Minecraft - GuruGamer.com https://gurugamer.com Website for Indian gamers with latest gaming and technology news. Find release dates, trailers, and scores for all upcoming and recent video games in the world Mon, 16 Oct 2023 09:14:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://static.gurugamer.com/images/logo.jpg Minecraft - GuruGamer.com https://gurugamer.com <![CDATA[What Are The Best Food Sources In Minecraft?]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/best-food-sources-in-minecraft-23054 Fri, 13 Oct 2023 09:03:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/best-food-sources-in-minecraft-23054
Food is super important, not only in real life but in Minecraft. Players should make the most of these best food sources in Minecraft to stay alive.]]>

Table of Contents

  • Bread
  • Cake
  • Chorus Fruit
  • Carrots
  • Baked Potato
  • Cooked Chicken
  • Cooked Mutton
  • Cooked Pork Chop
  • Cooked Salmon
  • Golden Apple
  • Golden Carrot
  • Cooked Beef

Food is super important, not only in real life but in Minecraft. Without food, your character in Survival Mode cannot run, and you would lose health slowly and starve. The good news is that Minecraft features various food sources, and some are better for the environment, while others are more animal-friendly. This means all players can find the best food sources in Minecraft.

Indeed, the best food in the game is not always the most flavorful or rare; it's the kind of food that's easy to get, fills up your hunger bar the most, and keeps you full for a long time. So, what’s the best food source in Minecraft? Let’s discover together in this article by Gurugamer.com.


Crafted from 3 Wheat

Bread is a readily available and common food item in Minecraft. Players can easily obtain it by starting with a single wheat seed, which can be obtained from the grass found in almost any biome. By planting and growing this seed, players can harvest wheat, and it takes 3 wheat to craft a single piece of bread.

Bread In Minecraft
Bread In Minecraft

When consumed, bread provides 2.5 Hunger Points, which is a decent amount of sustenance. However, its saturation value of 6 Hunger Points per piece isn't as high, meaning players may need to consume more bread than they produce to maintain their hunger levels effectively. Nevertheless, bread remains a reliable source of food, particularly because it can be used for trading with villagers or crafted with ease.


Crafted from wheat, milk, eggs and sugar

While a cake may not appear to be the most pragmatic choice of sustenance for missions, its easy crafting process, thanks to the abundance of resources, ensures that it's always a crowd-pleaser when it's time to enjoy one. In Minecraft, cakes offer the advantage of providing sustenance to multiple individuals without the need for any eating animation.

Cake In Minecraft
Cake In Minecraft

When you place a cake, you can rapidly click the action button to consume it, and can also share this sweet dessert with your friends. Consuming an entire cake yields 14 Hunger Points, or even just a single bite grants 2 Hunger Points. Cakes prove to be a fantastic way to maintain teamwork and ensure everyone stays nourished during your adventures.

>>> Read more: How To Make A Cake In Minecraft | Minecraft Recipes

Chorus Fruit

Collected from The End

In The End, you can find a lot of the best food sources in Minecraft, including Chorus Fruit, especially after defeating the Ender Dragon. However, getting to The End is a late-game activity, and some players may not want to go there just for fruit. But Chorus Fruit can randomly teleport players, which can be a lifesaver.

Chorus Fruit In Minecraft
Chorus Fruit In Minecraft

What's cool about Chorus Fruit is that it lets you teleport without hurting yourself, unlike Ender Pearls. Plus, it restores a lot of Hunger Points, and there's plenty of it in The End, so you can carry a ton of this fruit from another dimension.


Farmed from other carrots

Carrots, while providing only 1.5 Hunger Points, are an excellent food source due to their ease of cultivation. Acquiring a stack of carrots is a straightforward task, and as long as you keep even one in your inventory, you can cultivate a near-endless supply, especially with the help of Redstone. Carrots grow relatively quickly, and the availability of bone meal further accelerates their growth.

Although carrots may not offer the highest saturation or Hunger Point values, their ability to stave off starvation, even in dire situations such as being trapped in a cave with minimal resources like water and a dirt block, makes them a valuable and nearly limitless food resource.

Baked Potato

Farmed from other potatoes and then cooked in a smoker, furnace, or campfire

Obtaining potatoes in Minecraft may initially seem underwhelming, especially when there's a chance of getting a spoiled potato that can poison players. Still, potatoes are a valuable food source in the game because they can be cooked using any fuel to create a baked potato. They also provide a unique challenge for veteran players, as they offer a pacifist way to thrive in the Minecraft world.

Potato In Minecraft
Potato in Minecraft

When holding a baked potato, players can expect an increase of 2.5 Hunger Points, along with 6 hunger saturation. Although the saturation value isn't the highest, potatoes are incredibly easy to farm once players have obtained a single potato. Cooking them in various devices not only transforms them into a more nourishing food source but also rewards the player with a small amount of experience, making them one of the best food sources in Minecraft to have in your inventory, especially when no other food source is available.

Cooked Chicken

Kill and cook chicken

In Minecraft, chickens are a common sight, although they can be a bit tricky to catch. Fortunately, cooking them is a straightforward task. Consuming cooked chicken provides players with 3 Hunger Points, which is a decent amount of nourishment, particularly considering the 7.2 hunger saturation it offers. Additionally, using a sword with the Looting 3 enchantment can make it even easier to collect cooked chicken from chickens.

Raw Chicken in Minecraft
Raw Chicken in Minecraft

When cooking chicken, you can also gain experience points, which adds to its value. You can cook chicken using a furnace, smoker, or campfire.

Cooked chicken may not be at the top of the list of best food sources in Minecraft because chickens serve multiple functions. Apart from providing food, they can lay eggs, which have various uses, and they are space-efficient in farm setups. In addition, the widespread presence of chickens in almost every biome within the game makes them a convenient and accessible resource for players.

>>> You might also like: 5 Facts You May Not Know About Chickens In Minecraft

Cooked Mutton

Kill and cook sheep

Cooked mutton in Minecraft offers a total of 3 Hunger Points, making it a relatively satisfying food option. To obtain cooked mutton, players need to first kill a sheep to obtain raw mutton. Cooking the raw mutton not only yields a decent food source but also provides the player with some experience points.

Raw Mutton In Minecraft
Raw Mutton In Minecraft

Sheep are commonly found in various biomes in Minecraft, and there are even some great biome mods that players can explore to encounter different types of terrain and challenges.

However, the issue with using sheep for cooked mutton is that sheep are a valuable resource themselves due to the wool they can produce. Wool serves various purposes in Minecraft, such as crafting beds, decorative items, and more. Consequently, maintaining a sheep farm for wool production might be a more strategic choice than using them primarily for mutton, given their multi-purpose nature in the game.

Cooked Pork Chop

Kill and cook adult pigs

In Minecraft, pork chops can be obtained from various sources. While they don't grow on trees, several mobs can drop pork chops. Pigs and Hoglins can drop raw pork chops, but if these mobs are killed while they are on fire, they will drop cooked pork chops. The Nether, in particular, provides an excellent food source in the form of Hoglins, ensuring a steady supply of cooked pork chops.

Pork Chop In Minecraft
Pork Chop In Minecraft

The Nether stands out as the best source of pork chops. Hoglins might be formidable opponents in the Nether, but their rewards are well worth the challenge. With a powerful sword featuring the Looting and Fire Aspect enchantments, players can accumulate stacks of cooked pork chops. What makes cooked pork chops especially attractive is their remarkable saturation value of 12.8 and the provision of 4 Hunger Points, making them a highly efficient and best food source in Minecraft.

>>> Also read: How To Breed Pigs In Minecraft & How To Ride Them

Cooked Salmon

Catch or kill, then cook salmon

Salmon is a readily available food source in the game, and players can obtain it by fishing or searching for them underwater. Salmon spawn quite frequently and in significant numbers, making them an easy catch. When you cook salmon, you receive a small amount of experience as a bonus.

Raw Salmon In Minecraft
Raw Salmon In Minecraft

The true advantage of salmon, aside from its accessibility, lies in its saturation points. Cooked salmon provides players with 3 Hunger Points and an impressive saturation of 9.6. This high saturation value means that, despite the ease of obtaining salmon, players won't need to consume stacks of edible fish to stay satisfied and energized throughout their adventures in Minecraft.

Golden Apple

Crafted from an apple and Gold Ingots

Apples are a valuable resource in Minecraft, but they can become even more powerful when crafted into Golden Apples. Having these in your inventory can make you feel nearly invincible, enabling you to take on formidable foes like the Ender Dragon and the Wither. Yet, it's advisable not to test the limits of a Golden Apple against the Warden, as even this powerful item may not be enough to defeat those formidable creatures.

Golden Apple In Minecraft
Golden Apple In Minecraft

Gold becomes more abundant once players venture into the Nether and start gathering additional resources for their expanding empire. Given this, it's a wise investment to craft Golden Apples. Golden Apples offer several benefits, not only healing for 4 Hunger Points but also providing Regeneration 2 for 5 seconds and Absorption for 2 minutes. These powerful effects can significantly enhance your survivability during challenging encounters in Minecraft.

>>> Check out: How To Find Enchanted Golden Apples

Golden Carrot

Use a crafting table to combine a Carrot with Gold Nuggets

In Minecraft, crafting a Golden Carrot is even easier than crafting a Golden Apple. This is because a Golden Carrot only requires Gold Nuggets, which are relatively easy to obtain. You can find Gold Nuggets in abundance in the Nether, or you can simply convert one gold ingot into 9 Nuggets. This means that players can effectively use just one gold ingot for each carrot to create a powerful food item. The Golden Carrot provides a substantial 6 Hunger Points when consumed.

Golden Carrot In Minecraft
Golden Carrots In Minecraft

While using a Golden Carrot doesn't offer the same additional bonuses as a Golden Apple, it's highly effective at addressing hunger. With a generous restoration value of 14.4 points, players won't need to consume a carrot every minute just to stay alive. This makes Golden Carrots a practical and efficient food source in Minecraft, especially when dealing with extended gameplay or challenging adventures.

Cooked Beef

Kill and cook adult cows

Killing a regular cow or an intriguing Mooshroom in Minecraft yields a piece of raw beef. This raw beef can be cooked in the same manner as other meats, offering players an opportunity to gain experience and acquire cooked beef. Cooked beef, without a doubt, stands out as the best food source in Minecraft, thanks to its impressive stats. Consuming cooked beef provides the player with 4 hunger points and a substantial saturation value of 12.8.

Raw Beef In Minecraft
Beef In Minecraft

While cooked beef is unmatched in terms of its stats, the fact that cows have only one primary use outside of their loot makes them ideal for farming. Cooked beef can be stacked up to 64 like other food items, and players equipped with the Looting 3 enchantment will find themselves consistently well-supplied with cooked beef from some of the best farms in Minecraft. This combination of efficiency and reliability makes cooked beef a top choice for food in the game.

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<![CDATA[Top 10 Best Seeds For Speedruns In Minecraft 2023]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/best-seeds-for-speedruns-in-minecraft-23037 Tue, 10 Oct 2023 03:08:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/best-seeds-for-speedruns-in-minecraft-23037
What is the best seed for speedruns in Minecraft? Let’s check out our article by Gurugamer.com.]]>

Table of Contents

  • Cherry Blossom Village
  • Ruined Lava Portal
  • Desert Temple Ruins
  • Icebound Blacksmith Village
  • Desert Pillager Outpost
  • Twin Iron Villages
  • Sunken Treasure Ship
  • House of Diamonds
  • Isle of Buried Treasure
  • Bastions of Nether Loot
  • Conclusion

In Minecraft speedruns, it can be challenging to go really fast if you don't use the best world seeds. These seeds create worlds with all the things you need to reach the Ender Dragon quickly. With the right seed, players might find a Stronghold nearby or get starting gear without digging. The 1.20 update has added more cool places that can help you finish the game quickly.

An important part of speedrunning is getting to the Nether fast. To do that, you need Obsidian, which you get by mixing water and lava. You use Obsidian to make Eyes of Ender from Blaze Rods. These eyes open the End portal in the Stronghold. The best seeds for fast runs will have lava pools, so you can build a Nether portal and pop out close to the Blaze mobs when you switch dimensions. So, what are you waiting for? Let's explore the following top 10 best seeds for speedruns in Minecraft in 2023.

Cherry Blossom Village

Seed: -1954962231574696778

Minecraft Cherry Blossom Village
Cherry Blossom Village

Villages are really useful in a Minecraft speedrun because some of the houses have chests with valuable stuff. This seed puts you in a Cherry Blossom biome near a small village. In that village, there's a house owned by a Blacksmith, which is a crucial character to find because they have important materials. You can get Iron, Gold, and an Iron Sword in the Blacksmith's house, which gives you a good start and enough stuff to mine Obsidian quickly and make a Nether portal.

Ruined Lava Portal

Seed: -569919664172379455

Ruined Lava Portal Minecraft
Ruined Lava Portal Minecraft

Ruined Lava Portal is no doubt one of the best seed for speedruns in Minecraft. In this seed, you can discover another village near where you start. But the most exciting part is a little group of Obsidian blocks set up like a Nether portal in a lava pool. It's above the ground, and you can use the Obsidian you find in chests in the village to complete the portal with the already-placed blocks. If you bring water and iron tools, you'll have a quick way to get to the fiery and perilous Nether realm.

>>> You might also like: What You Need To Know About Ruined Portal In Minecraft: Location, Loot, And More!

Desert Temple Ruins

Seed: 638141143732715702

Desert Temple Ruins Minecraft
Desert Temple Ruins Minecraft

Even though it might not seem like it at first, this seed has pretty much everything a Minecraft speedrunner could ask for, as explained by content creator TheAetherGamer. When you start in a biome that's a mix of savannah and desert, head to a nearby Desert Temple that's hidden in the sand. Inside, you'll discover at least three chests filled with lots of Iron and other useful stuff that will give your speedrun a strong beginning.

Icebound Blacksmith Village

Seed: -2095471597570576945

Icebound Blacksmith Village Minecraft
Icebound Blacksmith Village Minecraft

If you're searching for a village with Blacksmiths in Minecraft, this seed is perfect. It starts you off in a snowy place, and right across a frozen lake, you'll find the village you're looking for. Inside the village chests, you'll discover 5 Obsidian blocks, which is just what you need to finish the Nether portal ruins in the same snowy area. Plus, there's another chest at these ruins with a Flint & Steel to help you activate the portal.

Desert Pillager Outpost

Seed: 4621516844364984175

Desert Pillager Outpost Minecraft
Desert Pillager Outpost Minecraft

Pillager Outposts are typically too risky for speedruns, but in this seed, there's a special twist. Inside the bandit den, there's an Iron Golem locked in a cage. You can attack and defeat the Golem without making the other enemy mobs angry, and you'll get some Iron for free in Minecraft. Also, there's another Blacksmith Village in the area that holds nearly 14 Obsidian blocks and half a set of Iron Armor. This gear will be really useful when you're dealing with enemies in the Nether.

Twin Iron Villages

Seed: -822484008302087253

In the village, you'll start in a wintry forest, and something really special happens: you'll find not just one, but 2 Blacksmith villages right next to each other. Together, these villages have an incredible amount of resources, including nearly a complete set of Iron armor, Iron tools, and Iron ingots that you can use to make other things. If you dig down, you'll also uncover a large pool of lava, which is a fantastic beginning for constructing your Nether portal.

>>> Read more: How To Make An Iron Farm In Minecraft (2023 Guide)

Sunken Treasure Ship

Seed: -2835955152058382683

Sunken Treasure Ship Minecraft
Sunken Treasure Ship Minecraft

Finding underwater treasure in Minecraft can be tricky, but this seed makes it easy. Right from the start, you'll be close to a regular village that provides everything you need to explore a sunken ship beneath the water in the grassy biome nearby. Inside the ship, you'll discover Iron and, once again, you'll be near a source of lava. This seed offers another important element for your speedrun.

House of Diamonds

Seed: 6790734861381482413

House Of Diamonds Minecraft
When asked what is the best seed for speedrunning in Minecraft, we will confidently answer that it's the House of Diamonds seed.

Right when you start with this seed, your character will be inside a village, and you'll basically be on top of a Blacksmith's house in Minecraft. This sets you up really well because the chest in this house contains three Diamonds and several Obsidian blocks. There's also a nearby lava pool. You can use the Diamonds to make the strongest armor in the game, which will help keep you safe as you face Blazes and, ultimately, the Ender Dragon.

Isle of Buried Treasure

Seed: -821696136519134748

While most people using this seed might think that the 7 Obsidian blocks and 2 Diamonds found in a Blacksmith village are the best part, there's actually a lot more to this world. On the island where you spawn, you can discover three buried chests with treasure that would make any speedrunner in Minecraft ecstatic. Inside these chests, you'll find four more Diamonds, 6 Gold, and a whopping 44 Iron Ingots - an incredible find in any world.

What makes this seed even more fantastic for speedruns in Minecraft is that another village not only has a lava pool for an easy Nether Portal but is also located near the Nether fortress, which is on the other side of the dimensional rift. If you build your Portal in this second village, you'll be right next to the Nether fortress, allowing you to farm Blaze Rods as much as you want.

Bastions of Nether Loot

Seed: 3120335704963501264

Undoubtedly, this world seed is the ultimate choice for a speedrun. It boasts four Blacksmith villages right near your starting point. You'll have almost every resource you could ever need right from the beginning. Two hidden treasure chests provide about 5 Diamonds for you to collect. Even if you build your Nether portal in any of the villages, the Fortress will be very close when you teleport to the Nether in Minecraft.

Bastions Of Nether Loot Minecraft
bastions of nether loot minecraft

But that's not all – there are two Piglin Treasure Bastions near the Nether Fortress that offer even more materials for your upcoming battle with the Ender Dragon. You'll find a complete set of Diamond armor at these locations, providing you with the most powerful defense in the game. If you're aiming for your best Minecraft speedrun, this seed will make beating the final boss a breeze with the abundance of resources it offers.


In conclusion, these best seeds for speedruns in Minecraft offer a treasure trove of advantages for players seeking to conquer the game with efficiency and speed. With abundant resources, strategically placed Blacksmith villages, hidden treasures, and quick access to essential locations like Nether Fortresses, these seeds provide speedrunners with the ideal foundation to achieve record-breaking times and triumph over the Ender Dragon. When it comes to choosing the best seeds for speedruns in Minecraft, these selections stand as the ultimate keys to success in the world of blocky adventures.

>>> Also check out: Top 10 Minecraft Seed Maps & How To Save Them

<![CDATA[Minecraft 2023 Mob Vote: Crab vs Armadillo vs Penguin]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/minecraft-2023-mob-vote-crab-vs-armadillo-vs-penguin-23033 Mon, 09 Oct 2023 04:57:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/minecraft-2023-mob-vote-crab-vs-armadillo-vs-penguin-23033
Now that all three of the new mobs have been revealed, it is time to compare their merits and pick a winner.]]>

Now that all three potential mobs for Minecraft's 2023 mob vote have been unveiled, players need to ensure they understand everything about these creatures before making their choice. Despite the initial hint from Mojang about all options being "cute" passive mobs, the official announcements have revealed the candidates as a crab, an armadillo, and a penguin. These mobs, although more realistic than previous winners like the Sniffer or Allays, are set to introduce new features that will significantly impact Minecraft's gameplay.

Minecraft Mob Vote 2021 Copper Golem Allay Glare
It is time for the Mob Vote again

As with any Minecraft mob, be it hostile, passive, or otherwise, Mojang has strived to give each one unique characteristics and mechanics, providing players with fresh experiences to explore. Considering factors such as the biome where each mob will spawn, how they might transform and influence the game in the future, and why players might actively seek them out is crucial. Whether players approach their decision from a practical standpoint or base it on which animal they find the most adorable, having all the necessary information before making the final vote is essential.

The New Crab Mob

Announced as the first contender in the 2023 mob vote, the crab stirred excitement within the Minecraft community, inspiring players to construct survival bases reminiscent of the potential new mob. With its striking blue and orange hues and prominent claws on its small frame, the crab's visual appeal alone makes it a fantastic addition to the game and a desirable feature for players' aquariums. Moreover, its unique ability to climb blocks vertically, reminiscent of Minecraft's spiders, sets it apart from the existing passive mobs, making it a standout creature that could garner as much love as the beloved axolotl.

Minecraft Mob Crab
Crab Mob


Although it doesn't appear to be a new tamable mob in Minecraft, the crab offers other compelling features for players. Spawning in Mangrove Swamps, this new mob adds diversity to this relatively recent biome, enticing even the most seasoned players to explore the Overworld in search of both the biome and the intriguing crab. Notably, crabs drop a novel item called the crab claw, which Mojang claims enables players to interact with blocks from a distance. This mechanic has the potential to revolutionize Minecraft's gameplay, depending on the creative ways players utilize this newfound ability once they have the crab's claws at their disposal.

The New Armadillo Mob

Mojang's second announcement introduced the armadillo, which captured attention just like the crab, thanks to its adorable squeal of surprise when bumped by a boat. The armadillo's ability to curl up defensively distinguishes it from other passive mobs, providing a fresh perspective on mob self-defense that doesn't involve aggressive tactics like those used by pufferfish, bees, or wolves. Additionally, the armadillo's protective traits will introduce a new item, not for players themselves, but for their tamed wolves.

Minecraft Mob Armadillo
Armadillo Mob

Similar to Minecraft's turtles, armadillos will drop a distinct type of scutes that players can gather. However, instead of crafting turtle shells for players, these scutes can be fashioned into armor for tamed wolves. The specific appearance of this armor or whether it can be customized, like the new armor trims for players, has not been revealed yet. Nonetheless, this addition could be welcomed by players concerned about the safety of their pet dogs in the Overworld. As a new mob in Savanna biomes offering a valuable item, armadillos might become highly coveted both in the vote and within the Minecraft community.

The New Penguin Mob

Mojang's final reveal was the penguin, although its design deviates from the typical penguin players might have expected. Players might question why this new mob spawns in the Stony Shore biome rather than a place like the Frozen Ocean; however, this penguin seems to be inspired by the royal penguin, evident from its yellow crests. Considering polar bears already inhabit various icy biomes and hail from the opposite pole of penguins, Minecraft appears to pay homage to its real-world inspiration by placing this mob in its native biome.

Minecraft Mob Penguin
Penguin Mob

Unlike the other two mobs in the vote, the penguin doesn't seem to drop any new items for players to use. Similar to Minecraft's dolphins, penguins are expected to be friendly to players, offering a speed boost to their boats. If they could also be tamed, penguins might serve as valuable companions during ocean exploration. However, like their real-world counterparts, penguins struggle on land, which might balance their usefulness for players. Nevertheless, given the relatively undeveloped nature of Minecraft's Stony Shores, the introduction of the penguin mob could add some intrigue to this biome.

Considering all these details, players have until October 13 to make their decision when the voting officially commences at 5 pm UTC. The voting window will be brief, closing on October 15 at 5:15 pm UTC, with the winner announced shortly after during Mojang's Minecraft Live event. While the new mob vote has sparked debates about whether Mojang should include all three mobs in a potential all-star mob vote, incorporating previous losers and runner-ups, players should seize the opportunity to cast their votes for their preferred mob this year.

When will mob voting begin?

Mojang revealed the date for Minecraft Live 2023, also announcing the voting period for the new mob.

Players can cast their votes for the Mob Vote starting from 1 pm EDT on October 13, 2023, until 1:15 pm EDT on October 15, 2023. This provides players with a window of 48 hours and 15 minutes to choose their preferred mob.

How do I vote for upcoming new mobs?

While there's time remaining before the 2023 Minecraft Live Mob Vote begins, players need to understand the available methods to vote for their preferred mob. Essentially, there are three ways to vote: through a designated Bedrock Edition server, the official Minecraft launcher, and the game's website.

For those using the Bedrock Edition, a specially crafted server awaits, offering a custom map with enjoyable minigames and a platform to cast votes.

In the official game launcher, there will be a dedicated tab for Minecraft Live, enabling players to submit their votes seamlessly.

Additionally, the official Minecraft website will host a dedicated section for voting.

>>> Read more: 7 Best Survival Games Of All Time

<![CDATA[Minecraft: Best Ranged Weapon Enchantments, Ranked]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/minecraft-best-ranged-weapon-enchantments-ranked-23024 Sun, 08 Oct 2023 07:32:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/minecraft-best-ranged-weapon-enchantments-ranked-23024
Here are the best enchantments to use if you want a good ranged weapon in Minecraft 2023.]]>

Many gamers often focus on enhancing their swords for combat, overlooking the potential of ranged weapons when equipped with powerful enchantments. In Minecraft, the Bow and the Crossbow serve as the main ranged weapons. While the traditional Bow is well-known, the Crossbow, a newer addition, boasts higher damage and introduces fresh enchantments to the game. Additionally, the Trident, typically a melee weapon, can execute ranged attacks and offers enchantments to enhance its ranged capabilities.

Minecraft offers a variety of 11 enchantments tailored for ranged weapons, but some cannot coexist, leading players to make strategic choices that can sometimes cause division among them. By identifying the most suitable enchantments, players can optimize their ranged weapons, crafting the ultimate tool for combat.

A lot of pro players consider mending to be one of the best enchantments for bows in Minecraft.

1. Power

The most potent enchantment for bows in the game is Power. This enchantment significantly boosts damage, transforming a regular bow into a deadly weapon akin to a cannon. When fully charged, a bow with Power can deal 6 damage normally or 11 if it's a critical hit. Power comes in five levels, becoming exceptionally devastating at its highest tier. A bow with Power V, for example, inflicts 15 damage upon full charge and a staggering 25 damage on a critical hit. Starting from Power I, each level adds a 50% damage increase, progressing in 25% increments until Power V. A Power V bow amplifies bow damage by an impressive 150%.

Fireworks Crossbows
You can use fireworks as ammunition for the crossbow to pump up its damage.

When combined with the Flame enchantment, a Power V bow becomes the most formidable ranged weapon available to players, making it a force to be reckoned with in both player versus player (PVP) and player versus environment (PVE) scenarios. To withstand an opponent armed with a Power V bow, players must equip themselves with top-tier armor for a fighting chance.

2. Flame

A bow becomes truly powerful with the addition of the Flame enchantment. This enchantment inflicts ongoing damage for a duration of five seconds, resulting in a total of 5 damage over that period. In player versus player (PVP) situations, the Flame enchantment is highly effective because opponents usually lack means to extinguish the flames.

Igniting TNT
The ability to ignite TNT is why Flame is one of the best enchantments for bows in Minecraft.

Moreover, the Flame enchantment proves valuable beyond PVP scenarios by offering players a convenient method to obtain one of the best food sources in Minecraft. When a cow is struck by a bow with Flame, it drops steak without requiring cooking.

3. Infinity

Equipping a bow with the Infinity enchantment provides significant convenience, especially when gathering a substantial number of arrows proves to be a hassle. Infinity functions with just one arrow in the player's inventory, never depleting it. To maintain a supply, players typically harvest flint from gravel and manage a chicken farm for feathers. However, players fortunate enough to have a skeleton farm nearby might not require the Infinity enchantment, as they can obtain plenty of arrows from the skeletons.

Minecraft Every Bow Enchantment
Pump your foes full of arrows using an Infinity Bow

On the flip side, opting for Infinity means sacrificing the possibility of adding the Mending enchantment to a crossbow or bow.

4. Loyalty

Tridents stand out as a distinctive ranged weapon in Minecraft, serving both as a melee and long-range option. With the loyalty enchantment, a Trident becomes a dependable ranged weapon, ensuring it comes back to the user after being thrown. When thrown, the Trident inflicts eight damage before returning to the player.

Minecraft Trident
The Trident is actually the best weapon for exploring underwater in Minecraft.

Maintaining and repairing a Trident is essential because these weapons are rare finds and cannot be crafted by players. Drowned creatures have a 15% chance to spawn with a Trident and an 8.5% chance to drop it upon defeat. The speed at which the Trident returns to its owner increases with each tier of the Loyalty enchantment.

5. Piercing

Creating a shield offers players top-notch protection in Minecraft at a minimal cost of 1 iron and a few wooden planks. Shields effectively nullify arrow damage when used for blocking, posing a challenge for adversaries who rely on ranged combat. However, the Piercing enchantment can bypass shields, dealing damage directly to the enemy player. This enchantment proves invaluable in player versus player (PVP) situations and might even induce panic among opponents.

Piercing is good against mobs who attack you in a horde.

With each advancement in the Piercing enchantment level, arrows can penetrate an additional mob, damaging the next one in line. Players face a choice between Piercing and Multishot, as these two enchantments cannot be simultaneously applied to a crossbow.

6. Multishot

Managing a group of hostile mobs can be challenging, but Multishot provides an effective solution. When applied, Multishot enables a crossbow to shoot two extra arrows horizontally alongside the initial one, all from a single shot. Although three arrows are released, only one is consumed. These additional arrows carry the same damage potency as the main arrow, making them excellent for handling mobs in large numbers.

Crossbow Fireworks
A Fireworks explosion

Additionally, Multishot has a creative application with fireworks, triggering dazzling displays by launching three fireworks simultaneously.

7. Punch

To ensure the effectiveness of ranged weapons and minimize the risk of damage from mobs, maintaining a distance is crucial. The Punch enchantment enhances the knockback effect on mobs when struck by a ranged weapon. This enchantment comes in two tiers, each with a noticeable impact. Punch I pushes mobs back by five blocks, while Punch II increases the pushback distance to eight blocks.

Crossbows Vs Bows
Which is better than these 2 weapons?

Creating a significant gap between players and enemy mobs is essential for preventing damage and maintaining the ideal distance for ranged combat. The Punch enchantment proves particularly valuable against the toughest mobs in Minecraft, significantly reducing the player's chances of getting harmed. It's important to note that Punch only affects bows and has no impact on crossbows.

>>> Read more: 7 Best Survival Games Of All Time

<![CDATA[How To Make An Iron Farm In Minecraft (2023 Guide)]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-make-an-iron-farm-in-minecraft-22991 Mon, 02 Oct 2023 03:25:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-make-an-iron-farm-in-minecraft-22991
Let's get started and learn how to make an iron farm in Minecraft.]]>

Whether you're new to Minecraft or really good at it, iron is super useful. It's not challenging to find, makes your tools better, and can help you build fine houses. Yet there's only so much iron in one place, so you need to explore more to get more. Don’t worry! We've got a solution! Just follow our guide to make an iron farm, and you won't need to search for iron anymore. No more digging in mines! Sounds fun, right? Let's get started and learn how to make an iron farm in Minecraft.

The Way an Iron Farm Works in Minecraft

In Minecraft, you can get iron in two ways. The first way is to find and mine iron ores, which can be tough. The second, more intense way is by defeating Iron Golems. These big guys are made of iron and drop iron pieces when they're defeated. This is the same idea that our automatic iron farm uses.

Iron Golems Minecraft
An Iron Golem in Minecraft

In the iron farm, it creates Iron Golems every so often and then defeats them to gather iron pieces. You do not need to do anything yourself; it all happens on its own. Your work is no more than collecting the iron; the rest is automatic.

Iron Golems Spawning Mechanics

Iron Golems usually appear near villagers, but if you want to make them show up on your own, you need to meet these conditions:

  1. There are 3 villagers around.
  2. Provide 3 beds for those villagers to sleep in.
  3. Bring in a zombie to frighten the villagers, which will make an Iron Golem appear.

So, to put it simply, an Iron Golem shows up when 3 scared villagers have beds to sleep in, and there isn't already another Iron Golem nearby. To make things easier, it's a good idea to build your iron farm away from other villages in the game. Alternatively, you could clear out a village, leaving just 3 villagers to meet the requirements.

How to Make an Iron Farm in Minecraft: Items Required

Before learning how to make an iron farm in Minecraft, players need to collect the following items first:

  • 2 villagers
  • 1 Zombie
  • 12 pieces of scaffolding or ladders (optional)
  • 3 stacks (192 copies) of any solid blocks (including glass)
  • 2 sticky pistons
  • 2 sculk sensors
  • 1 bucket of water
  • 1 bucket of lava
  • 4 wooden signs
  • 1 hopper
  • chest
  • name tag

You can easily gather all the items mentioned above by finding villagers, chests, and sturdy blocks in Minecraft villages. Plus, villages can also have zombies at night, so you're all set in that department too.

Sticky Pistons

Sticky Pistons Minecraft
Crafting recipe of piston (up) and Crafting recipe of sticky piston (down)

To make a sticky piston in Minecraft, put together slime balls and a regular piston. Now, making a standard piston involves using 1 piece of Redstone dust, 4 cobblestone blocks, 3 wooden planks, and an iron ingot in the crafting recipe.


You can create a bucket by crafting it with three iron ingots on a crafting table. To begin setting up an iron farm, prepare a bucket of water and a bucket of lava to collect and use these liquids.

Make Bucket In Minecraft
You can create a bucket by crafting it with three iron ingots on a crafting table.

Sculk Sensor

The Sculk Sensor is a special block found in the deep dark biome, which was added in the Minecraft 1.19 update. Unlike some other blocks in this biome, Sculk Sensors aren't limited to Ancient cities, so you can find them elsewhere, away from the intimidating new mob called the Warden.

Sculk Sensor Minecraft
Sculk Sensor in Minecraft

>> Read more: Complete Guide For The Warden In Minecraft 2023

However, there's a catch: You need to use a hoe that has a silk touch enchantment to break and collect this block. If you try to break it without a silk touch-enchanted hoe, the Sculk Sensor will be destroyed instead of dropping as an item.


Creating signs in Minecraft is a straightforward process. Just combine 6 wooden planks with a stick, and you can craft 3 signs at once. Follow the crafting recipe displayed in the screenshot below to do it.

How To Make Signs In Minecraft
How To Make Signs In Minecraft


Hoppers are incredibly handy utility blocks, especially for our iron farm to work correctly. To make a hopper in Minecraft, you'll need to combine 5 iron ingots with a chest, following this recipe:

How To Make A Hopper In Minecraft
How To Make A Hopper In Minecraft

Name tag

Nametags are special and somewhat rare items in Minecraft that let you give a name to any game mob. Unlike most in-game items, players can't craft the nametags. Instead, explore the Minecraft world to find them. Nametags can often be discovered in chests located in dungeons, mineshafts, and woodland mansions. Another way to obtain name tags is by trading with librarian villagers or by going fishing in rivers and oceans.

>> Watch more:

How to Make an Iron Farm in Minecraft

When building an iron farm in Minecraft, it's crucial to remember that it contains various interconnected parts. Just make sure you follow the right order while constructing each single part to ensure everything works smoothly.

How to Make an Iron Farm in Villager Area

To control where the Iron Golem spawns, you'll need to confine at least three villagers within a floating structure. Here are the steps to create this structure:

How To Make An Iron Farm In Villager Area
1. Construct a climbable tower as a foundation for your structure. You can use ladders along with any solid blocks, or consider scaffolding for this purpose. Ensure that the tower is at least 12 blocks in height.
How To Make An Iron Farm In Villager Area
2. Utilize the tower you created to construct a platform that spans a minimum of a 7 x 7 area.
How To Make An Iron Farm In Villager Area
3. Build a border that is 2 blocks high around the interior of that structure. This border should not expand the platform's horizontal area. Inside this border, place 3 beds for the villagers to sleep in.

How to Make an Iron Farm in Zombie Area

To ensure that the villagers can see the zombie to trigger the Iron Golem spawn but also have the option to "unsee" it to sleep at night, let's create a basic cage for the zombie:

How To Make An Iron Farm In Zombie Area
1. Select any corner of the villager's platform. Place 3 blocks on the sides of this corner to form a small one-block-high enclosure.
How To Make An Iron Farm In Zombie Area
2. Break the 2 blocks positioned above the newly created border block within the boundary of the villager area. In their place, insert sticky pistons into the empty spaces. Ensure that these pistons are facing inward, as illustrated in the image.
How To Make An Iron Farm In Zombie Area
3. Position a sculk sensor on top of each of the sticky pistons. The vibrations caused by villagers and zombies will keep these sensors activated, and as a result, the sticky pistons will remain active as well.
How To Make An Iron Farm In Zombie Area
4. To complete the setup, put a solid block that can be pushed on top of the middle block within the boundary of the zombie cage. The sticky pistons will move this block, hiding and revealing the zombie to the villagers as needed.

Some builders prefer to design intricate Redstone contraptions for the zombie cage, but using the Sculk Sensor can simplify this process and make it more efficient.

>> You might also like: How to Make Powered Rail With Redstone In Minecraft

How to Make an Iron Farm in Iron Golem Spawn Area

To set up the spawn and killing area for Iron Golems in your Minecraft iron farm, follow these steps:

How To Make An Iron Farm In Iron Golem Spawn Area
1. Build a roof over the structure where the villagers are located. On this roof, add an internal boundary that is 3 blocks high. This will create a platform similar to the one used by the villagers.
How To Make An Iron Farm In Iron Golem Spawn Area
2. Position water in one corner of the platform. It will flow automatically and cover most of the platform, leaving only the opposite corner dry. You can choose to add a roof to cover this watered platform, but it's optional.
How To Make An Iron Farm In Iron Golem Spawn Area
3. Replace the block in the corner with a hopper. Afterward, position two signs directly above the hopper. One of the signs will be attached to the wall, while the others will be floating. To place the second sign, crouch and carefully add it while looking at the first sign.
How To Make An Iron Farm In Iron Golem Spawn Area
4. To complete the setup, put 2 additional signs on the border blocks directly above the adjacent blocks to the empty corners. Then, place lava on top of the original 2 signs. It's a good idea to replicate the arrangement shown in the image for this step.
How To Make An Iron Farm In Iron Golem Spawn Area
5. With this setup, when an Iron Golem spawns within the water flow, it will get pushed toward the lava. In this area, it will gradually disappear and drop iron ingots as it does. This is how you collect iron efficiently in your iron farm.
How To Make An Iron Farm In Iron Golem Spawn Area
6. To gather the iron ingots, you can inspect the hopper that was positioned on the top platform. Alternatively, for a more organized collection system in your Minecraft iron farm, you can connect a chest to the hopper. This way, you'll have a convenient and efficient way to store the iron ingots as they are collected.

How to Get Zombies and Villagers on The Iron Farm

When it comes to transporting mobs to their designated spots in mob-based farms, there are several quick solutions to consider:


The simplest way to move zombies and villagers into an iron farm is by placing them in minecarts. You can then create a straightforward railroad that leads to the designated spots.

Minecarts Minecraft


If you want to avoid the complexity of minecarts, you can lure the mobs to their designated spots by creating a simple path. For villagers, you can use job site blocks to attract them, while zombies, being hostile mobs, will naturally follow players.


Players looking for a cost-effective method can manually push the mobs along the planned path. However, be cautious not to hit the mobs too much, as excessive force can harm them. This method requires a more delicate touch.

Choose the method that best suits your preferences and the resources available in your Minecraft world to transport mobs effectively to your iron farm or other mob-based farms.

How to Prevent Zombies from Despawning

To prevent a zombie from despawning in its cage due to being out of the area or world reloading in Minecraft, you should use a name tag on the zombie. The specific name you give it doesn't matter; any name will do. However, because of the beds, villagers typically don't face these despawning issues, so you can leave them unnamed if you prefer. Naming the zombie ensures it stays in place and doesn't disappear.

>>> Check out: Top 7 Best Minecraft Books To Check Out

<![CDATA[Everything To Know About Minecraft Dungeons and Dragons DLC]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/everything-to-know-about-minecraft-dungeons-and-dragons-dlc-22992 Mon, 02 Oct 2023 02:25:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/everything-to-know-about-minecraft-dungeons-and-dragons-dlc-22992
The DLC introduces a story focus and allows players to engage in conversations, adding flavor to the game.]]>

Minecraft's charm lies in its boundless creative freedom, transforming the sandbox gaming landscape by offering an expansive open-world experience where players can bring any imagination to life. This freedom has empowered gamers to craft pixelated replicas of famous virtual and real-world structures. Mojang, the game's developer, has further enhanced the game with downloadable content (DLCs) inspired by popular games like Angry Birds. The latest addition to this trend is the Dungeons and Dragons adaptation, coinciding with the tabletop fantasy phenomenon's surge in the gaming world, exemplified by the success of Baldur's Gate 3.

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Minecraft Dungeons and Dragons DLC


The gaming community has been bustling with activity as fall begins, highlighted by CD Projekt Red's extensive update, Phantom Liberty, for Cyberpunk 2077, and the highly anticipated release of major titles such as Marvel's Spider-Man 2 in October. In this vibrant scene, Minecraft's expansion into the realm of Dungeons and Dragons introduces a unique dimension to the game. While Dungeons and Dragons and Minecraft might seem unrelated at first glance, their shared focus on imagination converges in this DLC, blending magical elements with the core building mechanics, creating a fascinating hybrid experience.

Minecraft's New DLC Combines Pixels and the Forbidden Realms

Mojang collaborated with Everbloom Games and Wizards of the Coast for an extended period, investing significant effort to meticulously craft the Dungeons and Dragons DLC. After months of anticipation, gamers can now delve into iconic locales within the Forgotten Realms, including Candlekeep and Revel's End. The DLC adds a narrative dimension to Minecraft, introducing a quest log that incorporates beloved elements from the typical Dungeons and Dragons experience, including classes and dice-based combat. Players can choose from diverse options like Barbarians, Paladins, and Wizards as they embark on a perilous mission where threats lurk at every turn.

Minecraft Dungeons Amp Dragons Dlc Expansion Relea
Minecraft Dungeons and Dragons

In this DLC, Barbarians utilize greataxes, boasting respectable offensive and defensive stats, although their abilities in Range and Attack Speed are somewhat limited. Some players might lean towards the deadly Paladin, armed with longswords and divine techniques, despite its sluggish pace. Alternatively, the Rogue offers better mobility, making it a well-rounded choice. For those preferring long-range combat, the Wizard excels with potent ranged abilities.

Upon selecting a character class and filling out their stat sheet, players discover that villagers have gone missing. The newly acquired spells become invaluable tools for gamers, aiding in quests to unravel this mystery. The player-character embarks on this adventure alongside a dragon companion, their minds entwined in a humorous conflict. While seasoned Minecraft players are well aware of the threat posed by Creepers, the Dungeons and Dragons DLC introduces a horde of new fantastical foes into the sandbox game, challenging players' chosen classes.

Visit Candlekeep Icewind Dale And More
Visit Candlekeep

Goblins, dragons, mind flayers, displacer beasts, and various other mystical creatures have made the Minecraft world their home. Players must overcome these adversaries to progress through the story quest. Although conversation isn't a focal point in Minecraft, the Dungeons and Dragons DLC brings it to the forefront. Players can now choose to intimidate, persuade, or gain insight from enemies, adding depth to the narrative. Additionally, some non-player characters (NPCs) have fully voiced characters, and the DLC includes a custom soundtrack, enriching the game's musical experience. Similar to the iconic tabletop game, the Minecraft DLC emphasizes the significance of decisions and dice rolls, making it another notable addition to the Dungeons and Dragons legacy.

The DLC introduces a story focus and allows players to engage in conversations, adding flavor to the game. Decisions and dice rolls play a crucial role in completing quests and solving mysteries.

Mojang Ends Support for Minecraft Dungeons

Minecraft's immense popularity has paved the way for several spin-off games that deviate from its genre, not only enriching the lore of the blocky universe but also serving as a clever strategy to attract players who might be put off by the main game's focus on creative sandbox gameplay. One such spin-off, released in 2020, is Minecraft Dungeons, the third installment in this series. Unlike the original game, it takes the form of an isometric hack-and-slash dungeon crawler, prioritizing multiplayer interactions and notably lacking the mining and crafting mechanics. While the game has received mixed reviews, praised for its charm and presentation, it has been criticized for its simplicity and reliance on procedural generation for its dungeon layouts. Nevertheless, these criticisms haven't deterred Mojang, as they continue to support the game with six DLC campaigns and various content updates.

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Minecraft Dungeons

For players who found enjoyment in this spin-off, Mojang has acknowledged that "every journey has an end." The developers recently shared an update regarding Minecraft Dungeons, announcing that there are no intentions to release further updates or extend the adventure beyond its current Version 1.17 update. This announcement coincided with the game's five-year anniversary since its initial announcement. Mojang proudly revealed that Dungeons has amassed 25 million unique players and expressed gratitude to everyone who embraced the game. The company also delved into the game's history, tracing its roots back to a passion project inspired by the developers' fondness for dungeon crawlers.

Minecraft Dungeons Switch Hero
Minecraft Dungeons will not get new content.

However, Mojang made it clear that there won't be any new DLC chapters or updates for Minecraft Dungeons, as the company intends to explore new avenues and expand the Minecraft universe through fresh projects. One of these projects is likely to be Minecraft Legends, a recently released real-time strategy and action title. Despite this decision, Mojang assured players that their adventures in Dungeons are far from over, thanks to the game's multiple difficulties and randomized tower, providing ongoing challenges. The blog post concluded with heartfelt gratitude to the supportive players, acknowledged as "awesome," and a promise to meet them "in the dungeons!"

While there won't be any further development for Minecraft Dungeons, the game's online multiplayer servers will remain operational, allowing players to continue enjoying the game if they wish. Additionally, for those who missed out, the Minecraft Dungeons: Ultimate Edition is available, encompassing all six DLC chapters for a complete experience.


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<![CDATA[Top 7 Best Minecraft Books To Check Out]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/top-7-best-minecraft-books-to-check-out-22988 Sun, 01 Oct 2023 03:32:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/top-7-best-minecraft-books-to-check-out-22988
These are some of the best books to bolster Minecraft's lack of any storytelling.]]>

From 2019 onwards, Mojang has released several authorized Minecraft books, offering fans the opportunity to delve into diverse worlds with a variety of characters, ranging from adventurers to endermen! Many of these books are self-contained narratives, although a few extend into series, allowing readers to immerse themselves in the vast collection at any point.

Primarily geared towards younger readers, these books are perfect for children's summer reading objectives. However, adult Minecraft enthusiasts will also appreciate these brief, charming, and budget-friendly tales. Dive into the Minecraft universe like never before by exploring any or all of the official Minecraft books!

1. Minecraft: Mob Squad

Telling the tale of a circle of friends residing in a Minecraft village, this narrative stands out as one of the top Minecraft books at present. Four villager companions embark on a quest to safeguard their town from menacing mobs, leading them into greater peril than ever before! Through collaboration and honing their abilities, they strive to establish their reputation as the Mob Squad!

Mob Squad Book 1
Mob Squad Book 1

Each character possesses their own distinctive allure, generating humor through their diverse personalities, and the dialogue is strikingly authentic. Tailored for middle-grade readers, the storyline offers an enjoyable adventure that can captivate children and even engage adult audiences. Additionally, the series includes two more books: "Never Say Nether" and "Don’t Fear The Creeper!" For readers seeking excitement and action within the Minecraft realm, Mob Squad is the ultimate choice.

2. Minecraft Volume 1

This graphic novel, an official addition to Minecraft's lineup and among the top titles in the franchise, vividly captures the essence of online gaming with friends, both near and far. The story revolves around Tyler, a youngster grappling with the challenges of relocating away from his familiar surroundings. What sets this graphic novel apart is its remarkable representation, showcasing a diverse array of characters who can truly be themselves among friends.

Minecraft Graphic Novel Vol 1
Minecraft Graphic Novel Vol 1

The book exudes a delightful charm, characterized by an art style reminiscent of other graphic novels aimed at middle-grade and young adult readers. Its narrative emphasizes the strength of camaraderie within a close-knit group of friends. It's a quick and engaging read, and its sequels are available in a boxed set, complete with a complimentary poster!

3. Minecraft: The Island

The initial official Minecraft novel remains widely regarded as one of the finest, a sentiment that is entirely justified given that it was penned by Max Brooks, the same author behind World War Z! Bursting with excitement and action, "Minecraft: The Island" is a captivating read, even for individuals not well-versed in the intricacies of Minecraft. For subscribers to Audible, there's also an audio version featuring Jack Black as the narrator!

Minecraft The Island
Minecraft The Island

Designed for young adult readers, the narrative takes a somewhat darker tone compared to other Minecraft books, delving into the theme of survival in an unfamiliar realm. The story commences with the protagonist mysteriously transported from our world into the Minecraft universe, devoid of any recollection of their previous life. Although the book stands alone as a complete novel, a sequel titled "The Mountain" continues the explorer's journey and introduces a new character. For readers seeking an entry point into the world of Minecraft literature, this inaugural book might be the ideal choice, thanks to its epic storyline and user-friendly explanations of the Minecraft universe.

4. Minecraft: Castle Redstone

The latest addition to the official Minecraft novel series, Castle Redstone, presents readers with a timeless adventure reminiscent of classic lost treasure tales. Ideal for Minecraft enthusiasts who also enjoy the spirit of Indiana Jones or Jules Verne, this narrative follows a group of adventurers equipped with a map leading to an uncharted castle in the nether. This mysterious castle holds the promise of unveiling secrets from an ancient civilization long forgotten. Although these three adventurers might not be the most skilled individuals to navigate Minecraft, their distinct personalities blend harmoniously, resulting in a combination of humor and drama.

Minecraft Castle Redstone
Minecraft Castle Redstone

The exploration of the nether in Minecraft has been relatively limited until now, making this story highly anticipated. The trio's journey spans multiple biomes fraught with peril, expertly portrayed through skillful action writing. Fans of action and adventure, regardless of age, will find great enjoyment in this latest addition to the Minecraft literary universe.

5. Minecraft: The Voyage

Esteemed by numerous middle-grade readers, this book boasts some of the most compelling character development among all Minecraft titles. The narrative chronicles the journey of Stax Stonecutter, who reluctantly leaves his reclusive life to embark on an adventure, despite his desire to stay home with his feline companions.

Minecraft The Voyage Cover
Minecraft The Voyage Cover

Distinguishing itself from other Minecraft books, this novel provides specific and precise descriptions since it revolves around a Minecraft character rather than a real-world individual. The seamless integration of Minecraft terminology and expertise, coupled with significant character growth, brings the story to life for readers.

Although crafted for a middle-grade audience, the story's substantial length of 300 pages ensures that any Minecraft enthusiast can find something to relish, be it the characters, the dialogue, or the thrilling action sequences!

6. Minecraft: The End

Designed for Minecraft enthusiasts who appreciate a touch of eerie ambiance, Minecraft: The End provides the perfect blend. The narrative unfolds through the perspective of twin 12-year-old endermen, whose tranquil lives are disrupted when a group of adventurers enters their world. This intrusion sparks a conflict between endermen and humans, leaving the twins torn between choosing sides.

Minecraft The End Book
Minecraft The End Book

The story's premise is undeniably captivating, supported by beautifully crafted prose that maintains a haunting and dark atmosphere throughout the entire book. The writing skillfully evokes creepy tones while eliciting empathy from readers for the endermen protagonists. Tailored for young adult readers, this book offers a gratifying experience for anyone immersed in the Minecraft universe, especially those with a penchant for exploring the End dimension.

7. Minecraft Dungeons: The Rise of the Arch-Illager

In line with its title, "The Rise of the Arch-Illager" delves into the realm of Minecraft Dungeons rather than the main game. It traces the journey of Archie, an illager who endures bullying and exile from his tribe, only to ascend to power and become the central antagonist of Minecraft Dungeons: the arch-illager.

Minecraft Dungeons The Rise Of The Archillager Cov
Minecraft Dungeons The Rise Of The Archillager

This narrative follows the classic trajectory from hero to villain, skillfully portrayed by author Matt Forbeck. Despite his malevolent nature, Archie is rendered sympathetically, especially when readers witness the mistreatment he faces from fellow illagers within the first few pages. In contrast to the game, which merely touches on the arch-illager's background, this book offers a comprehensive exploration, making it an essential read for those seeking the intricate details behind this formidable and dangerous foe.

>>> Read more: 7 Best Survival Games Of All Time

<![CDATA[How to Make a Villager Trading Hall in Minecraft]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-make-a-villager-trading-hall-in-minecraft-22970 Thu, 28 Sep 2023 01:16:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-make-a-villager-trading-hall-in-minecraft-22970
Let's find out how to make a villager trading hall and more in this article by Gurugamer.com.]]>

In Minecraft, players need to collect items through exploration, which can be pretty challenging. But what if players could get what they need without embarking on extensive journeys? That's where a villager trading hall comes in handy. It's like having a shop in Minecraft where you can swap items with villagers and make your gaming life simpler. Let's find out how to make a villager trading hall and more in this article by Gurugamer.com.

How does a Villager Trading Hall in Minecraft work?

To make sure you grasp how to use your villager trading hall in Minecraft effectively, we'll begin by giving you a summary of the fundamental concepts of trading with villagers.

As we have just mentioned, the primary method of resource acquisition in the game is through exploration. However, there exists an alternative means of obtaining items, which involves engaging in trade with villagers. When you approach certain friendly creatures, they will propose trade offers. You can either offer them items in exchange for their goods or use emeralds, which serve as the in-game currency, to make purchases from them.

Villager Trading Hall In Minecraft
Villager Trading Hall

Similarly to real life, the trades in Minecraft can vary. Some villagers might ask for a high price for something, while others might give you a better deal for the same item. Also, your actions in the game can influence how much villagers charge for their items or how much they're willing to pay for yours. Here are the various types of villagers you'll encounter in Minecraft.

Types of Villagers in Minecraft

When we talk about different types of villagers in Minecraft, we're not considering the ones you find in different villages as even though they may not look the same, their differences are only skin deep. Instead, we're focusing on villagers with various jobs. Each job gives them the ability to offer unique trade deals to players. Some of these deals are good, while others are not so great.

In Minecraft world, villagers can have the following jobs:

  • Armorer
  • Butcher
  • Cartographer
  • Cleric
  • Farmer
  • Fisherman
  • Fletcher
  • Leatherworker
  • Librarian
  • Mason
  • Shepherd
  • Toolsmith
  • Weaponsmith
  • Wandering Trader (This one isn't a villager job, but they offer similar trades.)

How to Breed Villagers in Minecraft

As you probably guessed, you'll need quite a few villagers to make your Minecraft villager trading hall work well. To get them, you have two options: either find and bring villagers from existing villages, or you can create new villagers by having two of them make babies in the game. If you want to go with the breeding method, all you have to do is feed bread, carrots, potatoes, or beetroots to the villagers inside a closed area with beds.

If you have plenty of resources, you can create a special place just for breeding villagers. This can be a useful backup plan for your trading hall in case you lose a villager to hostile mobs. As you'll learn later, sometimes you might need to replace villagers to get better trade deals. So, having extra villagers on hand is always a good idea.

Watch this video for a full guide on how to breed villagers in Minecraft:

How to Change a Villager's Profession in Minecraft

Each villager's occupation is tied to specific job site blocks. These are functional blocks that are somehow related to a task connected to a particular villager job. For example, a composter is a block you can use to make bone meal (a type of fertilizer) in Minecraft, and it also serves as the job site block for farmer villagers.

That's right! If you break the composter that a farmer villager is using, that villager will lose their job. After that, they'll wander around without any purpose until they find another job site block. This mechanic allows you to change a villager's job in the game. You can do this by breaking or replacing the job site block associated with their current occupation.
To create a villager trading hall in Minecraft, you'll need these items:

  • An open area (preferably 15 blocks wide and long)
  • 5 Sticky Pistons
  • 5 Redstone Dust
  • 5 Villagers
  • 5 Job Site Blocks
  • 4 Deepslate Brick Stairs (optional)
  • 7 Dark Oak Trapdoors
  • 10 Polished Deepslate Slabs
  • 27 Deepslate Tile Slabs
  • 5 Levers
  • 3 Ladders
  • 18 White Carpets (optional)
  • 5 Item Frames (optional)
  • 2 Chests
  • 1 Zombie
  • 5 Splash Potions of Weakness
  • 5 Golden Apples

Keep in mind that you can use any wood type for the building blocks like stairs and slabs. If you want to customize the design to your liking, feel free to do so. The list provided is for a basic trading hall, but you can make aesthetic changes as you see fit.

How to make a Villager Trading Hall in Minecraft

To make things simpler to understand, our tutorial is divided into separate sections, each focusing on one aspect of the trading hall. Just be sure to follow them in the order they're presented to build your trading hall successfully.

>>> Read more: 5 Most Useful Villager Jobs In Minecraft 1.19

Villager Area

Let's start by creating safe trading areas for the villagers in your trading hall. Follow these steps:

Villager Trading Hall Minecraft
1. Find a large open area that's at least 15 blocks by 15 blocks in size to set up your trading hall.
Villager Trading Hall Minecraft
2. Next, dig several pits that are 2 blocks long and 5 blocks deep. It's a good idea to dig at least 5 of these pits, keeping them about 1 block apart from each other.
Villager Trading Hall Minecraft
3. Now, in one of the base blocks of each pit, place a sticky piston facing upward, and on top of the other block, put a piece of Redstone dust.
Villager Trading Hall Minecraft
4. After you've placed the Redstone dust, place different job site blocks on top of the Redstone dust in each pit. You can replace these blocks later according to your trading needs.

Zombification Area

Players can use zombies to improve their trade deals with villagers. However, to do this, players will need to create a secure and manageable area for zombification. Here's the way to set it up:

Zombification Area Minecraft
1. Start by leaving a gap of one block and then dig a tunnel behind the sticky pistons. This tunnel should be four blocks deep. Once you've dug the tunnel, create a staircase-like opening next to it. You can use deep-slate brick stairs for this purpose.
Zombification Area Minecraft
2. Make a 2-block tall opening by breaking the blocks in the tunnel that leads to all the villager rooms (sticky pistons).
Zombification Area Minecraft
3. Position a dark oak trapdoor at the upper part of each newly created opening. When these trapdoors are closed, they should prevent players and other mobs of similar height from reaching the sticky piston.
Zombification Area Minecraft
4. To complete the setup, cover the roof of the tunnel with deep slate slabs or any other solid blocks you prefer. Also, place two dark oak trapdoors that can be opened on the staircase.
Zombification Area Minecraft
5. Last but not least, open all the trapdoors on the room openings and lead zombies into this tunnel. The simplest method is to make a zombie follow you through one entrance of the tunnel while you exit through a temporary second entrance.

>>> Top 5 Minecraft Pets In Minecraft 2023

Trading Hall

Now that the zombie area is prepared, you can follow the steps below to make the main villager trading hall in Minecraft:

How To Make A Trading Hall In Minecraft
1. Create a new tunnel that leads to the job site blocks with a gap of 1 block. This tunnel should be two blocks wide and four blocks deep.
How To Make A Trading Hall In Minecraft
2. Make a 2-block tall opening that faces the job site blocks in the new tunnel.
How To Make A Trading Hall In Minecraft
3. Place the villagers in their designated chambers. You can either push them into the pits or remove all existing job site blocks within a 64-block area. If there are no other job site blocks nearby, the villagers will willingly enter the pits with the job site blocks. Once the villager is inside the pit, make sure to create a roof using deeps-late tile slabs (or any solid blocks).
How To Make A Trading Hall In Minecraft
4. To complete the setup, position a lever next to each of the job site blocks. When you activate the lever, it will raise the villagers up, allowing you to engage in trading with them.

How to decorate the Trading Hall

Now that you have the basic functionality in place, it's time to enhance the main trading area. Follow these steps to decorate the trading hall and make it more functional:

Decorate The Trading Hall Minecraft
1. Fill the empty space above the villagers' heads and placing a torch on top of the job site block. This will prevent hostile mobs from spawning in their chambers.
Decorate The Trading Hall Minecraft
2. Position an item frame on top of the entrance to each chamber and insert an item that relates to the villager's job. This will make it simple to identify each villager. Additionally, you can use this opportunity to add carpeting to the floor for aesthetic purposes.
Decorate The Trading Hall Minecraft
3. Cover the top of the trading area with deeps-late tile slabs (or solid blocks). However, ensure that you create an entrance using ladders and a trapdoor for access.
Decorate The Trading Hall Minecraft
4. Add a couple of chests in the trading area to store your emeralds and other items you'll use for trading.

Additional Tips on how to make a Villager Trading Hall

Congratulations on creating your own Minecraft villager trading hall! To make the most of it, here are some additional tips for better villager trading:

  1. Hero of the Village: If you successfully defend a village from a pillager raid and protect the villagers, you'll receive the "Hero of the Village" effect. This effect significantly improves your trade deals. Nevertheless, we recommend closing off your trading hall entirely before starting a raid to avoid any harm to your villagers.
  2. Nitwits: In Minecraft, there are nitwit villagers who cannot take on any jobs. If you come across one of these villagers, it's best to remove them from your trading hall as they won't contribute to your trades.
  3. Villages: To make it easier to gather resources and villagers, consider building your trading hall near a village. Yet, be sure to break all job site blocks in the village to maintain control over your villagers. You can also use specific Minecraft village seeds to save time and find suitable locations.
  4. Wandering Trader: For even more trading options, keep an eye out for wandering traders. When one spawns, you can trap it in one of your trading hall chambers. Wandering traders appear near the player at random intervals.

These tips should help you make the most of your villager trading hall and enhance your Minecraft gameplay experience.

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<![CDATA[How To Find Buried Treasure In Minecraft Easily (With And Without A Treasure Map)]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-find-buried-treasure-in-minecraft-22954 Tue, 26 Sep 2023 03:15:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-find-buried-treasure-in-minecraft-22954
Finding a buried treasure in Minecraft is a thrilling experience for all players. Let's find out how to do it in this article.]]>

 Table of Contents

  • All about Buried Treasure in Minecraft
  • How To Find Buried Treasure In Minecraft

Treasure hunting is always super exciting, even in Minecraft world. It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or a master, finding a buried treasure in Minecraft is always a fun experience. In this article, Gurugamer will show you the best ways to find buried treasure in Minecraft.

All about Buried Treasure in Minecraft

Buried treasure is generated naturally in Minecraft. It can be found buried mostly on beaches, rarely on the ocean floor. You can only find the heart of the sea, a material to make a conduit, in buried treasure. Buried treasure is almost always buried by some materials, often sand and gravel blocks. Sometimes, if they spawn underwater next to a hill, there will be stone blocks covering it.

The buried treasure contains all kinds of loot. These loot will be waterlogged if they are exposed to water.

How To Find Buried Treasure In Minecraft

Finding buried treasure in Minecraft is actually not hard if you know the method. The best way to find a buried treasure chest in Minecraft is by using a treasure map. A treasure map will pinpoint the exact location of a treasure chest for you and the only thing you have to do is follow the map and dig.

1. Prepare Your Gear

Before embarking on your treasure hunt, make sure you're well-prepared. Stock up on essential items:

  • Shovel: The shovel most crucial tool for digging up buried treasure.
  • Food: Ensure you have enough to keep your hunger bar full.
  • Underwater Breathing Potions: If you plan to search underwater, these are a lifesaver.
  • Torches: Illuminate dark underwater caves and tunnels.

2. Locate a Shipwreck or Ocean Ruin to find a treasure map

The treasure map in Minecraft can often be found near shipwrecks or ocean ruins. These structures are commonly found in ocean biomes. Explore coastlines, underwater caves, and deep ocean areas to locate these structures. Once you find one, you're on the right track.

The easiest way to find these locations is by feeding a dolphin some Salmon and Cod. After you feed the dolphin, it will lead you to the Ocean biome, where you can find a Shipwreck or Ocean Ruin.

You will 100% find a treasure map in the map chest in a Shipwreck so we recommend going for it instead of Ocean Ruin.

3. Check Your Treasure Map

Now, open your treasure map and find a big red X mark on the map. If your location is not near the buried treasure, the map will show a zoomed-out version so you can see both your current location and the location of the buried treasure. You need to keep moving until your current location is right on top of the big red X mark.

Buried Treasure Map
Look for the big red X mark on the treasure map.

4. Use Your Shovel

To uncover buried treasure, you'll need your trusty shovel. The treasure chest is typically buried in the sand or gravel near the shipwreck or ruin. Start digging in the vicinity, focusing on areas where the sand texture appears different, indicating the presence of the chest.

Featured Image Minecraft How To Find Buried Treasu
Start digging until you find the buried treasure chest.

5. Open the buried chest

Once you reach the chest, open it and drag everything in the chest into your inventory. Buried treasure chests often contain valuable items such as emeralds, enchanted books, heart of the sea, and more.

How to find buried treasure Minecraft using coordinates

You can always find a buried chest at chunk coordinates 9 ~ 9 at the location of the red X mark. After you have reached the big red X mark on the map, hit F3+G to see the chunk coordinates. Move until your current chunk coordinate is at 9 ~ 9. The buried treasure is now right below you. Start digging straight down and you will soon find a buried treasure.

Find Buried Treasure Easy Top Tricks For Finding T
Look at the chunk coordinate to locate the exact block above the buried treasure.

How To Find Treasure Without A Map

Without a treasure map, you can still find a buried treasure but it will take a lot of time for you to find a buried treasure unless you use cheat codes. If that is alright with you then here is how you can do it.

1. Enable cheat

In order to enable cheat in your Minecraft world, open the game menu and select "Open to LAN". In there, you can choose to "Allow Cheat". If the world is multiplayer, then you need administrator privilege to enable cheat.

Allow Cheats In Minecraft
You need to allow cheat in the settings before entering cheat codes.

2. Enter buried treasure cheat code

Open chat and type"/locate structure buried treasure". The game will notify you of the exact coordinates of the nearest buried treasure. All you have to do now is go to that coordinate and start digging.

>>>> Read more: How To Use And Breed Turtles In Minecraft 1.20

<![CDATA[How To Use And Breed Turtles In Minecraft 1.20]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-use-and-breed-turtles-in-minecraft-1-20-22953 Mon, 25 Sep 2023 08:21:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-use-and-breed-turtles-in-minecraft-1-20-22953
There are actually a lot of uses for turtle shells in Minecraft. Here's how to make the most out of the turtles and their shells.]]>

Breeding various creatures in Minecraft holds significant importance within the game's mechanics. This process allows you to increase their numbers and acquire more valuable resources when they are defeated. In specific cases, such as with axolotls and sniffers in Minecraft, breeding serves a dual purpose by helping restore their populations and generating unique variants, like the renowned blue axolotl.

Therefore, in this guide, we will outline the steps for breeding turtles in Minecraft. Breeding turtles proves advantageous, not only for completing an achievement but also for the rewards gained through hatching turtle eggs in the game. With that said, let's get started.

Make A Turtle Helmet
You can make a turtle helmet

What You Need to Breed Turtles in Minecraft

Much like breeding other creatures in the Minecraft universe, the process of breeding turtles in the game requires a minimum of two turtles and their preferred sustenance, which is seagrass. So, to begin, let's delve into acquiring seagrass and then proceed to locating turtles.

How to Acquire Seagrass in Minecraft

In order to facilitate the breeding of turtles in Minecraft, your first task is to secure at least two pieces of seagrass. Seagrass can be found in nearly all bodies of water scattered throughout your Minecraft world. It can be discovered in rivers, unfrozen oceans, swamps, and beneath the surface in underwater caves.

Feed Turtles With Seagrass
Feed sea turtles with seagrass.

It's essential to note that you can't obtain seagrass simply by using your fists; the only effective way to harvest it is by utilizing shears. Additionally, you can promote the growth of seagrass artificially by applying bone meal to any solid, non-transparent underwater block with at least two water blocks above it.

Where to Locate Turtles in Minecraft

Turtles naturally inhabit sandy terrain within beach biomes in Minecraft. However, it's worth mentioning that you won't encounter them in snowy variations of beaches or in stony shore biomes. Typically, a group of up to five turtles will spawn in a specific area. Furthermore, some turtles may venture away from the beach and into the sea, although they tend to stay relatively close to their nesting grounds.

how to breed turtles in Minecraft
Turtle eggs

About turtle farm

A turtle farm, turtle shell farm, or scute farm refers to a method of raising turtles to obtain scutes, essential for crafting turtle helmets. These helmets, with equivalent defense to iron helmets, boast superior durability and offer the water breathing effect for 10 seconds. Additionally, they can be enchanted with Respiration, granting an extra 15 seconds underwater. Turtle farms also serve in the creation of potent potions like the turtle master potion, valuable in PvP scenarios. This guide outlines a turtle farm design achievable in survival mode.

How to breed Turtles in Minecraft

Once you have both seagrass and turtles at your disposal, the process of breeding them in Minecraft is a straightforward one. Follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Begin by holding seagrass in your hand and right-click on two turtles. You will notice heart-shaped particles appearing above their heads.
  2. Shortly thereafter, one of the turtles will grow slightly larger than the other and begin searching for the ideal location to lay its eggs.
  3. It's important to note that a turtle will only lay its eggs on the beach where it initially spawned, known as its home beach.
  4. Upon locating its home beach, the turtle will commence digging a hole in the sand.
  5. After a brief period, the turtle will deposit anywhere from 1 to 4 turtle eggs onto the sand block within the Minecraft world.
Baby Turtle
Players can only get scutes from breeding and raising baby turtles.

What are the uses of turtle shells in Minecraft?

To craft a turtle shell, the player will need to collect 5 scutes and craft them in an upside-down U shape. Baby turtles drop a single scute when they grow up into adults, which is the only way possible to obtain the item.

craft a turtle shell helmet
Create a turtle shell helmet to gain various benefits.

Players can equip the turtle shell on the helmet slot. It has 2 armor points and grants the user Water Breathing buff for 10 seconds. This buff resets each time the player comes up for air.

Potion of the Turtle Master
Potion of the Turtle Master slow you down massively but also give you high damage reduction, just like a turtle.

Turtle shells can be used as an ingredient to brew a Potion of the Turtle Master. This is probably the most unique potion in the game - the first-ever potion to apply multiple status effects. There are 3 variants of this potion:

Potion Duration Effect
Potion of the Turtle Master 20s Slows players and mobs by 60%, to about 2.25 blocks per second sprinting, and reduces their damage taken by 60%
Potion of the Turtle Master + 40s Slows players and mobs by 60%, to about 2.25 blocks per second sprinting, and reduces their damage taken by 60%
Potion of the Turtle Master II 20s Slows players and mobs by 90%, to about 0.5625 blocks per second sprinting, and reduces their damage taken by 80%

While the damage reduction boost is useful, the slow is so great it renders the potion nearly useless.

However, it does not affect attack speed, therefore, a player with a bow or crossbow can still dish out good damage while taking almost none.

Players can also imbue arrows or make lingering/splash potions with the turtle effect to troll other players online. Everyone hit with the effects would be slowed down to a crawl.

Best potion ingredients to farm

1. Glistering Melon Slice

Glistering Melon Slice is an inedible item used for brewing potions of healing. Players can loot or craft this ingredient from scratch. They can be found in chests around the Ruined Portals in the Nether. Master-level farmer villagers also sell 3 Glistering Melons for 4 emeralds.

To make a Glistering Melon Slice in Minecraft, open your Crafting Table menu. Place the melon slice in the middle, then surround it with the Gold Nuggets.

Glistering Melon Slice In Minecraft Recipe
You can craft a slice of Glistering Melon right from the Crafting Table.

2. Nether Wart

Nether Wart is an important ingredient in brewing Awkward Potion. There are two main locations of Nether Wart in Minecraft. You need to harvest this fungus from the wild to plant it in your home garden.

There Are Four Stages Of Developments
There are four stages of development with three appearances, from baby fungus to mature ones.

>>> Related post: How To Make An AFK Fish Farm In Minecraft

<![CDATA[How To Make And Use Obsidian In Minecraft 1.20]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-make-and-use-obsidian-in-minecraft-1-20-22952 Mon, 25 Sep 2023 08:01:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-make-and-use-obsidian-in-minecraft-1-20-22952
Obsidian is one of the most useful blocks in Minecraft, which can be used for a number of end-game features.]]>

Obsidian stands out as one of the most resilient blocks in Minecraft, necessitating a Diamond pickaxe and considerable time to mine it, regardless of the pickaxe type employed. This poses a challenge, as Obsidian is a valuable crafting resource essential for creating a Nether Portal. In this article, Gurugamer will demonstrate efficient and straightforward methods for swiftly obtaining Obsidian in Minecraft 1.20.

respawn anchor
Obsidian can be crafted into many useful items.

1. Where to find Obsidian in Minecraft 1.20?

Obsidian blocks are typically generated at the interface of lava and water in outdoor environments, such as deep ravines or underwater volcanoes. Nevertheless, they can also be discovered in various constructed structures within the game world.

In the Overworld:

  • Ruined Portals, Ravines, Caves, and Underwater Volcanoes are common locations.
  • Woodland Mansions may have Obsidian on their second and third floors, sometimes concealed by a diamond block.
  • Ocean Ruins occasionally contain a single Obsidian block.

In the Nether:

  • Ruined Portals can be a source of Obsidian.

In The End:

  • Obsidian Pillars can be found on the main island of The End, extending down to Y=0.
  • Obsidian may also be found in End Cities and End Ships.

You can also acquire Obsidian from chests within various structures, including Nether fortresses, bastion remnants, ruined portals, and villages.

Alternatively, you have the option to obtain Obsidian blocks through bartering with Piglins. However, the chance of receiving Obsidian through bartering is relatively low at 8.71%, requiring an average of 12 gold ingots for one Obsidian block.

2. How to get Obsidian with Lava

The most straightforward method for acquiring obsidian involves locating lava and using water to transform it into obsidian. One of the simplest techniques to obtain obsidian is by locating a lava pool, introducing water to it, and subsequently utilizing a diamond pickaxe for mining. However, if you require a substantial quantity of obsidian, this can prove to be quite challenging.

Acquiring Lava: To begin, players must obtain lava, which can be found in various locations, both in the Overworld and the Nether. In the Overworld, lava is primarily located deep underground or at the base of ravines. In the Nether, it is more abundant, but players must manually transport it back using buckets.

An easy way to get infinite lava.

Lava can be obtained indefinitely by utilizing a stalactite and a lava source block. If there is a lava source positioned above the stalactite, there is a 5.9% probability that it will completely fill an empty cauldron beneath it with lava. Refilling a cauldron with water or lava takes nearly one Minecraft day on average, so players may want to acquire multiple stalactites and cauldrons.

Lava Casting: Once a sufficient amount of lava is obtained, players can create a framework or mold. In this process, the lava is arranged as desired and then covered with water to transform it into obsidian. This method allows for the creation of obsidian structures like Nether portals in situ, eliminating the need for a diamond pickaxe.

When using a mold, obsidian is typically cast one layer at a time to prevent the spread of lava.

3. Nether portals Obsidian farming

When traversing a Nether portal, a fresh portal materializes at your arrival point. These newly formed portals can be dismantled to acquire obsidian.

To commence, you'll need to gather a minimum of 10 obsidian blocks before venturing into the Nether through a portal. Afterward, establish a second portal at least 16 blocks apart from the original one. Entering this second portal will transport you to a newly generated portal in the Overworld. This newly generated portal will be situated approximately 128 blocks distant from your initial Overworld portal. Subsequently, you can extract the new Overworld portal and repeat this procedure as needed.

Nether Portal
Each time after the first should yield 14 obsidian.

4. Best Uses For Obsidian

  1. Blast-Resistant Structures: Obsidian, with its high blast resistance of 1200, is perfect for building structures that can withstand explosions, including those caused by creepers or even the Ender Dragon. Its slow mining speed (8.35 seconds per block) makes it an excellent defensive choice against griefers on multiplayer servers.
  2. Enchanting Table: Crafting an enchanting table, a crucial tool for enhancing gear and items, requires four obsidian blocks. By using experience levels, lapis lazuli, and the table, players can enchant their items, improving their abilities and attributes.
  3. Beacon: To create a beacon that offers beneficial status effects to nearby players, such as Speed or Regeneration, players need three obsidian blocks, a Nether Star, and five blocks of glass. To activate the beacon, it must be placed atop a pyramid constructed from valuable materials.
  4. Ender Chest: Ender chests are personalized storage accessible from anywhere in the world. Crafting one requires eight obsidian blocks and an eye of ender. They can be paired with shulker boxes for expanded storage in the End.
  5. Nether Portal: Crafting a Nether portal necessitates ten obsidian blocks arranged in a 5x4 frame, with other materials at the corners. Igniting it with Flint and Steel or a Fire Charge activates the portal, granting access to the Nether or facilitating the repair of ruined portals.
  6. Respawn Anchor: In the challenging Nether, players cannot use beds to respawn. Instead, they can craft a Respawn Anchor with six obsidian blocks and three glowstone blocks. Charging it with glowstone blocks allows players to set their respawn point within the Nether, ensuring they return there upon death.

How to get shulker boxes

Compared with a regular chest, a shulker box adds an extra level of convenience by remaining 'intact' (with all of the items still inside of it) when it is broken. Crafting a Shulker Box is actually super easy. You only need two ingredients: Wood for chests, and Shulker Shells.

Be careful fighting these guys in high places -their bullets can inflict the levitation status effect.

While getting wood is easy, acquiring Shulker Shells, on the other hand, is pretty tricky. They only drop from Shulker - a hostile mob that is exclusive to the End City. So, in order to obtain Shulker Shells to make the Shulker Box, you have to defeat the Ender Dragon first.

<![CDATA[10 Best Texture Packs For Minecraft 1.20]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/10-best-texture-packs-for-minecraft-1-20-22951 Mon, 25 Sep 2023 07:47:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/10-best-texture-packs-for-minecraft-1-20-22951
If you are looking for good Minecraft 1.20 Texture Packs, these 10 are probably the ones with the highest quality.]]>

We're all familiar with Minecraft's distinctive and now quite famous visual style. The entire in-game universe is constructed from blocks, each of which has textures with a maximum of 16×16 pixels. Have you ever pondered what these blocks might appear as if they were created with higher resolution textures, or what if they were designed in entirely different artistic styles? Perhaps in a realistic, cartoonish, or even a more vibrant manner? In this guide, we'll delve into this aspect of the game by presenting a list of the top 10 Minecraft 1.20 texture packs.

1. Bare Bones

In contrast to the majority of texture packs featured here, Bare Bones takes a unique and minimalist approach. Rather than enhancing the intricacies and colors found in vanilla textures, it simplifies them. As you can observe in the image provided, this texture pack employs only a select few primary colors for each texture, resulting in a notably simplified and somewhat cartoonish appearance. This outcome is highly satisfying and serves as evidence that simplicity can often be superior.

Bare Bones

2. Dandelion X

Dandelion X currently stands as one of the most sought-after and finest Minecraft texture packs available. Similar to the Bare Bones pack, it employs a restricted color palette for each block, resulting in streamlined textures. The overall aesthetic carries a warm and unified tone, resulting in fewer stark contrasts and smoother transitions.

Dandelion X
Dandelion X

While most blocks exude a somewhat cartoonish vibe, there are also exceptionally detailed textures present, notably evident in the exquisite armor pieces showcased on armor stands. Additionally, the appearance of mobs has been revamped to seamlessly align with the new world aesthetic. Although OptiFine is not obligatory for this texture pack, it comes highly recommended, so be sure to explore the provided guide for installation instructions.

3. Faithful

The Faithful texture pack remains true to the original Minecraft art style. Its primary objective is to elevate the vanilla textures to a level of exceptional detail and high resolution. Rather than altering block color palettes and designs, it refines and enhances them. Consequently, you'll notice a wealth of additional block attributes, including details like loom strings, block cracks, shadows, highlights, and more.

Faithful 32x32 Resource Pack For Minecraft Texture

Furthermore, it's important to note that the Faithful texture pack is entirely community-driven, allowing for the incorporation of your custom textures as well. For further details, please refer to the linked download page.

4. Misa’s Realistic

When discussing realistic texture packs in Minecraft 1.20, it's impossible to overlook the incredible Misa's Realistic. This exceptional pack introduces high-resolution textures characterized by deeper and more muted colors compared to the game's vanilla aesthetics. This adjustment ensures that players can engage in extended gameplay sessions without the visuals becoming overly harsh on the eyes.

Minecraft Misas Texture Pack
Misa's Realistic Texture Pack

Each block has been meticulously crafted to maintain its distinct identity and composition, even though the textures appear markedly distinct from the vanilla counterparts. It's important to note that to fully utilize this texture pack, OptiFine is a prerequisite.

5. John Smith Legacy

If you have an affinity for classic horror games, this texture pack is worth exploring. John Smith Legacy introduces significantly intricate textures, some of which approach a level of realism. Many blocks exude a weathered and rough appearance, making them ideal for use in constructing medieval structures or eerie dungeons. In addition, certain textures are downright chilling, such as the skull-adorned armor and a menacing iron golem.

Minecraft John Smith Legacy
John Smith Legacy

All items and creatures have undergone a transformation to align with a somber and authentic style. Moreover, stained glass has received substantial enhancements, resulting in each Minecraft dye color featuring its distinct pattern design.

6. ModernArch

For those who've been dedicated Minecraft players for a considerable time, this 1.20 texture pack is bound to leave you astounded. ModernArch introduces incredibly detailed and authentic textures into the game. You can distinctly observe the bark's fissures and growth rings on logs, every individual blade of grass, and even the tiniest pebble within a gravel block. As implied by its name, these textures are executed in a modern style influenced by contemporary technology and the present era.



One of the standout textures includes the sleek appearance of the modern iron door, accompanied by the transformation of the furnace and the substitution of redstone dust with cables. While not every vanilla block receives a unique texture, many of the natural elements do. Consequently, navigating a dense jungle biome in Minecraft can become rather disorienting and challenging. To enhance this texture pack even further, consider incorporating some shaders in Minecraft 1.20.

7. Quadral

Quadral is yet another cartoon-inspired texture pack, and it stands among the finest choices for Minecraft 1.20. While the textures remain relatively faithful to the vanilla style, the distinctions are readily apparent. Stunningly blocky patterns, vivid and lively colors, and certain enhancements to the original designs collectively contribute to the remarkable appeal of this texture pack.

Quadral Minecraft Texture Pack

In addition to this, items and creatures have been endowed with charming, innocent, and cartoon-like appearances, seamlessly integrating them into the Minecraft world. The armor, in particular, boasts an exceptional aesthetic, with the additional armor patterns introduced in Minecraft 1.20 significantly enhancing the overall gameplay experience.

8. Mythic

The Mythic texture pack can be described as a fusion of the realism found in Misa's Realistic pack and the eerie ambiance reminiscent of John Smith Legacy, but intensified several times over. It introduces highly authentic textures that, in certain instances, transform the appearance of blocks to such an extent that their identity becomes uncertain. Additionally, as you can readily discern from the provided image, every block exudes that vintage, rugged quality.

Small Castle By Themythicalsausage

The unsettling and spooky aesthetic becomes particularly evident in the textures of certain paintings, pieces of armor, and even various creatures. Therefore, brace yourself when encountering illagers or a warden, as they are particularly harrowing in this context.

9. Sapixcraft

The Sapixcraft texture pack has a singular objective: streamlining the textures found in vanilla Minecraft. It preserves the cherished and familiar art style while infusing a touch of cartoonish charm. This texture pack also employs a technique to soften and simplify busier textures, making them more visually pleasing and comfortable to view.

Sapixcraft Minecraft Texture Pack

Moreover, you'll encounter various color variations for specific blocks that encompass expansive surfaces, like sand. This clean, vibrant, and inviting texture pack serves as a delightful departure from the standard vanilla Minecraft experience.

10. Vividity

Lastly, but certainly not with any less significance, we present the Vividity texture pack. The name of this pack pretty much says it all, as it introduces stunning, vivid, and lively textures to the world of vanilla Minecraft. Once you've experienced and appreciated this texture pack, reverting to the default textures is out of the question.

Vividity Resource Pack For Minecraft Textures 4

Similar to a few of the previously mentioned texture packs, Vividity places an emphasis on simplicity by grouping multiple pixels into a single one. This approach ensures that all the details are readily discernible, as they are presented in a larger format. Furthermore, notable attention has been given to the glossy, reflective textures, such as precious blocks or armor, where you can truly immerse yourself in the cartoonish allure.

<![CDATA[Best Minecraft Village House Ideas in 2023]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/best-minecraft-village-house-ideas-in-2023-22940 Fri, 22 Sep 2023 09:00:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/best-minecraft-village-house-ideas-in-2023-22940
If you're wondering which guides to use for your Minecraft village, take a look at the list of best Minecraft villager house ideas below.]]>

Table of Contents

  • 1. Windmill
  • 2. Villager Blacksmith
  • 3. Villager Farmhouse
  • 4. Mob Watchtower
  • 5. Villager House
  • 6. Villager Trading Stalls
  • 7. Central Fountain
  • 8. Village Town Hall

If you've played Minecraft a lot, you might want to try building a big village to see how your creativity is. You can either fix up existing villages or make a totally new one for the little people in the game. This can truly be fun as it affects how the game works and also makes you better at building stuff.

Fortunately, there are lots of online guides that show you, step by step, how to make the villagers' houses nicer and add cool decorations to your village. If you're wondering which guides to use for your Minecraft village, take a look at the list of best Minecraft villager house ideas below.

1. Windmill

A windmill is like a pretty structure that doesn't have a real purpose like a house or storage place. You can put these tall spinning machines near your fields where you grow crops like wheat to make the area look nice.

Windmill - A simple Minecraft villager house design
Windmill - A simple Minecraft villager house design

But here's the catch: in regular Minecraft, the windmill won't actually spin around like a real one unless you use special mods. However, you can still make your world look cool by adding at least one of these towers.

Oh, and before you start building, make sure you gather enough wool because you'll need it to make the cloth that's connected to each part of the windmill that sticks out.

2. Villager Blacksmith

While the farmers in a village work to keep everyone healthy by growing food, the blacksmith has a different job. They melt down materials like iron and use them to make valuable things and create iron golems. To do this job right, they need a special furnace called a blast furnace. So, it makes sense to make the outside of their workshop look good too.

Villager Blacksmith
Villager Blacksmith

A good example of a Villager Blacksmith's workshop can be found in one of Lioncheater's online building tutorials. In this project, they show how you can make the building look important by adding two simple towers made of stone bricks to a wooden structure. This helps the blacksmith's workshop stand out among the usual wooden houses you find in a Minecraft village.

3. Villager Farmhouse

One of the most crucial parts of any village is the farm because the people who live there need food to eat, get better when they're hurt, and have babies. To show how important this source of life is, you can follow Blitzheart's Farm House tutorial. This tutorial helps you build a big, two-story house that stands taller than the smaller homes in the village.

Villager Farmhouse
Minecraft Villager Farmhouse designs

Additionally, this house is surrounded by a field of wheat, which can be used as a decoration or by Villagers who work as farmers. And, don't forget to gather enough bricks and dark oak planks because you'll need these materials to make the house look different from the other wooden buildings nearby.

>>> Read more: Top 10 Beautiful Minecraft House Designs 2023: From Simple Cabins To Luxury Mansions

4. Mob Watchtower

The biggest danger to any Minecraft village is sudden attacks by either bad groups of Illagers or unexpected groups of mobs. In particular, zombies really like to attack villagers, which messes up their trading and turns them into more bad creatures.

Mob Watchtower Minecraft
Mob Watchtower is a practical Minecraft villager house idea.

To stop this from happening, you can make your village safer by building watchtowers all around it. These towers will have lights that keep mobs from showing up. Even though there won't be real soldiers in the towers, you can make extra iron golems at the bottom of each tower to fight off any annoying mobs that come into your territory.

5. Villager House

In spite of the fact that Mojang made an effort to improve the standard villages that naturally appear in Minecraft, they can still start to look the same after a while. To make things more interesting, we recommend changing the basic villager houses into something special. You could even make a different type of building for each house you create.

Villager House
Villager House

A good example of this is ItsMarloe's Villager House. It takes the usual small cottage style and adds more details to make it look unique. To get this look, you'll need to gather different kinds of wood and make some concrete for the house's walls.

6. Villager Trading Stalls

If you've decided to have villagers in your custom village, then you probably want a special place where they can offer the best things in exchange for emeralds. Each villager has their own job, which decides what they do during the day and what kind of things they'll trade.

Villager Trading Stalls
Villager Trading Stalls

These simple trading stalls are a smart way to keep villagers safe from scary mobs and to stop them from running off when you want to trade. Before you build these small market stalls, it's a good idea to have a pretty big sheep farm because each roof is made from different colored wool.

7. Central Fountain

Building a village doesn't mean everything you make has to be a house or does a specific job. Take a look at Goldrobin's fountain tutorial, for example. It adds to any village by making a nice spot in the middle where villagers can come together at the end of the day.

Central Fountain
Central Fountain

To build this water feature, you'll need some stone bricks and learn how to make a sort of round pattern as the base of the fountain. When you've finished the fountain's structure, just put water in it, and you'll see how it flows down, making a pretty design.

8. Village Town Hall

The last Minecraft villager house idea we would like to introduce is a Village Town Hall. Every great village should have a main attraction, and LionCheater provides an excellent tutorial for building a town hall. This building can serve many purposes, like storing things, making more places for trading, or even housing the bell that rings when there's a raid.

If you decide to make this town hall, we suggest also building a village fountain and marketplace. When you put these three things together, they make a fantastic center for your village. Once you finish these projects, you can start working on defenses and houses around the village.

>>> Check out: How To Tame A Cat In Minecraft (2023 Guide)

<![CDATA[Top 5 Minecraft Pets In Minecraft 2023]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/top-5-minecraft-pets-in-minecraft-2023-22937 Fri, 22 Sep 2023 07:41:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/top-5-minecraft-pets-in-minecraft-2023-22937
A great pet will make your Minecraft adventure much more enjoyable. Let's find out which animals are the best pets in Minecraft.]]>

Who doesn't want a couple of companions while conquering the world of Minecraft? There are a lot of options when it comes to choosing a cute pet for yourself. Each of them has their own unique feature, design, and behavior. The best pet in Minecraft will depend on what are you looking for.

Some pets will just look cute while some can even protect your home from hostile creatures. Here is Gurugamer's list of the top 5  Minecraft pets.

1. Wolves

Minecraft Wolves Feature
Wolves in Minecraft are cute and they can help you fight mobs

Wolves are known for their undying loyalty to their owner and that is why we love them. Plus, their fluffy fur makes them look absolutely adorable.

In Minecraft, you can find wild wolves and tame them with bones. Once you tamed them, they will have a collar that can be dyed with different colors. A tamed wolf will follow you around naturally.

You can make your wolf sit by pressing use on them. They will attack whichever target you are attacking, except for creepers, ghasts, tamed horses, or tamed cats. Just make sure you heal your pet after each battle to full to keep them healthy.

2. Horses

Minecraft How To Breed Horses
Horses make great pets in Minecraft

There are many ways to travel across the map in Minecraft, but riding a horse will always be the classic way. Riding a horse is one of the fastest ways to travel in Minecraft and horses are very easy to find. To ride a horse, you need to have a horse saddle first and use it on one of your tamed horses. In addition, a tamed horse can be used to breed a foal or a mule.

3. Cats

Cat Lying On The Bed
Cat in Minecraft can protect you from creepers and phantoms

Cats in Minecraft are not only cute but they are also amazing pets as they can fence off creepers and phantoms. You can find untamed cats around villages and swamp huts. Just like in real life, cats in Minecraft are playful creatures that would jump on chests, beds, and furnaces. To tame a cat in Minecraft, you can use raw cod or raw salmon.

4. Donkeys

Donkey With Chest
You can use donkeys to travel and store items in Minecraft

Donkeys are another super useful pet in Minecraft. You can ride on it with a saddle and put a small chest on it to carry more items. You can easily find donkeys in plains or savannas. They can also be used to climb hills and jump fences where players can't reach by themselves.

5. Llamas

Tame A Llamas
Llamas can be used to transport a large number of items

Llamas are the best pet to use when you need to transport a large number of items. However, this animal will not accept a saddle even if it is tamed, unlike donkeys. However, when you leash a llama, up to 9 other llamas in the caravan nearby will follow each other, forming a caravan of 10 llamas, allowing you to transport as many items as you want.

>>>> Read more: How To Tame A Cat In Minecraft (2023 Guide)

<![CDATA[How To Tame A Cat In Minecraft (2023 Guide)]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-tame-a-cat-in-minecraft-22932 Wed, 20 Sep 2023 12:44:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-tame-a-cat-in-minecraft-22932
In this article, Gurugamer.com will guide you on how to tame a cat in Minecraft.]]>

Table of Contents

  • All about Cats in Minecraft
  • How to tame a cat in Minecraft 2023

Creating houses, farms, and dungeons in Minecraft is a lot of fun. But what's a fantasy world without your beloved cat? If you'd like to have a pet to hang out with or come home to after a day of mining for precious gems, you can make friends with a stray cat. In this article, Gurugamer.com will guide you on how to tame a cat in Minecraft.

All about Cats in Minecraft

Cats are friendly animals you can discover in villages and swamp huts. They are truly your great companions which help keep creepers and phantoms away.

Cats In Minecraft
Cats in Minecraft

Cat Spawning

Cats have a chance to appear every 1200 ticks, which is about 1 minute in the game. The game picks a random player (including spectators) and then selects a random spot that is between 8 and 32 blocks away from the player, both to the left and right, and at the same height. If this chosen spot is relatively close (within 2 chunks) to a village that has fewer than 5 cats, or inside a swamp hut, then a cat can spawn there.


Untamed cats can appear in villages under specific conditions. For them to spawn, there need to be at least 5 beds claimed by villagers within 48 blocks, and there should be no more than 4 cats within a certain area (a box that's 97 blocks long, 17 blocks high, and 97 blocks wide) centered around the spawning point. Cats that initially spawn with a village won't disappear, but any additional ones that show up may make them vanish later.

These village cats come in different appearances, but black cats may only appear during a full moon. This full moon effect is the same in both the Java and Bedrock editions of the game. Importantly, the process of cats spawning in villages is separate from the natural spawning of other friendly animals, so it's not influenced by the game's limit on the number of creatures.

Black Cats Minecraft
Black cats may only appear during a full moon.

Swamp Huts

When you start a new world in Minecraft, you'll find one untamed black cat already present inside swamp huts along with a witch. This cat will never disappear. Extra cats can also appear inside the hut in a similar way to witches. To make this happen, there must be grass blocks within the designated area of the swamp hut.

In the Java Edition of the game, if any more cats spawn inside the swamp hut (either through spawn eggs or commands without specifying a cat type), they will always be black. However, if there's already a cat within a specific volume of 16×8×16 blocks, a new cat won't spawn inside the hut.

In Bedrock Edition

In Bedrock Edition, villages periodically generate stray cats to maintain a certain ratio: 1 cat for every 4 owned beds, up to a maximum of 5 cats when there are 20 or more owned beds. Only beds currently claimed by villagers are counted. All cats within the village's boundaries, including kittens, cats from outside, and player-owned cats, are considered in this count. If there aren't enough cats, the village will attempt to spawn one within a specific volume centered on the village's center, which is the same method used for spawning iron golems in villages.

When cats spawn, 25% of them will appear as kittens. Additionally, during a full moon in the game, 50% of the cats that spawn will be black in color.


Adult cats in Minecraft can drop the following items:

  • 0-2 strings when killed. This drop is not influenced by the Looting enchantment.
  • 1-3 strings when killed by a player or tamed wolf.
  • Upon successful breeding, they drop 1-7 strings.

However, if you kill a kitten (baby cat), you won't receive any items or experience points.

Cats Drop Minecraft
Cats can drop strings.

Cat skins in Minecraft

Even though they use the same model, cats in Minecraft are smaller than ocelots. There are a total of 11 different skins (image at the beginning of the article) that cats can have, offering variety in their appearance. Notably, one of these cat skins was inspired by Jellie, the cat owned by YouTuber GoodTimesWithScar. This particular skin was selected through a community vote on Twitter. Let's check the special skin in this video:

Cat Behaviors

Cats in Minecraft have some interesting behaviors and interactions, like:

  • They are immune to fall damage, but they are cautious and won't willingly fall from high cliffs that could normally cause fall damage.
  • Cats can detect players even if they have the Invisibility status effect, so they're not easily fooled.
  • Kittens exhibit the same behaviors as adult cats, except for having a faster movement rate.
  • Cats hiss at phantoms that are actively pursuing a player (Java Edition only). This can help alert players to the presence of phantoms.
  • Both creepers and phantoms will avoid getting too close to cats, maintaining a distance of 6 blocks from cats for creepers and 16 blocks for phantoms. However, if a creeper has already started its detonation, it won't flee unless the player exits its blast radius. This behavior can help protect players from creeper explosions and phantom attacks.

Stray cats

A stray cat in Minecraft is a wild, untamed cat. Cats that naturally appear in the game always start as stray cats. Unlike untamed wolves, stray cats can disappear on their own if not tamed or cared for.

Stray cats have certain behaviors:

  • They hunt and attack rabbits and baby turtles within a range of 15 blocks.
  • Even though they initially spawn in villages, they don't necessarily stay there; they like to explore their surroundings.
  • They tend to run away from players who come within 7 blocks of them (unless the player is sneaking in the Bedrock Edition or the game is set to peaceful difficulty in the Java Edition). They also avoid players within 16 blocks.
  • If a player is holding raw cod or salmon within 10 blocks, stray cats will slowly approach the player. This allows the player to feed and tame them (see How to tame a cat in Minecraft section below). Yet, if the player moves too quickly or stops holding the fish within 6 blocks, the cat will run away and won't approach the player for a short time.
  • Stray cats can be leashed, which means you can use a lead to control their movement.

Tamed cats

Tamed cats in Minecraft tend to stay active and explore around the player unless you specifically command them to sit.

Tamed Cats Minecraft
Tamed cats in Minecraft

Here are some behaviors of tamed cats:

  • If a tamed cat isn't sitting, it may try to get on top of chests, the foot part of beds, or active furnaces that are at the same height level within a 4-block-radius area around it. Once on top of these blocks, they often sit without needing a command from the player. If a cat sits on a chest, for example, that chest becomes unusable unless the player commands the cat to stand. You can make a sitting cat stand by holding a raw fish nearby, removing the block it's sitting on, pushing it off, or even by attacking it. Cats won't sit on a block if there's another block above it, blocking their way.
  • Cats, like other creatures, can enter nearby boats, but this can sometimes lead to them trapping themselves.
  • If a player is hurt by a hostile mob or a harming potion (but not by environmental damage like falling), a cat that's sitting nearby will stand up, move a few blocks away from its sitting spot, and then go back to sitting. This behavior seems to be a reaction to protect the player when they're in danger.


When a player goes to sleep, their tamed cats will come closer and sleep nearby. When the player wakes up, the cats also open their eyes.

Here's an interesting twist: There's a 70% chance that a tamed cat will give the player a gift after they wake up, but this only happens if the player sleeps during the night. If you sleep during a thunderstorm in the daytime or if the tamed cat has been commanded to sit, you won't get a gift.

The gift the cat gives is determined by a special list called "cat_morning_gift.json." It could be any item from this list, which is a way for your feline companion to show its appreciation.

Gift Weight Chance 1 in ...
Rabbit's foot

Rabbit hide


Rotten flesh


Raw chicken

10 (531) 16.13% 6.2
Phantom membrane 2 (131) 3.22% 31


Cat Gifts Minecraft
Cat Gifts

After a cat gives a gift in Minecraft, both the cat and the gift will be found in the general vicinity of the bed where the player slept, even if there are walls or floors in between.

If a player has multiple tamed cats standing in the area, only the cat that slept on the player's bed may provide a gift. However, if all the tamed cats in the vicinity are unable to reach the player (for example, if they're trapped in minecarts or boats), in the Java Edition, each cat has a 70% chance of providing a gift. In the Bedrock Edition, only one cat can give a gift, even if there are multiple cats present.


Tamed cats in Minecraft have a teleportation ability, but there are specific conditions and exceptions. They typically teleport to the player if they are more than 12 blocks away. However, they don't teleport under the following circumstances:

  • If the player has ordered the cat to sit. Exceptions:
    • If the cat is injured while sitting, it may teleport, but it won't sit after teleporting. For instance, if a sitting cat is struck by lightning, it will teleport while on fire and may die.
    • If a kitten is told to sit and grows up while the chunk it's sitting in is still loaded, it will teleport to the player while still sitting.
  • If the cat is trying to sit on a chest, bed, or furnace (Bedrock Edition only).
  • If the cat is attempting to lie or is already lying on a bed.
  • If the cat is in a minecart or boat.
  • If the cat has been attached to a fence post with a lead.
  • If the cat is in an unloaded chunk.
  • If none of the blocks on the edge of a 5x5x1 region centered on the player are transparent blocks with an opaque block below and another transparent block above.
  • If the player is in another dimension.
  • If the player is in water; the cat teleports to the player when the player leaves the water.
  • If the cat is in water, teleportation is unreliable and may or may not occur.

It's important to note that cat teleportation is completely silent, so you won't hear any sounds when they teleport.


Feeding cats raw fish makes them ready to have kittens. The kittens will look like one of the parents and belong to the owner of one of them. Parents can't have more kittens for 5 minutes after. If one parent is walking and the other is sitting, they can still have kittens, and the walking parent's owner gets the kitten. Kittens usually take 20 minutes to grow up, but feeding them more fish makes them grow faster, with each fish making them grow 10% faster.


Feeding an injured tamed cat with uncooked cod or salmon will restore 2 points of its health. Unlike tamed wolves, a tamed cat's tail does not indicate its health status.

How to tame a cat in Minecraft 2023

Follow these steps to tame your stray cat:

  • #1. Gather raw fish: Begin by collecting raw cod or raw salmon from a nearby water source, like a lake or river.
  • #2. Approach the stray cat: Hold the raw fish in your hand and slowly approach a stray cat.
  • #3. Feed the cat: Right-click or tap on the cat with the raw fish in your hand to offer it. Keep feeding the cat multiple times until you see hearts above its head, which indicates it's being tamed. You may need to be persistent and use several fish to win its trust.
  • #4. Observe the hearts: Once you've successfully tamed the cat, the hearts will disappear, and the cat will sport a collar. Congratulations, you've now tamed a pet cat!

Please keep in mind that game mechanics can change with updates, so it's advisable to check the specific taming process for your Minecraft version in 2023, as there may have been adjustments or new features added.

<![CDATA[How To Download And Install Chunky Mod in Minecraft]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-download-and-install-chunky-mod-in-minecraft-22924 Wed, 20 Sep 2023 08:26:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-download-and-install-chunky-mod-in-minecraft-22924
Minecraft Chunky mod is a popular mod that will help you achieve a smooth playing experience in Minecraft. Here is how you can download and install it.]]>

Minecraft has a lot of mods made by the community. These mods help improve the playing experience of Minecraft in many ways, from adding new content to optimizing game performance. The Minecraft Chunky mod is a mod that might help Minecraft load the map faster and reduce lag.

Chunky Mod Thumbnail
Minecraft Chunky mod can reduce the lag by pre-loading the terrain.

What is the Chunky Mod?

In straightforward terms, the Chunky mod is a valuable tool for Minecraft players that allows for the swift and efficient pre-generation of Minecraft chunks. This process ensures that chunks are readily available for display as you navigate the game world, eliminating the need for your device to load them on the fly. Notably, this not only provides instant rendering of chunks during gameplay but also maintains a consistent frame rate, contributing to a smoother gaming experience.

Taiga Biome
The mod will help you enjoy Minecraft with a smooth experience.

Additionally, the Chunky mod offers the flexibility to create multiple chunk-generation tasks specific to a particular world. These tasks can be initiated, paused, resumed, or halted as per your requirements. Throughout the task execution, the mod provides detailed information about the chunks being processed, the percentage of completion, the estimated time of arrival (ETA), the processing rate, and more.

Moreover, users have the option to complement the Chunky mod with the ChunkyBorder mod, which empowers players to define custom world shapes and borders.

How to Download the Chunky Mod

  1. Ensure API Compatibility: The Chunky mod seamlessly integrates with both the Forge and Fabric APIs, essential components for running mods in Minecraft. You can easily locate these APIs online or visit their official websites to download the latest installers.
  2. Install APIs: After obtaining the API installers, execute the installation process. This action will create a new game installation that is compatible with mods.
  3. Access the Mod: Proceed to the CurseForge website, where you will find the Chunky mod versions available for both the Fabric and Forge APIs. Select the appropriate version for your Minecraft edition, whether it's the latest, like 1.20.1, or an older version corresponding to your game version.
  4. Download and Transfer: Once you've identified the desired version, download the mod file in Java format. Next, transfer the downloaded mod file to the "mods" folder located within your game's main directory.
  5. Activate the Mod: After completing these steps, launch the official game launcher and select the newly modded Minecraft version to start enjoying the benefits of the Chunky mod.

How to use Chunky Mod in Minecraft

It's important to note that the Chunky mod operates exclusively through commands. Therefore, you must enable cheats within your Minecraft world to input commands and effectively utilize the mod.

Once cheats are enabled for a specific world, you can initiate chunk generation by typing '/chunk start' in the command input. The '/chunk' prefix serves as the primary command, allowing you to follow it with additional commands such as 'pause' to halt generation, 'continue' to resume generation, 'cancel' to stop generation entirely, and more.

For a comprehensive list of available commands and their functionalities, refer to the CurseForge page dedicated to the Chunky mod. This resource provides a detailed overview of all the commands at your disposal to effectively manage and optimize your chunk generation tasks.

>>>> Read more: How to Download Titanfall 2 Mod Minecraft Mobile

<![CDATA[Check Out All Minecraft Biomes In 2023!]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/all-minecraft-biomes-2023-22923 Tue, 19 Sep 2023 08:11:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/all-minecraft-biomes-2023-22923
Now there's a long list of all the various Minecraft biomes in 2023.]]>

Table of Contents

  • Plains
  • Forest
  • Jungle
  • Mountains
  • Desert
  • Taiga
  • Snowy Tundra
  • Ice Spikes
  • Swamp
  • Savanna
  • Badlands
  • Rivers
  • Ocean
  • Beaches
  • Stone shores
  • Mushroom Islands
  • The Nether
  • The End

Step into the Minecraft world of 2023, where the adventure continues to evolve! With millions of players still immersed in its blocky landscapes, Minecraft remains an enduring phenomenon. In this ever-expanding universe, the biomes have exponentially grown, offering a multitude of unique environments to explore. Join us as we take a closer look at all Minecraft biomes in 2023.


When you think of Minecraft, the first biome that likely springs to mind is the plains. It serves as an ideal location to establish your initial base and encounter various animals such as pigs, cows, sheep, and horses.

Plains Minecraft
Plains biome in Minecraft


The plains biome is an excellent spot to establish your first base and encounter animals such as pigs, cows, sheep, and horses.

Forest Minecraft
Forest biome in Minecraft


Exploring this biome is quite enjoyable! It's abundant with dense vegetation and intriguing structures, and on occasion, you might trip over bamboo groves and even pandas.

Jungle Minecraft
Jungle in Minecraft


This is the spot to visit when you want to find emeralds and enjoy breathtaking views. Occasionally, you'll stumble upon floating islands above the mountain peaks, making it a cool location for setting up a base.

Mountains Minecraft
Mountains in Minecraft


There's not much here besides sand and dried-up bushes, but you can stumble upon intriguing distant villages, temples, and more. There's even a sub-area called the desert lake, which is a bit like an oasis.

Desert Minecraft
Desert in Minecraft

>>> Read more: Top 10 Best Mountain Biome Seeds


Taiga acts as a bridge between forests and jungles. If you're looking for wolves, foxes, and forest goodies like sweet berries, this is the place to explore. And within the snowy taiga sub-biome, you can even find arctic foxes, which is pretty exciting!

Taiga Minecraft
Taiga in Minecraft

Snowy Tundra

Similar to the snowy taiga, the snowy tundra has some special animals like polar bears. Aside from that, it's mainly a cold tundra covered in snow.

Snowy Tundra Minecraft
Snowy Tundra in Minecraft

Ice Spikes

Ice Spikes feels like it's right out of the movie Frozen, complete with icy structures. Despite its distinctive appearance, the biome is quite lacking in resources.

Ice Spikes Minecraft
Ice Spikes in Minecraft


Players will not find Shrek in this Minecraft biome. Still, if you venture into the Swamp at night, you might encounter some slime. Surprisingly, in spite of its seemingly unthreatening appearance, the Swamp biome is one of the most challenging and hostile areas in the game.

Swamp Minecraft
Swamp in Minecraft


Llamas can be found here! What more motivation do you need to seek it out? This biome is one of the more scenic ones, featuring distinctive trees, numerous waterfalls, large craters, lakes, and extremely steep mountains.

Savanna Minecraft
Savanna in Minecraft

>>> What Do Llamas Eat In Minecraft To Tame And Breed?


As you can observe on the slopes of the mountains, the Badlands biome is rich in various colored clay, and you can also discover substantial deposits of gold. It's a particularly intriguing place at night.

Badlands Minecraft
Badlands in Minecraft


Rivers add a nice touch when they flow through any Minecraft biome. You can often find sugar cane growing around them, and inside the rivers, you might encounter salmon or squids. However, be cautious, as you may also come across the drowned, which are essentially underwater zombies.

Rivers Minecraft
Rivers in Minecraft


The Ocean biome is quite diverse with many different versions. When exploring Minecraft oceans, you'll encounter tropical fish and even dolphins. There are also abundant coral reefs and enigmatic ocean monuments to discover.

Ocean Minecraft
Ocean in Minecraft


When the Ocean biome meets the land, you get beaches. These areas are great for collecting sugar cane and spotting turtles. You might also come across shipwrecks from time to time, and there's a chance of finding buried treasure!

Beaches Minecraft
Beaches in Minecraft

Stone shores

When the Ocean biome intersects with the Mountain biome, it results in the formation of stone shores. There's not much to see here except for a lot of stone.

Stone Shores Minecraft
Stone Shores in Minecraft

Mushroom Islands

Just like the name implies, these are islands with enormous mushrooms! This Minecraft biome is quite rare and often appears on its own, usually within the Ocean biome. It's a very tranquil place with no hostile creatures around.

Mushroom Islands Minecraft
Mushroom Islands in Minecraft

The Nether

The Nether isn't just another biome; it's an entirely separate parallel world in Minecraft, like an underworld or even a version of hell! Over time, with various updates and newer versions of Minecraft, the Nether has also gained its own distinct biomes, including Soul Sand Valleys, Crimson Forests, and a few others.

The Nether Minecraft
The Nether in Minecraft

Watch also:

The End

The End is an entirely distinct dimension from both the Overworld and the Nether. It's where you can reach the "end" of the game in survival mode, hence the name. Nonetheless, The End has also expanded over time, so now, in addition to encountering The Ender Dragon and a bunch of Endermen, you can also discover End Cities and other peculiar structures.

The End Minecraft
The End in Minecraft

In conclusion, Minecraft has come a long way since its early days, and in 2023, players have a vast array of biomes to explore and enjoy. From the familiar plains to the mysterious End, and the fiery depths of the Nether, all Minecraft biomes 2023 offer unique experiences and challenges!

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<![CDATA[How to Download Titanfall 2 Mod Minecraft Mobile]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-download-titanfall-2-mod-minecraft-mobile-22905 Thu, 14 Sep 2023 08:00:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-download-titanfall-2-mod-minecraft-mobile-22905
The article by Gurugamer.com explores the intriguing features found in this game.]]>

Table of Contents

  • About Titanfall 2 Mod Minecraft Android
  • Titanfall 2 Mod Minecraft: Pros & Cons
  • How to download Titanfall 2 Mod Minecraft Mobile
  • Titanfall 2 Mod Minecraft: Q&A

To carry on the success of the last version, the Titanfall 2 Mod Minecraft mobile game was introduced. This time, the game includes a story and numerous exciting battle modes for players. It blends dramatic, thrilling, and appealing elements to create a video game masterpiece that captures the affection of fans. The article by Gurugamer.com explores the intriguing features found in this game.

About Titanfall 2 Mod Minecraft Android

Titanfall 2 Mod Minecraft for Android delivers intense and thrilling gun battles that will surely keep Minecraft players excited. The game's quick pace adds an extra dose of thrill, especially for fans of this type of game. When jumping into the game, you'll find yourself in a combat-filled world with a wide variety of powerful guns to choose from, allowing you to play in your unique way and, in the end, emerge victorious over your opponents.

These battles determine who will rule the future world. To achieve glorious victories, players must unlock stronger characters and weapons. This can be done by collecting bonuses and valuable items, either through earning them or purchasing them. Strengthening your abilities and upgrading your weapons will be essential in easily overcoming challenges.

Titanfall 2 Minecraft Mod Mobile
Titanfall 2 Mod Minecraft for Android delivers intense and thrilling gun battles that will surely keep Minecraft players excited.

Titanfall 2 Mod Minecraft PE APK

Titanfall 2 Mod Minecraft PE APK transports players to a make-believe world where they embark on thrilling adventures with their friends. In this realm, you'll dive into an exciting shooting environment, aiming to make your mark in the Cube World. And, there are no boundaries to your fun here. You can let your imagination soar, giving free rein to your creativity without the usual restrictions found in other video games. This game grants you the freedom to do as you wish, allowing you to create your own story. You can stretch your creative limits by building extraordinary and unique structures in this pixelated universe.

However, it's essential to be cautious while building, as you'll encounter monsters and adversaries that you'll need to tame and confront. The game also hones your skills and presents you with diverse challenges in various roles. It brings players into a vivid and colorful world filled with realistic elements to enhance the fun. You can savor thrilling robot shooting adventures with these characters, immersing yourself in their captivating HD designs.

Titanfall 2 Mod Apk For Android Download
Titanfall 2 Mod Minecraft PE APK transports players to a make-believe world where they embark on thrilling adventures with their friends.

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Titanfall 2 Mod Minecraft Mobile

Explore the world of fascinating colors for solo player

The Titanfall 2 Mod Minecraft for Android invites players to begin an adventure packed with intense action and numerous exciting surprises waiting to be uncovered. You step into the shoes of soldiers armed to the teeth, ready to defend structures under siege from powerful adversaries.

It's crucial to equip yourself with combat skills and remain razor-sharp, especially as you venture into enemy territory, where skilled Titans await. This game lets you freely explore a colorful realm painted with beautiful pixel art. It offers realistic landscapes made of cubes, providing the perfect canvas for your creative thinking to shine.

Titanfall 2 Mod Minecraft
It's crucial to equip yourself with combat skills and remain razor-sharp, especially as you venture into enemy territory, where skilled Titans await.

Enjoy action moments with multiple modes

The Titanfall 2 Minecraft Mod for Android welcomes players to an action-packed adventure filled with thrilling surprises. As you play, you become a heavily armed soldier tasked with protecting structures under attack from formidable enemies.

To succeed, you must sharpen your combat skills and stay vigilant, particularly when entering enemy territory where skilled Titans are waiting. This mode grants players the freedom to discover a vibrant world adorned with stunning pixel art. It presents lifelike landscapes constructed from cubes, allowing your creative imagination to shine brightly.

Play with your fellows

Moreover, the game enables you to share the experience with numerous friends and collaborate to construct one-of-a-kind buildings. It lets you have a blast without concerns about limitations. In essence, this game encourages you to push past all boundaries and enjoy unrestricted fun.

Titanfall 2 Mod Minecraft: Pros & Cons

I have a few remarkable points to share about this game. Firstly, it boasts a grandiose design that perfectly fits the storyline and action-packed gameplay. The controls are exceptionally smooth, offering precise responsiveness during intense gun battles. I had a fantastic experience playing this game with my friends, and I hope it continues to evolve with more features and characters.

Pros Cons
  • Abundant choices of weapons and combat characters.
  • Features that contribute to empowering players through upgrades.
  • Diverse Duel mode for easy rank progression.
  • A stable internet connection is required for online gaming.
  • Winning in battles demands high concentration and experience.
  • Currently available only for Android OS, with no version for iOS.

How to download Titanfall 2 Mod Minecraft Mobile

Downloading this game is a straightforward process when you follow these instructions carefully:

  1. Go to the website Getmodnow.com.
  2. Select your favorite version.
  3. Allow the installation on your device.

Titanfall 2 Mod Minecraft: Q&A

Is downloading this game safe?

This game is a secure choice for your device. It has undergone thorough security checks, providing users with official links and safety information for the best downloading experience. Furthermore, a large number of users have downloaded and played this game, leaving highly positive reviews throughout their gaming journey.

What configurations are required to run the game?

To enjoy smooth gameplay without any lag, your Android version should be 5.1 or above.

Is this game free?

YES! This game offers players the opportunity to enjoy the experience for free, making it accessible to a wide audience without any cost.

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