Starfield - Website for Indian gamers with latest gaming and technology news. Find release dates, trailers, and scores for all upcoming and recent video games in the world Mon, 16 Oct 2023 09:55:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Starfield - <![CDATA[4 Essential Tips You Shouldn't Miss Before Starting Starfield]]> Mon, 16 Oct 2023 08:09:00 +0000

Table of Contents

  • Master the shortcuts
  • Don’t grab every items
  • Be more persuasive
  • Leverage your companion or ship as a pack mule

Starfield has finally arrived, and its early reception suggests it's poised to become a standout title of 2023. Bethesda Game Studios' expansive space roleplaying game made its widespread debut last night and is now accessible through Xbox Game Pass. Of course, for those who prefer web-based games, there is always the option to select from a variety of games available at m88link.


Within the vast expanse of Starfield, players will find over 1,000 planets to traverse and a wealth of missions to undertake. Before you launch yourself into uncharted territories, there are important tips and insights that could make your galactic adventures smoother and more enjoyable. In this guide, we've compiled 4 essential tips that you shouldn't overlook before setting foot in the Starfield universe.

Master the shortcuts

Starfield boasts numerous menus, but none are as crucial as the star map, where you chart your next cosmic voyage. Instead of navigating through a maze of menus just to select your mission's target planet, head to the mission list and click on the active one. Here, you'll find an option to chart a direct course to the required planet, saving you valuable time and sparing you the hassle of navigating through multiple menus.

Don’t grab every item

The urge to snatch up every item you come across during your adventures may be strong, but it's best to resist.

In my initial hours of gameplay, I made the mistake of constantly hoarding items, which not only cluttered my inventory but also led to over-encumbrance, hindering my ability to fast-travel. Furthermore, the majority of the items I collected proved to be of little value when sold. In the grand scheme of things, where spaceships cost anywhere from 100,000 to 300,000 credits, that trinket worth a mere 10 credits won't make a dent in your finances.

Be more persuasive

Among the initial skills at your disposal, Persuasion is a game-changer. It unlocks the "Persuade" dialogue option, initiating a mini-game where you must convince the person you're conversing with to undertake an action they may be hesitant about, such as surrendering a vital item essential for a mission.

Mastering this ability not only conserves valuable time and effort but can also lead to substantial savings. As you level up your Persuasion skill or employ items to boost your chances of success, you'll find the task increasingly manageable.

Leverage your companion or ship as a pack mule

If you can't resist the urge to collect every item in sight, utilize your companion as a convenient cargo carrier. Engage in a conversation with them and propose a gear exchange. Load them up with any excess items you don't require at the moment.

This efficient strategy prevents you from becoming over-encumbered, allowing you to utilize fast travel seamlessly. Once you return to your ship, check for a display unit that provides an overview of the ship's inventory. This is the ideal place to deposit any resources you've gathered, as they will be readily available for crafting wherever you decide to set up shop.

<![CDATA[10 Best Healing Food And Items In Starfield]]> Sun, 01 Oct 2023 03:43:00 +0000
Here are the most valuable food that players should acquire in Starfield.]]>

In the game Starfield, surviving the unforgiving galactic overworld becomes challenging when players' health is at risk. To ensure their well-being, they'll need to acquire nourishment and supplies to replenish their dwindling stamina. Those with low health will find healing items essential for their exploration and combat endeavors. Food items not only restore players' health points (HP) but also provide a range of benefits, such as boosting their resistance to damage, increasing carrying capacity, and enhancing oxygen recovery.

Explorers have the opportunity to discover food items as valuable loot scattered throughout the galaxies or craft specific recipes at designated cooking stations. In this guide, we'll highlight the top 10 food items that offer excellent healing capabilities in the world of Starfield.

1. Alien Kebab

In Starfield, gamers have the option to consume an Alien Kebab, a unique food item that boosts their health points. Unlike other in-game loot, this particular delicacy cannot be found while scavenging various locations; instead, players must prepare it themselves at the ship's cooking station. Upon consumption, the Alien Kebab has a revitalizing effect, replenishing 12 health points and granting an Energy Resistance bonus of +60 for a duration of 8 minutes.

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Alien Kebab

2. Dawn's Roost Strip

The Dawn's Roost Strip item in Starfield offers players valuable advantages, including a health restoration of 12 points and a notable boost of +11 oxygen for a duration of 10 minutes. Unlike the Alien Kebab, obtaining this item requires players to make a visit to Royce Elgin, the vendor situated at the Pioneer Tower. You can find this seller's establishment in New Atlantis, Jemison, which is located within the Alpha Centauri System.

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Dawn's Roost Strip

3. Jemison Wellington

Within the Starfield universe, Jemison Wellington is a delectable dish served alongside a creamy sauce. Comprising beef tenderloin and prosciutto, this meal's flavors are greatly enhanced when paired with the accompanying sauce. Partaking in Jemison Wellington results in a character receiving a 12-point health boost. Furthermore, it imparts a temporary +4 increase in carrying capacity for a duration of 5 minutes, providing players with the strength needed to handle hefty materials.

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Jemison Wellington

To acquire the Jemison Wellington food item, travelers should journey to the same planet where Dawn's Roost Strip can be found.

4. Latkes

In Starfield, players have the option to replenish 8 points of their lost health by indulging in Latkes. This culinary delight is composed of a mixture of potatoes, eggs, and onions, and for an enhanced flavor, they can opt to incorporate either flour or matzo meal. While primarily serving as a restorative item for health, Latkes also bestow a beneficial +11 oxygen boost for a duration of 8 minutes.

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To prepare Latkes at the cooking station, players must first complete the food and drink research project, and they can commence this undertaking once they have gathered all the necessary ingredients for crafting Latkes.

5. Patty Melt

In Starfield, the Patty Melt essentially functions as a restorative hamburger for the player's character. This burger features ingredients like cheese, toasted bread, and diced potatoes, and those who partake in it can regain 12 points of health. Unlike the previously mentioned meals with various effects, Patty Melt is primarily consumed for its healing properties.

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Patty Melt

To obtain this beneficial item, players can head to The Rock, situated in Akila City within the Cheyenne System. Here, a merchant named August Bowen offers Patty Melt for sale, allowing players to acquire it from him.

6. Pierogi

In Starfield, the Pierogi serves as a nourishing item that allows players to replenish their lost HP. This culinary creation combines potatoes and cheese, granting the character a restoration of 12 health points upon consumption. Thanks to this curative provision, individuals who have suffered injuries can swiftly recover from their wounds and continue their interstellar exploration.

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To acquire Pierogis, players have three distinct options. These delectable food items can be located at The Rock in Alika City on planet Alika, at Kay's House within The Well on planet Jemison, and at the Brown Horse Tavern in New Homestead on planet Titan.

7. Ta'ameya Pita

To acquire Ta'ameya Pita in Starfield, players need to journey to the same location where they can purchase Pierogis and Patty Melt. By exploring the planet Alika within the Cheyenne System, they can encounter the vendor August Bowen at The Rock, who offers this item to the player's character.

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Ta'ameya Pita

Upon consumption, Ta'ameya Pita has the sole effect of restoring 12 health points. Unlike the UC Battle Meal, which not only replenishes health but also boosts carrying capacity, Ta'ameya Pita doesn't yield any additional benefits.

8. The Deep

In the world of Starfield, the preparation of The Deep recipe offers characters a delightful experience of savoring grilled alien Salmon. This delectable dish reaches its full potential when accompanied by a combination of mixed vegetables and mashed potatoes. Utilizing the cooking station, players can craft this food item, which enables them to recover 16 points of health. To embark on this culinary adventure, one must gather the necessary ingredients, including Spice, Red Meat, Celery, Carrot, and Potato.

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The Deep

9. Trilo Bites

In the Starfield universe, Trilo Bites stands as a food item designed to restore characters' health by 12 points. This particular dish is crafted by sautéing petite alien arthropods and serving them with a side of whipped bitter. While it effectively replenishes HP upon consumption, it doesn't provide any additional advantages. Opting for items with multiple effects may be a more strategic choice.

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Trilo Bites

For those interested in acquiring Trilo Bites, they can do so by paying a visit to the vendor Royce Elgin, located at the Pioneer Tower. This tower can be found on the planet Jemison within the Alpha Centauri System in New Atlantis.

10. Veggie Grinder

Within the Starfield game, the Veggie Grinder is a food item renowned for its ability to replenish health by 12 points. By indulging in this substantial hoagie, players can swiftly mend their wounds and recover from the damage they've sustained. The Veggie Grinder is made up of roasted vegetables and mushrooms.

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Veggie Grinder

To obtain the Veggie Grinder, players can conveniently make their purchase from the Starfield vendor, August Bowen, who offers it for sale at The Rock. Interested explorers can locate him within Alika City.

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<![CDATA[7 Tips And Tricks For Starfield Beginners]]> Tue, 26 Sep 2023 03:12:00 +0000
While Bethesda gamers are usually very easy, new players can still find themselves lost in the gigantic world and don't know where to go.]]>

It has been a couple of weeks since Starfield was officially released for PC and Xbox consoles, and while the reviews have generally been positive, there is still a wide range of opinions. This variability in opinions is not unexpected, as Bethesda RPGs often carry a certain level of controversy.

Longtime fans of Bethesda games, who have spent decades immersed in the worlds of Fallout and The Elder Scrolls series, also have high expectations for Starfield. However, at this moment, the focus isn't on reviews or personal opinions about Starfield. Instead, it's about providing guidance, as it's no surprise that the game is intricate and challenging. These tips can be valuable for players who are still in the early stages of the game or for those who are preparing to embark on their first interstellar adventure.

1. Your Scanner Shows The Way

Another game mechanic in Starfield that lacks detailed explanation is the scanner. The left bumper on the Xbox controller serves a dual purpose. Pressing and holding it down activates a light, and releasing it turns the light off. A single press of the bumper activates the scanner, allowing players to scan various items, individuals, creatures, and locations.

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Follow your scanner

Furthermore, if players have a mission selected in the menu, the scanner will display the precise route to their destination, reminiscent of the navigation system in Dead Space, which first introduced this mechanic in 2008. Additionally, a noteworthy feature of the scanner is its ability to quickly access Photo Mode, enabling players to capture stunning screenshots.

2. Make Use Of Your Favorites

The game introduces numerous mechanics, but some are inadequately or not at all explained. One such instance is the inconvenience of having to access the menu whenever players wish to switch weapons in Starfield. There is no provision for a weapon wheel or a swift method to switch between recently used weapons.

However, players do have the option to designate both weapons and items as favorites. These favored items can then be readily accessed through a quick menu available via the D-Pad on the controller. This feature is designed to streamline the gameplay experience and reduce the time spent navigating through menus.

3. Great Early Skills

Advancing your character to the next level will grant you a skill point, which can be allocated to any of the fields within the character menu. The sheer number of available options can be overwhelming, especially when deciding where to invest early in the game. That's why, in Starfield, it's advisable to hold onto your skill points until you encounter a significant challenge.

The Hunter In Starfield
Grab a number of early game skills

However, there are two specific exceptions to this rule. If these skills weren't already granted as part of the Background bonuses, it's recommended to invest in them immediately. First, allocating a point to Security will enhance your lock-picking abilities for both doors and computers, and more importantly, it will accumulate points to automatically solve puzzles. Second, dedicating a point to Boost Pack Training will enable you to either fly or jump higher, depending on the pack you have equipped.

4. Things To Buy And Sell

Selling items can be just as challenging in Starfield as it is in other Bethesda games, primarily due to vendors having a limited amount of currency until it replenishes itself. When stores run out of money, players have the option to store items at The Lodge or in the ship's cargo hold. Additionally, while out in the field, it's advisable to utilize companions as pack mules, although their storage capacity is not infinite, they are quite eager to carry your unwanted items.

When it comes to purchasing items, players should always prioritize acquiring any available medical supplies from vendors. Med Packs, which are essential for healing HP, are the prominent items, but there are also various medicines that can cure specific ailments. These medicines are easily identifiable by their corresponding symbol and color, which match the effects they address. For instance, Antibiotics, represented in purple, can treat common afflictions. Furthermore, players should seize the opportunity to buy Digipicks for lock-picking whenever they become available in a shop in Starfield.

5. Follow The Storyline Through Into The Unknown

Selling items can be just as challenging in Starfield as it is in other Bethesda games, primarily due to vendors having a limited amount of currency until it replenishes itself. When stores run out of money, players have the option to store items at The Lodge or in the ship's cargo hold. Additionally, while out in the field, it's advisable to utilize companions as pack mules, although their storage capacity is not infinite, they are quite eager to carry your unwanted items.

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Progress the main story is recommended

When it comes to purchasing items, players should always prioritize acquiring any available medical supplies from vendors. Med Packs, which are essential for healing HP, are the prominent items, but there are also various medicines that can cure specific ailments. These medicines are easily identifiable by their corresponding symbol and color, which match the effects they address. For instance, Antibiotics, represented in purple, can treat common afflictions. Furthermore, players should seize the opportunity to buy Digipicks for lock-picking whenever they become available in a shop in Starfield.

6. Overwhelmed? Try Very Easy

Games developed by Bethesda, such as Fallout 3 or The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, feature various difficulty levels, and Starfield follows suit, offering a Very Easy setting. Among these three games, Starfield's Very Easy setting stands out as the most accommodating, making it accessible even to the most casual players.

Very Easy mode

This information is valuable to keep in mind, especially considering the overwhelming amount of information and complexity associated with Starfield in the lead-up to its release. Given the extensive nature of the game, it can seem intimidating, so players should feel comfortable utilizing the Very Easy option if they find the learning curve challenging. Furthermore, regarding tips for gameplay settings, it's advisable to follow the ABS guideline, which stands for Always Be Saving. While glitches are infrequent, they can occur, and strategically placed manual saves can mitigate potential frustrations.

7. Backgrounds And Traits

In addition to the extensive character customization options for both appearance and physique, Starfield provides a more diverse range of gameplay mechanics than any other Bethesda title. To start, players have the opportunity to select a Background, which bestows three specific skills upon their character. For instance, opting for the "Beast Hunters" background will unlock the skills of Fitness, Ballistics, and Gastronomy. It's important to note that Backgrounds come without any associated drawbacks, unlike Traits in Starfield.

The Traits Menu In Starfield
Backgrounds And Traits

For instance, the "Alien DNA" Trait enhances characters by granting them increased health and oxygen capacity, but it also reduces the effectiveness of healing items. Players can choose to incorporate up to three Traits or decide to forego them entirely, with the latter being a prudent choice in many cases. When it comes to selecting a Background, players need not dwell on it excessively; instead, it's advisable to follow their instincts and make a choice.

>>> Read more: 8 Best Starfield Companions, Ranked

<![CDATA[8 Best Starfield Companions, Ranked]]> Mon, 25 Sep 2023 15:20:00 +0000
Starfield offers over 20 companions to choose from, each with their own unique backstories, skills, and personalities. Here are the 8 best companions to recruit.]]>

Bethesda's latest release, Starfield, is an expansive game featuring an impressive array of content. It boasts more than 1000 planets, 100 star systems, and, notably, an abundance of options for players to personalize their gaming experience. Whether it's fine-tuning weapons, constructing ships, or selecting companions and crew members, Starfield offers players the opportunity to tailor their journey to their preferences. One particularly noteworthy aspect of customization is the ability to carefully curate the crew by handpicking companions.

With a selection of over 20 companions to choose from, Starfield provides players with a wealth of choices when assembling their team for their intergalactic adventure. Importantly, these companions fall into three distinct categories: Constellation companions, Secondary companions, and Hired companions. Each category comes with its own unique background stories, prerequisites, and, significantly, practical applications. Companions and crew members play a pivotal role in enhancing the overall game experience, as each of them brings a distinct perspective, personal traits, preferences, and viewpoints to the table.

Sam Coe

Within the world of Starfield, the character known as Sam Coe, the space cowboy, stands out as one of the game's most intricately developed personalities. Initially, Sam automatically becomes a part of the crew during the "Empty Nest" mission, but his true depth and complexity only become apparent as players become more acquainted with him. While there are moments when he exhibits excessive recklessness and a penchant for adventure, beneath that exterior lies a charming rogue with a strong moral compass and a sense of duty. Sam's backstory, especially concerning his daughter and family, adds a poignant dimension to his endearing character. Moreover, it's worth noting that Sam is one of the four characters in the game whom players can pursue as potential marriage partners, allowing fans of this audacious space cowboy to take their relationship with him to the next level.

Sam Coe
Sam Coe


Certainly, Andreja unquestionably ranks among Starfield's top-tier companions. She seamlessly becomes a part of the crew during the "Unknown" mission, standing out as the sole companion with a Stealth skill set maxed out, a highly advantageous trait for the team. Beyond her exceptional stealth abilities, Andreja possesses a captivating backstory, made all the more intriguing by her distant, enigmatic, and secretive demeanor. While getting to know Andreja may be a challenging endeavor, the more time spent with her, the more she gradually opens up. She harbors inner conflicts, grappling with moral dilemmas, which adds depth to her character. Notably, Andreja is one of the four companions in Starfield who players can consider as potential marriage candidates, offering an additional layer to her character's depth and complexity.

Aandreja Character Model In Starfield

Omari Hassan

Omari Hassan is a companion available for hire, and you can locate him looking for work at The Hitching Post in Akila. While his hiring fee is relatively steep, it's a worthwhile investment due to Omari's formidable defensive skills. Although his background information is somewhat sparse, Omari does reveal his primary motivation: the quest to find his family. The most compelling aspect of recruiting Omari lies in his proficiency in defensive abilities, which can significantly enhance shield efficiency and fortify ship defense, resulting in reduced damage to the vessel.

Omari Hassan
Omari Hassan

Andromeda Kepler

Andromeda Kepler possesses one of the more captivating life stories among the potential companions, although it's important to note that she is not a romance option. She is an aspiring author, diligently working on a book exploring the intricate connection between science and religion within the Starfield universe. You can find Kepler at the Broken Spear bar, situated in the Mars colony of Cydonia. She is willing to become a part of the crew for a reasonable fee, and skilled negotiators may even persuade her to accept a significantly reduced fee.

Andromeda Kepler
Andromeda Kepler

Sarah Morgan

Sarah Morgan becomes an integral part of the crew without any player intervention during the "Old Neighborhood" mission. As the de facto Chair of the Constellation, she shoulders a heavy burden of responsibilities. Additionally, Sarah embodies the classic archetype of a lawful and morally upright character, making her less suitable for individuals with intentions of lawlessness and theft across the cosmos. Nevertheless, for those who opt for a more principled approach in their gameplay, Sarah stands out as an outstanding choice for a companion. It's also worth noting that she is among the four companion characters in Starfield whom players have the option to marry.

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Sarah Morgan


Barrett is the initial Constellation member encountered in a Starfield playthrough, and he seamlessly becomes a part of the crew during the "Back to Vectera" mission. His character is richly developed, boasting a complex personality and a detailed background. While there may be companions in Starfield who excel in certain aspects, Barrett stands as a reliable choice. He is a scientist and explorer, possessing an expert-level Starship Engineering skill, and his character exudes an adventurous and somewhat steadfast disposition. In general, he comes across as endearing and supportive. Furthermore, it's worth mentioning that Barrett is among the four characters in the game whom players can consider for marriage, allowing enthusiasts of his unique eccentricity to take their relationship to the next level.

One New Starfield Update Would Keep City Maps From

Gideon Aker

Gideon Aker is a crew member renowned for his proficiency in ballistics and missile weapon systems. You can encounter him at The Viewport bar in New Atlantis. Despite his somewhat steep hiring cost of 16,500 Credits, his skills make him a valuable asset and a wise investment. This is particularly true if the player successfully passes a persuasion check, leading to a reduction in his hiring fee.

Gideon Aker
Gideon Aker


In addition to Heller, Lin is one of the initial characters encountered in the story, and she remains a somewhat underappreciated candidate for recruitment as a companion. Players can enlist her services after successfully completing the "Back to Vectera" mission. Lin brings to the crew a no-nonsense attitude and proficient engineering skills, making her a solid choice, particularly in the early stages of the game. However, it's important to note that when compared to other potential companions in Starfield, she may come across as somewhat one-dimensional.

Lin Starfield

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<![CDATA[10 Most Useful Perks To Get In Starfield]]> Mon, 25 Sep 2023 08:59:00 +0000
Here are the most valuable perks that players should consider picking in Starfield so that they can progress faster.]]>

In Starfield, there exists a multitude of Perks waiting to be unlocked, yet their potency varies. Naturally, what each player deems as more potent can differ depending on their chosen playstyle, but there are certain Perks that undeniably offer substantial benefits. Surprisingly, several of these formidable Perks can be acquired relatively early in the game.

Starfield features diverse character builds, but regardless of the path you select, Perks drawn from all Skill Trees hold value. Omitted from the list provided below are Perks tailored to specific player preferences, such as those linked to particular weapon certifications. Instead, the focus here is on Perks that wield considerable power, regardless of your chosen character build.

1. Special Projects

The Special Projects Science Perk, situated at Tier 4, provides the ability to create items and experimental contrivances that would typically lie beyond one's reach. Its strength lies in the supplementary enhancement possibilities it offers, as well as the opportunity to generate surplus resources. This Perk holds the greatest potential for individuals aspiring to construct a thriving commercial empire within the world of Starfield, leading to substantial credit earnings.

Special Projects

2. Persuasion/Intimidation

Persuasion and Intimidation are potent Social Perks that achieve similar outcomes, albeit through slightly distinct approaches. Persuasion typically proves more advantageous when you need to diplomatically navigate challenging circumstances, while the ability to intimidate an NPC into retreat can also be valuable. Regardless of the chosen path, these Perks provide the means to influence the behavior of NPCs, allowing you to circumvent combat situations. It's worth noting that obtaining both is feasible, as Persuasion is found in Tier 1, and Intimidation is available in Tier 2.

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3. Instigation

Instigation serves as another avenue for influencing NPCs and falls under the category of a Tier 3 Social Perk. However, this particular Perk empowers you to explicitly instruct the NPC to eliminate all of their companions. Since it's the NPC carrying out the action, it theoretically allows you to distance yourself from culpability, though that interpretation might be a stretch. Nevertheless, for individuals keen on evading combat or constructing characters centered on Social Skills in the Starfield universe, this Perk can enable others to engage in combat on your behalf.

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4. Leadership

The Leadership Perk holds significant potency, especially for those who have chosen the Extrovert Trait in Starfield. Positioned as a Tier 3 Social Skill, Leadership enhances the capabilities of your Companions, fortifying their resilience and competence as their Ranks advance. Furthermore, it amplifies the bonuses they confer when accompanying you, establishing it as an essential Perk for anyone who frequently travels alongside a Companion.

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5. Boost Pack Training/Boost Assault Training

The Boost Pack Training and Boost Assault Training Perks are grouped together due to their direct interdependence, significantly enhancing both exploration and combat effectiveness on planets. Without the initial Tier 1 Tech Perk, Boost Pack Training, you won't be able to utilize any Boost capabilities offered by Gear Pieces. Boosting facilitates easier and faster traversal across planets, aiding in stamina recovery during airborne maneuvers.

Boost Pack Training/Boost Assault Training

However, when combined with the Tier 4 Boost Assault Training, this Perk combination becomes even more formidable. The second Perk enables players to inflict damage on foes simply by executing a boost into the air, with a chance of igniting them. Subsequent Ranks amplify these abilities, potentially causing enemies to be knocked down, granting hovering capabilities, and even introducing a time-slowing effect.

6. Rejuvenation

The Rejuvenation Perk, positioned as the second Tier 4 Perk within the Physical Skill Tree, facilitates accelerated health regeneration when not engaged in combat, and this regeneration rate increases with each Rank. Upon reaching Rank 4, you gain the added ability to replenish health even during combat situations. This represents a viable strategy for crafting an exceptionally resilient character who becomes significantly more challenging for adversaries to defeat. Consequently, players will find this Perk appealing, regardless of their chosen character build, as it underscores the importance of maintaining good health.

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7. Stealth/Concealment

Concealment and Stealth are distinct Perks found within the Physical Skill Tree, both bearing significant effectiveness for similar reasons. They greatly enhance one's abilities in theft and covert actions. In the pursuit of unlocking the Concealment Perk, which resides in Tier 4, you will likely obtain the Tier 1 Stealth Perk as part of your progression.

The Concealment Perk amplifies the advantages of heightened stealth, enabling you to inflict more damage and maintain undetected movement, rendering all the accrued Stealth bonuses highly rewarding. Moreover, the ultimate Rank of this Perk offers the added benefit of causing adversaries to lose track of your presence.

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8. Weight Lifting

Weight Lifting stands out as a Perk that nearly every player will prioritize obtaining right away, given that it's the sole legitimate means of permanently augmenting your carry capacity in Starfield, without resorting to cheats. This Perk falls under the Tier 1 category in the Physical Skill Tree, augmenting your capacity with progressively greater increments for each Rank attained.

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Weight Lifting

Additionally, the final Rank offers the bonus of rendering you more resilient against being staggered. This resistance can prove critical in combat scenarios, irrespective of your chosen playthrough style.

9. Piloting

Piloting, another Tier 1 Tech Skill, boasts substantial potency, particularly in its higher Ranks, which grant the ability to operate the top-tier spacecraft in Starfield. Even its initial Ranks offer practical benefits, enabling your ships to utilize thrusters and exhibit improved maneuverability. The amalgamation of these two attributes solidifies Piloting as a formidable Perk. Possessing a high-quality spacecraft with swift mobility holds inherent value regardless of your intended pursuits, as it enhances both evasion and combat capabilities.


10. Security

Security is classified as a Tier 1 Tech Skill in Starfield, which implies that you can attain it at an early stage, possibly even before concluding the initial mission if you select it as part of your character background. This Perk wields significant influence by substantially enhancing your proficiency with Digipicks, which can be relatively scarce in the game's early stages. This skill, in turn, simplifies the process of unlocking doors and safes, granting you access to superior and higher-tier loot at an earlier point in the game. Consequently, you can discover better items for personal use or to sell for profit.


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<![CDATA[Which Traits Should You Choose In Starfield?]]> Mon, 18 Sep 2023 06:56:00 +0000
Picking the right traits from the start would allow players to have an easier time in Starfield.]]>

Similar to many other modern RPGs, Starfield incorporates a diverse array of interconnected systems that define the player's customizable character and influence the bonuses and abilities they'll enjoy throughout their gameplay. One of these systems is the Traits system, which players will become acquainted with in the early stages of the game as they decide on their character's Background and appearance.

Starfield Concept Art

Traits differ somewhat from skills in that they place greater emphasis on the character's attributes and relationships rather than their active abilities. Players can select up to three active Traits at a time, some of which will grant them new dialogue options and rewards. Fortunately, in Starfield, it's possible to change or remove a trait with some effort, so while it's crucial to carefully consider which Traits to pick, players aren't committed to their choices for the entirety of their playthrough.

Which are the Best Starting Traits in Starfield?

When embarking on a new playthrough, players will be presented with a selection of 17 different Traits. Determining the optimal Traits in Starfield can be a bit challenging, as each one comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. For instance, players may opt for a lavish home but will be required to make regular payments until their mortgage is completely settled. They can also cultivate strong relations with a particular faction, but this may inevitably strain their interactions with other groups. Consequently, there's a compelling argument to be made for abstaining from selecting any starting Traits at all, given that each one carries its own drawbacks. Nevertheless, there are a handful of Traits that are not as double-edged as the rest.

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Best Starting Traits


The Extrovert trait is advantageous as it reduces the oxygen consumption for players when exerting themselves while traveling with a human companion, but it increases it when they are alone. Considering that a significant portion of Starfield's main story missions involve collaborating with companions, Extrovert emerges as a strong and among the top Traits in Starfield.

Hero Worshipped

The Hero Worshipped trait grants players an "Adoring Fan" character, who can be quite bothersome, especially during their initial introduction. However, they do come bearing gifts and may even extend an invitation to join the player's crew. If players become exasperated with their presence, they have the option to assign them to an outpost or a seldom-visited location to avoid the constant adoration. In reality, though, the annoyance factor is relatively low since players won't spend much time with them anyway.

Raised Enlightened

"Raised Enlightened" is one of the two religious Traits that allows players to access a unique chest filled with valuable items in New Atlantis. The other option is "Raised Universal." Opting for either of these Traits will exclude players from accessing the chest associated with the opposite religion. However, if players decide not to choose either Trait, they won't be able to unlock either chest. Therefore, there's a compelling argument for selecting one of these Traits, particularly considering how straightforward it is to remove them after opening the chests.

Every Starting Trait in Starfield

Trait Effect
Alien DNA You volunteered for a controversial experiment that combines alien and human DNA. As a result, you start with increased health and oxygen but healing and food items aren't as effective.
Dream Home You own a luxurious, customizable house on a peaceful planet! Unfortunately, it comes with a 125,000 Credit mortgage with GalBank that has to be paid weekly.
Empath You are deeply connected to the feelings of others. Performing actions your companion likes will result in a temporary increase in combat effectiveness. But, performing actions they don't like will have the precise opposite effect.
Extrovert You're a people person. Exerting yourself uses less oxygen when adventuring with human companions, but more when adventuring alone (Can't be combined with Introvert).
Fresstar Collective Settler You gain access to special Freestar Collective dialogue options and better rewards from some missions given by the faction. But, crime bounty towards other factions is greatly increased (Can't be combined with any other faction allegiance trait).
Hero Worshipped You've earned the attention of an annoying "Adoring Fan" who will show up randomly and jabber at you incessantly. On the plus side, he'll join your ship's crew and give you gifts...
Introvert You really need your alone time. Exerting yourself uses less oxygen when adventuring alone, but more when exploring with other human companions (Can't be combined with Extrovert).
Kid Stuff Your parents are alive and well, and you can visit them at their home. But you will automatically send 2% of your Credits home to them every week.
Neon Street Rat You grew up on the mean streets of Neon. You gain access to special dialogue options and better rewards from some missions on Neon. Crime bounty by other factions is greatly increased (Can't be combined with any other faction allegiance trait).
Raised Enlightened You grew up as a member of the Enlightened. You gain access to a special chest full of items in the House of the Enlightened in New Atlantis, but lose access to the Sanctum Universum chest (Can't be combined with any other religion trait).
Raised Universal You grew up as a member of the Sanctum Universum. You gain access to a special chest full of items in the Sanctum Universum in New Atlantis, but lose access to the House of the Enlightened chest (Can't be combined with any other religion trait).
Serpent's Embrace You grew up worshipping the Great Serpent. Grav jumping provides a temporary boost to health and oxygen, but health and oxygen are lowered if you don't continue jumping regularly - like an addiction (Can't be combined with any other religion trait).
Spaced Your body has become acclimated to space. Health and oxygen are increased when in space but decreased when on the surface (Can't be combined with Terra Firma).
Taskmaster Occasionally, if you have crew trained in a certain ship system, that system will automatically repair itself to full health whenever it is damaged below 50%. However, all crew cost twice as much to hire.
Terra Firma You've never acclimated to space. Health and oxygen are increased when on the surface but decreased when you're in space (Can't be combined with Spaced).
United Colonies Native You gain access to special United Colonies dialogue options and better rewards from some missions given by the faction. However, crime bounty by other factions is greatly increased (Can't be combined with any other faction allegiance trait).
Wanted Someone put a price on your head and word has spread. Occasionally, armed mercenaries will show up and try to kill you, but being cornered gives you an edge - when your health is low, you do extra damage.

Removing Traits in Starfield

Those who are anxious about making permanent choices regarding Starfield Traits can find solace in the fact that their decisions are not set in stone. This flexibility stems from the ability to remove any Trait in Starfield, although the process for removal can vary depending on the specific Trait. For instance, eliminating a religion-based Trait necessitates a conversation with a representative from the chosen religion to express doubts. Similarly, Traits like Introvert and Extrovert can be taken off by consulting with pastors, preachers, or priests.

However, it's worth noting that certain Starfield Traits can only be relinquished by resorting to violence against the individuals associated with them. As such, those who wish to avoid bloodshed might want to steer clear of these particular Traits.

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<![CDATA[7 Starfield Easter Eggs To Other Bethesda Games]]> Sat, 16 Sep 2023 02:36:36 +0000
Starfield actually has a lot of references to Bethesda's other titles.]]>

Bethesda has a penchant for incorporating clever easter eggs into their games, and Starfield is no exception. Given that Starfield is a fresh addition to Bethesda's portfolio, while also competing with their beloved franchises like Fallout and The Elder Scrolls, it's only natural that this new game would include nods and references to their previous works. Starfield indeed boasts a collection of noteworthy easter eggs from Bethesda, and within the vast expanse of its galaxy, it's certain that more will come to light.

These easter eggs in Starfield by Bethesda encompass a wide range of elements, including familiar characters, voices, memorable moments, or even names that will undoubtedly evoke a sense of nostalgia among fans of Bethesda's gaming universe. Whether these references elicit feelings of delight or apprehension, they serve as a testament to Bethesda's commitment to their legacy.

1. Ulfric Stormcloak, Crimson Fleet Member

In this intriguing twist within a new franchise, Ulfric Stormcloak, previously known for his role as the High King and his involvement in the civil war between the Imperials and Stormcloaks in Skyrim, has now assumed the position of a cruise ship captain among the stars. Within the Crimson Fleet faction quest line, players embark on the "Breaking the Bank" quest, where they receive assistance from a former Crimson Fleet member named Evgeny Rokov. Interestingly, Evgeny Rokov is concealing his true identity by posing as the captain of the luxurious Trident spaceship.

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Upon initiating a conversation with Evgeny Rokov in the world of Starfield, players may notice a striking similarity between his deep and gruff voice and that of Ulfric Stormcloak, who was once the Jarl of Windhelm. The inclusion of Vladimir Kulich's voice in Starfield is a welcome nod to fans, and the character's appearance bears striking resemblance to Ulfric himself.

2. Delvin Mallory, Thieves Guild Member To Prison Inmate

As players embark on their journey into the Crimson Fleet, their initial mission will be to undertake the "Echoes of the Past" quest. In this assignment, players will traverse an icy planet alongside key figures from the Crimson Fleet, with the objective of infiltrating "The Lock," an abandoned penitentiary once under the control of the United Colonies. Deep within the confines of this prison, players will come across a computer housing an archive known as the "Prisoner Records."

Within these records, players can peruse a roster of inmates, each with unfamiliar names and their respective status. However, one particular prisoner will undoubtedly draw their attention: Delvin Mallory, a character some players may recall as a member of the Thieves Guild in Skyrim.

3. Arrow In The Knee

The well-known line uttered by Skyrim's Guards makes a return in Starfield, albeit in a different form – as a skill icon. Players may fondly recall the Skyrim guards saying, "I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I took an arrow in the knee," a phrase that captured the internet's fascination back in 2011. This iconic phrase has been immortalized within Starfield, where players must delve into the Crippling skill within the Combat section and seek out Rank 3.

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Arrow In The Knee

The Rank 3 symbol for the Crippling skill features an arrow quite literally lodged into a human knee. It serves as a humorous Easter egg paying homage to Skyrim within the world of Starfield, and it's likely to remain associated with Bethesda for the foreseeable future, given how widely recognized and quoted that famous line still is.

4. Fallout 4’s Diamond City

Another nod to the Fallout series appears in the form of an Old Earth Baseball artifact that players can discover throughout the galaxy, including their initial ship, the Frontier. Upon closer examination, this item features a baseball perched on a pyramid stand, accompanied by a plaque that bears the inscription, "Play off baseball circa 1978 Old Earth Boston." Notably, Boston served as a prominent location in Fallout 4, with Diamond City acting as a central hub within the game.

It's a delightful experience to encounter Old Earth Boston once more within the Starfield universe, providing an enjoyable reference for players. While we may hope to stumble upon a Vault teeming with cloned Garys or a set of power armor designed to alleviate carry capacity burdens in the future, for now, the discovery of a baseball serves as a satisfying homage.

5. Belethor Returns As A Scavenger

Another accomplished voice actor making a return appearance in Starfield is Stephen Russell, renowned for lending his voice to numerous Skyrim NPCs, such as Belethor. However, some players may also recognize Stephen Russell for his portrayal of Nick Valentine, the synthetic detective in Fallout 4's Diamond City. In the world of Starfield, Russell takes on the role of a single character, Captain Petrov, as opposed to his extensive work voicing hundreds of NPCs.

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Captain Petrov stands out as an idiosyncratic and somewhat morally ambiguous figure, one who takes great pride in his collection of rare and scavenged items from various corners of the galaxy. Whether it's a 20th-century computer or an enigmatic Artifact with mysterious properties, Petrov's desire to possess it is insatiable, and he guards his acquisitions fiercely. This marks a departure from the character Belethor, who was known for his mercenary attitude, even going as far as claiming he'd sell his own sister if he had one.

6. Ron Hope, The Imperial City Guard

If players make their way to HopeTown, there's a good chance they'll encounter Ron Hope, the CEO of HopeTech. This character plays a crucial role in the Freestar Collective's story missions, especially when players set out to investigate a stolen HopeTech vessel as a Freestar Ranger. Meeting Ron Hope will likely trigger a sense of familiarity, as his voice talent is none other than Wes Johnson, known for voicing Sheogorath and the Imperial City guards in Oblivion.

Ron Hope's vocal delivery aligns more with the casual conversations of an Imperial City Guard rather than the boisterously mad Sheogorath. It's a delight to witness this talent featured in Starfield, serving as a noteworthy nod to Bethesda's tradition of incorporating their voice actors in unexpected roles throughout their games.

7. The Adoring Fan

One of the most conspicuous references in Starfield is the reappearance of a familiar character: the Adoring Fan. This character originally hails from The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion, where players, upon achieving the title of Arena Grand Champion in the Imperial City, found themselves incessantly shadowed by the Adoring Fan. This young and quirky character, known for their outlandish hairstyle, would dutifully accompany the player and fulfill their every request.

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The Adoring Fan

The Adoring Fan's unwavering affection for the player character has transcended into this new series. Voiced by the same actor, Craig Sechler, the Adoring Fan returns in Starfield, offering a blend of nostalgia and, perhaps, even heightened annoyance. To locate the Adoring Fan in Starfield, players will need to possess the Hero Worshiped Trait.

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<![CDATA[The Best Weapons in Starfield And Where to Find Them]]> Wed, 13 Sep 2023 02:47:57 +0000
Here are the weapons you should try to get in Starfield.]]>

In Starfield, most of the weapons encountered by players are randomly obtained, featuring different stats and modifications in each playthrough. Nevertheless, there are special firearms that every player can obtain, either by finishing specific side quests or main storyline missions or by visiting various weapon vendors scattered throughout the game.

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The top-tier weapons in Starfield serve as invaluable assets for players as they explore the vast universe, enabling them to dispatch their adversaries with grace and efficiency. Furthermore, these firearms and melee weapons are excellent choices for customization, with many of them already equipped with multiple modifications when initially acquired by players.

Fiscal Quarter (Rifle)

The Fiscal Quarter stands as a unique rifle awarded to players by Walter Stroud upon completing the main story mission, "All That Money Can Buy." To initiate this quest, players must have a conversation with Walter at the Lodge after finishing "Into the Unknown." To successfully finish the quest, players must assist Walter in obtaining the Artifact from Neon and then ensuring his safe return to their ship after resolving matters with Slayton.

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The Best Weapons in Starfield


Unrestrained Vengeance (Laser Rifle)

Players will obtain the Unrestrained Vengeance laser rifle if they manage to defeat the Hunter during the main story mission "High Price to Pay." Achieving this requires players to reduce his health to zero once, causing him to temporarily vanish. Although he may reappear later, as long as players can defeat him at least once, he will reward them with the Rare laser rifle and some credits when they return to their ship and depart.

Gallow's Reach (Rifle)

In the main story mission "No Sudden Moves," players will be tasked with acquiring Captain Petrov's vault key. Once obtained, instead of proceeding directly to the vault as directed, players have the option to explore Petrov's quarters by entering the door behind him. Inside, above a contraband safe, players will discover the Rare rifle known as Gallow's Reach. This weapon stands out as one of the top choices among unique Starfield firearms, particularly at this stage of the game.

Experiment A-7 (Shotgun)

Experiment A-7 is a Rare shotgun available to players during their exploration of the Nishina Research Station distress signal in the "Entangled" main story mission. About halfway through the mission, a security guard named Ethan will provide players with this weapon. It proves to be one of the most effective firearms in Starfield for dealing with alien threats.

Eternity's Gate (Particle Beam Rifle)

Eternity's Gate is a Legendary particle beam rifle, widely considered the top-tier weapon in Starfield and among the most coveted firearms in the game. Players can acquire this weapon by defeating the Emissary at the Buried Temple, an opportunity that arises only if they decide to align with the Hunter during the "Unearthed" main story mission, or opt for neutrality.

The Last Priest (Melee)

Obtaining The Last Priest requires players to finish the side quest "Infinity's End," an event that can only be initiated by aligning with the Hunter during the conclusion of the "Unearthed" main story mission. Players will receive this Rare melee weapon by complying with the Hunter's requests or by successfully persuading him that they have, even if they haven't actually fulfilled his demands.

Unmitigated Violence (Laser Rifle)

Unmitigated Violence serves as the primary weapon of the Hunter, making it unsurprising that it ranks among the finest firearms in Starfield. Players have the opportunity to acquire this Legendary laser rifle by defeating the Hunter at the Buried Temple, a possibility that becomes unavailable if players opt to align with him in the conclusion of the "Unearthed" main story mission. Consequently, those desiring to obtain his firearm should instead choose to side with the Emissary or remain neutral.

Sir Livingstone's Pistol (Pistol)

Starfield Best Weapons Pistol
Sir Livingstone's Pistol (Pistol)

While Sir Livingstone's Pistol may not rank as the top firearm in Starfield, it carries significant sentimental worth. To acquire it, players must have chosen the "Kid's Stuff" trait at the beginning of the game. If they made this selection, they should align with Constellation and subsequently visit their parents in the Residential District of New Atlantis. Their digital father will express immense pride and gift them Sir Livingstone's Pistol.

Justifier (Rifle)

Similar to obtaining the Deadeye, players will access the Justifier by progressing through the Freestar Collective questline. Marshall Blake will present it to them upon completing "The Hammer Falls" mission, regardless of the earlier decision made concerning Ron Hope's fate. This reward package also includes various other items, such as a new attire and the Star Eagle spaceship. It's worth mentioning that the player's previous choice within the mission does not influence the ultimate reward.

Heller's Cutter (Heavy)

Heller's Cutter can be discovered in a crate located on Vectera, the moon where Starfield's story commences. Players won't have access to it during their initial visit, but they will have the opportunity to revisit the Narion system after delivering the Artifact to Constellation. Upon returning, they can then locate Heller's Cutter inside a crate.

Deadeye (Pistol)

The Deadeye stands out as one of Starfield's visually appealing unique weapons and happens to be one of the most straightforward to acquire. Players can do so by accepting Marshall Blake's invitation to become a deputy in the Deputized side quest for the Freestar Collective in Akila City. Along with the firearm, they'll also receive a Deputy Hat and Ranger Deputy Uniform, allowing them to fulfill their space cowboy (or cowgirl) aspirations at last.

Keelhauler (Pistol)

Players receive the Keelauler as a prize upon successfully finishing the "Echoes of the Past" side mission. This mission is initiated when players enter United Colonies airspace with contraband aboard their ship or have a bounty on their heads, followed by the completion of the "Deep Cover" quest.

Peacekeeper (Rifle)

With sufficient time spent in the Altair system, players will eventually receive a distress signal from an individual known as Private Mahoney, initiating the Groundpounder side quest. To successfully finish it, they must travel to Altair II's Freestar Collective Research Outpost and confront a group of Spacers. In return for their efforts, players will be rewarded with the Peacekeeper.

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<![CDATA[Best Planets To Build Outposts In Starfield]]> Mon, 11 Sep 2023 01:29:34 +0000
Outposts are useful structures that players need to build in Starfield.]]>

Creating outposts is a major highlight in Starfield, offering players the opportunity to explore numerous planets and establish their presence on them, ranging from a cozy residence to a trading hub or even an advanced research facility. However, it's crucial to be discerning when selecting a suitable location, as not all planets are equally suitable.

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Starfield encompasses approximately 100 inhabitable planets


Identifying the optimal locations for outposts in Starfield isn't a fixed process. Due to the significant role of procedural generation in the game, each player's experience will be unique, making it challenging to pinpoint any single outpost location as superior to others. Instead of specifying exact spots, this guide will focus on how to discover the most suitable planets for building your outposts.

Where to Build Outposts in Starfield

With a multitude of planets and a high degree of unpredictability in Starfield, the ideal location for constructing an outpost will ultimately hinge on players' preferences and requirements. The following offers a general set of guidelines to consider when seeking a suitable site for building.

Starfield Character Creation
Build Outposts


When strategizing the establishment of an outpost, players must prioritize the availability of resources as their foremost concern. The primary allure of outpost construction lies in automated resource extraction, making it sensible to construct a base atop any mineral deposit on a given planet. Furthermore, the actual construction process necessitates a substantial quantity of raw materials. Therefore, it's advisable to seek out a planet featuring one (or multiple) of the following frequently-used construction materials:

  • Fe (Iron)
  • Ni (Nickel)
  • Al (Aluminum)
  • Cu (Copper)
  • Be (Beryllium)

Before making planetfall, always perform a preliminary scan of the planet to identify regions with specific resource deposits. Subsequently, designate a custom marker on the planet's surface to establish a landing zone that encompasses all the minerals indicated on the map within its vicinity.

Additionally, when in the process of planet selection, factor in the indigenous plant and animal life. These life forms can be harvested for raw materials that prove invaluable for crafting and research endeavors.

Environmental Conditions

Certain planets exhibit higher levels of hostility compared to others, necessitating players to invest Skill Points into the Planetary Habitation skill before establishing settlements on them. It's advisable to steer clear of locales characterized by adverse conditions such as toxic atmospheres or exceptionally high gravity.

Starfield Kreet

However, it's important not to entirely dismiss these planets from consideration, as some of them might boast abundant rare resource deposits, which could prove challenging to locate elsewhere.

Planet Location

Opting to construct an outpost within a star system proximate to one of Starfield's major cities might be the most prudent choice. Erecting a base in a remote location could potentially curtail swift travel capabilities, as spacecrafts possess finite grav drive fuel. While this doesn't pose a significant issue since ship fuel isn't a concern, it will inevitably extend travel times between different destinations.


Furthermore, it is essential to conduct thorough assessments of all the planets within a given solar system to ascertain whether they possess the necessary resources and conditions conducive to establishing the most optimal outpost. Establishing a network of outposts in close proximity to each other can offer a highly convenient means of efficiently managing trade and logistical operations.

How Many Starfield Planets Support Life

In spite of its expansive galaxy available for exploration, Starfield encompasses approximately 100 inhabitable planets inhabited by various life forms, constituting roughly 10% of the game's entire galaxy. Among these planets, some solely sustain indigenous wildlife, whereas others may host intelligent life forms. (It's worth noting that even uninhabitable worlds remain valuable for resource acquisition and outpost establishment.)

Unlike games such as No Man's Sky, the presence of alien wildlife on Starfield planets is not subject to randomization. The developers have made it clear that players will encounter living creatures native to the particular Star System they are exploring.

How to Build an Outpost in Starfield

Players can commence outpost construction almost immediately, with this option becoming accessible upon delivering the artifact to Constellation at the game's outset. Afterward, players only need to identify a suitable location and activate the hand scanner by pressing either the LB button (Xbox) or the F key (PC). Subsequently, they simply need to press the X button (Xbox) or the R key (PC) to deploy an outpost beacon and confirm its placement in order to initiate outpost construction.

Starfield Skill System

When it comes to determining what qualifies as an appropriate outpost site, there are a few factors for players to take into account. Firstly, they cannot establish an outpost within the confines of an existing outpost or settlement, nor can they do so on planets and moons with extreme weather conditions initially. Nevertheless, by unlocking and enhancing the Planetary Habitation skill, they can circumvent this latter restriction while also increasing the total number of outposts they can establish.

Starfield Combat
Planetary Habitation skill

Constructing a basic outpost in Starfield typically involves configuring it for resource extraction, which necessitates two essential components: a resource extractor and an energy source. While a limited quantity of the mined resource can be stored within the extractor, players may opt to establish a storage system to prevent the container from reaching capacity. Alternatively, they can construct a Transfer Container, facilitating the retrieval of freshly mined resources while aboard their ship.

Starfield Newatlantis
Constructing a basic outpost in Starfield

To achieve this, players need to create an output link from the extractor to the Transfer Container, enabling resources to be automatically transferred. Subsequently, they can access their ship's cargo hold menu and toggle between linked Transfer Containers by pressing either the LB button (Xbox) or the F key (PC). If players intend to have multiple Transfer Containers, renaming Starfield outposts is advisable to facilitate easy differentiation.

While your buildings will clearly need to be able to withstand the potentially hostile atmosphere of the planet you choose to set up base on, that doesn't mean that you need to scrimp on the furniture or decorations and items.

>>> Read more: Which Traits Should You Choose In Starfield?

<![CDATA[The Best Engines And Warp Drives In Starfield]]> Sat, 09 Sep 2023 06:43:10 +0000
Players need to get the right Grav drives and engines in order to gain the best performance.]]>

The Best Engines

Undoubtedly, the most critical enhancement gamers can incorporate into their Starfield spaceship is a top-notch Engine. Engines play a pivotal role not just in propelling the ship swiftly but also in its crucial function of maneuvering during combat situations. When selecting an Engine, players should primarily prioritize the Engine's maneuvering thrust statistic. A greater thrust translates to the ship's ability to swiftly evade enemy gunfire.

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The Best Engines


Furthermore, players have the option to equip multiple Engines until the ship reaches its maximum power capacity of 12. Given that each Engine provides up to four power units, it's highly probable that players will utilize between three to six Engines on each Starfield ship.

SAL-6330 Engine

If players don't encounter any weight-related concerns during their ship construction, it is highly advisable to opt for SAL-6330 Engines. Players have the capacity to incorporate a maximum of six Engines, and each one bestows an impressive 18,000 units of Engine thrust along with 7,800 units of maneuvering thrust to the ship. Utilizing all SAL-6330 Engines within a single ship will yield the highest possible thrust attainable in the Starfield universe.

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However, it's worth noting that the SAL-6330 Engine is not widely favored due to its limited availability; only a few vendors offer it once players reach level 60. Moreover, players will need to outfit their ship with a Class C reactor to effectively manage and operate multiple SAL-6330 Engines.

Class Max Power Engine Thrust Maneuvering Thrust
C 2 18000 7800
Mass Requirements Locations
340 Rank 4 Starship Design, Class C Reactor Akila City, Stroud-Elkund Strayard, Hopetown, Red Mile, Neon

Amun Dunn X-300 Engine

Upon reaching level 60, players gain access to two exceptional Engines in Starfield: the Amun Dunn X-300 and the SAL-6330. These engines stand out as the top choices, each offering distinct advantages tailored to players' specific requirements.

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Grav Drive Starfield Close Up

The Amun Dunn X-300 Engine boasts a slightly lower Engine and maneuvering thrust compared to the SAL-6330 Engine but significantly excels in terms of weight reduction. Furthermore, the Amun Dunn X-300 enjoys widespread popularity as it is readily available at nearly every technician's shop in the Starfield universe.

Class Max Power Engine Thrust Maneuvering Thrust
C 3 25890 8400
Mass Requirements Locations
336 Rank 4 Starship Design, Class C Reactor New Atlantis, Akila City, Stroud-Elkund Strayard, Cydonia, Gagarin Landing, Hopetown, Red Mile, The Den, Deimos Strayard, New Homestead

Poseidon DT230 Engine

This serves as a compelling illustration of why Class B Engines aren't advisable at this stage of the game. Upon reaching level 57, players also gain access to the Poseidon DT230 Engine, which offers more than twice the maneuvering thrust compared to the Dunn-71 Engine. The Poseidon DT230 emerges as a superb option to contemplate when selecting an Engine for end-game purposes. Despite the impressive array of statistics it boasts, it does exhibit slightly lower performance than the subsequent Engines in this lineup.

Class Max Power Engine Thrust Maneuvering Thrust
C 4 34520 11600
Mass Requirements Locations
334 Rank 4 Starship Design, Class C Reactor New Atlantis, Stroud-Elkund Strayard, Cydonia, Gagarin Landing, The Den, Deimos Strayard, New Homestead, Neon

Best Ship Grav Drive

When constructing spacecraft in Starfield, identifying the optimal Grav Drive stands as a pivotal endeavor. Fortunately, most of the top-tier Grav Drives can be procured in New Atlantis, a starting region within Starfield. Clearly, even after the installation of the finest Grav Drive, shipbuilders should maintain a comprehensive understanding of the interplay between Grav Drives and Fuel Tanks to facilitate navigation through Starfield's systems.

Starfield Space Combat
Starfield Space Combat

To streamline the process of locating the finest Grav Drive, players should prioritize those with exceptional Grav Jump Thrust statistics, exemplified by the J-52 Gamma, boasting an astonishing 50 Grav Jump Thrust.

Apollo GV300 Grav Drive

Providing an impressive Grav Jump Thrust of 50 while maintaining a lower Mass compared to other Grav Drives possessing equivalent capabilities, the Apollo GV300 emerges as a strong contender for the title of the finest Grav Drive in Starfield.

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With such capabilities at their disposal, players can effortlessly leap across multiple systems, enabling them to embark on extended journeys and explore the more remote and challenging regions of Starfield. It becomes imperative for players to outfit all their ships with the Apollo GV300 as soon as they attain level 52 and gain access to this exceptional Grav Drive.

Class Max Power Grav Jump Thrust Mass
C 11 50 144
Requirements Locations
Rank 4 Starship Design, Class C Reactor New Atlantis, Akila City, The Key, Stroud-Elkund Strayard, Cydonia, Gagarin Landing, Hopetown, Paradiso, Red Mile, The Den, Deimos Strayard, New Homestead, Neon, The Eleos Retreat

J-52 Gamma Grav Drive

For players in search of maximum power, the J-52 Gamma Grav Drive stands out as the top choice for achieving the highest Grav Jump Thrust in Starfield. Similar to all the advanced Grav Drives available in the late stages of the game, the J-52 Gamma Grav Drive becomes accessible to players at level 52 and can be readily found in the inventory of nearly every Technician throughout the galaxies. It represents an outstanding Grav Drive, with only the Apollo GV300 surpassing it by a small margin in terms of performance.

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Grav Drive
Class Max Power Grav Jump Thrust Mass
C 11 50 154
Requirements Locations
Rank 4 Starship Design, Class C Reactor New Atlantis, Akila City, The Key, Stroud-Elkund Strayard, Cydonia, Gagarin Landing, Hopetown, Paradiso, Red Mile, The Den, Deimos Strayard, New Homestead, Neon, The Eleos Retreat

NG340 Grav Drive

In terms of power, the NG340 Grav Drive and the SGD 3300 share a similarity with both boasting a Grav Jump Thrust of 45. Nevertheless, the NG340 Grav Drive takes the lead in this comparison due to its lower Mass and fewer requirements. Additionally, players gain access to the NG340 Grav Drive at level 48 within the Starfield game, which is four levels ahead of when they can locate the SGD 3300 in stores.

That's why this Grav Drive is so useful and can contribute a lot to the ship's performance.

Class Max Power Grav Jump Thrust Mass
C 12 45 130
Requirements Locations
Rank 3 Starship Design, Class C Reactor New Atlantis, Cydonia, Gagarin Landing, The Den, New Homestead

>>> Read more: Which Traits Should You Choose In Starfield?

<![CDATA[How to Use the Ship Builder in Starfield]]> Fri, 08 Sep 2023 01:22:32 +0000
Building a ship is one of the most satisfying mechanics in Starfield.]]>

Similar to many other aspects found in Starfield, the system enabling players to construct and modify their own spacecraft is both captivating and puzzling. Initially, using this system might feel counterintuitive and occasionally awkward. However, once mastered, the potential appears limitless. Starfield takes pride in being a game that's challenging to set boundaries for, and after players become accustomed to its 'hands-off' approach, the Ship Builder reflects this approach just as effectively as any other game mechanic.

This guide aims to provide players with a general understanding of the Ship Builder mechanism, along with valuable advice to aid in crafting optimal ships for various play styles. Whether one intends to wreak havoc as a space pirate in inhabited systems or simply seeks tranquil exploration, the path to creating the ideal ship is outlined here.

How to Use the Ship Builder in Starfield

A significant portion of the pre-launch coverage regarding the Ship Builder mechanism suggested that it would be most appropriate for the later stages of the game. Fortunately for newcomers, this statement is only partly accurate. Players will have access to the Ship Builder system right from the point they reach New Atlantis, which takes place quite early in Starfield's main narrative.

Ship Services Technician

To engage with this feature, players simply need to visit a Ship Services Technician, conveniently located at virtually all major spaceports within the game. The initial one can be found in New Atlantis, and it's designed in such a way that players won't overlook it, as Starfield takes care to draw attention to these technicians.

Essential Tips for Building Ships:

Upon reaching the designated Ship Services Technician, engage in conversation with them and then opt for 'I wish to view and modify my ships.' This action will lead the player to the Ship Overview menu, from where they can opt to upgrade a ship or delve into the more intricate 'Ship Builder' system. If the player possesses multiple ships, they can utilize the LB or RB buttons to navigate to the desired choice and press X to access the Ship Builder.

Starfield X Wing
Ship Overview menu

Upon initial entry into the Ship Builder, it's crucial to observe the following aspects:

Familiarize yourself with the tools located at the lower part of the screen. There exist three essential 'bars' of information that are pivotal to any construction. Starting from the lowest point, these are:

  • The ship's current statistics, displaying the overall impact of new components.
  • Command Directory, providing button prompts for navigating the Ship Builder.
  • Error/Nominal Check, detailing any issues in the ongoing construction.

Cursor and Information Panel: Utilize the cursor to hover over each section of the ship, unveiling information about each module on the left side. Critical modules like Grav Drives and Reactors will present vital factors such as classification and any requisite skills, alongside the foundational statistics of each item.

Starfield Spaceship Combat
Starfield Spaceship Combat

Once the player comprehends the fundamental operations of the Ship Builder, they can ready themselves to implement their initial modifications. The Ship Builder can be considered an advanced rendition of Starfield's ship enhancement system. Every module will feature a list of available choices, many of which will surpass the current versions on the ship.

Basic Instructions for Ship Building:

At present, the sole known method to initiate the creation of a ship from the ground up involves deleting an existing owned ship within the ship builder. To achieve this, press the LB button to highlight all elements, followed by pressing X to perform the deletion.

Once you've completed this step, proceed as follows:

  1. Choose the specific section you desire and press the A button to select and relocate it.
  2. After removal, hover the cursor over an empty space and press A to introduce a new component.
  3. Utilize RB or LB to locate the preferred section.
  4. The price will be displayed on the right side; simultaneously, refer to the information box on the left for the necessary class and skills.
  5. Choose the desired part, reposition it into the same slot, or adjust its placement as desired. Look for any pending errors that need to be addressed.
  6. If the error box indicates 'Nominal', then the construction is prepared for finalization.
  7. Press the B button to exit the Ship Builder, confirm the associated costs of the construction, and subsequently take the newly crafted ship for a flight.

How to Resolve Errors in Ship Builder

When encountering errors within the Ship Builder, most often they stem from straightforward mistakes that can be easily rectified. However, there are occasions when complex solutions involving multiple steps must be undertaken by the player before receiving permission to proceed.

The two most common errors typically involve the following issues:

  1. Possessing more than one instance of a specific item.
  2. Modules that remain unattached.

This situation exemplifies a scenario where both errors result from the same underlying problem. Frequently, a player might forget to remove the original part they detached from the ship. By addressing this oversight, both errors can be resolved.

Grav Drives and Reactors

Numerous other errors exist, some more intricate in nature, necessitating players to approach the Ship Builder as if solving a puzzle. For instance, as a ship increases in size, it requires more landing gears for secure landings and additional engines to remain airborne. When confronted with such a group of errors, it might be more effective to cancel the current configuration and commence anew. To execute this, press the B key within the Ship Builder, and subsequently confirm the action when the text box appears.

How to Build Advanced Ships in Starfield

Players aiming to construct advanced spacecraft must ensure they achieve high proficiency in the following two skills:

  1. Piloting
  2. Ship Design

Achieving Piloting levels 3 and 4 will grant the player the capability to operate class B and C ships. In Starfield, the class categorization operates contrary to common expectations. At present, C-class ships stand as the most superior within the game. However, they remain inaccessible for piloting and construction until the requisite skill level is attained.

The Ship Design skill will provide players access to the most cutting-edge technology accessible within the Settled Systems. This phase of manufacturing becomes notably expensive, demanding a substantial investment best suited for the later stages of the game.

Starfield How To Preload For Pc And Xbox
Ship Design

Constructing optimal spacecraft hinges greatly on the desired ship type. A nimble fighter jet will inevitably compromise cargo space and armor, while a hefty tank will lack agility. The closest players can come to crafting the ultimate vessel involves incorporating exclusively C-class components. While not all items possess class distinctions, those that do consistently offer high-tier alternatives.

It's important to note that not every technician will present identical items. Exploring all potential spaceports becomes essential to fully explore the range of possibilities for advanced ship construction.

Where to Buy Smuggling Parts in Starfield

Starfield also provides players the opportunity to design an advanced smuggling vessel capable of evading scanners across the various systems. The ideal location for crafting such a ship is The Key, which serves as the Crimson Fleet's space station. Within this setting, Jasmine will offer options like Shielded Cargo Hulls and Scan Jammers, both of which present notably affordable choices for those pursuing a profitable career in space smuggling. As of now, there exists no known alternative source for these items.

Starfield Ship Builder
Advanced Ships in Starfield

This system empowers players to fully engage with Starfield's intricate criminal economy, presenting a solution for transporting the game's primary illicit goods, commonly referred to as contraband.

To create a truly exceptional ship, the most effective approach involves experimenting with the exceptional tools that Starfield offers.

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<![CDATA[Top 5 Best Ships to Buy in Starfield]]> Thu, 07 Sep 2023 08:10:00 +0000
Many of the ships for sale in Starfield are better approached in the mid-to-late game, as the cost is prohibitively expensive in earlier sections.]]>

A significant portion of Starfield's gameplay involves being inside a spaceship, making it understandable that most players prioritize finding the ideal vessel. Fortunately, Starfield offers an extensive selection of ships, with many available for purchase at the game's starports. While it's true that you don't necessarily need to spend credits to obtain a good ship, it's a fact that many of the finest ones are only accessible through purchase.

Although the criteria for what makes a ship great can vary based on individual preferences, there are certain universally important aspects, especially since combat encounters with other ships are virtually unavoidable in Starfield. As a result, any respectable ship should boast formidable weaponry. In this list, we'll present players with five examples of the absolute best ships that can be acquired with in-game credits.

​Abyss Trekker

Often regarded as the game's top fighter, the Abyss Trekker boasts substantial firepower. Nevertheless, this ship comes with a severely limited cargo capacity, so players should have a well-thought-out strategy before transitioning to this vessel.

Starfield Abyss Trekker
​Abyss Trekker


Typically encountered in Paradiso, this C-class behemoth possesses an exceptionally robust hull, combined with a high-powered shield, rendering it nearly impervious. Its steep price tag may deter some, but any player aiming to obliterate the Crimson Fleet, Ecliptic, Va'ruun, or a multitude of Spacers need not search beyond the Abyss Trekker.

Name Class Reactor Crew Jump Shield PAR MSL BAL Cost
Abyss Trekker C 27 6 28LY 850 38 96 162 345,000


Even in its most basic form, the Renegade stands out as one of Starfield's most versatile ships. While it's possible to acquire the Renegade in its upgraded versions at spaceports, players can enhance their own base version using Starfield's upgrade system once they own it. The base Renegade will set players back just slightly over 300,000 credits, and if they're fortunate enough to come across the Renegade III, it will cost them approximately 450,000 credits.

Starfield Best Ships

This ship boasts an exceptionally spacious cargo hold, with the base model offering a capacious 3,970 units. Despite its substantial size, the Renegade handles high speeds quite competently. However, the Renegade truly excels in repelling large numbers of attackers. It proves invaluable in end-game scenarios where players engage high-level opponents while carrying substantial resources.

Regrettably, there isn't a foolproof method for pinpointing the Renegade's exact location. Some players have reported sightings in Paradiso, where this particular model was initially discovered, while others have spotted it at the Red Mile on Porrima III. Fortunately, it tends to appear at one of the primary starports, including New Atlantis, Akila City, Cydonia, Neon, or Paradiso.

Name Class Reactor Crew Jump Shield LAS BAL MSL Cost
Renegade C 27 6 27LY 850 36 48 96 300,000+

Watchdog III

The Watchdog, particularly the Watchdog III iteration, is an exceptionally agile combat spacecraft known for delivering a substantial payload with its missile arsenal. While it has occasionally been located in Akila City, sightings have also been reported in the vicinity of Neon. Equipped with a sizable reactor that furnishes ample power for its compact frame, those skilled in space combat often consider the Watchdog their go-to choice for dogfighting.

Crimson Ghost III

The Ghost can be thought of as the Crimson Fleet's equivalent of the watchdog. Although both ships are impressive, the Ghost stands out due to its shielded cargo capacity, making it noteworthy for players inclined toward a more illicit lifestyle in the cosmos. Nevertheless, obtaining this ship necessitates players either becoming part of or covertly infiltrating the Crimson Fleet, and it comes with a price tag of around 170,000 credits.

Name Class Reactor Crew Jump Shield PAR MSL Cost
Watchdog III A 23 4 29LY 550 22 164 165, 475

Crimson Wight II

The Crimson Wight, along with its upgraded variants indicated by Roman numerals II or III, can typically be located at The Key, which serves as the Crimson Fleet's stronghold within the Kryx system. This ship represents the pinnacle of what the Crimson Fleet has to offer. Despite its considerable weight, it compensates with its massive C-class engines, reactor, and Grav Drive.

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Crimson Wight II

What sets the Wight apart, aside from its ability to instill fear in any nearby enemy vessel, is its built-in shielded cargo hold. This feature greatly enhances a player's chances of successfully passing Starfield's contraband checks when entering settled systems. Given its generous size, players can easily incorporate additional shielded cargo holds without much difficulty. Unlike the other ships on this list, the Wight is a dream come true for those with less-than-legal intentions.

Another intriguing aspect of the Wight is its EM weapon system. Don't be misled by the "1" in the power column; EM weapons employ an entirely different power metric. These weapons possess the capability to completely bypass a ship's shields, bringing it to a standstill and rendering it vulnerable to docking.

Name Class Reactor Crew Jump Shield LAS BAL EM Cost
Crimson Wight II C 27 7 21LY 900 16 48 1 390,000


Shieldbreaker will become accessible to the majority of players upon their initial entry into the game at the New Atlantis spaceport, but obtaining it right away should not be anticipated. Players will need to invest a substantial sum of credits to acquire this formidable spacecraft. The Shieldbreaker is categorized as a B-Class vessel, boasting an exceptionally robust hull relative to its size, and it offers a storage capacity of 2200. It stands out as a versatile all-purpose ship capable of carrying a substantial load while adeptly navigating combat situations.

Shieldbreaker 001
Name Class Reactor Crew Jump Shield LAS BAL MSL Cost
Shieldbreaker B 27 5 25LY 610 24 28 58 279,425

Best Ship Weapons in Starfield

One of the most formidable particle weapons in the game is the PBO-100 Auto Neutron Beam, classified as B-class armament, which delivers rapid shots at a rate of 15.40 per round. A volley from four of these guns can swiftly dismantle the shields of smaller vessels and then pierce through their hulls with ease. However, it's worth noting that these weapons have a significant appetite for power, so it's advisable to equip a decent B-class reactor.

When it comes to ballistic and laser weapon choices, the KE-42 Cannon (31 Hull Damage, 2.5 Fire Rate) and Scorch-P 60MW Pulse Laser (32 Shield Damage, 2.5 Fire Rate) both stand out as solid options for B-class ships. Pilots who prefer hybrid weapon systems will find this combination highly effective, addressing both the need for shield stripping and hull destruction in combat-capable cruisers.

As for missile launchers, players have a variety of options, primarily depending on personal preference and availability. The Atlatl 270B is a dependable and safe choice, dealing 68 damage per hit and capable of reaching targets up to 4000 meters away. As players advance in the game and acquire a C-class reactor, they can consider upgrading to the more potent Atlatl 270C.

It's important to note that some of the more exotic weapons like the Dangan W Cannon and Reza 45 GHz MW Pulse Laser are only accessible to those who have attained the Starship Design skill.

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<![CDATA[Which Background Should You Choose In Starfield]]> Wed, 06 Sep 2023 07:44:00 +0000
Picking the right background in Starfield would give players a headstart in the early phases of the game.]]>

In Starfield, much like in many contemporary role-playing games, players don't just customize their character's appearance but also shape their character's personality during the character creation process. Although this personality choice doesn't significantly impact gameplay in the long term, it does determine the initial set of three skills that the player begins the game with.

Consequently, selecting the optimal Background in Starfield becomes crucial for those aiming for the best possible start. There are a total of 21 Backgrounds, each with its distinct theme and backstory. Some cater to specific playstyles, while others provide a broader range of skills that are likely to be appealing to both newcomers and casual players.

What Are the Best Backgrounds in Starfield?

The optimal Starfield backgrounds will differ from one player to another, contingent not only upon their individual strengths and weaknesses but also on their intended approach for the current playthrough. Nevertheless, certain starting skills prove notably more advantageous than others, prompting players to consider this when selecting their character's Background.

Background Character Customization Starfield Wiki
What Are the Best Backgrounds in Starfield?

The reassuring aspect is that players will eventually have the opportunity to unlock all the starter skills in Starfield, relieving any concerns about missing out in the long term. Nonetheless, it remains prudent to contemplate which skills will be most beneficial in the early stages and which ones will become indispensable down the line. In light of this, there are a few backgrounds that truly shine.


Among the Starfield Background options, Diplomat is unique in providing immediate access to the Commerce skill. This valuable skill enables players to secure better prices when selling items and make more cost-effective purchases. Consequently, it's a skill that players will certainly aim to acquire at some point during their playthrough.

The Persuasion skill proves advantageous in navigating challenging situations and proves beneficial relatively early in the game. On the other hand, Wellness boosts the player's maximum health, which, while not crucial, can be beneficial. This is especially true for those who excel in combat or prefer diplomatic or stealthy approaches to avoid combat altogether, as having a bit of extra health can always come in handy.

Space Scoundrel

Players will quickly acquire a pistol shortly after selecting their Background, highlighting the significant early-game utility of the Space Scoundrel's Pistol Certification. Pistols maintain their relevance as one of the most commonly encountered weapons throughout the game, ensuring the skill's ongoing usefulness even as players access different weapon types.

Starfield Pr Mountain
Space Scoundrel


Persuasion stands out as a top-tier skill in Starfield, capable of rescuing players from tight spots. Additionally, Piloting allows players to harness their ship's thrusters, a potentially game-changing advantage in ship-to-ship combat. All three of these skills prove valuable during the initial phases of the game.

Bounty Hunter

Yet another Starfield Background, inspired by Star Wars, is the Bounty Hunter, which places a heavy emphasis on technology. All three of its initial skills belong to the Tech skill tree in Starfield. Piloting simplifies space navigation in the Frontier by immediately providing access to the ship's thrusters. Targeting Control Systems empowers players to selectively target and disable specific parts of enemy ships, a valuable asset during aerial skirmishes. Lastly, Boost Pack Training, as the name implies, equips players with the ability to utilize boost packs.


The Industrialist is another Starfield Background that offers players the crucial Persuasion skill, which is indispensable for virtually any playthrough. This Background further facilitates crafting and research by bestowing players with the Research Methods skill. Additionally, those who choose the Industrialist background will commence the game with Security, which, among its functions, enables players to engage in lock-picking. While the significance of the latter two skills may not fully manifest until players unlock more abilities for themselves, they are certainly skills that players will want to acquire eventually, making early acquisition a sensible choice.

Starfield Spaceship Combat

All Backgrounds in Starfield

For those interested in making a direct comparison of all Starfield Backgrounds, you can easily achieve this by consulting the table provided below. Upon examination, you'll notice that Fitness, Persuasion, and Security stand out as some of the game's most prevalent skills. This observation might suggest that the developers regarded these skills as highly valuable or desirable among the 25 starter skills. If one were to adopt this perspective, then Bouncer and Industrialist could be considered two of the most superior Backgrounds in Starfield.

Background Skill #1 Skill #2 Skill #3
Beast Hunter Fitness Ballistics Gastronomy
Bouncer Boxing Security Fitness
Bounty Hunter Piloting Targeting Control Systems Boost Pack Training
Chef Gastronomy Dueling Scavenging
Combat Medic Pistol Certification Medicine Wellness
Cyber Runner Stealth Security Theft
Cyberneticist Medicine Security Lasers
Diplomat Persuasion Commerce Wellness
Explorer Lasers Astrodynamics Surveying
Gangster Shotgun Certification Boxing Theft
Homesteader Geology Surveying Weight Lifting
Industrialist Persuasion Security Research Methods
Long Hauler Weight Lifting Piloting Ballistic Weapon Systems
Pilgrim Scavenging Surveying Gastronomy
Professor Astrodynamics Geology Research Methods
Ronin Dueling Stealth Scavenging
Sculptor Medicine Geology Persuasion
Soldier Fitness Ballistics Boost Pack Training
Space Scoundrel Pistol Certification Piloting Persuasion
Xenobiologist Lasers Surveying Fitness
[FILE NOT FOUND] Wellness Ballistics Piloting

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<![CDATA[The 7 Best Starfield Mods For Basic Features]]> Tue, 05 Sep 2023 01:46:43 +0000
Installing mods is probably something you must do to enjoy all Bethesda games, and Starfield is not an exception to this rule.]]>

Bethesda has a long history of providing excellent mod support for their games, and Starfield continues this tradition. Shortly after the game's early access release, a multitude of mods were already accessible on Nexus, and new ones were constantly appearing.

The top Starfield mods primarily concentrate on enhancing the game's graphics and performance, although some are introducing fresh gameplay elements. Drawing from the success of titles like Skyrim and Fallout, it's safe to anticipate that this is just the initial wave of modding creativity for Starfield.

Starfield Upscaler

As of the initial writing, the top Starfield mod in the scene is undoubtedly Starfield Upscaler by PureDark. This mod provides players with the option to replace FSR2 with DLSS or XeSS, significantly improving frame rates at higher resolutions.

9 Starfield Official Gameplay Trailer 1024x576
Starfield Upscaler


It's plausible that Starfield will eventually incorporate official DLSS support, rendering this mod obsolete. Nevertheless, for those using somewhat older hardware and intending to play in 4K, downloading this mod is highly recommended in the meantime.

Starfield FOV

The ability to adjust your field of view (FOV) is a crucial feature found in nearly every contemporary first-person shooter (FPS) game. However, for reasons unknown, Bethesda chose not to include this feature in Starfield, leaving modders to address the issue themselves.

The Starfield FOV mod created by hellstorm102 offers players the capability to customize their field of view using a straightforward text file. What's even better is that this mod is compatible with both the first-person and third-person camera perspectives, ensuring that those who enjoy playing the game in third-person can also take advantage of it.

Starfield Mod Neutral Luts
Starfield FOV

DualSense - PS5 Icons

While Starfield is exclusive to Xbox, PC players may not necessarily opt for an Xbox controller. In fact, quite a few gamers prefer Sony's DualSense controller due to its more compact size and superior triggers. One such modder, EASKATER, released the DualSense - PS5 Icons mod shortly after Starfield's early access launch. As the name implies, this mod enables players to replace the Xbox button prompts with their PlayStation counterparts. For DualSense users, this mod can greatly enhance the gaming experience, making it a highly recommended installation.


Much attention was given to Starfield's simplistic initial screen, but now that the game has been released, some players are actually expressing concerns about the numerous pop-ups and warning messages they encounter. These range from Bethesda logos to epilepsy warnings, and they create a significant delay before players can begin their gaming experience.

Gametism's Cleanfield mod eliminates all of these interruptions, enabling players to enjoy instant loading and removing all the superfluous content that they are confronted with prior to reaching the start screen. It even offers the option to eliminate the Starfield logo once players arrive, although most will likely choose to retain it.

Quantum Reshade

Several impressive Reshades are available for Starfield, but Quantum Reshade by HelloImCrimson stands out as a top choice. It enhances the game's vibrancy significantly, allowing the splendor of the uncharted regions to truly come to life.

While some players may prefer the original visuals, Bethesda deserves credit for their inherent beauty. Nevertheless, considering the often dim and muted color schemes found in many in-game locations, it's clear why so many players are opting for this exceptional Starfield mod.

All The Materials

Creating outposts in Starfield can be an immensely enjoyable experience, enabling players to discover rare materials essential for crafting and research endeavors. However, the quest for certain materials can prove exceptionally challenging, compelling players to extensively explore the cosmos, scanning every celestial body they encounter.

Starfield Photo
All The Materials

The All The Materials mod by v2461 seeks to simplify this search, permitting players to effortlessly acquire materials with just a few button presses. While some might view this as cheating, those who've invested countless hours hunting for elusive resources like Tantalum or Vanadium are likely to appreciate the convenience it offers.

Responsive Grabbing

In typical Bethesda fashion, Starfield allows players to collect virtually anything they encounter, leading to a situation where they'll soon need to expand their character's carrying capacity to avoid the inconvenient Encumbered status. Fortunately, this process is quite straightforward. However, encumberment is just one of several frustrations that avid loot gatherers will encounter.

Over time, players will notice that the action of picking up items takes longer than necessary. While it may only be a second or so per item, when players accumulate tens of thousands of objects during their playthrough, this delay becomes significant. Seb263's Responsive Grabbing mod addresses this issue by reducing the time to a mere 300 milliseconds, making it the top choice for Starfield players who engage in extensive looting.

Todd Howard says we can expect official mod tools next year, and we're hoping for a complete Creation Engine 2 toolkit that allows modders to totally overhaul Starfield in the way they have Skryim and other Bethesda RPGs.

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<![CDATA[Tips For Space Combat In Starfield]]> Sat, 02 Sep 2023 02:53:29 +0000
Ship combat in Starfield is actually fairly tricky.]]>

Starfield, Bethesda's latest intellectual property, has emerged as an exceptional science fiction role-playing game that boasts planetary exploration, a captivating narrative, and epic space skirmishes. As players construct their spacecraft, it's crucial to assess how effectively the floating structure can hold its own in combat scenarios, especially given the inevitable confrontations when traversing between star systems.

In addition to crafting the optimal vessel, there exists a multitude of valuable strategies and tactics that can assist players when engaging in space combat within the Starfield universe. These are the kinds of considerations and preparations that players should undertake prior to venturing into battles against pirate factions or attempting to commandeer ships from rival factions.

1. Focus Fire To Avoid Destroying Valuable Spacecraft

Taking aim at a spacecraft becomes a straightforward task as the game automatically initiates targeting when the player approaches a close range. However, there are instances in Starfield where a player may opt not to obliterate the opposing vessel, considering it might be superior to their current one.

4151233 Combat
Have a Number of Different Weapons


Focusing on specific sections of the adversary's ships, particularly their engines, will render the enemy vessel vulnerable and ready for boarding. At this juncture, a player can proceed to eliminate the onboard crew and assume control of the ship. Another effective method to achieve this without the risk of premature detonation is by utilizing suppressor shots.

2. Reroute Ships Power

The intricacies of ship combat in Starfield extend beyond initial impressions. A player's spacecraft operates with a predefined maximum power output from its reactor, which needs to be distributed strategically among the various ship systems during combat. Swiftly readjusting these allocations becomes pivotal for optimizing the chances of victory.

A suggested tactic involves diverting power away from the Grav Drive and reducing the engine's output by half. This surplus energy can then be channeled fully into fortifying the shields and empowering the three primary weapons typically used by the player. By allocating more power to the systems responsible for projectile firepower, the likelihood of shield depletion decreases significantly.

3. Focus On Enemy Shields

Prior to determining whether to eliminate or commandeer an adversary's vessel, a player must make it a top priority to disable the vessel's protective shields. Without dismantling these defenses, players cannot inflict substantial harm on their opponent.

The most expeditious method for depleting an enemy's shield is through the utilization of laser-based weaponry. These laser shots have the capability to swiftly penetrate and disintegrate any shield, even the player's own if confronted by a foe wielding similar armaments. It is worth mentioning that if a player ceases their assault after stripping a ship of its shields, those shields will eventually regenerate.

4. Have a Number of Different Weapons

Similar to the options available for surface weaponry selection, players also enjoy a range of choices when constructing their spacecraft. An extensive array of guns can be affixed to a vessel, each endowed with distinct functionalities.

Starfield Escape Ship Combat Space Battle Tips 6 0
Reroute Ships Power

Players have the capacity to manage and deploy up to three different weapons concurrently, underscoring the significance of deliberating on three distinct categories of armaments to employ against various adversaries. The selection encompasses Lasers, Ballistic shots, Missiles, Suppressors, and a myriad of other possibilities, granting ample space for imaginative customization.

5. Never Fight Head On

In order to safeguard their shields and the ship's hull from harm, players must adopt a strategic approach when selecting their engagements. Much like an adept pilot, they should consistently position themselves to attack from the rear of the ship they aim to either eliminate or commandeer. This tactic effectively prevents the opponent from retaliatory fire.

Maintaining a tight pursuit from behind, leaving minimal space for evasive maneuvers, constitutes the most efficient method for swiftly dealing with an enemy spacecraft. Naturally, this strategy may not always apply when a player is confronted by multiple ships simultaneously, but mitigating incoming gunfire remains a desirable goal.

6. Ships Parts Should Always Be In Cargo

When players find themselves with hull damage, there exists an alternative to shelling out a substantial sum of a thousand credits at a Ship Engineer for repairs. To circumvent these frequent pit stops, players can opt to acquire Ship Parts. These function essentially as restorative items exclusively compatible with the player's currently piloted spacecraft.

Starfield Space Combat
Never Fight Head On

These Ship Parts can be employed both during and outside of combat, requiring a straightforward button press from the player. Activation prompts the ship to commence regeneration of its hull health. It's essential to have these Ship Parts in the Cargo hold of the ship for them to be usable, underscoring the importance of players routinely verifying their stockpile.

7. Shields Are Vital To Survival

An essential piece of advice applicable to all Starfield players is to stay vigilant regarding their spacecraft's shields. These shields play a pivotal role in preserving the integrity of the player's hull, preventing any physical damage. Once the shields are breached, the ship becomes susceptible to harm, and when the hull health bar reaches zero, the entire vessel will detonate.

It's important to note that a player's ship shields will gradually regenerate over time, contingent on the player successfully evading enemy fire. Consequently, when designing their ship, players should prioritize allocating a substantial portion of their resources into bolstering their shields above all else to ensure lasting protection.

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<![CDATA[Will Starfield Launch on PS4 and PS5?]]> Mon, 28 Aug 2023 08:41:00 +0000
Starfield is one of the most anticipated titles from Bethesda, being their third RPG franchise alongside Skyrim and Fallout.]]>

One of the highly awaited video games of 2023, Starfield, is set to release in just a few weeks. Developed by Bethesda Studios, this science fiction RPG has captured the attention of gamers because of its immense scale. As the Starfield pre-download becomes available for Xbox and Windows users, numerous players are beginning to wonder about its availability on alternate platforms, particularly Sony's PlayStation consoles. Today, we're here to provide an answer to this very query. This article will delve into the possibility of Starfield being launched on both PS4 and PS5. Let's discover the details.

4k Xbox Games Showcase Starfield Direct 42 47 Scre
Starfield, is set to release soon

Is Starfield Launching on PS5 and PS4?

Following the unveiling at E3 2018, it became widely known that Starfield was in development as a cross-platform project, intended for release on PC, Xbox, and PS5, consistent with the company's track record. However, circumstances shifted when Microsoft's acquisition of ZeniMax, the parent company of Bethesda, occurred in 2021. Phil Spencer, who leads Xbox, communicated that the exclusivity of Bethesda's games wouldn't be a blanket rule, but rather determined on a case-by-case basis. Despite this, by 2022, Starfield was officially designated as an exclusive title for Windows and Xbox platforms.

Starfield was in development as a cross-platform project


Hence, addressing the inquiries about a potential launch of Starfield on PS4 and PS5, the response is a resounding negative. The game is exclusively available for Windows and Xbox. Aaron Greenberg, Vice President of Xbox Games Marketing, affirmed this during an interaction with a community member on the X platform (formerly known as Twitter) in 2022.

Was There Ever a Chance of Starfield Releasing on PS5?

In 2020, Imran Khan, who was then a senior editor at Game Informer, asserted that PlayStation was considering the possibility of securing exclusivity for Starfield on its PS5 console. This move wasn't surprising, given their previous actions with Bethesda-published titles like Ghostwire: Tokyo and Deathloop. What's intriguing is that a few months prior to Microsoft's ZeniMax announcement, Sony was reportedly engaged in talks to secure PS5 exclusivity for Starfield.

Starfield How To Preload For Pc And Xbox
Starfield Releasing on PS5?

Earlier this year, Microsoft and various regulatory bodies focused on fair trade began investigating high-profile allegations of anti-trust practices within Activision Blizzard. In the midst of the FTC hearing, where a temporary halt on the planned acquisition was being discussed, confidential conversations and documents came to light. During the proceedings, Phil Spencer, head of Xbox, asserted that acquiring the company was essential. He also revealed that Sony had arrangements in place to prevent Deathloop and Ghostwire: Tokyo from coming to Xbox, and they intended to follow a similar path with Starfield.

Starfield Skill System
Starfield Skill System

Spencer's statement aligns with Imran Khan's 2020 claims and further substantiates the idea that had Bethesda not become part of Xbox in 2021, Starfield might have been exclusively available to PS5 gamers on Sony's platforms. However, as the situation currently stands, Starfield can only be enjoyed through Xbox, Steam, or Game Pass.

Starfield Is Getting a DLSS 3 Mod at Launch Despite AMD Partnership

It's not anticipated that Starfield will receive official DLSS 3 support. However, there's an interesting development: a modder known for creating DLSS & FSR mods for previous games has announced plans to release a DLSS 3 mod for Starfield. This revelation is particularly exciting for Nvidia GPU owners, considering that Starfield is projected to exclusively offer AMD FSR support through official channels. So, let's delve into what PureDark, the modder, has in store for Nvidia users eager to experience Starfield with DLSS 3 capabilities enabled.

Starfield Character Creation
DLSS 3 Mod

Modder Confirms DLSS 3 Mod Support for Starfield on PC

Starfield, a highly anticipated game, has been the subject of special attention from AMD, featuring exclusive hardware designs inspired by the game. AMD is even offering the game as a complimentary bundle with the purchase of their CPUs and GPUs. The announcement that AMD is Starfield's exclusive PC partner indicates that the game is essentially endorsed by AMD. However, leaked data from the Starfield preload game files recently revealed that Bethesda has not officially included Intel XeSS or DLSS support for PC in the game.

Starfield Newatlantis
Bethesda has not officially included Intel XeSS or DLSS support for PC in the game.

Despite the sponsorship from AMD, an individual named PureDark, known as a modder and reportedly in possession of a review copy of Starfield, has confirmed intentions to release a DLSS 3 mod for the game. This development is remarkably exciting, with hopes that the modder won't encounter obstacles preventing the mod's release before the official game launch. If all goes as planned, PureDark intends to release the mod on the same day as the early access becomes available, specifically September 1, 2023.

Initially, upon learning about the collaboration between Starfield and AMD, PureDark expressed intentions to release the mod within five days of the game's launch.

PureDark, the modder, has now confirmed possession of a review copy of Starfield and is aiming to launch the DLSS 3 Mod for Starfield five days before the official release date. This timing aligns with the early access release on September 1. Assuming no obstacles arise, those who have pre-loaded the game for early access will have the opportunity to download PureDark's DLSS 3 mod to enhance performance, particularly for Nvidia RTX 40 Series graphics cards.

Starfield Concept Art
Starfield Concept Art

A noteworthy detail is that the modder had previously mentioned the possibility of adding DLSS 2 functionality later. This suggests that the mod might encompass only the 'frame-generation' component of DLSS 3, excluding the AI upscaling aspect.

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<![CDATA[Everything To Know About Starfield Before Release]]> Mon, 21 Aug 2023 01:29:00 +0000
The highly awaited Starfield is edging nearer to its release, and there exist essential aspects that enthusiasts should be aware of ahead of its impending launch.]]>

Bethesda's Starfield is just about to arrive, and eager fans are eagerly marking off the days until its anticipated launch in September. With the release of this space-themed RPG drawing near, a substantial wealth of details has emerged regarding the kind of adventure players can expect.

The excitement surrounding Starfield has been notably tangible for a while now. However, as we approach the upcoming weeks, news about the game will reach an even broader audience of intrigued gamers. Keeping this in consideration, there are key elements of Starfield that provide a fantastic glimpse into what the game aims to provide for its players.

Starfield: A Focus On Exploration and Customization

Undoubtedly, one of the fundamental principles of Starfield revolves around the expansive exploration opportunities and personalization choices that the game is set to provide. Representing Bethesda's first entirely new intellectual property in more than a quarter-century, Starfield seeks to curate a diverse array of possibilities that surpass the offerings found in the studio's renowned previous releases.

Starfield How To Preload For Pc And Xbox

At the heart of this concept lies the realization that Starfield will encompass over a thousand traversable planets distributed across a hundred interconnected systems, serving as an immediate indicator of the intricacy involved in the game's exploration. A substantial number of these planets will be procedurally generated, ensuring a distinctive experience for each player. Additionally, a handful of planets will be meticulously crafted to serve as settings for the game's pivotal main narratives.

The vast scope of planetary discovery will necessitate extensive space travel, and Starfield further showcases an elaborate spaceship customization mechanism. Ships can be intricately tailored using unlocked building components, encompassing aspects such as weaponry, propulsion systems, cargo compartments, and power reactors. This enables players to adapt their ships in alignment with their preferred gameplay style, also extending to the customization of crew members and the aesthetic appearance of the vessel. With Starfield also featuring an impressively detailed character personalization system, it becomes evident that fans should prepare themselves for one of the most immersive and expansive RPG experiences from Bethesda to date.

Starfield's Core Gameplay and Narrative Freedom

Dedicated followers of the classic Bethesda RPG experience will find joy in learning about certain aspects that Starfield intends to preserve from earlier titles. As an illustration, Starfield is distancing itself from the contentious minimalist dialogue system featured in Fallout 4, moving closer to more intricate conversational pathways reminiscent of the depth seen in games like Skyrim. This adjustment is sure to yield benefits for Starfield's character interactions and multiple storylines, which immerse players in cosmic conflicts beyond the main narrative.

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Starfield's Core Gameplay

At its core, Starfield's gameplay primarily revolves around the exploration of new planets and the scanning of their resources. Specific locations boast intricate structures, conflicts, or wildlife that merit deeper investigation. This approach empowers players to engage with the game's storyline at their preferred tempo, all the while cultivating relationships with various factions and a diverse array of potential companions. Naturally, this paves the way for potential romantic relationships within Starfield, solidifying the degree of agency granted to players.

In the tradition of other Bethesda RPGs, Starfield permits players to wield a diverse assortment of weapons and master a wide range of skills, totaling 82 available skills for enthusiasts to choose from. Consequently, players can devise character builds tailored to their preferred approach to Starfield's diverse landscapes and encounters. Ultimately, Starfield is poised to retain the most successful aspects of Bethesda's tried-and-true formula while expanding its scope and possibilities. Fans should anticipate an exceedingly customizable and narratively expansive journey set against the backdrop of the vast cosmos.

Starfield Premium Edition vs Standard – What’s the Difference?

Bethesda offers Starfield in four distinct versions: Standard, Digital Premium, Premium Upgrade, and Constellation. Among these options, only the final two, namely Premium Upgrade and Constellation, incorporate tangible benefits like Steelbook cases or patches.

Irrespective of the specific Starfield edition that players choose to pre-order, they will be granted the Old Mars Skin Pack as an added incentive. This package encompasses a laser cutter, the Deep Mining Helmet, and the Deep Mining Pack. However, it's important to note that the early-access code and the Shattered Space Story Expansion are not included in this bundle.

Here is the comprehensive compilation of all pre-order perks:

  • A laser cutter
  • The Deep Mining Helmet
  • The Deep Mining Pack

Moreover, Game Pass subscribers will also gain access to all Starfield pre-order benefits upon the game's launch.

Is Starfield Single-Player or Multiplayer?

Starfield stands as a solitary gaming endeavor, designed exclusively for single-player engagement. As things currently stand, there won't be any multiplayer component, thereby precluding the option for cooperative play with friends. Starfield is characterized as an individual player journey, where players embark on personal space odysseys within a narrative framework that prioritizes player choices, making it an RPG driven by these choices.

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Is Starfield Single-Player or Multiplayer?

In this solo expedition, players hold the reins in shaping their character's identity through selections like Background and Traits. They also exercise control over their companions and the individuals they opt to accompany them on their expedition. Even though multiplayer functionality is absent, numerous players might still find it captivating to discover that Starfield boasts a roster of over 20 distinct crew members. This implies that players' spaceships can teem with vitality and liveliness, as they have the opportunity to enlist more than 20 crewmates to join them on their interstellar vessels.

While Starfield currently offers a solitary player involvement, there exists a glimmer of optimism for the potential inclusion of multiplayer in the game's future. The prospect of incorporating multiplayer hinges on the game's performance and reception. Nonetheless, this remains purely conjectural, and the potential addition of multiplayer to Starfield remains uncertain.

Although there are multiple ways in which co-op mechanics could enrich the Starfield experience, players are not deprived of the opportunity to traverse the expansive cosmos alongside their chosen roster of recruitable non-player character companions. This selection encompasses several characters open to romantic relationships, catering to those who relish romance choices within RPGs. Furthermore, players can encounter inhabited planets and make the decision to align themselves with one of the game's numerous factions, such as Constellation—an assembly of pioneering space explorers dedicated to unraveling the universe's enigmas—alongside factions like the Crimson Fleet and others.

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<![CDATA[Starfield: Everything We Know About Bethesda's Next RPG]]> Mon, 10 Jul 2023 07:48:00 +0000
With its vast galaxy, customizable ships, deep character creation, and diverse locations, Starfield promises to deliver a unique space exploration experience.]]>

With the announcement of Starfield's release date on September 6, there is much excitement and anticipation for Bethesda's new space RPG. The game offers extensive customization options for ships and guns, allowing players to design and modify their spacecraft and arsenal. Character creation includes choosing a background and selecting from a variety of skills and traits. Traits come with advantages and disadvantages and can be resolved through side quests.


About Starfield Gameplay

Starfield incorporates familiar mechanics from Elder Scrolls and Fallout games, such as pickpocketing NPCs, lockpicking (referred to as "digipicking" in Starfield), and a more involved persuasion system. Players can recruit NPC companions, some of whom are romanceable, and join factions with independent questlines. Base-building is also available, similar to Fallout 4 and Fallout 76.

Starfield Gameplay


Companions in Starfield come in two types: companions and crewmates. Companions have their own storylines and interactions, while crewmates are more generic characters that can be recruited to the player's starship. Romance options are available for the companions. The game incorporates some elements of space magic, allowing the player character to exhibit supernatural abilities related to alien artifacts.

Starfield will not have multiplayer, as Bethesda currently has no plans to develop competitive PvP or co-op features for the game. However, there is always the possibility that modders may introduce multiplayer functionalities in the future.

In terms of the game's setting and locations, Starfield's galaxy will feature over 1,000 explorable planets. These planets are a combination of hand-crafted content and procedurally generated elements, allowing players to land on and explore them on foot. Approximately 10% of the planets will have life on them, providing opportunities for encounters and interactions. Even the barren planets will have certain things generated for players to discover, emphasizing the sense of exploration and the beauty of the vast space.

Starfield Gameplay
Starfield's galaxy

The main story of Starfield takes place in the Settled Systems, a region of space encompassing a 50 light-year radius around our solar system. This region is divided between two major factions, the United Colonies and the Freestar Collective, who are in an uneasy peace following a recent war. Players can expect to encounter various threats, including Ecliptic mercenaries, pirates of the Crimson Fleet, violent Spacers, and the fanatical religious zealots of House Va'Ruun.

In addition to the main factions, there are several notable locations in Starfield. New Atlantis serves as the capital of the United Colonies, while Akila City serves as the capital of the Freestar Collective. Akila City is protected by walls to keep out alien predators that resemble a cross between a wolf and a velociraptor. Another interesting location is Neon, a former fishing dock that transformed into a "pleasure city" after workers caught a psychedelic fish. The area is now filled with nightclubs and entertainment venues.

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Starfield combat

The factions in Starfield play a significant role in the game's narrative and questlines. The main faction, Constellation, consists of human explorers on a quest for answers. Todd Howard, the director of Bethesda Game Studios, described Constellation as a blend of NASA, Indiana Jones, and the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. While specific details about other factions are scarce, the game's faction questlines are expected to be independently playable, similar to the structure in Skyrim. Players should be able to engage with multiple factions without being locked out of their respective questlines.

With its vast galaxy, customizable ships, deep character creation, and diverse locations, Starfield promises to deliver a unique space exploration experience. As the release date approaches, fans eagerly await the opportunity to embark on their interstellar adventures in Bethesda's highly anticipated new franchise.

What will be the price of Starfield?

In line with the recent trend of increasing game prices set by Sony, Activision, and Microsoft, Starfield will also be priced at $70 USD. This indicates that the higher price point is not just a temporary spike but rather a new normal in the gaming industry. However, there is some good news for Xbox Game Pass subscribers. Microsoft has a tradition of adding its latest AAA titles to the Game Pass library from the day of their release, and Starfield has been confirmed as a day one addition to Game Pass. This means that subscribers will have the opportunity to play Starfield without any additional cost beyond their Game Pass subscription fee.

Starfield Concept Art

Starfield is developed using the Creation Engine 2

The trailer prominently displays the words "Alpha in-game footage | Creation Engine 2," confirming that Starfield is the first game to utilize this new engine created by Bethesda.

Although details about the specific features and enhancements of Creation Engine 2 are limited, it represents a significant step forward from the engine Bethesda has been utilizing and updating for their previous titles, including Skyrim and Fallout 76.

Starfield will offer mod support

Todd Howard, the renowned game director at Bethesda, has unequivocally stated that Starfield, like their previous single-player RPGs, will be moddable.

During a Reddit Ask Me Anything (AMA) session in 2021, Howard expressed the company's commitment to providing full mod support, acknowledging the longstanding relationship with the modding community and their valuable contributions. Bethesda embraces the creativity of modders and hopes to see more individuals turning their passion for modding into successful careers.

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