Minecraft tips - GuruGamer.com https://gurugamer.com Website for Indian gamers with latest gaming and technology news. Find release dates, trailers, and scores for all upcoming and recent video games in the world Mon, 16 Oct 2023 09:56:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://static.gurugamer.com/images/logo.jpg Minecraft tips - GuruGamer.com https://gurugamer.com <![CDATA[How to Make a Villager Trading Hall in Minecraft]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-make-a-villager-trading-hall-in-minecraft-22970 Thu, 28 Sep 2023 01:16:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-make-a-villager-trading-hall-in-minecraft-22970
Let's find out how to make a villager trading hall and more in this article by Gurugamer.com.]]>

In Minecraft, players need to collect items through exploration, which can be pretty challenging. But what if players could get what they need without embarking on extensive journeys? That's where a villager trading hall comes in handy. It's like having a shop in Minecraft where you can swap items with villagers and make your gaming life simpler. Let's find out how to make a villager trading hall and more in this article by Gurugamer.com.

How does a Villager Trading Hall in Minecraft work?

To make sure you grasp how to use your villager trading hall in Minecraft effectively, we'll begin by giving you a summary of the fundamental concepts of trading with villagers.

As we have just mentioned, the primary method of resource acquisition in the game is through exploration. However, there exists an alternative means of obtaining items, which involves engaging in trade with villagers. When you approach certain friendly creatures, they will propose trade offers. You can either offer them items in exchange for their goods or use emeralds, which serve as the in-game currency, to make purchases from them.

Villager Trading Hall In Minecraft
Villager Trading Hall

Similarly to real life, the trades in Minecraft can vary. Some villagers might ask for a high price for something, while others might give you a better deal for the same item. Also, your actions in the game can influence how much villagers charge for their items or how much they're willing to pay for yours. Here are the various types of villagers you'll encounter in Minecraft.

Types of Villagers in Minecraft

When we talk about different types of villagers in Minecraft, we're not considering the ones you find in different villages as even though they may not look the same, their differences are only skin deep. Instead, we're focusing on villagers with various jobs. Each job gives them the ability to offer unique trade deals to players. Some of these deals are good, while others are not so great.

In Minecraft world, villagers can have the following jobs:

  • Armorer
  • Butcher
  • Cartographer
  • Cleric
  • Farmer
  • Fisherman
  • Fletcher
  • Leatherworker
  • Librarian
  • Mason
  • Shepherd
  • Toolsmith
  • Weaponsmith
  • Wandering Trader (This one isn't a villager job, but they offer similar trades.)

How to Breed Villagers in Minecraft

As you probably guessed, you'll need quite a few villagers to make your Minecraft villager trading hall work well. To get them, you have two options: either find and bring villagers from existing villages, or you can create new villagers by having two of them make babies in the game. If you want to go with the breeding method, all you have to do is feed bread, carrots, potatoes, or beetroots to the villagers inside a closed area with beds.

If you have plenty of resources, you can create a special place just for breeding villagers. This can be a useful backup plan for your trading hall in case you lose a villager to hostile mobs. As you'll learn later, sometimes you might need to replace villagers to get better trade deals. So, having extra villagers on hand is always a good idea.

Watch this video for a full guide on how to breed villagers in Minecraft:

How to Change a Villager's Profession in Minecraft

Each villager's occupation is tied to specific job site blocks. These are functional blocks that are somehow related to a task connected to a particular villager job. For example, a composter is a block you can use to make bone meal (a type of fertilizer) in Minecraft, and it also serves as the job site block for farmer villagers.

That's right! If you break the composter that a farmer villager is using, that villager will lose their job. After that, they'll wander around without any purpose until they find another job site block. This mechanic allows you to change a villager's job in the game. You can do this by breaking or replacing the job site block associated with their current occupation.
To create a villager trading hall in Minecraft, you'll need these items:

  • An open area (preferably 15 blocks wide and long)
  • 5 Sticky Pistons
  • 5 Redstone Dust
  • 5 Villagers
  • 5 Job Site Blocks
  • 4 Deepslate Brick Stairs (optional)
  • 7 Dark Oak Trapdoors
  • 10 Polished Deepslate Slabs
  • 27 Deepslate Tile Slabs
  • 5 Levers
  • 3 Ladders
  • 18 White Carpets (optional)
  • 5 Item Frames (optional)
  • 2 Chests
  • 1 Zombie
  • 5 Splash Potions of Weakness
  • 5 Golden Apples

Keep in mind that you can use any wood type for the building blocks like stairs and slabs. If you want to customize the design to your liking, feel free to do so. The list provided is for a basic trading hall, but you can make aesthetic changes as you see fit.

How to make a Villager Trading Hall in Minecraft

To make things simpler to understand, our tutorial is divided into separate sections, each focusing on one aspect of the trading hall. Just be sure to follow them in the order they're presented to build your trading hall successfully.

>>> Read more: 5 Most Useful Villager Jobs In Minecraft 1.19

Villager Area

Let's start by creating safe trading areas for the villagers in your trading hall. Follow these steps:

Villager Trading Hall Minecraft
1. Find a large open area that's at least 15 blocks by 15 blocks in size to set up your trading hall.
Villager Trading Hall Minecraft
2. Next, dig several pits that are 2 blocks long and 5 blocks deep. It's a good idea to dig at least 5 of these pits, keeping them about 1 block apart from each other.
Villager Trading Hall Minecraft
3. Now, in one of the base blocks of each pit, place a sticky piston facing upward, and on top of the other block, put a piece of Redstone dust.
Villager Trading Hall Minecraft
4. After you've placed the Redstone dust, place different job site blocks on top of the Redstone dust in each pit. You can replace these blocks later according to your trading needs.

Zombification Area

Players can use zombies to improve their trade deals with villagers. However, to do this, players will need to create a secure and manageable area for zombification. Here's the way to set it up:

Zombification Area Minecraft
1. Start by leaving a gap of one block and then dig a tunnel behind the sticky pistons. This tunnel should be four blocks deep. Once you've dug the tunnel, create a staircase-like opening next to it. You can use deep-slate brick stairs for this purpose.
Zombification Area Minecraft
2. Make a 2-block tall opening by breaking the blocks in the tunnel that leads to all the villager rooms (sticky pistons).
Zombification Area Minecraft
3. Position a dark oak trapdoor at the upper part of each newly created opening. When these trapdoors are closed, they should prevent players and other mobs of similar height from reaching the sticky piston.
Zombification Area Minecraft
4. To complete the setup, cover the roof of the tunnel with deep slate slabs or any other solid blocks you prefer. Also, place two dark oak trapdoors that can be opened on the staircase.
Zombification Area Minecraft
5. Last but not least, open all the trapdoors on the room openings and lead zombies into this tunnel. The simplest method is to make a zombie follow you through one entrance of the tunnel while you exit through a temporary second entrance.

>>> Top 5 Minecraft Pets In Minecraft 2023

Trading Hall

Now that the zombie area is prepared, you can follow the steps below to make the main villager trading hall in Minecraft:

How To Make A Trading Hall In Minecraft
1. Create a new tunnel that leads to the job site blocks with a gap of 1 block. This tunnel should be two blocks wide and four blocks deep.
How To Make A Trading Hall In Minecraft
2. Make a 2-block tall opening that faces the job site blocks in the new tunnel.
How To Make A Trading Hall In Minecraft
3. Place the villagers in their designated chambers. You can either push them into the pits or remove all existing job site blocks within a 64-block area. If there are no other job site blocks nearby, the villagers will willingly enter the pits with the job site blocks. Once the villager is inside the pit, make sure to create a roof using deeps-late tile slabs (or any solid blocks).
How To Make A Trading Hall In Minecraft
4. To complete the setup, position a lever next to each of the job site blocks. When you activate the lever, it will raise the villagers up, allowing you to engage in trading with them.

How to decorate the Trading Hall

Now that you have the basic functionality in place, it's time to enhance the main trading area. Follow these steps to decorate the trading hall and make it more functional:

Decorate The Trading Hall Minecraft
1. Fill the empty space above the villagers' heads and placing a torch on top of the job site block. This will prevent hostile mobs from spawning in their chambers.
Decorate The Trading Hall Minecraft
2. Position an item frame on top of the entrance to each chamber and insert an item that relates to the villager's job. This will make it simple to identify each villager. Additionally, you can use this opportunity to add carpeting to the floor for aesthetic purposes.
Decorate The Trading Hall Minecraft
3. Cover the top of the trading area with deeps-late tile slabs (or solid blocks). However, ensure that you create an entrance using ladders and a trapdoor for access.
Decorate The Trading Hall Minecraft
4. Add a couple of chests in the trading area to store your emeralds and other items you'll use for trading.

Additional Tips on how to make a Villager Trading Hall

Congratulations on creating your own Minecraft villager trading hall! To make the most of it, here are some additional tips for better villager trading:

  1. Hero of the Village: If you successfully defend a village from a pillager raid and protect the villagers, you'll receive the "Hero of the Village" effect. This effect significantly improves your trade deals. Nevertheless, we recommend closing off your trading hall entirely before starting a raid to avoid any harm to your villagers.
  2. Nitwits: In Minecraft, there are nitwit villagers who cannot take on any jobs. If you come across one of these villagers, it's best to remove them from your trading hall as they won't contribute to your trades.
  3. Villages: To make it easier to gather resources and villagers, consider building your trading hall near a village. Yet, be sure to break all job site blocks in the village to maintain control over your villagers. You can also use specific Minecraft village seeds to save time and find suitable locations.
  4. Wandering Trader: For even more trading options, keep an eye out for wandering traders. When one spawns, you can trap it in one of your trading hall chambers. Wandering traders appear near the player at random intervals.

These tips should help you make the most of your villager trading hall and enhance your Minecraft gameplay experience.

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<![CDATA[How To Hatch A Sniffer Egg In Minecraft]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-hatch-a-sniffer-egg-in-minecraft-22730 Thu, 10 Aug 2023 07:57:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-hatch-a-sniffer-egg-in-minecraft-22730
The latest addition to Minecraft's creatures is the Sniffer, a prehistoric creature that players must revive by discovering a Sniffer Egg and mastering how to hatch it.]]>

Table of Contents

  • All about Sniffer Egg in Minecraft
  • How to hatch a Sniffer Egg in Minecraft
  • Final words

The Sniffer, Minecraft's latest addition to its lineup of mobs, is a creature well-known to a huge of enthusiasts. Chosen as the victor of the Minecraft Mob Vote 2022, the mob has found its way into the game. However, keen players might have already observed the absence of Sniffers in the most recent update as the latest mob is no longer extant, having long vanished from the realm of Minecraft. While this might sound disheartening, there's a silver lining – through the utilization of novel Archaeology features, players can effectively resurrect this splendid creature. To achieve this feat, one must acquire mastery in the art of both getting and hatching the Sniffer Egg.

Sniffer Minecraft
A Sniffer in Minecraft

This article on Gurugamer.com aims to provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to hatch a Sniffer Egg in Minecraft.

All about Sniffer Egg in Minecraft

Sniffer Eggs, along with their counterparts Sniffers, have made their debut in Minecraft starting from version 1.20. With the Trails and Tales update placing a significant emphasis on Archaeology, it's only fitting that this age-old creature would stage its return during this particular update.

A Sniffer Egg is a block that can be extracted from suspicious sand within Warm Ocean Ruins or acquired through the breeding of two Sniffers. Once positioned in the game world, it gradually undergoes hatching, transforming into a Snifflet (the juvenile form of a Sniffer). This process is expedited by half when the egg is situated on a moss block.

Hatch A Sniffer Egg In Minecraft
A Sniffer Egg

How to get a Sniffer Egg in Minecraft

Sniffer Eggs can only be obtained by using the new Brush tool on Suspicious Sand in the Warm Ocean Ruins structure. Identifying a Warm Ocean Ruin is facilitated by examining the composition of the ruins' materials. Warm Ocean Ruins predominantly consist of elements associated with sand, in contrast to Cold Ocean Ruins which exhibit a higher prevalence of stone and brick components. Upon reaching a Warm Ocean Ruin, direct your attention to Suspicious Sand and employ the Brush tool. Every instance of Suspicious Sand treated with the Brush holds a 6.7% probability of yielding a Sniffer Egg as a potential drop.



Sniffer Eggs can be positioned in a block-like structure, gradually undergoing a transformation process into Snifflets as they hatch. It's important to note that Sniffer Eggs do not depend on a supporting block beneath them, in contrast to Dragon Eggs, and they remain unaffected by the force of gravity.

>>> You might also like: How To Hatch A Dragon Egg in Minecraft?


Over a period of time, Sniffer Eggs undergo cracking, and they hatch once they have cracked twice. Hatching is expedited when these eggs are placed on moss blocks, taking around 10 minutes for the process to complete. However, if positioned on non-moss blocks, the hatching duration is extended to twice the time.

Importantly, Sniffer Eggs don't rely on receiving random ticks to initiate hatching. Consequently, the randomTickSpeed game rule does not influence the speed at which Sniffer Eggs hatch.

Piston interactivity

It is by design that Sniffer Eggs can be both pushed and pulled by pistons.

How to hatch a Sniffer Egg in Minecraft

To initiate the hatching process of a Sniffer Egg, players should simply place the egg down and exercise patience. Initially, the Sniffer Egg will take on a block-like appearance and undergo occasional cracking. Following two instances of cracking, the egg will hatch, revealing a juvenile Sniffer referred to as a Snifflet. Normally, the hatching period for Sniffer Eggs lasts around 20 minutes, although this duration is halved if the egg is positioned on a Moss block.

Importantly, an alternative approach to obtaining Sniffer Eggs involves breeding two fully grown Sniffers. Naturally, players will need to adhere to the aforementioned steps of locating Sniffer Eggs and hatching them first. Nevertheless, once they possess at least two mature Sniffers, this method becomes considerably simpler. By utilizing Torchflower Seeds, players can facilitate the breeding of two Sniffers, thereby causing a Sniffer Egg to drop in the form of an item.

Final words

In conclusion, the introduction of Sniffer Eggs to Minecraft has opened up a captivating avenue of exploration. These enigmatic artifacts, nestled within Warm Ocean Ruins, invite players to engage with their surroundings using the Brush tool, patiently guiding them on how to hatch a Sniffer Egg in Minecraft.

The dynamic interaction between Sniffer Eggs and Moss blocks illustrates the interconnected nature of Minecraft's ecosystem, rewarding players' strategic choices. More than that, the innovative breeding method involving mature Sniffers and Torchflower Seeds adds depth to the gameplay, showcasing the game's rich mechanics.

As players embark on quests to unveil these hidden treasures, the allure of Sniffer Eggs captures the essence of discovery that defines Minecraft, encapsulating the magic that keeps players enthralled by its virtual world.

<![CDATA[5 Best Late Game Food Items In Minecraft 1.19]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/5-best-late-game-food-items-in-minecraft-1-19-20788 Fri, 12 Aug 2022 04:28:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/5-best-late-game-food-items-in-minecraft-1-19-20788
Food are consumable items that restore hunger points and hunger saturation points. Here are the 5 most useful food in the late game in Minecraft 1.19.]]>

In survival games like Minecraft, food is vital - you need to fill out your hunger meter constantly. This gets less important in the late game, where you get access to better, more expensive food items.

In this article, Gurugamer is going to showcase the 5 best late game food items in Minecraft 1.19.

1. Golden Carrot

  • Restore 3 hunger points

Amongst the top three magical food in the game (enchanted golden apple, golden apple, and golden carrot), the golden carrot is the most efficient. They are cheaper than golden apples - a golden carrot costs 8 gold nuggets, but a golden apple costs 8 gold ingots!

Golden Carrots
Golden Carrots are much better than the other two gold food items, as they can be bought from villagers.

A golden carrot restores 14.4 saturation, the highest of any stackable food currently in the game. Players can either craft them with a carrot farm and a gold farm or outright buy them from farmer villagers in large quantities.

2. Steak and cooked porkchop

  • Restore 4 hunger points

They restore one of the highest amounts of hunger and saturation (12.8 points) of any food in the game. Two pieces regenerate 25.6 saturation which fills the saturation bar, so the player doesn't need to eat again for a long time.

Burning cows
Burning cows for steaks

Can be found relatively early on, provided there are cows, mooshrooms and/or pigs nearby. Players can bring a flint with them to light these mobs on fire and get cooked meat directly.

The weakness of these food items is that players need to find two of these animals and breed them to create a renewable farm. This can take a long time.

3. Suspicious stew (saturation)

  • Restore 3 hunger points

When crafted with blue orchid or dandelion, suspicious stew grants the effect of Saturation for 7‌/6‌ ticks (0.35/0.3 seconds). This means players gain an additional 7  hunger and 14 saturation, for a total of 13 hunger and 21.2 saturation.

Suspicious Stew Minecraft
While it is a bit annoying to craft, the Suspicious stew (saturation) is a great way to restore your meters to full.

After being given a flower, a brown mooshroom can be "milked" for suspicious stew by using a bowl on it. This means players can get a lot of this stew by acquiring a brown mooshroom and flowers.

4. Cooked mutton and cooked salmon

  • Restore 3 hunger points

Can be found relatively early on, provided there are sheep, and/or salmon nearby. Restore 9.6 saturation, which means two pieces can fill the saturation bar completely.

Breed Sheep
Breeding sheep to get mutton and wool.

Similar to the #2 spot, players also need to breed sheep to reliably get mutton. At least they also yield wool, which is very useful. Salmon needs to be fished, which requires a fishing rod.

5. Bread

  • Restore 3 hunger points

The best part about bread is that it use wheat, which takes little resources to farm and maintain. Restoring 6 saturation, it is overall one of the easiest foods to obtain early in the game.

Bread is a staple food in Minecraft

The ease of access makes it useful even in the late game. Piles of hay bales generated around plains, desert and savanna villages can easily be converted into an ample supply of bread.

>>> Read more: Top 5 Best Looking Biomes In Minecraft 1.19 Update

<![CDATA[Top 5 Useful Enchantments In Minecraft Survival Mode 2022]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/top-5-useful-enchantment-in-minecraft-2022-20047 Sun, 06 Mar 2022 00:31:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/top-5-useful-enchantment-in-minecraft-2022-20047
Enchantments are important features in Minecraft. Here are the top 5 most useful enchantments that you must have in Minecraft 2022.]]>

Enchantments are important features in Minecraft that helps power up tools and items in the game. There are many types of enchantments in this game with different effects. Here are the top 5 most useful enchantments that you must have in Minecraft 2022.

Table of Contents

  • #1. Swift Sneak
  • #2. Mending
  • #3. Protection
  • #4. Sharpness
  • #5. Fortune
  • Bonus: Not-So-Useful Enchantments

#1. Swift Sneak

Swift Sneak is a future enchantment that is not available in Minecraft now. But this feature is coming soon. This useful enchantment will be released in the next update according to the schedule.

Swift Sneak increases the moving speed of the player in the sneak mode. It's very useful in the upcoming update, especially when you encounter the new dangerous Warden mob. There are three levels of enchantment you can apply to your boots.

Swift Sneak
Swift Sneak will arrive in the next update.

#2. Mending

Mending enchantment is a treasure enchantment. You can apply it to armor parts, tools, and weapons in the game. Then, these items can be repaired automatically by consuming XP points.

Enchanted gears are more useful in combat and survival mode. However, the mending enchantment is not compatible with Infinity.

Mending Enchantment
The mending enchantment helps the weapon automatically repaired.

#3. Protection

Protection is also one of the most useful enchantments you must have in Minecraft. In the survival mode, you need strong armor parts to protect your characters from heavy attacks. When you encounter enemies and dangerous mobs, solid armors can save your life.

There are four levels of protection enchantments to apply to your armor parts, including turtle shells. However, you cannot apply protection enchantments with some other types of enchantments, including Projectile, Blast, and Fire Protection enchantments.

Protection Enchantment
You should apply the Protection enchantment to all armor parts.

#4. Sharpness

Sharpness is another useful enchantment in Minecraft survival mode. You can apply it to melee weapons to increase the attack damage of your weapons. Then, you will have stronger weapons to fight off enemies and mobs.

You can apply five levels of sharpness enchantment to your axes and swords. But you shouldn't apply it to weapons with Bane of Arthropods and Smite enchantments.

Sharp weapons deal higher damage to enemies.

#5. Fortune

Fortune enchantment in Minecraft helps players loot more items when going exploration in the open world. When you apply this enchantment to your tools, you can get more drops after breaking a block.

For example, when you use an enchanted pickaxe to mine diamonds, you get more diamonds than normal. The higher level of enchantment, the more extra drops to loot. There are three levels of Fortune enchantment to apply. But you cannot combine it with the Silk Touch enchantment.

Minecraft Fortune
Fortune enchantment makes the ore drop more items.

Bonus: Not-So-Useful Enchantments

There are some enchantments that are not so useful and compulsory in Minecraft 2022. You don't really need them in this game.

  • Lure: reduces the wait time when fishing.
  • Thorns: helps reflect the attack damage from attackers back to them.
  • Bane of Arthropods: helps increase the attack damage to arthropod mobs.
  • Curse of Vanishing: applies a curse to nearby items when the player dies.
  • Curse of Binding: The cursed armor part, elytra, or any head will stick to players until they die or these items break.

You should focus on useful enchantments and try to obtain them.

>>> Also Read: How To Find Your Minecraft House After Getting Lost 2022

<![CDATA[Best Uses Of Honey In Minecraft You Need To Know]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/best-uses-of-honey-in-minecraft-19943 Tue, 15 Feb 2022 07:49:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/best-uses-of-honey-in-minecraft-19943
Here are the top 4 uses of honey in Minecraft that you need to know. It's an important ingredient in Minecraft, so you need to farm a lot of honey.]]>

Minecraft players can collect bee honey and store it in a glass bottle to use. You can use honey for many purposes. It's an important ingredient in Minecraft, so you need to farm as much honey as possible. Here are the top 4 uses of honey in Minecraft that you need to know.

#1. Make Sugar

Sugar is an essential cooking ingredient in Minecraft. You can make sugar by using honey. Put the honey in the crafting grid to make three blocks of sugar per honey bottle. It's better to produce sugar from honey than from sugarcane in Minecraft.

Honey gives you more sugar blocks than canes. To make sugar from honey, you need to have at least one bottle of this sweet liquid. Then, place it in any grid of the crafting table.

Get Honey
You can make sugar from honey.

#2. Use As Food Item

Players can also use honey as a food item in Minecraft. You can consume it to restore the health bar when you get damaged in combat against mobs, zombies, and monsters. It can also relieve your hunger a lot.

You should store as much honey as possible to consume when your character is starving or nearly die of hunger. It can save your life in fierce combat and dangerous situation when your health bar is very low.

Eat Honey
You should eat honey to restore the health bar.

#3. Remove Poison Effects

Another amazing use of honey is removing the poison effect when you eat rotten meat, accidentally drink poison potions, or are bitten by the pufferfish.

If you get poisoned for these reasons, you should drink honey right away. Unlike milk, this sweet yellow liquid removes all status effects for your character to make him fine.

Drink Honey To Remove Poison Effects
Drink honey to remove poison effects.

#4. Craft Honey Blocks

Minecraft also allows players to use honey to craft honey blocks which is very useful and important. You put four bottles of honey in a square form in the crafting grid.

You need honey blocks to make complex Redstone machines in Minecraft. These blocks are also useful in combat. You can slow down enemies by trapping them with honey blocks.

Honey Blocks
There are many uses of honey blocks.

In addition, if you have a honey block, you can craft four honey bottles by placing a block with four empty bottles in the crafting grid.

Those are the best uses of honey in Minecraft that many players haven't known. This liquid is very useful in the game. So, you shouldn't ignore it when you spot honey in the wild.

>>> Also Read: 5 Best Fuels To Replace Coal In Smelting Work In Minecraft

<![CDATA[5 Best Fuels To Replace Coal In Smelting Work In Minecraft]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/top-5-minecraft-materials-to-alternate-coal-in-smelting-work-19941 Tue, 15 Feb 2022 05:17:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/top-5-minecraft-materials-to-alternate-coal-in-smelting-work-19941
Coal is one of the most essential and popular resources for survival in Minecraft. Here are the 5 best fuels to alternate coal in smelting work.]]>

Coal is one of the most essential and popular resources for survival in Minecraft. You exploit coal in the form of ore blocks and use it for smelting and cooking works. But coal is not the only fuel in this game. Here are the 5 best fuels to alternate coal in smelting work.

#1. Lava Bucket

Lava is one of the best fuels to smelt items and cook food in Minecraft. You can exploit it underground in the Nether and the Overworld biome. Its burning effect lasts over 20,000 ticks which is longer than that of coal by 4,000 ticks.

To make a lava bucket, Minecraft players need to fill the empty bucket with lava. To use the lava bucket for smelting in this game, you place the bucket under the item you want to smelt. After the smelting process, you can take the empty bucket to fill it with new lava.

Lava Bucket
Use a Lava Bucket to smelt items.

#2. Dried Kelp Block

Dried plants can also be used for burning and smelting in Minecraft. It's one of the best fuels to alternate coal in this game. Making dried kelp is really easy when you have a working kelp farm.

You can harvest the kelp and dry it within the furnace, smoker, or bonfire. You place the kelp in the right cooking slot before adding lava, coal, or any other form of fuel. A dried kelp block can burn for 4,000 ticks.

Dried Kelp
Dried Kelp is an alternative fuel in the game.

#3. Blaze Rods

You can also use Blaze Rods to alternate coal in smelting and cooking in Minecraft. A single blaze rod lasts 2,400 ticks to burn out. To get this material, you need to kill the hostile mob Blaze inside the Nether Fortresses.

Blaze rods have many other uses. For example, you need this item to build the Eyes of Ender for accessing the End City. In addition, Minecraft players also need it for creating the brewing stand and making potions.

Blaze Rods
Use the Blaze Rod to burn and smelt.

#4. Wood

Wood is also one of the best fuels for smelting in Minecraft. You can collect wood or use wooden items to burn and smelt things. Though the burning effect of wooden blocks does not last long, it's one of the most popular fuels in this game that can be collected easily.

You can find woods and get wood blocks almost everywhere in Minecraft. It spawns in a lot of biomes and places, such as mountains, jungles, taiga, swamps, savannahs, etc. You should cut high trees to farm wood faster.

Wood is a very popular fuel in Minecraft.

#5. Bamboo

Bamboo can be harvested in Minecraft jungles. If you run out of coal and other prior fuels, you should go to harvest bamboo in a nearby jungle to smelt or cook. If you live near a bamboo forest or have a big bamboo farm, this plant can become your main fuel.

Moreover, you can use bamboo to craft the scaffoldings and sticks. Bamboo is the main food of pandas in Minecraft. So, you can use it to breed Pandas in the game. Apart from jungles, loot chests and fishing also give you this resource.

You can collect bamboo in the wild or grow it on your farm.

>>> Also Read: Minecraft Spore Blossoms - Where To Find & How To Put Them In Your House

<![CDATA[What Happen After You Kill Ender Dragon In Minecraft?]]> https://gurugamer.com/mobile-games/what-happen-after-you-kill-ender-dragon-in-minecraft-19792 Tue, 15 Feb 2022 03:05:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/mobile-games/what-happen-after-you-kill-ender-dragon-in-minecraft-19792
The Ender Dragon is considered the final boss of Minecraft. So what will happen after you defeat it?]]>

In the survival mode of Minecraft, many people consider defeating the Ender Dragon as the end goal. In fact, the survival mode has no end and the game still continues normally even after defeating the Ender Dragon.

The Ender Dragon is the strongest mob in Minecraft and players need to apply various tricks to kill the beast. But what happens after you defeat the most powerful boss in Minecraft. Let's find out.

The Ender Dragon explodes and drops XP

When the HP of Ender Dragon drops to 0, its body will start exploding emitting lights, and finally burst into pieces. It will also drop a bunch of HP on the ground for you to collect

Minecraft Ender Dragon Die
Minecraft Ender Dragon Explodes

End Portal appears for you to go back to the Overworld

An End portal will appear in the middle of the island, allowing you to go back to Overworld. This portal is 7-blocks wide in both dimensions. It is made by Bedrock so you cannot destroy it using common means in the Survival mode. When you enter the portal, there will be a credit scene and then you will be back to the Overworld.

Minecraft Dragon Egg 01
End portal with Ender Dragon Egg

Ender Dragon Egg

In the middle of the End portal is a pillar with torches on the side and an Ender Dragon Egg on the top. You can even hatch this egg to revive the Ender Dragon. There are also several tricks in order to bring this egg back to the Overworld to decorate your house.

End credits and poem

The end credits and poem appear right after you enter the end portal. It talks about how the player has grown with new skills and experience, plus some philosophical discussions. There has been a lot of theories from the community about the meaning of the end credits but so far, none of them are proved to be true.

End Credit Minecraft
Minecraft end credits and poem

>>>> Read more: Minecraft Spore Blossoms: Where To Find & How To Put Them In Your House

<![CDATA[Top 5 Biomes For The Best Growth Of Mushrooms In Minecraft 2022]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/best-biomes-to-grow-mushrooms-in-minecraft-19737 Mon, 17 Jan 2022 03:53:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/best-biomes-to-grow-mushrooms-in-minecraft-19737
Mushrooms are common food items in Minecraft. Check out the top 5 biomes for the best growth of mushrooms in Minecraft that you must know.]]>

Mushrooms are common food items in Minecraft. You can pick up mushrooms in the wild, purchase them from Wandering Trader, and grow this food. Mushrooms are very essential for your life in this game. Check out the top 5 biomes for the best growth of mushrooms in Minecraft that you must know.

Table of Contents

  • #1. Mushroom Fields Biome
  • #2. Nether Biomes
  • #3. Swamp Biome
  • #4. Old-Growth Taiga Biome
  • #5. Plains Biome

#1. Mushroom Fields Biome

The best biome to grow mushrooms must be Mushroom Fields, one of the rarest biomes in Minecraft. It's often an island. This biome is the home of Mycelium blocks that is a variant of Minecraft's grass blocks. This flora item grows very well on these blocks at any light level. Moreover, these mushroom islands are paradises for farmers because you cannot find any hostile mobs here.

Mushroom Fields Biome
If you love this food, you can settle in Mushroom Fields and grow a lot of mushrooms in your farm.

#2. Nether Biomes

Minecraft players can find mushrooms in all Nether biomes. So, these biomes in the Nether dimension are among the best places to grow mushrooms. You can also collect a lot of wild mushrooms in crimson forests and warped forests. Besides, players can use the ender pearl to access the upper bedrock layer and harvest more mushrooms.

Nether Mushroom Biome
You can build some mushroom farm in the Nether Biomes close to your houses.

#3. Swamp Biome

The third best biome to grow mushrooms in Minecraft 2022 is the swamp biome. Though it's not the very first choice of Minecraft players, this biome is still among the primary mushroom-generating biomes in this game. You can use lily pads and boats to move around and explore this biome, pick up mushrooms and other resources, such as slimes.

Swamp Biome
The Swamp Biome is not an ideal place to live but you can make a remote mushroom farm here.

#4. Old-Growth Taiga Biome

Another good place to grow mushrooms in Minecraft is the old-growth taiga biome. This biome is the home of ferns and spruce trees. Spruce trees in this biome generate podzol - a grass block variant in this biome. These grass blocks are also ideal conditions for th growth of mushrooms like Mycelium blocks in Mushroom Fields.

Old Growth Taiga Biome
You can pick up mushrooms or grow this food item in Old-Growth Taiga.

#5. Plains Biome

Plain is also one of the best biomes for the best growth of mushrooms in Minecraft. Although it does not ideal grass blocks like Mushroom Fields and Old-Growth Taiga, Plains is still a favorite location of farmers. They can build a large mushroom farm in this spacious biome.

If you live in Plains in Minecraft, make a big mushroom farm to have unlimited sources of food.

Mushroom is a very important food for healing in Minecraft. So, you should make a big farm of mushroom near your house to recover your health and defend the house from mob attacks. If you don't have time to hunt animals for food while building houses, make a mushroom near your house. Minecraft players can consume mushrooms to avoid being starving, or decorate their land and houses with these colorful plants.

>>> Also Read: Top 5 Easy Castle Ideas In Minecraft In 2022

<![CDATA[How To Make Fireplace In Minecraft: Top 3 Easiest Designs]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-make-fireplace-in-minecraft-19708 Wed, 12 Jan 2022 10:56:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-make-fireplace-in-minecraft-19708
A fireplace will make your Minecraft house cozier and prettier. Here's how you can create easy and safe fireplaces!]]>

Minecraft players have multiple ways to decorate their own homes. From adding simple but exotic frog lights to making glowing carpets, the game proves how its players leave no stones unturned when it comes to building the best base with a distinguished taste.

Besides, we can usually see a fireplace that gives off the warming light in a cozy cottage or even from the focal points of lush living rooms.

The addition of Minecraft fireplace gives us the ability to practically use and safely include it in our design. Check out some of the simplest and best Minecraft fireplace ideas you may want to take on.

Fire Spread
These fireplace designs in Minecraft are seamless to make and won't set your home on fire.

Table of Contents

  • “Viewable on all sides” fireplace
  • In-n-out fireplace
  • Soul fire fireplace

“Viewable on all sides” fireplace

The first fireplace Minecraft design is one you can make inside your home. It has a 3x3 structure and is viewable on every side.

1. Put Nether bricks and nether brick stairs on the floor to create a platform in the center of the room.

Fireplace Platform
Make a platform using Nether bricks and Nether brick stairs.

2. Place a fire, aka a campfire block, in the middle.

3. Surround the Minecraft campfire with white glasses to prevent fire from spreading and for aesthetic views.

The white stained glass panes can complement the light wood flooring.

Campfire In Glass Stain
Any Minecraft fireplace tutorial can't be complete without campfire blocks.

4. Next, place a block of nether brick on the top of the fireplace.

5. Surround the nether brick with nether brick stairs.

Nether Bricks To Make Chimney
Don't forget to make a chimney to hide the smoke.

6. From this step, all that is left to do is pillaring it up with nether brick blocks in the middle to emulate a chimney.

How to make a fireplace in Minecraft is this easy. With only four kinds of materials and you have had a transparent fireplace that only takes a three-by-three space.

Viewable Fireplace
The last product will look like this.

In-n-out fireplace

Don’t mistake it with the famous fast-food brand. This fireplace Minecraft design bears this name because it can be seen from both inside and outside of your base. We will use a glass wall for the structure.

1. First, create a glass wall with the height you like.

2. Take out the middle five blocks at the bottom three rows, and only three at the top to separate the rest of the chimney.

In N Out Fireplace Frame
Players will love this 5-block wide and 3-block deep fireplace for how modern and realistic it looks.

3. Set the Polished Andesite blocks in the middle and put three fires on top.

Polished Andesite Blocks And Campfire
Place campfires on the polished andesite blocks.

4. Next, surround the bottom with white concrete blocks, all the way around the inside and outside of your building.

White Concrete Surrounding
White concrete blocks are needed in this case, but you can get creative with other colors if possible.

5. Now, put more white concrete blocks beside and on top of the fire, and fill in the box in front of and behind the fire using light stained gray glass.

Light Gray Stained Glass Pane
Surround the fire with glass panes and concrete blocks to prevent it from spreading.

6. Cover it with white concrete blocks and pull up more of them to the top to hide chimney smoke.

After all these steps, you will get a nice two-sided fireplace with a modern chimney up into the ceiling area. You can take a look at it be it in or out of the house.

Two Sided Fireplace
A fireplace you can view from both sides of the house.

The one thing you do not need to worry about is that our Minecraft fireplace tutorial is all safe. Players won’t have to see their hard-earned structures set on fire and burned to ashes following these designs.

Soul fire fireplace

As Soul Fire does not spread, they will not burn nearby blocks and you will manage to make a safe fireplace that won’t burn your house down.

On another hand, the light blue colors of the Soul Fire can add a touch of aesthetics to the design.

Follow the following steps and you will end up with a vision to behold.

1. Dig a 2x4 model on the ground.

2. Fill the top row with two blocks of soul soil and two Soul Fires on top.

Soul Fire
Using soul fire will ensure you a non-flaming fireplace.

3. With the bottom row, place two polished blackstones in the middle and two polished basalt blocks on the gap on the sides.

4. Now, you must put 2 chiseled nether bricks on the sides of Soul Fires and top them all the way up with Polished Blackstone Bricks.

Polished Blackstone
Use a lot of polished blackstones for your design to create a cool look.

5. Use Nether brick stairs and Nether brick slabs to make a kind of shelf on the front side of the fireplace.

6. Place Iron Bars surrounding the front of the soul fires.

You can add Soul Lanterns, make some Paintings, and Crimson Trapdoors to complete your mystic-looking design.

Soul Fire Fireplace
From these Minecraft fireplace ideas, you can go wide with more designs for various occasions.

With similar materials and a bit of addition, you can totally create more complex and visually pleasing fireplaces in Minecraft. You can take a look at this video for more references.

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<![CDATA[Easy Guide On How To Make A Perfect Circle In Minecraft]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-do-you-make-a-circle-in-minecraft-19650 Thu, 06 Jan 2022 08:50:54 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-do-you-make-a-circle-in-minecraft-19650
Making a flawless circle in Minecraft may be a bit challenging at first, but the procedure can be much easier if you follow this guide.]]>

Making a circle sounds easy, but the situation may be different in a blocky world like Minecraft. The game surely does not let users put a block on half a square as everything must snap to a grid. And it means any circle you make while building cannot be perfectly round like a real one.

However, with the right technique, you can build circular platforms, towers, or domes. How do you make a circle in Minecraft? You can follow these different ways: build it yourself, build it with command blocks, or use an online tool.

Table of Contents

  • 1. How Do You Make A Circle In Minecraft?
  • 2. How To Make A Circle In Minecraft Command
  • 3. Minecraft Circle Generator

1. How Do You Make A Circle In Minecraft?

The very first thing you should do before starting to build a circle is determine its diameter. This distance is measured from an end of the circle through the farthest point on the other end.

In fact, it’s easier to make circles using an odd diameter.

How do you make a circle in Minecraft
The larger the diameter is, the rounder and more "circle" it looks.

For example, if you create a circle with a 17-block diameter, the single block in the middle will be the center point from which you build a plus sign. This will be the circle frame and all that’s left for you to do is count 8 blocks outward in all directions to craft the circle’s outer bounds.

We will use a circle of 17 blocks wide in our guide here:

#1. Place 17 blocks down and put a block perpendicular on the middle block’s both sides.

Step 1 Make A Circle
Starting from putting blocks on the ground and creating a perpendicular to make the frame.

#2. From the center block (or the 9th block in this case), place 7 blocks out on each side of it.

Step 2
The number of blocks to put depends on the diameter.

#3. On each of the four tips, put more blocks to make them 5-block long.

Step 3 Make A Circle
Each tip will serve as the circle edge’s center.

#4. Finish the outline of your circle by building each corner with 2 more blocks on the sides, facing the same direction with the original edge.

Step 4 Circle
Put two blocks on two sides of each edge.

#5. Add the circle corners by creating a mini “L” using three blocks, filling the gap in the outline.

Step 5 Circle
Make an L on each part to fill the gap.

#6. As the circle outline is successfully made, you can now do anything you want with the inside.

Players can either get rid of the center blocks and let the circle be hollow or fill it with more blocks. A circle can be made into a platform to stand on.

Step 6
Make it full or leave it empty, your choice!

This is the manual way for those who wonder “How do you make a circle in Minecraft”. You can adjust the diameter of your circle. With enough practice, making a Minecraft circle will become your second nature.

2. How To Make A Circle In Minecraft Command

How to make a perfect circle in Minecraft will not be that hard anymore if you use commands. Follow these steps.

#1. Put 6 command blocks vertically on top of one another. If you don’t know how to obtain them, insert "/give command_block" in the chat window.

Minecraft Command Block
How do you make a circle in Minecraft? Use command blocks!

#2. Choose the correct mode and insert the commands in each command block from the top down as follows:

  • (Impulse) - execute as @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,tag=circle,distance=..10] at @s run tp @s ~ ~ ~ facing entity @p
  • (Chain) - execute as @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,tag=center,distance=..2,limit=1] at @s run tp @s ~ ~ ~ ~5 ~
  • (Chain) - execute as @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,tag=center,distance=..3,limit=1] at @s positioned ~ ~-7 ~ run summon minecraft:armor_stand ^ ^ ^3 {ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{id:sand,Count:1}],Tags:["circle"],Invisible:1,Invincible:1,NoGravity:1,Marker:1b}
  • (Chain) - execute as @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,tag=center,distance=..4,limit=1] at @s positioned ~ ~-6.5 ~ run summon minecraft:armor_stand ^ ^ ^3.5 {ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{id:sand,Count:1}],Tags:["circle"],Invisible:1,Invincible:1,NoGravity:1,Marker:1b}
  • (Repeating) - execute as @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,tag=center,distance=..5,limit=1] at @s positioned ~ ~-6.5 ~ run summon minecraft:armor_stand ^ ^ ^3 {ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{id:sand,Count:1}],Tags:["circle"],Invisible:1,Invincible:1,NoGravity:1,Marker:1b}
  • (Impulse) - summon minecraft:armor_stand ~ ~6 ~ {Tags:["center"]}

#3. Then, you can set the top and bottom command blocks to "Needs Redstone", the other blocks will be "Always Active."

#4. Equip a button on the top command block while a lever should be on the second last command block.

Once you follow these steps correctly, pull the lever and you will generate a circle of sand blocks around the command block pillar. Afterward, players can press the button atop to smoothen the circle edges.

When it’s all said and done, you can freely break the command blocks.

3. Minecraft Circle Generator

And there’s another way of how to make a perfect circle in Minecraft. Rather than complicated procedures, players can use a site, e.x. Pixel Circle Generator.

Here's how to use it:

#1. Enter the width and height you want your circle to have.

  • If the width is the same as the height, the circle will turn out perfectly round with a radius of r = width = height.
  • If the width and height are different, it will become an ellipse. However, we can still consider it a circle for brevity.

#2. Enter the thickness for the circle.

#3. The Minecraft circle generator will craft your circle and display it afterward. The calculator also tells you the number of blocks you need to make the circle.

Perfect Circle
Creating a perfect circle in Minecraft is nothing difficult with our instruction.

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<![CDATA[What Is The Best Diamond Height Minecraft After The 1.18 Update?]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/diamond-height-minecraft-19305 Mon, 29 Nov 2021 04:13:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/diamond-height-minecraft-19305
As the Minecraft 1.18 version is bound to arrive with many changes, players will not want to miss the best height to farm unlimted diamonds.]]>

The Caves & Cliffs 1.18 update in Minecraft will finally be released on November 30 after a long time of anticipation. The update promises to change the mining experience in the game forever when the new cave and mountain biomes are introduced. Along with that, the world's height will also be increased.

In Minecraft 1.18 update, the caves will generate on Y level -59 while the lowest Y level will be -64. Players will find bedrock layers below -59.

For those who want to collect Minecraft diamonds as much as possible, knowing the most recommended height for diamonds will help them collect a bunch without much effort.

Diamond Ore 1 18
What is the best diamond height Minecraft after the 1.18 version arrives? See below for more details.

Best diamond height Minecraft 1.18

Lots of changes are made to Minecraft world generation. Hence, diamond mining will also be different than before. The height at which diamonds ore spawn has been altered.

Diamond-hunting players must take notice that in Minecraft 1.18, diamonds only generate between Y 16 and -64. The best diamond height Minecraft now will be Y -59. At this level, you will be able to find the most abundant amount of them.

Do not forget to bring an iron pickaxe or something of higher quality with you as diamond ores can only be mined this way.

Mine Diamond Minecraft
Y -59 is the best diamond height where you can find the most number of these ores.

If you have not known, your current Y-level can be checked by pressing F3 or typing “/tp ~ ~ ~” into the chat window, and indeed quite a lot of digging is required to reach -58.

Moreover, the ores will be longer and you will get to see several rare ore formations. The Overworld fossils that can be discovered in the deepest parts will also generate with deepslate diamond ore instead of coal ore.

>>> 10 Best Minecraft Seeds For Diamonds 2021

New height for other ores in Minecraft

Apart from diamond ores, other ores found in the Overworld of Minecraft will also have different Y levels.

Minecraft Ore
Levels to mine other ores in Minecraft also change as the new version is arriving.

Take a look at the Overworld ore list and the heights they would generate at:

  • Coal ore: Between 320 and 0. Most common at Y levels 95 and 136.
  • Copper ore: Between 112 and -16. Most common at level 48.
  • Iron: Found at all levels until build height limit (320). Most common at 15 and 255.
  • Gold ore: Between 30 and -64. In badlands, the ore will generate between 250 and -64. Like the earlier versions, you can still find a lot more gold ore in the badlands in the new update.
  • Lapis Lazuli: Between -64 and 64. Most common at -1.
  • Redstone ore: Generates between levels -64 and 16. Common at Y -59.
  • Emerald ore: Only found in the mountains between levels -16 and 320. Most common at 255. You will get to see exposed emerald ores much more often in the Minecraft 1.18 update.

Besides, Deepslate emerald ores can also be found naturally.

For more tips on Minecraft and other game titles, check out on Gurugamer.com!

>>> Related post: All New Advancements In Minecraft 1.18 Update And How To Complete Them

<![CDATA[Full Guide On How To Mine Obsidian In Minecraft & Its Best Uses]]> https://gurugamer.com/mobile-games/how-to-mine-obsidian-in-minecraft-19195 Wed, 17 Nov 2021 09:43:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/mobile-games/how-to-mine-obsidian-in-minecraft-19195
Obsidian in Minecraft is a useful material that is very hard. Check out this guide on how to mine obsidian in Minecraft and use it effectively.]]>

Obsidian in Minecraft is a useful material for nether portal and enchanting tables frame construction. This material also has a lot of uses in this game but it's not easy to collect. Check out this guide on how to mine obsidian in Minecraft.

Table of Contents

  • I. How To Mine Obsidian In Minecraft
  • III. How To Use Obsidian In Minecraft
  • IV. Q&A About Obsidian In Minecraft

I. How To Mine Obsidian In Minecraft

Obsidian is very hard, so you need to use the Diamond Pickaxe to mine this material in Minecraft. It takes Minecraft players 9.375 seconds to mine. To increase the mining speed, you should use the Enchanted Pickaxe or Netherite Pickaxe. The higher level of Efficiency of the tools you use, the faster you mine the obsidian in Minecraft. Then, you can also mine more obsidian blocks in a shorter time.

There are three sources of obsidian to find.

  • From the wild: 

To mine obsidian in Minecraft, you need to go to ocean ravines, woodland mansions, ruined portals, and caves to find this material. Bring mining tools with you to break obsidian blocks and collect them to bring home.

Farm Obsidian From The Wild
Go to farm obsidian from the wild.
  • From looting:

Obsidian is also available to loot from chests insides houses of weaponsmiths in this world. Weaponsmiths are villagers in Minecraft. You can find them when exploring villages in this game. Visit houses of these villagers and loot chests to get many materials, including obsidian.

  • From bartering: 

You can also get obsidian blocks via bartering. Use gold to exchange with Piglins for materials and items in this game. Each obsidian block costs you 11.475 gold ingots. But the chance to get this material from bartering is only 8.71%.

Loot Chests To Get Materials
Loot chests to get materials, including obsidian.

III. How To Use Obsidian In Minecraft

Obsidian has many uses in Minecraft. This hard material is often used for construction. Minecraft players need a lot of obsidian blocks to travel to the nether realm in this game. Here are the top 5 uses of obsidian in Minecraft you need to know.

#1. Ender Chest

You need to have some Ender chests in your Inventory to store valuable items in Minecraft. This special chest can keep them safe. Obsidian is the main material to create this chest. You need an eye of ender and eight obsidian blocks to create a 27x27 Ender Chest. This chest has up to 27 slots for valuable items. If you are a rich man in Minecraft, create more Ender Chest to protect your fortunes.

Ender Chest
Make some Ender Chests to store precious items.

#2. Nether Portal

The most popular use of obsidian is the Nether Portal Frame construction. You need ten obsidian blocks or more to create a Nether Portal in Minecraft. It opens the way to the fiery and scary nether dimension that has many exclusive mobs and blocks to get.

Without Nether Portal, you cannot travel to the nether realm for exploration and material collection.

Nether Portal
Use obsidian to make Nether Portal.

#3. Enchanting Table

Another popular use of obsidian blocks in Minecraft is enchanting table construction. An enchanting table is a useful gadget in this game. You need it to enchant tools, weapons, armors, books, etc. Enchanted items are better than normal items. For example, the enchanted pickaxe decreases the mining time of obsidian. Using enchanted weapons also helps you gain XP.

Enchanting Table
Craft enchanting tables from obsidian.

#4. Beacon

Obsidian is also an important material to build the beacon in Minecraft. Beacon is very essential in this game because it creates the haste effect for players to mine stones, obsidian, and other blocks faster. Besides, this gadget also helps players clear huge chunks in the area you want to build bases or mob farms. You need three obsidian blocks, five glass blocks, and a nether star to make a beacon.

Create Beacon
You can also create beacons from obsidian.

#5. Vaults & Explosive Rooms

You can also use obsidian to make explosive rooms and trap players in Minecraft. The trapped ones cannot leave the explosive room before the explosion. Experienced players in Minecraft also use this hard material to build vaults to store valuable things, such as Netherite ingots and diamonds.

Use Obsidian For Construction
Use obsidian for construction.

IV. Q&A About Obsidian In Minecraft

To understand more about obsidian mining, check out the most common questions about how to mine obsidian in Minecraft below.

1. How long does it take to mine Obsidian with your fist?

It takes you 250 seconds to mine obsidian with your hands.

2. How to break Obsidian in Minecraft faster?

To break obsidian faster, you need to use enchanted pickaxes with Efficiency V and Haste II.

3. How to mine Obsidian without a diamond pickaxe?

If you don't have a diamond pickaxe, you can use a Netherite pickaxe, hands, or wooden/stone/iron/golden tools.

4. How long does it take to mine Obsidian with Efficiency 5 Netherite Tool?

It takes you 1.55 - 2.15 seconds to mine obsidian with an Efficiency-5 Netherite tool, based on Haste level.

5. What pickaxes can mine Obsidian?

You can use the pickaxe made from wood, stone, iron, gold, diamond, or Netherite to mine obsidian.

Those are things about how to mine obsidian in Minecraft you may need to know. Make the best tool and go to farm this useful material now.

>>> Also Read: How To Make Cobwebs In Minecraft And Use It Effectively

<![CDATA[How To Make Cobwebs In Minecraft And Use It Effectively]]> https://gurugamer.com/mobile-games/how-to-make-cobwebs-in-minecraft-19173 Mon, 15 Nov 2021 10:46:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/mobile-games/how-to-make-cobwebs-in-minecraft-19173
Cobwebs are very useful in Minecraft Creative and Survival modes. Check out this guide on how to make cobwebs in Minecraft here.]]>

Cobweb is an important trap that cannot be crafted in Minecraft. However, you can find, collect and store this item for later uses very easily. Cobwebs are very useful to slow down most entities in this game, except for spiders. Check out this guide on how to get cobwebs in Minecraft here.

Table of Contents

  • I. How To Make Cobwebs In Minecraft
  • II. Minecraft Cobweb Uses
  • III. FAQs About Cobwebs In Minecraft

I. How To Make Cobwebs In Minecraft

Cobwebs in Minecraft can be used as a trap to slow down a lot of entities. It's very easy to collect this item in Minecraft world. You need shears to make this item. Then, follow these steps to make a cobweb in Minecraft.

  • Go to find a Cobweb in an abandoned place like mineshafts or libraries.
  • Open the Hotbar to select the shear and hold it in your hand.
  • Use the shear to break and collect the cobweb in these abandoned places. Big cobwebs will break into smaller cobwebs and drop on the floor.
  • Pick up the cobweb quickly before it disappears.

These cobwebs will be saved in the Hotbar. You should keep it in the inventory to use when you need to slow down targets or enemies. This item is very useful, so you need to collect as many cobwebs as possible whenever you visit these abandoned locations.

Cobwebs In Minecraft
You cannot get cobwebs by crafting but you need to collect them from abandoned buildings.

II. Minecraft Cobweb Uses

Cobweb is very useful in Minecraft. This item has many uses that make the game more interesting or easier for players. You can use it in both survival and creative modes of Minecraft.

Here are the top 5 best uses of cobwebs that you should know and try in this game.

#1. Decorations

The first use of cobwebs in Minecraft is decoration. You can use this item to decorate your house and farm in a spooky Halloween theme. Place cobweb blocks in the corridors and dark corners in your castles or houses.

You can create a spooky place to enjoy the Halloween festival in this game. Besides, you can capture some spiders and release them around the castle to make scary sounds for a more realistic Halloween atmosphere.

You can use cobwebs to decorate your houses.

#2. Strings

Minecraft players can also make strings from cobwebs in Minecraft. Cobwebs are made from a lot of strings. So, you can get nine strings from a cobweb. But this use is only available in the Bedrock Edition.

Players on Java Edition need to use shears or non-silk-touch swords to break cobwebs and get strings. Besides, you can also kill spiders to get strings in this game.

Get Strings From Cobwebs
Use tools to get strings from cobwebs.

#3. Traps

The most popular use of cobwebs in Minecraft is trapping. Some players made traps from cobwebs with a lava bottom. When enemies fall into the trap, they will drop into the lave and get damaged.

If you are that unlucky player who get trapped in cobwebs, use the water bucket, fire resistance potions, or ender pearls to escape. Besides, you also need experience and a quick reaction to escape cobweb traps fast.

Cobweb Traps
Create cobweb traps to troll other players.

#4. PVP Combat

You can also use cobwebs to block and trap enemies in PVP battles. This item is useful for both defense and offense.

Throw some cobwebs quickly to trap and stop enemies from attacking you. Then, you will have enough time to heal your HP during combat. Then, come back to the battle quickly before the opponent can escape to kill him.

Block The Way
Use it to block the way or enemies.

#5. Redstone Contraptions

As mentioned, you can use cobwebs to slow down most entities in this game except for spiders. Therefore, Redstone engineers use it in delaying the throwing speed of items through droppers and dispensers. In addition, you can use it in the item sorting system to slow down the dropping speed of items. Minecraft players can also combine two cobwebs for a longer delay.

Simple Cobweb Timer
Make a simple cobweb timer.

III. FAQs About Cobwebs In Minecraft

To understand more about cobwebs and how to interact with them, check out some common questions about cobwebs here.

1. How to break cobwebs in Minecraft?

Minecraft players need to hold the shear in their hands to interact and break cobwebs.

2. How to make a cobweb farm in Minecraft?

To make a cobweb farm in Minecraft, you can capture and raise spiders in a castle or underground base and leave it abandoned. Then, it will be turned into a cobweb farm when you come back next time.

3. How to get the string from cobwebs in Minecraft?

You also use the shear to interact with the cobwebs you collect from abandoned places or your farm. Cut them into strings to use.

Those are all about cobwebs and the full guide on how to make cobwebs in Minecraft. This useful item will make your game easier and more interesting.

>>> Also Read: Feather Falling Minecraft Enchantment: What Does It Do & How To Get The Max Level?

<![CDATA[How To Get Flint In Minecraft Without Gravel & Fastest Way To Mine Flint]]> https://gurugamer.com/mobile-games/how-to-get-flint-in-minecraft-without-gravel-19155 Sat, 13 Nov 2021 08:09:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/mobile-games/how-to-get-flint-in-minecraft-without-gravel-19155
Flint is an important raw material to make arrows or flint farms in Minecraft. Check out this full guide on how to get flint in Minecraft without gravel.]]>

Flint is an important raw material to make arrows or flint farms in Minecraft. But the chance to get flint is not high. To get this material faster, you should know how to increase the chance of dropping flint. Check out this full guide on how to get flint in Minecraft with and without gravel.

Table of Contents

  • I. How To Get Flint In Minecraft Without Gravel
  • II. How To Get Flint From Gravel
  • III. How To Get Flint And Steel In Minecraft
Flint In Minecraft
Most methods to get flint in Minecraft do not require gravel.

I. How To Get Flint In Minecraft Without Gravel

There are four ways to get flint in Minecraft, including trading with a Fletcher, mining gravel, opening chests at ruined portals, and opening chests in villages.

So, there are three ways to get flint without gravel. Check out these methods and see how they work in this interesting sandbox game.

#1. Trading with a Fletcher

Minecraft fletcher is a villager from whom you can get many items from trading, including flint. You can find him at the fletching table job block.

To trade with villagers in Minecraft, you need to use emeralds to pay and get items. Players will get 26 flints for an emerald. Villagers in Minecraft are very useful and easy to spawn, so you should make use of them to trade for what you want.

Go to see the Fletcher in a village to exchange an emerald for 26 blocks of flint.

#2. Opening ruined portal chests

After the nether update, Ruined Portals become an important part. These ruined portals often spawn in many locations in the Minecraft world. You can find it near your spawn point. You can find many chests with a lot of supplies to loot.

Flint is a typical loot in these chests because you need flint and steel to light up these portals when exploring these locations.

Minecraft Ruined Portals
Go to explore Ruined Portals in Minecraft and loot chests to get flint and other supplies.

#3. Opening chests in villages

You can also find many chests when exploring villages in Minecraft. Players can find chests near their houses and different corners in villages. You can loot a significant amount of flint from these chests.

In fact, you can loot a lot of supplies from villagers other than flint to make life in this game easier.

Chests In Villages
Players can also loot flint and many supplies from chests in Minecraft villages.

II. How To Get Flint From Gravel

The best way on how to get flint in Minecraft fast is by mining gravel. You can increase the mining speed by using enchanted tools. Gravel blocks are natural sources of flint in this sandbox game.

Check out how to find gravel in Minecraft and collect flint quickly.

  • Find the gravel: you can find gravel blocks in various caves in Minecraft.
  • Mine the gravel with your hand or your shovel.
  • Place and mind the gravel blocks and pick up the flint. You need to pick up the flint block before it disappears.
How To Get Flint In Minecraft The Fastest Way
Use the hand or tool to farm gravel and get flint quickly.

The chance to get flint is between 10-100%, depending on the tool you use to mine flint. You should use enchanted tools to mine this material to increase the chance to get flint in Minecraft.

After understanding how to make flint in Minecraft, just enchant your tools and go farming now. Learn to enchant items in Minecraft to upgrade your tools.

Find Gravel
It's very easy to find and get gravel in Minecraft.

III. How To Get Flint And Steel In Minecraft

You need flint and steel to light up when exploring portals. You can make fire with these materials. Follow these steps to craft flint and steel in Minecraft.

  • Open the crafting table. It's a 3x3 grid.
  • Place an iron ingot and a flint block into the crafting grid. You should place the iron ingot in the first box of the first row and the flint block in the second box of the second row.
  • Pick up the crafted flint and steel in the right box after the procession completes.
  • Move the crafted item into your inventory.
Craft Flint
Make sure you place the crafting materials, including an iron ingot and a flint block in this pattern.

It's very easy to craft steel and flint in Minecraft. You can use this item to activate a Nether Portal or start the fire on a block and ignite TNT. You have more chance to get flint and steel from loot chests in Ruined portals than from the loot chests in Nether fortresses.

Those are the best ways on how to get flint in Minecraft without gravel and increase the farming speed. This crafting material is very important in this game. You should start to pick them up and craft them to make useful tools now. It makes the game easier for you.

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<![CDATA[ How To Build An Underwater Base In Minecraft]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/underwater-base-in-minecraft-18870 Wed, 13 Oct 2021 10:00:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/underwater-base-in-minecraft-18870
Building an underwater base in Minecraft is surely a big challenge but you will get a super cool base with great view and protection in return.]]>

Building bases in Minecraft is one of the joys of many people. There are millions of designs out there with all kinds of structures and designs. I mean who doesn't want to turn their imagination come true and create their own house mid-air, underground, or underwater.

Making an underwater base Minecraft is not only a fun idea but is also quite challenging. Unlike building a base on the ground, you have to face Drowned underwater, have slowed down movements, find ways to breathe underwater longer and more. In this article, we will show you how to build an underwater base in Minecraft.

Table of Contents

  • 1. How to build an underwater base in Minecraft
  • 2. Best Minecraft underwater base ideas
Underwater Base Minecraft
It's hard to build an underwater base Minecraft.

1. How to build an underwater base in Minecraft

Choose a location

The first step is to find a location to put up your underwater base in Minecraft. If you want to fence off intruders then you should choose a deep location. Otherwise, you can choose any location.

Get a base design

Before getting into the building part, you need to have an idea of how your base will look like. You can make a blueprint yourself or look up the ideas of other people on the internet. We also have some really good suggestions below that you can check out.

Build your underwater base

Finding all the resources you need and build your base according to your design like usual. Here are some important tips to make the building process easier.

  • Make some bubble columns to get more air. They will also help you dive down and resurface faster than normal swimming. Place a magma block is placed underwater to create a whirlpool to go down and place soul sand under water blocks to create an upward bubble column.
Bubble Column Minecraft
Bubble Columns will be really helpful while building your underwater base.
  • Wear your armor because Drowned will appear in deep areas of the ocean and attack you while you are building your base.
  • Prepare a helmet with Aqua Affinity enchantment to increases underwater mining speed and a Depth Strider enchantment to increase your underwater movement speed. The Respiration enchantment is also very helpful so you can stay underwater for a longer period of time.
Conduit Minecraft
The conduit can solve most of your problems but it's hard to obtain in Survival mode.
  • Building a conduit will give you Conduit Power which gives you Water Breathing, Night Vision, and Haste effects. However, in Survival mode, it can be quite difficult to obtain a conduit. To craft a conduit, you need a Heart of the Sea and 8 Nautilus Shell.

Clear out the water

It is quite easy to clear out all the water from your underwater base in Minecraft. If your base is small, you can just fill it with sand blocks then break them. You can also fill your base with flammable blocks such as wood planks, wool, or leaf blocks and then burn them.

2. Best Minecraft underwater base ideas

Here are some underwater base ideas in Minecraft you might take a look at to build or take inspiration from.

Simple underwater base

Let's start off with a very basic underwater base design. You can build this base without using too many resources or having any underwater breathing aids. You only need a 10x 10 area and build the house using wood, wood plank, and glass blocks.

The entrance to the house is on the top, above the water surface. You can use a ladder to go down the place.

Simple Underwater Base
A simple Underwater Base design that players can build in the early game.

Underwater Glass Dome

A Glass Dome is a wonderful idea for an underwater base since it allows you to enjoy the amazing scenery under the ocean. You can mix it up and add some other material into the build as you wish. Get some jack o'lanterns, glowstone, or sea lanterns to light up the space around your base.

Glass Dome
Everybody loves to build an Underwater Glass Dome to fully emerge to the ocean.

Underwater Mountain House

Now, this is kind of a special underwater base since the base doesn't really submerge into the water. Your base is technically inside a mountain with a view looking into the ocean through the glass. The access to your base will be through the mountain instead of having underwater access.

Underwater Mountain Base
A base inside the mountain looking into the underwater scenery of the ocean.

Secret Underwater Base

This build is truly an "underwater" base as your base will be built inside the seabed, lower than the ocean itself. The ceiling will be made out of glass so you can enjoy the aquatic life from below, which is kind of a refreshing perspective.

Secrect Underwater Base
Your base will be even lower than the ocean.

>>> Read more: How To Build A Secret Underground Base In Minecraft

<![CDATA[5 Best Animals To Farm For Food In Minecraft]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/best-animals-to-farm-for-food-in-minecraft-18872 Wed, 13 Oct 2021 09:03:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/best-animals-to-farm-for-food-in-minecraft-18872
Players won't have to worry about running out of food and losing HP if they have these efficient farms from the best animals for food in Minecraft.]]>

In the limitless Minecraft world, players can see a vast span of mobs as they progress. Almost all animal mobs are very helpful as they not just provide leather, wool, means of transportation, but also, most importantly, food sources.

Users have to always pay attention to their hunger bar and make sure it is charged to keep them alive. Dying from hunger is rare considering that we can find food anywhere in Minecraft. However, to make collecting food most effective, we shall set up food farms to have an abundant source. Besides common food farms from wheat or sugarcane, take note of these best animals to farm for food in Minecraft as well!

1. Guardian farm

Minecraft Guardians are the aggressive underwater mob that drops prismarine crystals, prismarine shards as well as raw cod upon death. Although these animals are primarily farmed for the prismarine drops, players can also get lots of cod.

Guardian Farm
Food is the most crucial resource in a survival game like Minecraft. With animal farms, you won't have to worry about lacking food.

Cooked cod can recover 5 hunger in the game. While it may not be the best food item, a guardian farm can help players obtain hundreds of cod within only a few minutes. It turns out the most efficient farm for food sources at this point.

2. Hoglin farm

The 1.16 Nether update introduced a powerful beast called hoglin to the Nether. They can punch players into the air, hence may toss them into the burning lava.

You can also make one of the best animal food farms in Minecraft with this buffed kind of pig. Hoglins also drop pork chops when they die.

Hoglin Farm
Create a hoglin farm to get meat.

Java Edition users can effortlessly farm this animal by making a spawning platform on the bedrock roofs around crimson forests. As hoglins are terrified of warped fungi, you can use them to lure them into the traps.

3. Honey farm

The 1.15 Buzzy Bees added adorable bees to the game. Same as bees in real life, Minecraft bees also make honey. When a bee nest or a beehive is filled, you can harvest bees to collect honey from there with glass bottles.

Honey Farms
Using observers, hoppers, and dispensers, you can easily set up a honey farm.

Drinking a bottle of honey can recover 6 hunger like steak and cooked chicken. Clearly bees are among the best animals to farm for food in Minecraft.

4. Chicken farm

Chickens’ unique behavior is dropping eggs after specified time intervals. Players can use these eggs to spawn even more chickens. A chicken farm functions by breeding chickens, collecting eggs from chickens, then dispense those eggs to crate baby chicks.

For this build, when the chickens mature, their heads will touch the lava, leading to their demise. You can use a fox with a Fire Aspect-enchanted sword to kill these chickens.

5. Cow farm

Cow is also one of the best animals to farm for food in Minecraft and also common to find in the game. Previously, you can make a mob crusher and semi-automatically farm cows. These crushes make use of entity cramming to kill mobs.

Upon death, cows drop raw beef which can be cooked into steak.

Cow Farm
The same design can be utilized to farm pigs.

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<![CDATA[Complete Guide & Tips On How To Grow Nether Warts In Minecraft]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-grow-nether-warts-18640 Tue, 21 Sep 2021 10:27:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/how-to-grow-nether-warts-18640
It's more convenient to have a garden of nether warts in your land. Follow the guide on how to grow nether warts in Minecraft.]]>

Nether wart is a kind of fungus that can be found in Minecraft Nether. This is an important material in many formulas but it's hard to find it in this game. However, you can grow it to farm and use. Check out this guide on how to grow nether warts in Minecraft here.

Table of Contents

  • How To Grow Nether Warts
  • Where To Find Nether Wart
  • How To Use Nether Wart In Minecraft
Nether Warts In Minecraft
Nether Warts is an important ingredient to process potions in Minecraft

How To Grow Nether Warts

Minecraft players can grow Nether Warts on their farms. Then, they don't need to explore mysterious and dangerous Nether fortresses to find this ingredient. Follow this full guide on how to grow nether wart in Minecraft.

Step 1. Create the best conditions to grow Nether Wart

To grow Nether Warts, you need to create a farm and put the best condition for the fungus to grow in it. This fungus species only grows on the soul sand. The soul sand can be found in four-block-deep layers below Y=34 in the nether wastes. You can also get this sand from nether wart rooms. You don't need to care about the water and sunlight because they do not matter the growth of this fungus.

Sunlight And Water Do Not Matter
Nether Wart only grows on the soul sand and it does not need water and sunlight.

Step 2: Plant Nether Wart

After creating the best condition for Nether Warts in your garden, you need to plant this fungus. You need to obtain the Nether Wart in the wild and take them to your garden. Then, hold it in your hands and click to the soul sand.

Place Nether Warts On The Soul Sand
You hold Nether Warts in your hands and click to the soul sand to grow them.

Minecraft Nether Wart has four stages of growth but its appearances in the second and third stages are the same.

  • In the first stage, it looks like a quartet of red bulbs that sprouts out of the sand.
  • Then, these red bulbs rise a bit and you can see some mass between these bulbs in the second and third stages of development.
  • In the final stage, it looks like a thick bunch of bulbous red stalks.

After it is totally mature and ready to use, you can harvest this fungus to use.

There Are Four Stages Of Developments
There are four stages of development with three appearances, from baby fungus to mature ones.

Step 3: Harvest The Mature Nether Warts

When the Neter Warts are mature enough, you need to harvest them. Pick up the fungus and store it in your inventory. After harvesting the first crop, you can continue to grow other crops. You can harvest it after 34 minutes. There are no requirements about the tool to harvest this material. However, it's highly recommended to use an enchanted tool to get greater yields.

Grow Fungus For Potion Production
When it's mature enough, you can harvest it to use.

How To Make Nether Wart Grow Faster

Each crop of Neter Warts lasts 34 minutes. However, there is no method to make this fungus grow faster in Minecraft. You cannot use the bone meal to make it grow faster like other kinds of plants. You cannot set the time to harvest this rare fungus either.

Where To Find Nether Wart

There are two main locations of Nether Wart in Minecraft. You need to harvest this fungus from the wild to plant it in your home garden. Therefore, go to explore locations of Nether Warts before building your garden to plant them.

  • In nature, you can only farm Nether Warts in Nether fortresses, chests, and certain places, such as near staircases. It's pretty hard to find this rare ingredient. Sometimes, you can loot it from chests.
  • Bastion Remnant is another location of Nether Wart in Minecraft wild nature. It often grows in the central courtyard.
Find Nether Warts In Minecraft
You can only farm Nether Warts in many places in Nether fortresses or Bastion Remnant.

You need to prepare tools and inventory to collect as much fungus as possible. After picking up Nether Wart in Minecraft Nether Fortress and Bastion Remnant, players can use it right away and grow it for later uses.

Under Staircases
This fungus often grows under the staircases insides Nether Fortresses.

How To Use Nether Wart In Minecraft

Nether Wart is an important ingredient in Awkward Potion recipes in Minecraft. You need this fungus to brew potions in this game that will help players to become powerful alchemists. Therefore, you need to grow as many Nether Warts as possible. Then, you don't need to travel far to farm this material.

Moreover, you can also use this material to create Nether Wart Blocks. Combine 9 nether warts to have a block. Or else, you can trade it for other supplies from villagers.

Awkward Potions
Nether Wart is an important ingredient to produce Awkward Potions in Minecraft.

Follow the guide on how to grow nether warts in Minecraft above to produce this potion ingredient. It's more convenient to have a garden of nether warts in your land.

>>> Also Read: Beetroot Minecraft: How To Get, Best Uses & Soup Recipe

<![CDATA[Melons In Minecraft: A Guide To Locations & How To Use Them]]> https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/melons-in-minecraft-18617 Sun, 19 Sep 2021 14:29:00 +0000 https://gurugamer.com/pc-console/melons-in-minecraft-18617
Melons in Minecraft have many potentials apart from being a food source. Here's where you can find them and make them the best material for your Minecraft experience.]]>

Minecraft world is always brimming with a vast range of different vegetables and fruits. They can be mundane to extremely exotic, but all has a specific use for players. One of the earliest and easy to find fruits in the game is melons and their uses cannot be underrated as well.

Here’s everything you need to know about melons in Minecraft including where to find them and what you can use them for.

Table of Contents

  • About Minecraft Melons
  • Melon locations in Minecraft
  • How to use Melons in Minecraft
Melon Location
What do melons in Minecraft do and where can players find them?

About Minecraft melons

Melon is a decent food source that can be eaten raw right after harvesting. Once encountered, you can break the melon blocks to get a handful of delicious melon slices.

Players can break melons by hand or using any tool they want. A melon will drop from 3 to 7 slices and they can assemble an entire Melon in your Crafting Table.

Melon Slice
Melons are a great source of food in the game.

Where can you find these melons in Minecraft?

Melon locations in Minecraft

Players can see melons in large quantities in jungle biomes. It might be quite hard for the player to seek a jungle biome in Minecraft than finding a melon in the jungle itself.

Besides, you can try your luck hunting savanna villages down. Minecraft melons can be found in farms or as a substitute for hay bales in these villages. But it is not guaranteed that all villages in the savanna biome will have the melons you are searching for.

Minecraft Melons
Players can find melons in savannah villages, jungle biomes, and woodland mansions.

Those who know the spot of a woodland mansion in their seed can also attempt to look for melons there. You may encounter them in a very certain type of room. However, it will be a waste of time hunting down a woodland mansion only to find melons. You can use these woodland mansion seeds to make it more time-efficient.

The specific rooms spawn inside each mansion are totally randomized.

How to use melons in Minecraft

These are how players can use Melons for their experience in the game.

  • Melons are the food sources that need to be cut into slices to eat. Each melon slice can restore 1.2 hunger saturation and 2 hunger points.
  • Also, melons can drop Melon Seeds which are utilized to grow more Melons. When planted on tiled lands, it will grow a small stem and each stem grows 1-4 Melons if there are empty blocks close by.
  • Players can also use them in Trades as Journeyman level farmers will buy 4 melons in exchange for 1 Emerald.
  • A melon slice can be made into a Glistering Melon Slice.
  • You can use Melon in a Composter and it has a 65 percent chance to boost the level by 1.

For more useful guides on Minecraft as well as other games, make sure to stay updated with Gurugamer.com!

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