout
Road Redemption Review – Nostalgia Wipeout

Road Redemption Review: Instruction

The gameplay of the Road Redemption game is not so different from its predecessor Road Rash. To level up quickly, you also need excellent skills and experience in using the mouse and keyboard. Or else, you must perform your great finger speed when playing Road Redemption on PS4.

During the race, you need a decent vehicle and weapon to surpass a lot of opponents. You will also have to fight and blow your enemies off the road. Shooting is only a minor part of the race because ammo is not abundant in this game world. Besides, this game also requires your aiming skill for firing combat since Road Redemption does not have anything like auto-aim. Those road redemption cheats are not allowed.

Play Road Redemption On Ps4
Play Road Redemption On PS4

You can play this game in the single-player campaign or multiplayer mode with both team-based and free-for-all missions. Blowing off your enemies out of the road is also a way to win the race. More than run fast and finish in the first position, you also have many missions to do and experience more with the Road Redemption game. Check them out below.

Road Redemption Review: Mission Types

More than a racing game, Road Redemption brings players a lot of exciting experiences with various mission types. The combat race is definitely the core mission in this game. In this typical mission, you compete with other vehicles on the racing road, break down armored vehicles, and blow off opponents with your weapons.

Control Your Bike And Head To Finish Stage
Control Your Bike And Head To Finish Stage

Police escape is another mission you have to do in this game. Your duty is leading your gang to escape from the chase of police motorbikes, cars, and choppers. You can cause damages to the police’s vehicle during the escape. Besides, you also have to escape from the territory of your enemies and go to safety.

In addition to those, the Road Redemption review also mentions many interesting missions, including assassin, ambush, and convoy assault. In the Assassin mission, you need to remove some members of a rival motorbike club. In convoy assault, you will attack a convoy going through your territory. It’s time for you to show off your shooting skills in this game.

Road Redemption System Requirements

Road Redemption is a PC/console game. Therefore, playing road redemption android or road redemption apk is impossible. Instead, you should buy and enjoy this game on PC, PS4, Xbox One, or Nintendo Switch. This Road Redemption review will give you some information about PC requirements for playing this game. Check it out right away.

Road Redemption On Pc
Road Redemption On PC

Minimum system requirements

  • OS: Windows XP/ Windows Vista
  • Memory: 8 GB
  • Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 5450
  • CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.00GHz
  • File Size: 1000 MB

A PC with these system capacities is enough for you to download Road Redemption and play it with medium quality. However, if you want to experience a better race and exciting combat, let’s upgrade your PC to the recommended PC requirements below.

Recommended System Requirements

  • OS: Windows 7, 8, 10
  • Memory: 8 GB
  • Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 5450
  • Road Redemption CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.00GHz
  • File Size: 2.44 GB
Experience Your Race On Pc Now
Experience Your Race On PC Now

With these features, your PC is decent enough for the best gaming experience with the Road Redemption video game. Next, what you have to do is purchase and download the game to your PC. You can find the link on Road Redemption torrent or buy it from authentic sources like Steam. The steps to set up this game on PC are clearly presented in many videos of the Road Redemption trainer. Follow the instruction and you can easily install it on your PC.

If you are finding a crack of this game, recommends that you shouldn’t take the risk with road redemption skidrow. The link they give you may contain something you never expect, such as viruses or spyware. Be careful with unauthentic sources or you may get into trouble. Instead, why don’t you pay a small sum of money and get a decent version to play? This exciting game won’t let you regret it.

Eliminate Enemies On The Road
Eliminate Enemies On The Road

This is a brief Road Redemption review from From this article, you will have a deep look into this exciting combat racing game, understand the backstory, gameplay, and missions. Moreover, the review also recommends some system requirements to set up and play Road Redemption on PC.

<![CDATA[Titantall 2 Review: How To Play Exciting Video Game Titanfall 2 On PC?]]> Mon, 30 Dec 2019 03:28:00 +0000
With unique gameplay and an amazing futuristic game world, Titanfall 2 deserves to be one of the best video games of the decade. Let's see how to play Titanfall 2 on PC in this brief review of]]>

Over two years after releasing Titanfall, Electronic Arts launched the sequel Titanfall 2 on October 28th, 2016. Following the first part, Titanfall 2 is also the battle of giant machinery titans in a futuristic world of technological advancements. This FPS video game is available for PC, PS4, and Xbox One. This brief review of will show you how to play Titanfall 2 on PC. Besides, you can also get more interesting information about this FPS game in this Titanfall 2 review.

Titanfall 2 on PC: System Requirements

Titanfall 2 is an exciting FPS game released for PS4, Xbox One, and also Mircosoft Windows. It means you can download and play this game on your PC. But before buying the game, you should buy a decent PC set to play, of course. Let’s check out some Titanfall 2 PC requirements to successfully install this game on your device.

Play Titanfall 2 On Pc
Play Titanfall 2 On PC

Minimum Titanfall 2 System Requirements

  • Operating system: Windows 7/ Windows 8/ Windows 8.1/ Windows 10 64-bit.
  • CPU: Intel Core i3-3600T or equivalent.
  • RAM: 8 GB.
  • HDD Free Space: 45GB.
  • Graphics: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 660 2GB, AMD Radeon HD 7850 2GB.
  • DirectX: Version 11.
  • Internet Connection: 512Kbps or faster.
  • Resolution: 1600x900.

With a PC with these features, you can set up and play this fantastic video game at home. However, if you want to enjoy a better gaming experience with better sound, graphics, and movements, why don’t you equip yourself with a more decent PC? If you can afford it, don’t hesitate to upgrade your PC to have a more exciting gaming experience with Titanfall 2. Check out the recommended Titanfall 2 system requirements PC below.

The Epic Sequel - Titanfall 2 On PC
The Epic Sequel - Titanfall 2 On PC

Recommended Titanfall 2 system requirements

  • Operating system: Windows 7/ Windows 8/ Windows 8.1/ Windows 10 64-bit.
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-6600 or equivalent.
  • RAM: 16 GB.
  • HDD Free Space: 45GB.
  • Graphics: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1060 6GB, AMD Radeon RX 480 8GB.
  • DirectX: Version 11.
  • Internet Connection: 512Kbps or faster.
  • Resolution: 1920x1080.

That’s enough to play Titanfall 2 with a fantastic experience. But the developer also gives players more choice. You can play this game with Ultra 4K60 quality if your PC meets the requirements below.

A Realistic Game World With Titanfall 2 On PC
A Realistic Game World With Titanfall 2 On PC

Requirements for Ultra 4K60 Quality

  • Operating system: Windows 7/ Windows 8/ Windows 8.1/ Windows 10 64-bit.
  • CPU: Intel Core i7-6700k or equivalent.
  • RAM: 16 GB.
  • HDD Free Space: 45GB.
  • Graphics: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1080 8GB.
  • DirectX: Version 11.
  • Internet Connection: 512Kbps or faster.
  • Resolution: 2560x1440.

This version will definitely give you a more realistic, vivid, and fascinating experience. Players can immerse themselves in a world of giant robots, fierce battles, and futuristic weapons. Now you can buy this game on authentic sources like Amazon or Steam. Don’t take the risk with untrustworthy Titanfall 2 crack versions like Titanfall 2 skidrow. You may get trouble with these unofficial game sources, such as viruses or spyware. Therefore, spend a small sum of money to enjoy the best gaming experience when playing Titanfall 2 on PC instead of taking risks for crack versions that you don't know where they come from. 

Titanfall 2 On Pc Is One Of The Best Fps Games
Titanfall 2 On PC Is One Of The Best FPS Games

Titanfall 2 Deluxe Edition PC

Fans of this FPS video game now have another version to play, namely Titanfall 2 Deluxe Edition. It’s one of many developments of the original game Titanfall 2. It contains many pieces of bonus content in the digital aspect for Titan customization.

This edition is available for PS4, Xbox One, and PC, too. It was launched to not only improve the game but also keep the gamers playing. And they succeeded as the players keep growing after its release. The community increased thanks to the enhancements and additions of new weapons, maps, game modes, and monthly updates. If you haven’t played Titanfall 2 on PC, it would be a big pity in the life of a gamer.

Titanfall 2 Deluxe Edition
Titanfall 2 Deluxe Edition

Titanfall 2 on PC Gameplay

In this FPS game, players will control both pilots and their titans. These robots can be up to about seven to ten meters tall when standing. Controlling different in-game characters, you will have different gameplay. Since the Titanfall 2 release date, it has attracted a lot of players thanks to its new exciting gameplay. Get to know what we have in this sequel and play as a Titanfall 2 trainer.

Pilot gameplay

Pilot gameplay is not different from the first game with the same basic mechanics. However, players need to reflex faster because the health and time-to-kill (TTK) are largely lower than in Titanfall. Besides, developers add sliding skills to pilots. You can crouch while sprinting or moving to slide across the land in a short time. It helps preserve momentum and allow slide-hops for players to traverse quickly.

Fight As A Pilot And Control Titans
Fight As A Pilot And Control Titans

Titan gameplay

In comparison with the first game, titan gameplay has a significant change. Unlike the pilot’s fully-customizable load-outs, titans have six archetypes, including Ion, Tone, Legion, Ronin, Northstar, and Scorch with different abilities and weapons. In Monarch’s Reign, there is a seventh titan called Monarch. Moreover, all titans have a standard defensive ability of electric smokes. Additionally, titans in Titanfall 2 are less durable than the predecessors in the first game. Besides, the developers replaced the feature of recharging energy shields with the battery mechanic in this sequel.

Titanfall 2 Vs Battlefield 1

Battlefield 1 is one of many FPS games like Titanfall 2 which was also published by Electronic Arts in 2016. Contrary to the futuristic world in Titanfall 2, Battlefield 1 was set in the time of World War I. It’s not a battle of mechanic titans like in Titanfall 2, Battlefield 1 features the war of human in WWI. Players use WWI weapons in the battle or melee combat. Like Titanfall 2, Battlefield is also a multi-player game. These two games focus mainly on the gameplay, so both of them have a short storyline.

Battle Of Titans In Titanfall 2
Battle Of Titans In Titanfall 2

This review of has given some basic system requirements to play Titanfall 2 on PC as well as a brief review of the gameplay. Among a lot of FPS games having been released in history, Titanfall 2 is one of the most successful and attractive games. Just play and experience titans’ wars, you will definitely immense in a large open futuristic world of Titanfalll 2. Just buy Titanfall 2 and experience it right away. 

<![CDATA[Red Dead Redemption 2 PC Review]]> Wed, 25 Dec 2019 10:20:00 +0000
One of the best games released by Rockstar, Red Dead Redemption 2 has been available for PCs. Check out the storyline of this game and see how to download it in this Red Dead Redemption 2 PC review by]]>

It took fans of this franchise eight years to enjoy Red Dead Redemption 2, the prequel of Red Dead Redemption. On October 26th, 2018, Rockstar released this action-adventure game for Xbox One and PS4. And then, the Red Dead Redemption 2 PC release date was on November 5th, 2019. This is one of the most successful products of this publisher which brought Rockstar nearly INR 52 Arabs during the first three days. This Red Dead Redemption 2 PC review by will show you how exciting it is and why it was such a great success.

Red Dead Redemption 2 PC: Overview

This action-adventure video game tells you a fictional story of the American Wild West in the late 1800s. In Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar gave players not only wider and more open but also deeper, more detailed and interactive game world. This exciting video game also provides gamers with new gameplay, more storytelling, and combining actions. Besides, if we compare Red Dead Redemption 2 map size vs GTA 5 map, another product of Rockstar, the map of RDR2 is larger.

The Cowboy Arthur Morgan
The Cowboy Arthur Morgan

This game is the pre-story of the previous Red Dead Redemption. It focuses on the life of the gangster Arthur Morgan, a member of the Van der Linde gang. Following the survival adventure of Morgan, players can explore a huge open world, from the American frontier to the heartland, from rough mountain trails to dense forests, from untamed swamps to immense deserts. Gamers can also experience life from busy modern cities to rugged livestock Western towns in America.

Furthermore, you meet and encounter a lot of people at that time, see their life, fight for survival, and traverse throughout a stunning American Wild West. Those Red Dead Redemption 2 treasure maps will definitely not let you down.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Review: Hunting 
Red Dead Redemption 2 PC Review: Hunting For Food in The Wild

Red Dead Redemption 2 Gameplay

You play RDR2 from a third-person perspective in either offline single-player or online multiplayer mode. This game lets players select the story and missions which can largely impact the interactions and gameplay. The developers also introduced many new features in RDR2, such as using bows and arrows, wading in the water, riding canoes, and dual-wielding revolvers. The development team also made lots of improvements in hunting and wildlife in this game. These features were introduced in the Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer.

Stunning Game World In Red Dead Redemption 2
Stunning Game World In Red Dead Redemption 2

You play as the character Arthur Morgan, a relied senior shooter in the Van der Linde gang, and follow his adventure with his gang, which he called family. Sometimes, the gang pitches a campsite in the wild where they rest, eat, perform chores, chat, and play games. You also do some missions and provide the gang with food and necessities. The NPC gang members also unveil many secrets and useful information. You also have many interesting things to enjoy and also mischiefs to encounter.

Out of the camp, you have to react to the living world and fight to survive with your gun. Interestingly, in this Red Dead Redemption Skidrow PC version, you have to take care of your weapons, animals, and equipment.

Red Dead Redemption2 Review: How To Make Money
Red Dead Redemption2 Review: How To Make Money

Red Dead Redemption 2 PC Review: Plot

After downloading Red Dead Redemption 2 Skidrow, you immense in the Wild West of America and explore the story of the outlaw Arthur. This game is said to have one of the best plots in 2018. Like the protagonist John Marston in Red Dead Redemption, Arthur is an orphan brought up by Dutch. Then, he became a trusted shooter in Dutch’s gang. This Red Dead Redemption 2 PC review will give you a brief beginning part of RDR2 before you enter this world.

Beginning RDR2 Adventure

In the late 19th century, civilization spread out in the Wild West and brought the law to this land. Western gangs were hunted by the bounty hunters working for the authority. Van der Linde gang had to move and shelter in the outskirt of Black Water Town where they had a fierce fight with cops and had to run away.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Review: Van Der Linde Gang
RDR2 Review: Van Der Linde Gang

The gang sheltered on a snowy mountain and faced a great threat from hunters and policemen. Many members were killed or captured and Dutch and Arthur had to lead the gang to overcome that difficult time. They did a train heist and robbed a great property from a billionaire. It let them live safe and sound for a short time after they move to Horseshoe Overlook, a flatted highland near Valentine surrounded by pine forests and high cliffs. Then, the adventure of Arthur to find a survival way for him and his gang starts at this point. You’d better play and experience it yourself.

Red Dead Redemption Skidrow PC Guide

To experience this exciting video game, you can download it from Sky and Skidrow Games to your PC. However, before download and installing the game, you should be aware of some system requirements. This Red Dead Redemption 2 PC review will show you some basic PC requirements to successfully set up this game on your PC.

Play Rdr2 On Pc
Play RDR2 On PC

Minimum requirements:

  • Operating system: Windows (7 SP1 to 10).
  • Processor: Intel i5 3470, AMD FX 6350.
  • DirectX: Version 11.
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 670 GTX or AMD Radeon R9 285 (2 GB of VRAM, Shader Model 5.0).
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM.
  • Storage: 60 GB available space.

Above are the minimum Red Dead Redemption 2 system requirements your PC should meet to play this exciting game. But for a better gaming experience with better graphics and smoother movements, you should equip your PC with the recommended Red Dead Redemption 2 PC requirements below and have a proper setting.

Recommended requirements:

  • Operating system: Windows 7 to 10 64-bit.
  • Processor: Intel i5 4690k, AMD Ryzen 5 1400.
  • DirectX: Version 12.
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 970 GTX or AMD Radeon RX 480 (4 GB of VRAM, Shader Model 5.1).
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM.
  • Storage: 60 GB available space
Red Dead Redemption Ii Pc Experience
Red Dead Redemption 2 PC Review: System Requirements

With the recommended system requirements, players can experience Red Dead Redemption in a realistic world. It feels like you’re living in an old town of West America, roaming on large grassland, traversing through peaceful villages or busy cities. Moreover, every NPC looks more realistic like living people in our real world.

Install And Enjoy Rdr2 Combat
Install And Enjoy RDR2 Combat On PC

Now, you cannot get the original game for free from any platform and the crack version doesn't exist at all. You need to purchase it with real cash to play and enjoy. The fascinating gameplay and backstory of RDR2 will never make you regret it. Don't try to download the free version due to fake news and unoriginal sources such as skidrow or you may get viruses. These unauthentic links on skidrow may contain unexpected spyware and viruses which definitely do harm to your PC. Buy it from authentic sources to get a safe and high-quality game. RDR2 is available on Steam now.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is definitely one of the best games of the decade. With an interesting plot, exciting gameplay, excellent design, and graphics, this video game will actually bring you the most memorable experience. Hopefully, this Red Dead Redemption 2 PC review gives you useful information about this game as well as the requirements to download it from Skidrow.

<![CDATA[Dungeon & Goddess Review: Not For The Faint Of Heart]]> Fri, 06 Dec 2019 08:13:00 +0000
Dungeon & Goddess sets itself apart from other games in the genre with its insane difficulty curve. If a serious challenge is what you're looking for, you'll find it here. If not, then it's one you'll want to stay clear from.]]>

Dungeon & Goddess, an anime-inspired hero-collecting RPG from developer Nadiasoft, consists of all the familiar features, and anyone who has played a similar game of the same genre will no doubt feel right at home with its systems.

That said, even the most experienced of players might find the difficulty curve daunting. While most freemium RPGs on mobile let you feel like a god for the first couple of hours, earning XP and acquiring items in abundance, before finally presenting you with the infamous “pay wall”, Dungeon & Goddess is challenging from the get-go.

In theory, that’s a nice thing. It makes the game significantly less flabby than most of its competitors. Right off the bat you’ll have to consider your decisions really carefully and sometimes just hope that Lady Luck smiles on you and gives you the summons you need.

The setting is about as familiar as it can get. Coming into a fantasy-themed world with gods, dungeons, and heroes, you’ll be collecting polished, actually pretty well-animated anime heroes and putting them in different decks.

Collect heroes

As you can probably expect, many of these heroes are young, unrealistically pretty women. Aside from that, though, there’s also an aged English knight, a dwarf, and plenty of other surprising characters including some historical figures such as Genghis Khan.

Dungeon Goddess Android Artwork Hero Summon 9971_wm
There's a big roster of heroes to collect

The combat is turn-based, with you and the enemy taking turns to perform moves. Each hero has 2 abilities per turn to choose from. These can be offensive – such as fire attacks, magical storms, and those kinds of stuff - or they can be defensive, providing healing to party members so that they can last longer in the fight.

There’s another factor to take into consideration as well: Each character belongs to one of 5 elemental classes: Fire, Water, Wind, Lightning, and Earth. These elements work on a rock-paper-scissor system, meaning each one is stronger against another element but is also countered by something else. As a result, you’ll have to prepare the right deck before every battle, because going in against a mismatched opponent can severely limit the effectiveness of your skills.

Dungeon Goddess Android Artwork Strategy 9350_wm
The combat is turn-based, with elemental attributes playing a crucial role

And of course, it wouldn’t be a mobile RPG without an upgrade system. You’ll passively earn XP to level up, but you can speed up the process by using EXP potions. There’s another resource called Soul Stones, which can be used to increase the tier of your heroes. Items are upgradable if you want as well, but you’ll need Upgrade Stones for that.

The issue is, these resources are not readily available, and neither are the tickets to summon new heroes and acquire new items.

Work for every victory

You obtain rewards by logging in, Soul Stones for participating in the Tower of Infinity, and other stuff by leveling up, defeating bosses, completing the daily challenges, and so on. But you won’t ever be able to truly take flight from these.

That means the entire game is a tough challenge. You’ll find yourself customizing your deck, entering a battle, getting absolutely demolished, and going back to tweaking the deck again to try and squeeze out any last bit of advantage. Thankfully, you do at least level up pretty quickly. The result of all this, though, is that every little victory feels incredibly meaningful and satisfying.

Dungeon Goddess Challenge A87b_wm
An incredibly challenging game where you'll have to work for every victory

All in all, it’s clear that Dungeon & Goddess isn’t for those who are just looking for a game to relax with, and to be honest, the localization is pretty poor, so if that’s an issue for you, then you probably won’t have a good time with this one. But if, on the other hand, you are a hardcore CCG fan who likes to be challenged, you’ll get a kick out of this visually-pleasant yet imposing title.

<![CDATA[Layers Of Fear Review: A Solid Game, But Not Fit For The Mobile Platform]]> Wed, 30 Oct 2019 03:39:00 +0000
Layers of Fear is a solid walking simulator with stunning visuals and immersive storytelling. However, it is lacking in the horror aspect and the controls on mobile leave more to be desired.]]>

Horror and walking simulators make for a perfect pair, as many titles such as SOMA or Gone Home (to a lesser extent), and now Layers of Fear is the latest example of this. The combination just feels right. In a genre in which your only forms of interaction with the world are reading letters and opening doors, it makes sense for the world to interact with you instead. And the word “interact” is defined by these games as “scaring the hell out of you.”

Layers of Fear Launch Trailer

The idea sounds reasonable, but in practice, it doesn’t really work out for Layers of Fear. While the game does receive a lot of praise for its captivating visuals, immersive narrative, and attention to detail (we were especially impressed by the fact that the main character actually walks with a limp upon learning that he’s got a prosthetic leg), it’s just… not very scary.

It also doesn’t help that the game basically reveals its entire hand right from the get-go. Most of the time it simply tries to scare you by changing the environment around you, adding things behind you when you’re not looking.

Layers of Fear is beautiful, and its narrative is captivating

It works the first couple of times, but gradually you come to expect it. Soon enough you’ll find yourself entering a room, search around for the object that you’re supposed to interact with, wait for the scary thing to take place, and then repeat the process all over again.

The story, despite being relatively clichés, does have its merit. It is unveiled to you piece-by-piece via notes, pictures, and other visual clues scattered around the building. We found the notes to be a bit excessive (who would write so many extremely personal notes and then just leave them lying around like that, anyway?) but the game did warn us about that right at the beginning, so guess we can’t complain here.

Layers Of Fear 1
The story is unveiled to you piece-by-piece via notes and visual clues

Layers of Fear is divided into several chapters and after each one you’ll add a bit more paint to a canvas. This place also houses the pictures and notes that you’ve discovered, helping you keep track of the plot so far. We really appreciate this “hub room” feature, as it gives you a break between all the action, during which you can look through every clue and maybe discover information that you might have missed.

But the horror part is disappointing

That said, you might have difficulty finding the motivation to make it to the end of the game. Unlike Firewatch or Gone Home, Layers of Fear doesn’t offer a whole lot of variety in the environments you explore or what you see/do. We felt like we’d seen everything just after the first chapter.

Layers Of Fear 2
The game might get repetitive after a while

Mobile isn’t exactly the greatest platform for the game either. You can choose between 2 control schemes: virtual buttons or tap to move. Both of these felt pretty fiddly to us, however: We could move around just fine but interacting with objects was a chore, as the game just couldn’t seem to understand what we were trying to do.

Controller support is present here, and for the most part it works just fine. It does leave more to be desired, though: The virtual controls will still remain on your screen, which is distracting. Moreover, you can’t use the menu screen with a controller for some reason, which we found pretty inconvenient.

Layers Of Fear 3
The controls leave more to be desired

The game is solid, but mobile is not the most fitting platform for it

All things considered, we have mixed feelings about Layers of Fear. It does an admirable job as a walking simulator with stunning graphics and outstanding storytelling. However, it is drawn back by the fiddle controls and lack of “true” horror elements.

<![CDATA[Slaughter 3 Review: Rough, But Interesting All The Same]]> Tue, 15 Oct 2019 09:55:00 +0000
Slaughter 3 still has some rough edges, but overall it is a decent shooter that fans of the genre will have a good time with.]]>

Slaughter 3 is about as to-the-point as a game title can get, as it gives you all the information you need: There are 2 other Slaughter games before this one, and the entire trilogy is about brutally killing people. That’s it.

Like its predecessor, Slaughter 2: Prison Assault, Slaughter 3 takes place in a prison compound. The criminals locked up there have broken out and are now killing the staff and the civilians living in the nearby village. Naturally, it’s your task to put an end to the carnage.

Following a short opening cutscene in which your character arrives by boat and scales the prison wall to get inside, you are delivered straight into the action. You’ll slide your finger around the left side of the screen to move while the right side is for controlling the camera. There’s a crosshair for your right hand as well. If you hold this button while hovering the cursor on an enemy, your character will automatically shoot at that target. All in all, a pretty standard setup for a third-person shooter game on mobile.

The combat is, for the most part, hectic and messy. Enemies will charge at you with reckless abandon, and you must put them down before they get close. If they do, the fire button will change into a stab button so you won’t be entirely defenseless, but still, it’s best to avoid getting into that situation in the first place.

Slaughter 3 Action
It's best not to let enemies get close

Danger can come from any angles, especially when you’re outside, so you’ll have to stay on high alert the whole time. In this regard, Slaughter 3 feels a lot similar to Doom or Wolfenstein, which is to say, it’s quite primitive.

The main campaign is divided into several missions. Every time you finish one or die, you’ll return to a cabin with a sarcastic dude named Nick, whom you can engage in conversations with for some dark humor. That said, the dialogue is all in Russian, so unless you speak the language, you’ll have to rely on subtitles.

The cabin comes equipped with a laptop too, which you can use to access missions, purchase guns, equip allies when you’ve recruited some, and so on.

Slaughter 3 Laptop
You can engage in conversations with Nick for some nice dark humor

Missions are relatively straightforward at the beginning. In fact, the first one simply requires you to search around for gun parts. And even later on, everything can be summed up in 2 words: fetching and killing. Anyway, your objective is usually presented on the screen in white, but you’ll have to find a way to reach it on your own.

That will be more difficult than it sounds, as the map is pretty complex, and a lot of times you’ll find yourself hitting a dead end. It’ll require a few tries before you figure out the way to progress.

Slaughter 3 Mission 1
The first few missions are pretty straightforward

Some doors are locked, others aren’t, and certain areas can only be accessed once you’ve reached a specific mission. Moreover, there are also gateways that can only be unlocked by a specific party member, introducing some Metroidvania elements to the experience.

Slaughter 3’s overall arc mostly involves unlocking additional weapons and allies until you have access to everything. You’ll do so by completing mini-missions and rummaging through bins. The premise is decent enough,  the dialogue is pretty entertaining with plenty of black humor, and the Metroidvania elements add some spice to the endless action.

Slaughter 3 The Rebels Android 1
Danger can come from any angles, so stay on high alert at all times

Slaughter 3 does a good job on the graphical front as well. The 3D visuals are smooth, the models are sharps, and there are some nice little details that make things a bit more realistic, such as how you can explode an enemy’s head with a shotgun at close range.

All things considered, we feel that Slaughter 3 still has some rough edges, but its frantic action and mildly disturbing aesthetic makes for a cool game that’s worth checking out for fans of the shooter genre. It is available now on both Google Play and the App Store.
