pubg mobile weapons - Website for Indian gamers with latest gaming and technology news. Find release dates, trailers, and scores for all upcoming and recent video games in the world Mon, 16 Oct 2023 09:59:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 pubg mobile weapons - <![CDATA[PUBG Mobile M416 Vs. Non-Airdrop AUG: Which 5.56 AR Is Better?]]> Sun, 24 Sep 2023 07:24:00 +0000
AUG has been removed from the airdrop in PUBG Mobile 2.8. Is it better than M416? Let's compare and pick the better 5.56 AR here.]]>

AUG has been removed from the airdrop in PUBG Mobile 2.8. Its spawn rate is comparable with the legendary weapon M416 now. But is it better than M416? Let's compare and pick the better 5.56 AR here.

Table of Contents

  • #1. Damage
  • #2. Firing Rate
  • #3. Damage Per Second (DPS)
  • #4. Recoil & Accuracy
  • #5. Reload Duration
  • #6. Bullet Velocity

#1. Damage

M416 and AUG have the same damage point of 40.9 HP/hit. The airdrop AUG had a higher damage of 42.9. But its power was nerfed when this gun moved out of the airdrop. Therefore, it's hard to conclude which gun is better in terms of damage.

M416 And Aug Damage
M416 and AUG have similar damage per hit.

#2. Firing Rate

The rate of fire is also a critical status of a firearm. Though the non-airdrop AUG was nerfed, it still has a higher rate of fire. It means that you can shoot more bullets per second and deal higher damage to the target with this gun. Besides, your AUG also runs out of ammo earlier than the M416. Therefore, you must guarantee the accuracy of your AUG.

#3. Damage Per Second (DPS)

As explained, with a higher rate of fire, AUG also deals higher DPS to the target. While the DPS indicator of the legendary AR M416 is 426 dps, the nerfed AUG still deals 520 damage per second to the target. It's an advantage of AUG A3 in bullet spraying.

Aug A3
AUG A3 has a higher DPS due to its higher firing rate.

#4. Recoil & Accuracy

The recoil rate has a great impact on the practical output damage of these weapons. You only deal damage to the opponent when your bullet hits the targeted point accurately. The old AUG A3 is preferred because of its lower recoil and higher accuracy. But after being nerfed, the handling feature of this gun is also nerfed.

Its recoil rates were increased by 10% horizontally and 20% vertically. In comparison with the M416, the new AUG has around 5% higher vertical recoil but 15% lower horizontal recoil rates. Therefore, you have to pull the aim more when wielding an AUG. Besides, you should lower your body by crouching to make the barrel more stable when spraying bullets in mid-range spraying.

M416 And 6x Scope
M416 has a little higher recoil.

#5. Reload Duration

When reloading 30 bullets per normal magazine without quick mag attachment, the M416 takes you 2.2 seconds while the new AUG takes you 3.2 seconds. With up to one second faster, you can shoot down the opponent with 426 damage as long as all your bullets hit him accurately. It's critical in close combat and open-field engagement.

#6. Bullet Velocity

The new AUG A3 got a nerf in the bullet speed, which definitely affects its popularity. The airdrop version has a great bullet speed of 940 m/s. The ammo velocity of the current edition drops a bit, which is 900 m/s. But it's still higher than the M416 which has a standard velocity of 880 m/s.

New Aug
The new AUG is still better than the M416.

In conclusion, both guns have ideal damage points, recoil rates, and bullet speeds. These features are not hugely different. But overall, AUG is still better than M416 in both close and mid-range combat.

>>> Also Read: PUBG Mobile Zombie's Edge Update 2.8: TOP Interesting Myths, Tips & Tricks

<![CDATA[Top 10 Non-Airdrop Weapons To Use In PUBG Mobile 2022 (Ranked)]]> Fri, 18 Feb 2022 03:45:00 +0000
PUBG Mobile has plenty of weapons with different uses and features. Plenty of non-airdrops weapons in PUBG Mobile are still powerful and reliable.]]>

PUBG Mobile has plenty of weapons with different uses and features. Some more advanced guns are given to players in the airdrops. But many non-airdrops weapons in PUBG Mobile are still powerful and reliable. Check them out below.

#10. Micro UZI

Micro UZI is one of the most popular and reliable guns in PUBG Mobile. Though it has the lowest damage among the SMG family in this game, UZI is still one of the deadliest guns in close combat.

It's because UZI is the fastest firing gun in this game. It can shoot around 22 rounds per second. So it can deal around 56o hit points per second which is even higher than M416. You can kill enemies quickly with UZI.

Micro UZI has the highest firing rate.

#9. M249

The M249 was removed from the airdrop since previous updates. When becoming a world-spawn gun in this game, M249 has been nerfed a lot. But it's still one of the best non-airdrop weapons in this game because of its large magazine.

M249 Has A Large Magazine
M249 has a large magazine

#8. Mini-14

Mini-14 is one of the oldest guns in PUBG Mobile. Players often underrated the DMR family as they are not fully aware of this weapon category in mid and long-range damage. However, Mini-14 is the best DMR because this light-weighted is pretty easy to handle with very small recoil.

Mini 14
Mini-14 is useful in mid and long-range combat.

#7. DP-28

DP-28 is the favorite weapon of many players in PUBG Mobile, including both noobs and pros. It's one of the easiest guns to use in the game with high damage but low recoil. Therefore, the game developers decided to nerf this gun to make the game more balanced, but it's still very good. That's why DP-28 is in the 7th position on this list.

Dp 28
DP-28 is easy to handle.

#6. Shotguns

Shotguns outperform DP-28 in close combat due to super-high damage per accurate hit. The newest shotgun M1014 in Livik is the best shotgun in PUBG Mobile. The second best shotgun is DBS which was also removed from the airdrop. SK12, S686, and S1897 are in the following positions. The saw-off is not good at all.

Shotguns are only useful in close combat.

#5. Kar98k & Mosin Nagant

Kar98k and Mosin Nagant share the 5th position on this list as they have almost similar statistics. Both of them are good for long-range gunfights. They are less powerful but less noisy than M24 in this game. Moreover, both Kar98k and Mosin Nagant are reliable and stable. They are light and easy to handle.

Mosin Nagant
Mosin Nagant and Kar98k are equally good.

#4. M24

M24 is better than Kar98k and Mosin Nagant. So, it's in the 4th position on the list of the best non-airdrop weapons in PUBG Mobile. Actually, M24 used to spawn in the airdrop because it was the most powerful bolt-action SR. But it was brought to the world when AWM was introduced then.

M24 Has High Headshot Damage
M24 has high headshot damage.

#3. UMP45

UMP45 is one of the best SMG weapons outside the airdrop. After a buff, it's a GOD-tier weapon now that it is used more often by pro players. It outperformed all previous versions of this gun in the past. It's really reliable and silent.

Ump45 Is Very Accurate
UMP45 is very accurate

#2. AKM & Beryl M762

M762 and AKM share the second position in the list as their statistics are pretty the same. Both of them have very high base damage. But these 7.62 ARs have great recoil. So, beginners and noobs can hardly handle these guns.

#1. M416

M416 is the most used gun in PUBG Mobile for some reason. It's the most reliable weapon that outperforms almost all other non-airdrop weapons in this game. This stable gun can cover both short and long-range gunfights.

>>> Also Read: PUBG Mobile New Arena Santorini TDM Map Tips & Gameplay

<![CDATA[Top New PUBG Mobile Facts About XT Weapons, Parachuting & More]]> Sun, 13 Feb 2022 02:39:58 +0000
Here are the top new must-know PUBG Mobile facts about some in-game features in version 1.8, such as parachuting, XT weapons, and more.]]>

PUBG Mobile players have been discussing many new myths about in-game features, such as XT weapons, parachuting, spiderman crates, and more. Here are the top new must-know PUBG Mobile facts about these features in version 1.8.

#1. XT Weapon Damage

Most PUBG Mobile players think that XT weapons in PUBG Mobile are more powerful than normal weapons. But in fact, XT weapons do not deal higher damage than normal guns. They are better than normal weapons because they are more stable and accurate than normal ones.

Xt Weapons
XT weapons have higher stability.

#2. Parachuting Myth

According to the parachuting myth, you will get stuck midair if the teammate you are following is knocked while parachuting. This case sometimes happens in this game because long-range scopes allow players to shoot down enemies parachuting in the air.

However, you still land if your teammate gets knocked midair even when you are following him. Your knocked teammate will continue to fall on the ground if he gets knocked while parachuting. Then, he will die right after landing and you cannot revive him.

Knocked teammates do not prevent you from landing.

#3. Car Crash Effect

As rumored, the car crash effect makes nearby glass windows break when you hit the wall at high speed. But it's just a rumor. No matter how fast you run and hit the house wall, you cannot break the glass window by the car crash effect.

Car Crash Cannot Break Nearby Windows
The car crash cannot break nearby windows.

#4. Spiderman Crate Myth

Spiderman crates give players a lot of advanced supplies. According to a myth, if you collect all supplies in the spiderman crate on the spawn island, you will get an empty crate if you come back to that crate after parachuting. You can test it when playing on Livik.

Mark the spiderman crate location on the minimap where you got the crate before getting on the plane. Then, jump out of the plane and head to that spot to loot the same crate. You will see it's exactly when leave the spawn island. The crate is empty and the items you had looted also disappear.

You Cannot Loot A Crate Twice
You cannot loot a crate twice in a match.

#5. Team Killing Report

You can report the toxic teammate when he kills you. PUBG Mobile is more serious about this annoying experience in the game. So, you will get a notification after being killed by the teammate in Update 1.8.

All you need to do is click on the option of Confirm & Report in the notification. That player will be reported and stopped in the game. He cannot move or do anything else.

Reported Players Cannot Move
Reported players cannot move.

#6. Jump Vehicle & Web-Shooter

If you jump out of a flying vehicle and use spiderman's web-shooter quickly, you won't get damaged from falling. But it only works when you jump out of the car when it's flying up a slope. If the car is moving on the flat road, you do not have enough time to fly with the web-shooter, so you still get damaged. It's due to the cool-down time of this new gadget.

The web-shooter has a CD time.

#7. Web-Shooter Pose

The next fact is that you cannot use the web-shooter when you are in the prone pose. If you are in the prone position, the web-shooter button does not work.

Those are some new PUBG Mobile facts that are pretty useful for you.

>>> Also Read: PUBG Mobile Update 1.8 AC Core Module Explained

<![CDATA[Top 5 PUBG Mobile Guns After Spiderman Update 1.8]]> Mon, 24 Jan 2022 04:35:00 +0000
PUBG Mobile 1.8 brings new game modes and many changes to the gameplay. Here are the top 5 PUBG Mobile guns to use after the this update.]]>

PUBG Mobile 1.8 brings new game modes and many changes to the gameplay. The best weapons to use in this game are also different from previous recommendations. Here are the top 5 PUBG Mobile guns to use after the Spiderman Update.

#1. AWM

AWM is still and always the most powerful gun in PUBG Mobile. The base and headshot damage of this bolt-action sniper rifle remains high. Therefore, it's still the most powerful and reliable gun in both ranked and unranked modes. Though the new AC Core Module makes the weapon damage reduce massively, pro snipers can still knock or kill the enemy with an accurate headshot only.

Pubg Awm
AWM is the most powerful bolt-action SR with super-high damage per hit.

#2. MG3

There are three Light Machine Guns (LMGs) in PUBG Mobile now, including DP-28, M249, and MG3. It's undeniable that MG3 is the best LMG in this battle royale game now. It replaces M249 to spawn in airdrops, so this new LMG is pretty rare. Moreover, MG3 has two firing modes both of which are insanely powerful. This gun deal high damage due to its super-high rate of fire: 660rpm and 990rpm.

Mg3 Is Insane
MG3 is insanely powerful with two auto modes, including 660rpm and 990rpm.

#3. Mk14

Like AWM, Mk14 remains its power and the top position in its weapon category throughout many updates. There is no Designated Maskman Rifle (DMR) stronger than this gun. That's why it's still in the airdrop. Unlike SKS and other DMRs, Mk14 has single and aut0 firing modes. Therefore, it's more convenient and versatile than SKS, SLR, and other DMRs in this game. Mk14 can cover both long and short-range combat very well.

MK14 is the most powerful and deadliest DMR in PUBG Mobile.

#4. M416

Throughout many smalls and big updates, M416 is still the most stable and reliable assault rifle in PUBG Mobile. Though its damage has slightly nerfed, M416 is still powerful enough to take down the target quickly due to its high firing rate and accuracy. This weapon can cover both short and mid-range combat well. You can also use M416 to spray bullets in long-range combat or burst moving vehicles from a long distance.

Pubg Best Weapons
M416 is still the best gun for both rookies and veterans.

#5. UMP45

UMP45 had been underrated for a long time before the previous version. But it has been massively buffed. Its rate of fire and damage were increased a lot to make this gun better and more reliable in close-range combat. Moreover, UMP45 is still one of the most stable guns with very low recoil. Therefore, it's one of the best weapons for beginners in PUBG Mobile after update 1.8. In addition, UMP45 is not as noisy as ARs and LMGs, so you can hide your position.

UMP45 has been buffed a lot and highly estimated now.

These weapons are really useful and powerful in the classic modes and TMD modes. They are also strong and advantageous in the new unranked map Aftermath despite the lower damage that falls due to the new AC Core Module.

>>> Also Read: PUBG Mobile Myths To Bust/Confirm In Spiderman Update 1.8

<![CDATA[Top 5 Worst Weapons In PUBG Mobile That Veterans Never Use]]> Tue, 14 Dec 2021 01:50:00 +0000
Some weapons in PUBG Mobile are almost useless, so veterans never use them. Check out the top 5 worst weapons in PUBG Mobile that are not worth using.]]>

PUBG Mobile has introduced a lot of weapons for different ranges of gunfights and uses. But there are some weapons that are almost useless, so veterans never use them in their games. Check out the top 5 worst weapons in PUBG Mobile that are not worth using.

#1. Mosin Nagant

Although Mosin Nagant is a new weapon in PUBG Mobile, it's not preferred by experienced players. This new bolt-action sniper rifle does not have any adv advantageous features that make it better than other SRs.

That's why Mosin Nagant is often underestimated in this game. PUBG Mobile players tend to prefer old bolt-action SRs, such as AWM, M24, and Kar98. These legendary guns are powerful and familiar to players. Moreover, Mosin Nagant has a long reload duration, making more players ignore it.

Mosin Nagant
Mosin Nagant is weaker and more useless than other bolt-action SRs.

#2. QBU

QBU is an exclusive automatic sniper rifle in Sanhok. It's also a reason why experienced players in PUBG Mobile often ignore it. In such a small map as Sanhok, pro players often use a weapon combo of two short-range weapons.

Moreover, the mountainous terrain and tropical forests with a lot of trees, rocks, and obstacles in Sanhok make this map become a hotspot of close-range combat. Sniper rifles are often useless on this map. Therefore, there's no need to introduce an exclusive SR in Sanhok.

Qbu Pubg Mobile
QBU is pretty useless in Sanhok.

#3. Winchester

Winchester, or more widely known as Win94, is the most underrated and least used bolt-action sniper rifle in PUBG Mobile. While most bolt-action sniper rifles in this game are designed for long-range combat, this gun is an exception.

Win94 uses .45 ACP ammo. It has low base damage and a short effective range. Many beginners try to use this weapon in close and mid-range combat, but the low firing rate also makes it useless in these situations. Moreover, you cannot replace the in-built 3x scope of Win94 with another scope.

Win94 Pubg Mobile
Win94 is often neglected in PUBG Mobile and BGMI.

#4. Sawed-off Shotgun

The sawed-off shotgun is also one of the worst weapons in PUBG Mobile that is not worth using. Although this gun uses 12-gauge ammo, it's still categorized as a pistol in the arsenal of the game. So, you can use it as a backup weapon after two main weapons.

This weapon is often neglected by PUBG Mobile players because they have to reload ammo after every two shells. It's very risky in close combat because other pistols and shotguns are more powerful and convenient with higher ammo capacity. Its low accuracy and ammo capacity make the sawed-off pretty useless.

Sawed Off
The Sawed-off is not useful in PUBG Mobile.

#5. R1895

R1895 is a strong pistol in PUBG Mobile with a high base damage of 64. But it's still one of the most underrated pistols in this game.

R1895 has the lowest capacity among pistols in this game with only seven rounds per load. Moreover, this pistol has a super long reload duration. Like the sawed-off, R1895 is a deadly choice for close combat, especially when you face players with ARs and SMGs.

>>> Also Read: PUBG Mobile Tips For UMP45 & Reasons Pro Players Prefer It After Update 1.7

<![CDATA[Best BGMI Weapon Combo For Aggressive Gameplay & AR Sensitivity]]> Wed, 10 Nov 2021 09:03:00 +0000
BGMI fraggers need the best weapons and have the best settings for ARs to play better. Check out the best weapon combo for fraggers in this game.]]>

BGMI and PUBG Mobile pro fraggers often prefer aggressive gameplay. This means they need to choose the best weapons and best settings for ARs to play better and increase K/D ratio. Check out the best weapon combo for fraggers in this game.

I. Best Weapon Combo For Fraggers

Here are the top weapon combinations for fraggers with aggressive gameplay in BGMI and PUBG Mobile.

#1. M461 And AKM

M146 is one of the best ARs in PUBG Mobile because it's stable and easy to shoot. Moreover, its accuracy is also great. Both AKM and M416 in BGMI are very powerful with high hit damage and high firing rates. You can knock down some enemies or a full opponent squad.

  • The hit damage of M416 is 41 HP per hit.
  • AKM's hit damage is 49 HP per hit.

Both of them have a large ammo capacity of 30-40 bullets per load. That amount of bullets are enough to do a clutch if you are pro, or enemies are noobs. It's the best weapon combo for aggressive fraggers in this game.

Amk And M416
AMK and M416 for fast kills.

#2. M416 And DP-28

If you cannot control AKM well, you can replace it with DP-28. This LMG also uses 7.65mm ammunition like AKM but it's more stable than AKM. Both these weapons in this weapon combo have high damage and automatic firing mode for assaulters.

You can use the M416 as the main weapon and the DP-28 as the backup gun. DP-28 has a high base damage of 52 which is higher than that of AKM. It also has a tripod to make the barrel stable when you spray bullets in long-range combat when your character is lying on the ground.

Dp 28 And M416
DP-28 And M416.

#3. Groza And M249

Groza is the rarest 7.62 AR in this game because it is one of a few airdrop weapons in BGMI. M249 has been brought from the airdrop to the map. Then, it's more popular and easy to loot now. M249 has a large ammo capacity of 15 bullets with extended mag and 75 bullets without it.

Groza has high hit damage and M249 has an insane rate of fire. So, both of them are really good for aggressive gameplay. This gun combo is very powerful but it's pretty hard to collect both of them. This weapon combo uses the same ammo type as the two previous combos, including 5.56 ammo and 7.62 ammo.

II. Best Sensitivity For Headshots

Apart from the best weapon combo in BGMI, you need to have great sensitivity settings to make headshots with these guns.

  • Camera sensitivity for ARs and LMGs should be high for short-range scope and low for long-range scope.
Camera sensitivity.
  • The ADS sensitivity should be lower than the camera sensitivity settings so that you won't get dizzy because of screen shake when spraying bullets with the scope on.
Ads Sensitivity
ADS sensitivity.
  • The gyro sensitivity for TTP, FPP, and close-range scopes like holo, red dot, and aim assist should be 400% so that the camera moves correctly.
Gyro Sensitivity
Gyro sensitivity.

You can learn from these recommended sensitivity settings and adjust your own sensitivity setting based on your gameplay and devices.

>>> Also Read: Full Guide On How To Improve Gyroscope In BGMI & PUBG New State

<![CDATA[Top 5 Guns For The Fastest Kills In BGMI & PUBG Mobile]]> Thu, 19 Aug 2021 12:16:00 +0000
Fast killing is a great advantage in shooting games like PUBG Mobile and BGMI. Here are the top 5 guns for the fastest kills in BGMI.]]>

Some weapons in BGMI allow players to get fast kill thanks to their high hit damage and insane rates of fire. Here are the top 5 guns for the fastest kills in BGMI and PUBG Mobile.

#1. Micro UZI

Micro UZI is one of the best close-range guns with one of the highest rates of fire. Moreover, its hit damage is also significant enough to make ít damage per second (DPS) high. You can take down an enemy in only 1-2 seconds as long as all bullets connect headshot.

If the enemy wears a level-3 military vest and helmet, you should aim and shoot to his legs and arms to kill him within three seconds. The high firing rate of this gun makes Micro UZI one of the best guns for the fastest kill.

Micro Uzi
Micro UZI has an insane rate of fire.

#2. Beryl M762

M762 is one of the strongest assault rifles in BGMI and PUBG Mobile. This gun uses 7.62mm ammo with a great penetration rate. Therefore, it can destroy the solid protection of level-2 and level-3 armor.

Moreover, this full-auto gun has a high rate of fire. Its DPS is not lower than that of Groza in the airdrop. Although its gun recoil is pretty high, you can also take the enemies down in an eye blink with a shot to the target's head.

Beryl M762
M762 is one of the strongest assault rifles.

#3. M1014

If DBS is the king of shotguns in BGMI, M1014 will be the Queen. Although its rate of fire is the lowest in this list, its hit damage is enough to send the enemy to the lobby in one shot only to any part of the body. Moreover, its bullet velocity reaches up to 420m/s.

Therefore, the bullet will reach the target very fast, especially when he is close to you. Moreover, M1014 is very stable. It also has a large mag of 8 rounds per load. Then, players can shoot continually.

M1014 is an OP shotgun.

#4. M416

Although the base damage of M416 is not as high as that of 7.62 ARs, such as AKM and Groza, M416 is still a better choice. The main reason is its stability. Thanks to low recoil, you can shoot more accurately.

The more accurate bullets hit the target, the faster you can kill him. That's why it's more preferred than AKM or Beryl M762. With the standard base damage and high accuracy, M416 lets you take the enemy down without reactions.

M416 is very stable and accurate.

#5. UMP45

The last weapon in the list of guns for the fastest kills in BGMI is UMP45. This SMG has both a high rate of fire and high base damage. Its DPS is also huge enough for users to take the enemy down in a few seconds. Moreover, it's one of the most stable guns in this shooting game. The only weak point of UMP45  is the short effective range. You should only use it in face-to-face combat.

These guns have the shortest time to kill because they are easier to control and more accurate than many airdrop weapons. Moreover, you should master this weapon to increase the chance of winning even when you can't loot airdrops.

>>> Also Read: Best Tips And Tricks To Get Higher Plus Rank Points In BGMI

<![CDATA[UMP45 Vs Thompson: Which SMG Is Better In BGMI & PUBG Mobile?]]> Fri, 13 Aug 2021 04:00:00 +0000
UMP45 and Thompson are best designed for close combat in BGMI. Let's compare UMP45 vs Thompson to find a more suitable gun for you.]]>

Both UMP45 and Thompson use .45ACP ammo. Which SMG is better in BGMI and PUBG Mobile? Let's compare UMP45 vs Thompson to find a more suitable gun for you.

Table of Contents

  • #1. Damage
  • #2. Recoil
  • #3. Hip-Fire With UMP45 Vs Thompson
  • #4. Rate Of Fire & DPS
  • #5. Bullet Velocity
  • #6. Ammo Capacity

#1. Damage

Although UMP45 and Thompson use the same ammo type, their base damage does not equal. In specific, the UMP45's base damage is 42.8, and headshot damage is 73.5. Meanwhile, Thompson's base damage is 41.9, and headshot damage is 71.8.

Therefore, Thompson is pretty weaker than UMP45 in a single shot. Similarly, if you fire to the arm and leg areas of the enemies, UMP45 causes higher damage to them. Especially, when the opponent wears the level-3 armor and helmet, you need to shoot their legs and arms to take them down faster.

Ump45 Bgmi
UMP45 has higher base damage than Thompson.

#2. Recoil

Comparing the recoil of UMP45 vs Thompson lets you know which gun is easier to control. Without attachments, UMP45 has lower vertical recoil than Thompson while their horizontal recoil pretty equals. Moreover, you can attach a compensator and a vertical grip to UMP45 to make it more stable. But Thompson only accepts the vertical grip and suppressor.

Therefore, UMP45 is easier to control with full attachments. In fact, you can spray with zero recoils when attaching both compensator and vertical grip to this SMG. But Thompson is a little harder to control. The barrel still chokes a bit.

Ump45 Is More Stable
UMP45 is more stable than Thompson.

#3. Hip-Fire With UMP45 Vs Thompson

As UMP45 and Thompson are designed for close combat, it's better to use hip-fire with these two SMGs. As Thompson has more recoil than UMP45, it's less accurate in hip-firing. Its bullets spread wider than UMP45's bullets do.

Ump45 Is Better For Hip Firing
UMP45 is better for hip-firing

#4. Rate Of Fire & DPS

The rate of fire will determine the damage per second of the weapon. In comparing the firing rate of UMP45 and Thompson, UMP45 has a bit faster rate of fire than Thompson. In specific, UMP45 can shoot 11.5 bullets per second while Thompson can release 11 bullets per second.

Hence, UMP45's DPS is a bit higher than Thompson's. But in such intense shooting games like BGMI and PUBG Mobile, a small difference still matters. Higher DPS allows users to take the enemy down faster. If you know how to use UMP45 properly, this SMG is really deadly.

Thompson Has A Lower Rate Of Fire
Thompson has a lower rate of fire

#5. Bullet Velocity

The bullet velocity or bullet speed will determine which gun has faster bullets. UMP45 has a higher bullet speed of 360m/s while Thompson's bullet velocity is only 280m/s. When both guns shoot together, UMP45's bullets reach the target earlier. Therefore, the time to kill when using UMP45 is also shorter.

Ump45 Has A Higher Bullet Speed
UMP45 has a higher bullet speed.

#6. Ammo Capacity

From the first to the fifth criteria, UMP45 wins. But this time, Thompson surpasses UMP45 in ammo capacity. While UMP45's magazine can hold only 25-35 bullets per load, Thompson can carry 30-50 bullets with its default or extended magazine. Therefore, you need to reload ammo earlier and more frequently when using UMP45.

>>> Also Read: BGMI Update 1.6 Release Date, New Feature Leaks, New Season & More

<![CDATA[Mk14 Vs MG3 Vs Groza: Which Is The Best 7.62mm Weapon In BGMI Airdrop?]]> Mon, 02 Aug 2021 11:14:00 +0000
Mk14, MG3, and Groza are three 7.62 guns in PUBG Mobile and BGMI airdrops after update 1.5. Which is the best 7.62mm weapon in the airdrop now?]]>

There are three airdrop weapons that use 7.62mm ammo in BGMI after update 1.5. Let's compare these three weapons: Mk14 vs MG3 vs Groza to choose the best 7.62mm weapon in the BGMI airdrop.

#1. Weapon Types And Best Use

Although these three weapons use the same bullet type, they are not the same weapon category. Mk14 is a Designed Marksman Rifle (DMR) but it also has a full-auto mode besides the single firing mode. Groza is an assault rifle that is best designed for close combat. Meanwhile, the new airdrop weapon MG3 is a Light Machine Gun (LMG). It's also a great choice for a close fight.

Weapon Camparison
These three weapons are not the same type.

#2.  Base Damage

As these weapons are not the same type, their base damage is also different. In specific, the headshot damage of MG3 is 92, Groza is 110, and Mk14 is 140. In addition, the base damage of MG3 is 40, Groza is 48, and Mk4 is 60.8. In short, Mk14 is the most powerful in a single tap. In the full-auto mode, Mk14 takes you less time to kill enemies.

Pubg Mobile Mk14
Mk14 has the highest headshot damage and base damage among them.

#3. Rate Of Fire

Apart from the base damage, the rate of fire also affects the power of weapons in PUBG Mobile and BGMI. The gun with a high rate of fire will have insane damage per second (DPS). Then, you can take the enemy down with less time.

Here are the rates of fire that we should take a look at when comparing Mk14 vs MG3 vs Groza.

  • The firing rate of Mk14 is 0.095. This gun can shoot 11 bullets per second.
  • Groza has a faster firing rate of 0.08. Therefore, Groza can shoot 12.5 bullets in a second.
  • MG3's rate of fire is the best among these three weapons. It's only 0.06. Then, MG3 can release up to 16.5 bullets per second.
Pubg Mobile Mg3
MG3 has the highest rate of fire.

Consequently, MG3 has an insane DPS point that reaches up to 660dps. Although it's pretty lower than Mk14's DPS point (671dps), MG3 is still more powerful than Groza (600dps). You can also take the enemy down quickly with all these three weapons if you shoot accurately.

#4. Recoil

According to these measurements and calculations, Mk14 seems to be the most powerful weapon among them. However, imagine that you can cause 671dps, you can take down six enemies in a second. But it's impossible in a real match. No one can do it when they use this weapon.

Gun Recoil Of Mg3
Amazingly, the new LMG with a super high rate of fire is the most stable gun.

It's because the gun recoil makes most bullets go incorrectly. Not all bullets you shoot can reach the target as expected. In fact, Mk14 has the craziest recoil, especially in the full-auto mode. Therefore, the number of accurate hits is very low.

Groza Pubg Mobile
Groza is still more stable than Mk14.

Meanwhile, the new LMG MG3 is more reliable and easy to control with pretty low recoil. Moreover, this gun is more stable when you use its bipod. Groza's vertical recoil is very high but its horizontal recoil is the lowest. Therefore, you only need to focus on dragging the aim down.


In brief, MG3 is the best 7.62mm weapon. It's the most balanced and reliable gun in the airdrop after update 1.5. It's not only powerful but also stable and easy to control. Moreover, it also has the largest magazine.

>>> Also Read: Must-Know Rules For GOD-Tier Gameplay In BGMI & PUBG Mobile

<![CDATA[New Gun Combos For PUBG Mobile & BGMI Pro Players In Erangel]]> Thu, 29 Jul 2021 04:39:00 +0000
It's important to select and combine them to deal with all ranges of combat in BGMI and PUBG Mobile. Check out the top new gun combos here.]]>

A proper gun combo can help you play better in BGMI and PUBG Mobile. You have two slots for main guns and a pistol slot in a match. So, it's important to select and combine them to deal with all ranges of combat in this battle royale game. Check out the top new gun combos for Erangel in PUBG Mobile and BGMI here.

#1. M416 & M249

The new M249 appears on the map. It's replaced by the new gun MG3 in the airdrop. You can loot the new M249 on almost all maps in BGMI. Although the gun recoil increases a bit, this Light-Machine gun is still a good choice for close combat due to its large magazine. It's enough to pray to burst a moving vehicle and clear a squad.

Pubg Mobile M249 And M416
M249 and M416 can deal with both short and long-range combat.

M416 can be used as the secondary weapon in this gun combo. You should attach a 6x scope to pray in mid-range combat and tap in long-range combat. This gun is very stable and easy to control due to its low recoil.

#2. MG3 & Mk14

This is a weapon combo for pro players who can control the gun recoil well. If you can master these two guns, you can play like a God-tier player. The new LMG MG3 has the highest rate of fire. Therefore, its Damage Per Second (DPS) is super high. This new airdrop weapon is the best choice for close combat.

New Gun Mg3 BGMI
The new MG3 can work well with all weapons.

Mk14 is always known as the beast in the semi-sniper category. Its base damage is super high but the gun recoil is also insane. But you can conquer long-range combat in PUBG Mobile and BGMI with this semi-sniper when you master it. Moreover, they use the same ammo type. It's one of the best new gun combos that you must try.

#3. Beryl M762 & M24

After the previous update, M24's status has been buffed. The effective range of this bolt-action sniper is increased slightly. Then, this gun becomes the best choice for targets at long distances in Erangel. This SR has a larger ammo capacity than Kar98k when you use an SR Extended Mag. Besides, M24 has a higher spawn rate than the sniper king AWM.

Berryl M762 gun combo
You can combine Berryl M762 with a bolt-action sniper rifle.

Beryl M762 also uses 7.62mm ammo. This is one of the best assault rifles in PUBG Mobile with both high base damage and a high rate of fire. Although this gun has high recoil, you should choose M762 for close fights. You can knock the opponent using M416 if you fire at the same time.

#4. ASM Abakan & SCAR-L

ASM Abakan is a new 5.56 AR in Mission Ignition mode on the map Erangel. Have you tried it? This new gun combo will give you more experience in this game mode. Although its recoil is pretty high, you can use the new exclusive attachment of the muzzle brake to make it more stable.

New Asm Abakan bgmi
If you want to try the new AR ASM Abakan, combine it with another 5.56 weapon.

SCAR-L also uses 5.56mm ammo. It's more stable than ASM Abakan. Moreover, SCAR-L is also popular and easy to find on this map. You can trust it in both short and mid-range combat. These two guns will make an interesting weapon combo that you should try. You can use an M416 to replace SCAR-L in this combo if you can't loot it.

>>> Also Read: New Setting And Sensitivity For Zero Recoil For BGMI & PUBG Mobile

<![CDATA[Best Tips To Use New LMG MG3 In BGMI & PUBG Mobile 1.5]]> Sun, 18 Jul 2021 05:12:00 +0000
MG3 finally came to PUBG Mobile and BGMI after a long time of waiting. Check out this guide on how to use the new LMG MG3 properly.]]>

MG3 is the new LMG in PUBG Mobile and BGMI 1.5. It finally came to this game after a long time of waiting. Check out this guide on how to use the new LMG MG3 properly.

Table of Contents

  • Stats of MG3 in PUBG Mobile and BGMI
  • Best tips to use MG3 in PUBG Mobile
  • Locations of MG3 in PUBG Mobile

Stats of MG3 in PUBG Mobile and BGMI

This new LMG has a base damage of 40 and headshot damage of 92, but MG3 causes only 41.4 headshot damage to the players with a level-3 helmet. Although it uses 7.62mm ammo, it has the same damage as the old M249 which uses 5.56mm ammo.

Mg3 Has Two Firing Modes
MG3 has two firing modes: 660rpm and 990rmp.

However, it's still more powerful than the new M249. It's because MG3 has two firing modes: 660rpm and 990rpm. In both these firing modes, this gun has super-high rates of fire, making its damage per second (DPS) higher and time to kill shorter.

It Has Lower Recoils Than M249
It has lower recoils than M249.

The vertical recoil of MG3 (990rpm) is incredibly lower than M249 and DP28. Moreover, its horizontal recoil is also smaller than M249. It means that the bullet spread of this gun is also smaller than that of M249. With these better statistics, MG3 replaced M249 in the airdrop.

Best tips to use MG3 in PUBG Mobile

This new LMG in PUBG Mobile and BGMI is still good without attachments. Moreover, MG3 does not support any attachment except for scopes. It means that you can only attach a scope to aim while shooting with this gun. It supports from the red dot and the holographic sight to 6x scope.

Mg3 Attachments
MG3 has only one attachment slot for a scope.

But it has a pre-equipped bipod to make this gun stable when you lie and fire. Here are some tips to use MG3 with the lowest recoil and highest accuracy.

  • Stay behind a rock or tree and crouch to spray moving targets running towards you. Then, you can react quickly when the vehicles are about to crash you.
  • Prone to spray moving target in long-range combat. But you need to make sure that the grass is high enough to hide your body. The prone pose lets you spray with nearly zero recoils.
  • Use hip-fire in face-to-face and close combat or panic situations.
Spray At Enemies
Use hip-fire to spray
  • When countering a squad on a UAZ or Dacia running to your position, use the 990rpm mode to spray and burst the vehicle and kill the whole squad with an explosion.
  • Reload when the mag still has a few bullets left. It helps reduce the reload duration of this gun and lets you come back to the battle earlier. Besides, fall back to the cover when you need to reload bullets. You can use some fake smoke to confuse enemies and cover you when you are reloading ammo.

Locations of MG3 in PUBG Mobile

MG3 only spawn in the airdrop. You can loot this gun from natural airdrops or custom airdrops. However, not all airdrops give you this LMG. Keep in mind that you shoot the flare gun inside the white circle and in a vertical direction. Keep an eye on the clock below the minimap.

Loot Mg3 From Death Crate Or Airdrop
You can loot MG3 from airdrops or death crates of airdrop looters.

If there is only one second left before the next circle, come into the next circle and use the flare gun to get the loot crate for sure. Besides, you can kill the airdrop looters to rob MG3. But it can be harder because if a pro player has MG3 in his hand, you can be drilled into a death crate before you can touch that weapon.

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<![CDATA[Top 5 Semi-Snipers In PUBG Mobile 2021 (Ranked)]]> Mon, 21 Jun 2021 08:50:00 +0000
Here are the five best semi-sniper in PUBG Mobile and Battlegrounds Mobile India 2021. You can use them as snipers and assault rifles.]]>

Semi-sniper or DMR is a special weapon category that can function as a sniper and an assault rifle. Here are the five best semi-snipers in PUBG Mobile and Battlegrounds Mobile India 2021.

#5. Mini-14

Using 5.56mm ammo, Mini-14 has a pretty low base damage of 46 HP per hit. But it has great stability and a high rate of fire. Therefore, the accuracy and damage per second of semi-sniper are also high. The bullet velocity reaches 990m/s. Hence, its bullet drop is also low. Then, you can pick a moving target easily and accurately. Moreover, it can hold 20 - 30 bullets per load.

Pubg Mobile Mini 14
Mini-14 has a high rate of fire.

#4. QBU

After many updates, QBU's damage is boosted a lot. In specific, its base damage reaches 55HP per hit. It replaces Mini-14 on the map Sanhok. But this exclusive semi-sniper has pre-equipped bipods to make it more stable when you fire in the prone pose.

Qbu Pubg Mobile
QBU replaces Mini-14 on the map Sanhok.

Besides, it can kill enemies very quietly when you attach a silencer to QBU. You can also tap the fire button quickly to use this semi-sniper as an AR in panic situations. That's why it's mention in the list of the best semi-snipers in PUBG Mobile.

>>> Also read: Top 5 Best Assault Rifles In Battlegrounds Mobile India 2021

#3. SLR

SLR is considered as another version of SKS with higher base damage and recoil. In specific, its base damage is 58HP per hit. Although SLR was introduced after SKS, it's still widely preferred due to its great power.

Slr Pubg Mobile
SLR is a very powerful semi-sniper on the battleground.

You can take an enemy with a level-3 helmet in only 2 shots. Besides, the initial bullet speed of this semi-sniper reaches 840m/s. If you can control its recoil well, SLR will be a very powerful semi-sniper on the battleground. In the new meta, this DMR is preferred over bolt-action SRs.

#2. SKS

SKS is more preferred than SLR because it has lower recoil and great power. It also uses 7.62mm ammo that has great bullet penetration to cause high damage to enemies. You can equip 25 different attachments for this semi-sniper to make it more flexible.

Pubg Mobile Sks
SKS has lower recoil and great power than SLR.

However, the initial bullet velocity of SKS only reaches 800m/s. Therefore, the higher bullet drop makes SKS weaker in distanced combat. Then, it's harder to pick moving targets than Mini-14 and QBZ. But it's still one of the best semi-snipers in PUBG Mobile 2021.

 #1. Mk14

Mk14 is the best semi-sniper in PUBG Mobile and Battlegrounds Mobile India. This airdrop gun offers two firing modes: single and full-auto. Therefore, it can works effectively in both close combat and long-range engagements. It has super high damage and bullet velocity (853m/s).

Mk14 Pubg Mobile
Mk14 is the best semi-sniper in PUBG Mobile.

Therefore, Mk14 is a beast on the battlefield for both standstill and moving targets. It reaches the max damage within 120m and reduces between 12 - 400 meters. On the hand of pro players, Mk14 is more deadly than AWM because it has a higher rate of fire. The worst thing about this weapon is its super huge recoil. You can refer to tips of mastering Mk14.

>>> Also Read: 5 Best Pistols In PUBG Mobile & Battlegrounds Mobile India 2021

<![CDATA[5 Best Pistols In PUBG Mobile & Battlegrounds Mobile India 2021]]> Mon, 21 Jun 2021 04:02:00 +0000
Pistols sometimes can save your life and help you overcome some panic situations. Here are the 5 best pistols you should use in PUBG Mobile.]]>

Pistols are among the most underrated weapons in PUBG Mobile where ARs and SMGs are more preferred. But pistols can save your life and help you overcome some panic situations. Here are the 5 best pistols in PUBG Mobile and Battlegrounds Mobile India.

#5. P1911

P1911 uses 45ACP ammo which has a higher bullet penetration rate than other types of ammo. Therefore, it has higher base damage. This pistol can hold 7 to 12 bullets per load. This pistol offers only one firing mode: single. Therefore, it's only effective in the early stage of the match when enemies haven't finish looting. But this gun has attachment slots for an extended mag, holographic sight/red dot, and silencer.

P1911 Pubg Mobile
P1911 is one of the best pistols in PUBG Mobile.

#4. P18C

This pistol has pretty low base damage. But its mag can hold 17 - 25 bullets per load. Moreover, this pistol offers a full-auto firing mode to make its DPS higher. You should always bring it in the pistol weapon slot to defend when both primary and secondary weapons run out of ammo.

P18c Pubg Mobile
P18C has a large ammo capacity.

#3. Sawed-Off

This is the only PUBG Mobile shotgun categorized in the pistol type. It can function as an S686 but its base damage is higher due to its shorter barrel. The base damage of this pistol is 80HP per hit which is the highest damage point in this weapon category. Besides, this pistol has only one attachment slot for the choke. You should only use the Sawed-off in the early stage of the match. It can hold only 2 bullets per load and the reload duration is also long.

Sawed Off Shotgun
Sawed-off has a high base damage of 80HP per hit.

#2. Desert Eagle

Desert Eagle has a high base damage point of 62HP per hit. Therefore, you can take down an enemy with a level-3 helmet in two shots to the head. If the enemy wears a level-1 helmet, one headshot is enough to finish him. That's why it's one of the best pistols in PUBG Mobile and Battlegrounds Mobile India.

Desert Eagle
Desert Eagle has a high base damage point of 62HP per hit.

It makes this gun more preferred despite its high recoil and low rate of fire. Moreover, the effective range of Desert Eagle reaches 100 meters but it's more useful and powerful in face-to-face combat or indoor combat. Like P1911, this pistol also uses .45ACP ammo.

#1. Skorpion

This is the best pistol in PUBG Mobile and Battlegrounds Mobile India that can be used as a submachine gun. It has a lot of advantages, such as full-auto firing mode, large ammo capacity, and more attachment slots. You can use a foregrip to make it more stable and reliable. It also has a slot for an extended mag to increase the number of bullets per load from 20 to 40.

Skorpion is the best pistol in PUBG Mobile

Moreover, you can also attach a holographic sight/red dot, silencer, and stock. The maximum effective range of Skorpion is 500 meters. Therefore, it's more useful in the first circle and the last circle. You can use it as a secondary weapon in close combat.

>>> Also Read: Top 5 Weapons With The Highest Damage In PUBG Mobile

<![CDATA[Top 5 Weapons With The Highest Damage In PUBG Mobile]]> Fri, 18 Jun 2021 08:07:00 +0000
These are the top 5 weapons with the highest damage in PUBG Mobile. Some weapons in this list may surprise you. Check them out here.]]>

Here are the top 5 weapons with the highest damage in PUBG Mobile. Some names in this list may surprise you.

#5. Kar98K

Kar98k is a powerful sniper rifle that has high hit damage. Moreover, its accuracy is pretty high thanks to the low recoil. Besides, the maximum effective range is up to 500 meters.

Pubg Mobile Kar98k
Kar98k has high damage and accuracy.

You can knock out an enemy with level-1 and level-2 helmet in one shot to the head. If the enemies wear a level-3 helmet, Kar98k can destroy the helmet and take 99HP away. You can also use this bolt-action sniper rifle for mid-range combat.

#4. M24

M24 is one of the most favorite weapons for long-range combat due to its great power. Its base damage is 79HP per hit. Like Kar98k it can also knock an enemy with a level-2 helmet in one hit only.

Pubg Mobile M24
M24's hit damage is 79.

If the target wears a set of level-3 armor, you only need 2 shots to finish him. In addition, M24 has a high initial bullet velocity and reload speed. Moreover, it supports an extended mag to hold up to 7 bullets per load.

#3. Pan

It's pretty surprising to see this weapon in this list. But Pan is one of the most powerful melee weapons with the highest damage in PUBG Mobile. It's made of solid metal. So, it can be used as a bulletproof item to protect your back. Besides, the base damage of PUBG Mobile Pan reaches up to 80 HP per hit. You only need to make 2 consecutive hits to finish the opponent.

Pan Pubg Mobile
You can take down an enemy with two pan hits.

>>> Read more: Complete Guide For Noobs To Pro In PUBG Mobile 2021

#2. Crossbow

Crossbow has an insane base damage of 105HP per hit. You can take the enemies with a level-3 helmet in one shot only. Moreover, the crossbow is the most silent weapon in PUBG Mobile, so you can hide your position. But the reload duration of the crossbow is very long. You need to reload after each shot. Therefore, it's pretty risky when the enemies spot you.

#1. AWM

AWM tops the list of weapons with the highest damage in PUBG Mobile. The sound of it on the battleground always makes a lot of players terrified. Its base damage reaches 120HP per hit. It can finish a geared player in one shot only regardless of his armor or distance. Therefore, this powerful weapon is also rare.

>>> Also Read: PUBG Mobile Beta 1.5: New Weapon MG3, Futuristic Erangel & More

<![CDATA[Top 5 Shotguns To Conquer Close Fights In PUBG Mobile 2021 (Ranked)]]> Tue, 15 Jun 2021 08:51:00 +0000
Shotguns are ideal weapons in close combat in the battle royale mode and TDM mode. Here are the top 5 shotguns in this game that you should use.]]>

Shotgun is a powerful but underrated weapon category in PUBG Mobile. It's more popular in the early stage of the match. Here are the top 5 shotguns in PUBG Mobile in 2021 that you should use.

#5. S12K

S12K is a special shotgun in PUBG Mobile because it supports more attachments than other shotguns. You can attach a muzzle, a mag, and a scope to this shotgun.

S12K has a high rate of fire.

Moreover, it has a higher rate of fire than some other shotguns. You can shoot 5 - 7 bullets consecutively. It makes this gun more useful and powerful than other shotguns although its base damage point only reaches 90 HP per hit.

#4. M1040

M1014 also has a high rate of fire. Moreover, its base damage is slightly higher than that of S12K. You can take the target down in 1 - 2 shots only. It's pretty similar to S12K but M1014 is pretty harder to control. This PUBG Mobile shotgun has pretty high recoil. Besides, its spawning rate is pretty lower than that of S12K.

M1040 Tdm Mode
M1040 is an ideal gun for TDM mode.

>>> Also Read: 5 Best Submachine Guns In PUBG Mobile Season 19

#3. S1897

It's one of the most powerful shotguns in PUBG Mobile arsenal that can take an enemy down in one shot only. Each shot from S1897 releases 9 pellets with high damage. These pellets will penetrate into many parts of the enemy's body, making severe damage to them.

S1897 Pubg Mobile
S1897 - a weapon for one-shot-one-kill.

In a very close-range fight, the enemy will be knocked immediately. Therefore, S1897 is the most recommended weapon for hot spots, such as School or the Military Base.

#2. S686

S686 has higher base damage than previous shotguns in PUBG Mobile but it holds only 2 bullets per load. It lets users shoot two consecutive shots to take the opponent down quickly. But after two shots, you need to fall back and reload two other bullets.

S686 is a deadly weapon in face-to-face combat.

This gun is more effective in face-to-face combat and close fights in houses/buildings. In addition, you should only use it in 1v1 combat.

#1. DBS

The best shotgun in PUBG Mobile must be DBS. It's also recognized as the king in close combat. It can knock an enemy in one shot only. It also has the highest rate of fire and ammo capacity. With 14 rounds per load, a pro player can easily clear a hot-drop location, such as Bootcamp, Ruins, etc.

>>> Related Post: Guide On How To Use Shotguns Correctly In PUBG Mobile

<![CDATA[5 Best Submachine Guns In PUBG Mobile Season 19]]> Tue, 15 Jun 2021 04:00:00 +0000
Submachine guns the most recommended secondary weapons for all roles and strategies in PUBG Mobile. Here are the 5 best SMGs you should use.]]>

Submachine guns (SMGs) are very popular in PUBG Mobile, especially in close combat. It's the most recommended secondary weapon for all roles and strategies in this shooting game. Here are the 5 best SMGs in PUBG Mobile you should use.

#1. UMP45

UMP45 is the most balanced and easy-to-use SMG. It has a significant damage point of 38. UMP45 and highly recommended in close combat due to its stability and reliability. Moreover, this SMG has an impressively high firing rate and very low recoil.

Ump45 Pubg Mobile
UMP45 is insane

Apart from close-range fights, UMP45 is also effective in mid-range combat because this gun supports almost all scope, except for 8x scope. With a full set of best attachments, this SMG is more powerful and deadly on the battleground.

#2. Thompson

Thompson or Tommy gun is the second-best SMG in this shooting game with a high damage point of 40 per hit - the highest damage point in the SMG category. Furthermore, it also has the largest ammo capacity.

Thompson Gun
Thompson gun

It holds 35 - 50 bullets per load. It makes this gun very powerful in close combat, especially within a 38-meter range. The weakness of this gun is its recoil. Due to the high rate of fire, the Tommy gun is one of the most hard-to-control submachine guns in PUBG Mobile.

#3. PP-19 Bizon

The average damage point of PP-19 Bizon is 35 per hit. Besides, the effective range of this gun is 33 meters. It offers two firing modes: single and full-auto. It seems to be very normal. But this gun has a very large ammo capacity of 53 rounds per load. It only supports a muzzle and a scope. Besides, PP-19 Bizon is very stable making it a useful gun for close combat and rushes.

Bizon Pubg Mobile Stats
PP-19 Bizon's statistics.

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#4. Vector

It's one of the most favorite submachine guns for 20-meter range fights in PUBG Mobile. The strong points of this SMG are its super high rate of fire and super low recoil. Moreover, it supports many attachments to make bullets more accurate. However, its ammo capacity is pretty low. It can hold only 19 - 25 rounds per load.

Vector Pubg Mobile
Vector is one of the most favorite SMGs in PUBG Mobile.

#5. MP5K

The base damage of MK5K is 33 HP per hit. Its maximum effective range is 30 meters. MP5K is one of the most flexible submachine guns with three firing modes: single, burst, and full-auto.

Moreover, MP5K also supports all types of attachments, such as mag, muzzle, foregrip, stock, and scope. It's the ideal weapon for close and mid-range combat. Its rate of fire reaches 900 rounds per minute. Moreover, MK5K can hold 30 - 40 bullets per load like all ARs in this game.

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<![CDATA[PUBG Mobile M16A4 Vs Mk47 Mutant & Semi-AR Tips]]> Wed, 09 Jun 2021 11:38:00 +0000
Both M16A4 and Mk47 Mutant are pretty useful in some situations. Let's see which semi-AR is better to pick up if both of them are in your area.]]>

Both M16A4 and Mk47 Mutant are among the most underrated weapons in PUBG Mobile. However, you shouldn't ignore them when you don't have many choices. Let's see which semi-AR is better to pick up if both of them are in your area.

M16A4 Vs Mk47 Mutant Weapon Comparison

M16A4 uses 5.56mm ammo while Mk47 Mutant uses 7.62mm ammo. Therefore, their statistics are very different. Although they are among the worst weapons in PUBG Mobile, these semi-ARs are still useful in some cases.

M16a4 Pubg
Both Mk47 and M16A4 are semi-auto guns.

#1. Base Damage

The base damage of Mk47 Mutant is higher than M16A4. In specific, The headshot damage point of Mk47 is 110.1 while it's 94 in M16A4. Besides, the chest damage point of Mutant is 47.9 while it's 40.9 in M16A4. The base damage to the arms and legs of Mk47 is also higher. Therefore, you need fewer bullets to finish enemies with Mk47 Mutant.

Base Damage Comparison
Mk47 has higher base damage than M16A4.

#2. Recoil

As it uses bigger bullets, MK47 has higher recoil than M16A4. The vertical recoil of Mk47 nearly doubles the vertical recoil of M16A4. Therefore, it's harder to keep the crosshair stable when you tap consecutively in the burst mode. You can easily feel that the barrel of Mk47 bound a lot when you tap at high speed.

Recoil Comparison
M16A4 is more stable than Mk47 Mutant.

#3. Rate Of Fire

It's hard to measure the firing rate of these two semi-auto assault rifles because it depends on the tapping of each player. Some players can tap quickly while others will tap slowly. However, Mk47 allows players to tap faster. Whereas, the semi-AR M16A4 has a short delay after a burst fire. Therefore, Mk47 is a better choice for close combat.

The rate of fire of semi-ARs depends on the tapping speed of players.

Tips To Use Semi-ARs In PUBG Mobile

You should only use these Semi-AR when you can't loot any full-auto AR in your area after landing. If you find both Mk47 and M16A4, pick up Mk47 and try to control the gun recoil. This 7.62 semi-AR MK47 is more powerful than M16A4 in close combat. The 4-finger claw setting is the key to tap faster and increase the rate of fire when you use a semi-AR.

If you are not good at recoil control, you should use the weaker but more stable one - M16A4. It's better to use a compensator for a semi-AR because it makes the crosshair not move too far between two fires. Moreover, M16A4 is better for mid-range combat. You can use it as a DMR because of its stability.

>>> Related Post: PUBG Mobile Groza Vs Beryl M762: Which Gun Is Better After Update?

<![CDATA[PUBG Mobile Top 10 Worst Weapons In 2021 After Update]]> Thu, 03 Jun 2021 08:41:00 +0000
PUBG Mobile has both strong and weak weapons. Here are the 10 worst weapons you shouldn't use in this game or you will kill yourself.]]>

PUBG Mobile has both strong and weak weapons. Bad weapons may make you lose the game no matter how well you play. Here are the 10 worst weapons in PUBG Mobile you shouldn't use in 2021 after its latest update.

Table of Contents

  • #1. New M249
  • #2. Sawed-Off
  • #3. Stun Grenade
  • #4. R45
  • #5. Crossbow
  • #6. M16A4
  • #7. Mk47 Mutant
  • #8. Win94
  • #9. VSS
  • #10. AUG A3

#1. New M249

It's a big surprise that the new M249, which is often placed in comparison with MG3, is one of the worst weapons in PUBG Mobile. The old M249 is one of the most powerful weapons but the new one has some significant nerfs a lot in damage, range of fire, and stability. It's weaker than most ARs, such as AKM, Beryl M762, M416, and SCAR-L.

New M249
New M249 is nerfed.

#2. Sawed-Off

The Sawed-off is the second-worst weapon in PUBG Mobile. This pistol is only available in Miramar. But it's the good news because this gun is the weakest pistol in this game. This gun causes less damage than other shotguns. Besides, it's less reliable than pistols because of a lower rate of fire.

Sawed Off
Sawed-Off is the worst pistol with a low rate of fire.

#3. Stun Grenade

Stun grenade is one of the most useless weapons in PUBG Mobile. This game adds the stun grenade to let players blind the enemy by a stun. But in fact, this throwable does not work as expected, especially when you use it to deal with pro players.

Stun Grenade
Stun grenade is the most useless throwable.

#4. R45

This is another Miramar-exclusive pistol. Although this pistol uses 7.62mm ammo, it still deals lower damage than M1895 because of its low rate of fire. Besides, it has only 6 rounds while other pistols have 7 rounds. Obviously, R45 is one of the worst weapons in this shooting game.

R45 Pubg Mobile
R45 is very weak.

>>> You May Also Like: Top 10 Best Guns In PUBG Mobile 2021 After Update (Ranked)

#5. Crossbow

The chance to kill an enemy with the crossbow is much lower than when using guns. In such an intense battlefield like PUBG Mobile, the crossbow is only a weapon for fun, not for Chicken Dinner. This weapon is really useless. Range, damage, rate of fire, and accuracy are low.

Crossbow Pubg Mobile
Crossbow is hard to use and kill enemies.

#6. M16A4

Among all assault rifles in PUBG Mobile, M16A4 is one of the most underrated weapons. This semi-auto AR does not have a full-auto mode for players to spray bullets. Moreover, its range of fire is not long enough to use as a semi-sniper. Therefore, it's pretty useless. If you need a stable gun to deal with both short and mid-range combat, both M416 and SCAR-L are better.

M16A4 is the most underrated 5.56 AR.

#7. Mk47 Mutant

Mk47 Mutant is only useful when you have no other choice. If there is another full-auto AR nearby, leave Mutant behind because it's quite bad. It's still better than M16A4 because it deals more damage. However, this semi AR also features only single and burst modes. If you use this gun when encountering an enemy with a full-auto AR, SMG, or LMG, you are more likely to lose.

Mk47 Mutant
Mk47 Mutant is only useful when you have no other choice.

#8. Win94

Winchester, also known as Win94, is one of the worst weapons in PUBG Mobile. It's put in the sniper rifle category, but its effective range is very short. Moreover, this SR does not support scope attachment. It only has a pre-equipped 2x scope. Therefore, it's the worst SR in this game.

Win94 is the worst sniper rifle.

>>> Read more: Who Is Sniper King In PUBG Mobile In India And In The World?

#9. VSS

VSS is not a good choice for squad mode because the best feature of this semi sniper is a pre-equipped silencer. However, it becomes useless when you stay near your teammate because they will reveal your position when they fire. Sometimes, it's still useless. However, the biggest problem with this gun is the small ammo capacity. It can hold from 10-20 bullets per load.

VSS is pretty useless in squad mode.

#10. AUG A3

You may get curious why this AR is mentioned in this list of worst weapons in PUBG Mobile. You should keep in mind that AUG is an airdrop weapon. Therefore, it must be stronger than its fellows, such as M416 and SCAR-L. But in fact, all statistics of this weapon are not better than those of M416. Therefore, it is estimated as the worst airdrop weapon in PUBG Mobile.

Aug A3
AUG A3 is the very last name among worst guns in PUBG Mobile.

Above is our collection of top 10 worst weapons in PUBG Mobile. Should you want to check more vivid explanations, take a look at the video below. And do come back for more informative posts.

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