PUBG Mobile tips - Website for Indian gamers with latest gaming and technology news. Find release dates, trailers, and scores for all upcoming and recent video games in the world Mon, 16 Oct 2023 10:03:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 PUBG Mobile tips - <![CDATA[PUBG Mobile Zombie's Edge Update 2.8: TOP Interesting Myths, Tips & Tricks]]> Sat, 16 Sep 2023 21:01:21 +0000
Let's check out new PUBG Mobile Zombie's Edge myths, tips, and tricks here. There are several myths about the gameplay of this update.]]>

PUBG Mobile Zombie's Edge is the latest Halloween-themed update. In addition to lots of new features, there are several myths about the gameplay of this update. Let's check out new PUBG Mobile Zombie's Edge myths, tips, and tricks here.

Table of Contents

  • #1. Hoverboard Myth
  • #2. Grenade Myth
  • #3. Vehicle Myth
  • #4. Coupe RB Flying Tip
  • #5. Dagger Vs. Pan Damage
  • #6. Mutation Blade Movement

#1. Hoverboard Myth

You can stop a car with a Hoverboard without losing any health. It can be useful for solo mode since you can stop an enemy and shoot them. But you should avoid using it in duo or squad modes or their teammates can shoot you down before you can perform a clutch.

The Hoverboard can stop a car.

#2. Grenade Myth

The grenade can damage and knock your teammate down when he/she is next to an opponent. This throwable weapon was fixed so that it wouldn't cause damage to teammates. In fact, grenades still deal damage to your allies when they are close to an opponent.

Grenade Pubg Mobile 2 8
The grenade still deals DMG to allies when the opponents are nearby.

#3. Vehicle Myth

There is a new addition to the Ally gameplay system in PUBG Mobile 2.8. In the new update, you cannot shoot and cause damage to a vehicle when your teammate is sitting in the vehicle though you can burst the tyre.

It prevents friendly killing by vehicle explosion. Moreover, this enhancement is useful for you when you team up with random players, especially when you meet toxic players.

You Cannot Burst The Allys Car
You cannot burst the ally's car.

#4. Coupe RB Flying Tip

When you toss a grenade under the Coupe RP car with an ally sitting inside, this car will be launched into the air. The car will even fly higher when you throw the grenade under the car with some gas cans under it. It's interesting and cool to see the flying car with this trick. You can also troll enemies with this tip by showing them a flying car.

Launch A Coupe Into The Air
Launch a Coupe into the air.

#5. Dagger Vs. Pan Damage

The new melee weapon Dagger deals higher damage per hit to enemies than the pan. A pan hit deals 80HP to the target. But a Dagger can deal 90HP to the opponent per hit. This fact helps you select the right melee weapon for the early stage of the game and melee combat. You should pick the Dagger to stay defended when you cannot pick any gun after landing.

The Dagger Is Stronger Than The Pan
The Dagger is stronger than the Pan.

#6. Mutation Blade Movement

When using the Mutation Blade, you can launch your character into the air and fly a short distance. If you use this skill while flying in the air, you can pause your movement and slowly fall down. But it can be dangerous if you are high in the air. You can also use this tip to pause the flight and stop before landing among a number of opponents.

Pause Mid Air Movement
Pause mid-air movement.

These are some interesting myths about new features in PUBG Mobile 2.8. You can also learn some tips to play better and have fun in this new version from these myths and facts.

>>> Also Read: PUBG Mobile 2.8 World of Wonder Updates: NEW Devices, Objects, Maps & More

<![CDATA[PUBG Mobile 2.8 Tips & Strategy For Zombie's Edge Elite Agent Mode]]> Sun, 10 Sep 2023 17:04:00 +0000
Zombie's Edge: Elite Agent will be the theme mode of PUBG Mobile 2.8. Let's check out some tips and tactics to survive and defeat zombies.]]>

PUBG Mobile 2.8 will reintroduce a Zombie mode. Zombie's Edge: Elite Agent will be the theme mode of this update. Let's check out some tips and tactics to survive and get Chicken Dinner in this time-limited thrilling game mode.

Table of Contents

  • #1. Check Aerolith Lab
  • #2. Rage Berserker in Aerolith Lab
  • #3. Use a Dagger And Crossbow
  • #4. Rage Berserker on Map
  • #5. Obtain Mutation Gauntlets and Blades

#1. Check Aerolith Lab

The ground around this lab was affected by Aerolith's energy which turned this area into a dead land. No one or living thing can survive and reside here. You can find lots of loot in this lab to prepare for survival. But keep an eye on dangerous mutants that can damage or kill you.

But you will get a Respawn Card automatically after entering this zone that gives you another life in a match. If a player is accidentally killed by mutants and living forms in this lab, he has another chance to come back to the battleground.

Loot In Aerolith Lab
Loot supplies in Aerolith Lab.

#2. Rage Berserker in Aerolith Lab

Rage Berserker is a large, dangerous monster in the Aerolith lab. When you see the countdown clock on the screen, you will see the Aerolith tower attracting mutants and absorbing them to get energy and power up the Rage Berserker.

When the countdown ends, this dangerous monster will appear. Therefore, you must try to shoot down as many mutants as possible before Rage Berserker appears. Prevent the Aerolith lab from absorbing more mutants to weaken the summoned monster.

Keep An Eye On The Countdown Clock
Keep an eye on the countdown clock to know when the Rage Berserker spawns.

#3. Use a Dagger And Crossbow

The explosive bolts and the knife named Dagger are two additions to PUBG Mobile 2.8. These weapons have damage buffs in the themed mode of this version. You had better utilize them to clear mutants faster.

#4. Rage Berserker & Ripper on Map

When traversing the map in the Zombie's Edge game mode, you can encounter many Rage Berserker monsters with muscular right arms. But there is a weak point with the glowing red color on their mutated arms. Aim and keep spraying bullets to that point to decrease their HP bar.

Stay close to your team to contribute Damage and knock these Rage Berserker monsters quickly. Try to evade deadly attacks of their right arms. Don't try to avoid all Rage Berserkers because these monsters will give you genetic skills through their Mutation Gauntlets and Blades.

Shoot Their Red Weak Points
Shoot their weak points in red to clear these zombies faster.

The weak point of the Ripper is on its head. Keep shooting at that point to destroy this nimble monster rapidly.

#5. Obtain Mutation Gauntlets and Blades

Pick Mutation Gauntlets and Blades dropped by defeated Rage Berserkers. Then, equip these drops to punch down zombies with buffed fists.

  • The Gauntlets also allow users to perform Great Mash and clear lots of zombies with a powerful plunge attack.
  • The Blades give users a Wild Dash ability for a charged dash. It's useful when you are surrounded by lots of zombies. It lets you escape the waves of these life forms quickly without taking damage.

While exploring the Aerolith Lab, don't ignore the Maglev Hoverboard. This vehicle is very useful in this zombie mode. It can bring one player to traverse the map and fly across rivers.

>>> Also Read: PUBG Mobile 2.8 Classic Mode Updates Are Confirmed! What's New?

<![CDATA[New PUBG Mobile Myths In Dragon Ball Super Update 2.7]]> Fri, 21 Jul 2023 00:50:00 +0000
Dragon Ball Super is an amazing update with lots of new features and myths. Let's learn some tips and tricks to play better from these myths.]]>

Dragon Ball Super is an amazing update with lots of new features and myths. Let's check out these interesting myths and learn some tips and tricks to play better here. These tricks may help you get Chicken Dinner like a pro player.

Table of Contents

  • #1. Kamehameha Counter Attacks
  • #2. KI-Activated Jump
  • #3. Air Car Hit
  • #4. Summoning Shenron Dragon

#1. Kamehameha Counter Attacks

If you think that the Kamehameha energy wave can be stopped by a countering Kamehameha wave, you should change your mind. In PUBG Mobile, two Kamehameha energy waves cannot stop each other like in the movie. Both these waves will deal damage to the hit target.

Moreover, the Kamehameha waves in PUBG Mobile 2.7 can penetrate through walls and hit the target behind the walls. Therefore, you shouldn't trust this type of cover in the current update. It can even penetrate through floors, trees, rocks, and vehicles. To stay safe from this attack, you should leave the range of its effect.

Kamehameha Attacks
You should avoid Kamehameha attacks to stay alive.

Though Kamehameha energy could damage the health of players, it does not cause damage to the helmet and vest. Therefore, you can loot the armor set of the enemy after removing them from the match.

#2. KI-Activated Jump

When you jump down from a high place, you always take fall damage. But in update 2.7, you can activate the KI energy before jumping down from a building roof or high tower. It helps you land on the ground safely. You can also activate it while falling down by accident. This skill is very useful, especially when you play on Erangle where there are many high structures.

Activate Ki
Activate KI before jumping down from a high place.

#3. Air Car Hit

The air car is a new vehicle in PUBG Mobile 2.7. It does not run on the road. Instead, this car flies above the ground. Besides, it will neither hit players on the ground nor cause damage to them. You can see it fly through standing-still players. However, if anyone falls off the moving aircar, they will take fall damage and get knocked.

In addition, the aircar has a front bulletproof glass that protects the driver. Therefore, it's a very safe vehicle as long as you don't kill yourself by jumping off the car while it's moving. But enemies can shoot you from two sides of the car.

Dont Jump Off
Don't jump off a moving aircar.

#4. Summoning Shenron Dragon

After you successfully summon a Shenron Dragon with 7 Dragon Balls, a countdown clock will appear under the minimap. You cannot summon another dragon within 5 minutes. During that cooldown time, you can go to collect 7 other Dragon Balls to summon another Shenron Dragon after 5 minutes.

A PUBG Mobile player can summon this dragon 3-4 times in a game and have it realize their wishes. It means that you can revive your teammates many times for the last combat as long as you collect enough balls. You can save your summons for reviving teammates to win the last combat.

Summon Shenron Dragon
Summon Shenron Dragons to revive your teammates.

>>> Also Read: ALL 5 Dragon Ball Super Characters In PUBG Mobile 2.7 Explained!

<![CDATA[ALL 5 Dragon Ball Super Characters In PUBG Mobile 2.7 Explained!]]> Tue, 18 Jul 2023 12:16:00 +0000
PUBG Mobile players can play as one of five Dragon Ball Super characters in update 2.7. Let's check out their abilities and attack patterns here.]]>

PUBG Mobile players can play as one of five Dragon Ball Super characters in update 2.7. Each character has a unique ability kit and gameplay. Let's check them out here.

Table of Contents

  • #1. Son Goku
  • #2. Vegeta
  • #3. Ultimate Gohan
  • #4. Piccolo
  • #5. Frieza

#1. Son Goku

Son Goku is the protagonist of Dragon Ball Super. Therefore, he is often the best favorite character in this series. He has three special skills.

  • Standard Attack: This character shoots Kiden to deal explosive damage to the opponent.
  • Charged Attack: When unleashing the charged attack by holding the standard attack button, Son Goku shoots a Kidan blast at the target. It's more powerful than the standard skill.
  • Ultimate Attack: Son Goku can dash for 7 meters rapidly. It can be stacked 3 times for this character to dodge the enemy's attacks.
Son Goku
Son Goku is designed for close and mid-range combat.

Son Goku is an aggressive assaulter with this special kit. You can use this character for close-range and mid-range combat.

#2. Vegeta

Vegeta is the mid-range attacker. Let's check out the three skills and attack patterns of this character below.

  • Standard Attack: He also shoots Kiden at the opponents while approaching them.
  • Charged Attack: When holding the fire button to charge the attack, Vegeta fires multiple Kiden blasts at the target.
  • Ultimate Attack: This character fires 15 Kaidan blasts. But you must accumulate DMG to charge this skill.

This character is a little more difficult as you have to damage enemies to charge the ultimate attack.

Vegeta is another close-combat fighter.

#3. Ultimate Gohan

Ultimate Gohan is a close and mid-range fighter. He also has three special skills. Check them out here.

  • Standard Attack: He also shoots continuous Kaiden at the opponent quickly.
  • Charged Attack: His charged attack is not different from the charged attack patterns of Son Goku.
  • Ultimate Attack: This character summons a protective barrier once using the ultimate skill. His shield lasts 5 seconds and has 500 health points.

This character is an ideal choice for assaulters and carriers who often take up close combat.

Ultimate Gohan
Ultimate Gohan has a strong shield.

#4. Piccolo

Piccolo is ideal for long-range combat. His ability kit is different from the skill sets of the three previous characters.

  • Standard Attack: This character fires energy waves dealing damage to the aimed targets. Try to keep these waves stick to the target accurately to deal enough damage and take the target down.
  • Charged Attack: Piccolo snipes single energy waves to the aimed target. It requires several accurate shots to take the target down.
  • Ultimate Skill: He can hover and sprint up to 29m in midair.

This skill set indicates that Piccolo is not good for close combat in PUBG Mobile 2.7.

Piccolo should play as a sniper.

#5. Frieza

Frieza is also a good option for close and mid-range combat. Let's check out three skills of this character here.

  • Standard Attack: This character throws Kaidan blasts at enemies in the middle range.
  • Charged Attack: Frieza throws an energy ball to the opponent.
  • Ultimate Skill: This character can select a specific location to teleport.

You should choose suitable characters based on their ability kit.

Frieza can throw a powerful energy ball at enemies.

>>> Also Read: PUBG Mobile ACE32 Vs M416 - Which Is The Better Assault Rifle?

<![CDATA[PUBG Mobile 2.7 Full Guide: ACE32, Air Car, Goku Super Power & More]]> Mon, 17 Jul 2023 15:34:00 +0000
Let's learn how to use all new features to get Chicken Dinner in PUBG Mobile 2.7, such as the new gun ACE32, the new Air Car, and more.]]>

The new update PUBG Mobile x Dragon Ball Super has introduced many new features, such as the new gun ACE32, the new Air Car, and more. Let's learn how to use these new features to get Chicken Dinner in PUBG Mobile 2.7 here.

Table of Contents

  • I. New Themed Modes
  • II. Dragon Ball Super Mode
  • III. Battle Royale Dragon Ball Super

I. New Themed Modes

There are two new themed modes in the PUBG Mobile x Dragon Ball Super update. You will see and interact with many structures, decorations, and features inspired by Dragon Ball Super.

  • Dragon Ball Super (Classic)
  • Battle Royale Dragon Ball Super

In the classic mode, you will see many themed spots marked on the map. Dragon Ball Village is often the hot-drop location where PUBG Mobile players can get a spawn card upon entering. You can get a lot of decent firearms and crates of good loot.

Pubg Mobile New Update
PUBG Mobile collabs with Dragon Ball Super in the new update.

II. Dragon Ball Super Mode

This is available on three classic maps: Erangel, Sanhok, and Livik. Let's check out all the new features in this mode here.

#1. Super Power Abilities

There are three Superpower Abilities in the Dragon Ball Super mode. You can

  • KI Energy is the default ability. It increases your moving speed, allowing your character to run faster and dash with corresponding functional buttons.
  • Kamehameha Skill is an obtainable ability. To get this ability, you have to pick Kamehameha balls on the classic map. You can unleash a high-damage beam to attack the opponents after the skill is charged fully.
  • Buku Jutsu Skill is a Levitation technique that let you fly up, hover, and dash in the air for a while. Use this ability wisely and you can escape or surprise enemies.
Special Abilities
You can use three special abilities.

#3. New Items

You can occasionally pick Senzu Bean packs. Consuming these special items helps you restore your KI Energy instantly.

Dragon Radar is another exclusive item in this game mode. This new gadget helps you locate Dragon Ball crates scattered all over the map. These loot chests contain a lot of valuable gear, including random airdrop weapons.

Find Dragon Ball Chest
Find Dragon Ball chests by using Dragon Radars.

#4. Dragon Balls

You will get dragon balls from loot chests in the Classic Mode. Upon collecting enough seven balls, you can summon the mighty Dragon named Sheron to make one of three wishes, including getting supplies, strengthening Kamehameha, and healing faster.

Collect Dragon Balls To Summon A Sheron
Collect Dragon Balls to summon a Sheron.

#5. New Air Car

There is a new portable aircar summoned by using a capsule. You can keep it in your backpack when entering houses to loot. Then, throw the capsule on the ground to summon this vehicle when you need to traverse the map. This new aircar is better than normal vehicles as it can carry three passengers to move on every type of terrain, including water.

Air Car
Summon an aircar to move.

#6. New Gun ACE 32

ACE32 is a new assault rifle that uses 7.62mm ammo. This gun is somewhere in the middle between M416 and M762 in terms of power and recoil rate. It's more powerful than M416 but less stable. Therefore, beginners should pick M416 as a safer choice.

III. Battle Royale Dragon Ball Super

This unranked mode features an anime-style map with Dragon Ball characters. You can play as iconic characters from Dragon Ball Super. Each of them has a unique ability. Here are five Dragon Ball characters you can choose from.

  • Son Goku
  • Vegeta
  • Ultimate Gohan
  • Piccolo
  • Frieza

This update is a great chance for fans of Dragon Ball Super to play with their favorite characters.

Play As Dragon Ball Characters
Play as Dragon Ball characters.

>>> Also Read: PUBG Mobile ACE32 Vs M416 - Which Is The Better Assault Rifle?

<![CDATA[NEW Interesting Tips & Myths About PUBG Mobile 2.6 Dinoground Update]]> Sat, 17 Jun 2023 06:42:00 +0000
PUBG Mobile 2.6 Dinoground Update has many interesting myths and new features. Check them out and learn some useful tips from these myths. ]]>

PUBG Mobile 2.6 Dinoground Update introduced a lot of new features. There are many exciting myths about this update. Check them out and learn some useful tips from these myths.

Table of Contents

  • #1. T-Rex Myths
  • #2. Flying Dinosaur Myths
  • #3. New Feature
  • #4. Falling Damage Myth

#1. T-Rex Myths

The first myth is about the T-Rex Roar. According to the myth, this sound can break the glass. But it's wrong. The roaring sound of this dinosaur cannot break the glass window but the players standing behind the window still get damaged.

Another myth also said that the T-Rex roar can damage other T-Rex. In fact, your T-Rex does not get damaged by the roaring sound of its fellow. Therefore, this myth is busted. Only your enemies get damage from the T-Rex Roar.

T Rex Roar Myth
The Roar sound of the T-Rex cannot damage glass windows and other T-Rexes.

In addition, there is another myth saying that the Lynx AMR can penetrate through the T-Rex and cause damage to the opponent. It's confirmed because Lynx AMR can shoot through vehicles and T-Rex is a kind of vehicle. However, this kind of vehicle is pretty different from other vehicles, as you cannot refuel its energy.

#2. Flying Dinosaur Myths

Pterosaur is the flying dinosaur in PUBG Mobile 2.6. There is a myth saying that you will get less damage or zero damage if you get shot while riding this flying dinosaur. However, most of the bullets reach the wings of this dinosaur. Therefore, the player gets less damage, but the dino gets full damage.

Flying Dinosaur
Your Flying Dinosaur will work as a shield and get the most damage from the enemy's bullets.

In addition, you cannot land the Pterosaur on water bodies. This myth is true. No matter how many times you tap the descending button while riding it over the river, the fly dinosaur cannot land on the water's surface. When you left it and jump into the water, it remains flying in the same location for a while before flying up to the sky and disappearing.

#3. New Feature

There is a new useful feature in the new update that makes the game easier for you. Before the update, you cannot open the door after getting knocked down. But in the current update, you can open and close the door to hide and let teammates revise you. It's very helpful when there is no safe cover around you except for a closed house during open-ground combat.

Close And Open The Door
You can close and open the door after getting knocked down now.

#4. Falling Damage Myth

Moreover, the falling damage in the Dinoground mode is also changed. As normal, PUBG Mobile players will get falling damage when falling out of a high-speed running vehicle. It should work similarly when you ride a dinosaur. In fact, players won't take any falling damage when they fall off a T-Rex or Raptor running at high speeds.

No Fall Damage
No fall damage when jumping out of a running dinosaur.

You can learn some helpful tips and tricks from these interesting myths in PUBG Mobile 2.6. This is an exciting update with unique gameplay and a lot of amusements.

>>> Also Read: Top 5 Amazing Features In PUBG Mobile Dinoground Update 2.6 You Must Try

<![CDATA[Pro Tips & Tricks For T-Rex & Dinoground In PUBG Mobile 2.6]]> Tue, 13 Jun 2023 13:59:00 +0000
The Dinoground mode with new dinosaurs is novel to all PUBG Mobile players. Check out the top new tips for this game mode here.]]>

T-Rex and the Dinoground mode are new to all PUBG Mobile players. Therefore, you may need new tips and tricks to survive and get Chicken Dinner. Check out the top new tips for this game mode here.

Table of Contents

  • #1. Throw A Pan To T-Rex
  • #2. Stop The Glider In Mid-Air
  • #3. Stop A T-Rex With Pterosaur
  • #4. T-Rex Crosses Military Base Bridge
  • #5. Survive When Facing A T-Rex

#1. Throw A Pan To T-Rex

If you throw a pan at a running T-Rex, this dinosaur will stop for a short while and continue to run right away. Sometimes, the T-Rex will soar when it's hit by a pan and cause damage to you. Therefore, you should not stay close to the dinosaur or stand on its path, or the T-Rex will step on you.

Throwing A Pan
Throwing a pan cannot stop the T-Rex.

#2. Stop The Glider In Mid-Air

When you crash a glider with a Pterosaur in mid-air, the glider will be stopped. That's why you should have a flying dinosaur in this new game mode. It will be very helpful when your enemy has a glider to escape or attack you. You can rush back them with a Pterosaur and make the glider fall down on the ground.

Pterosaurs can stop gliders and make them fall down.

#3. Stop A T-Rex With Pterosaur

In addition to the glider, Pterosaur can also stop a T-Rex. Moreover, T-Rex cannot cause any damage to the flying dinosaur and the rider. It's a useful tip for your squad. Try to tame a Pterosaur to go solo, duo, and squad as it is very helpful. This flying dinosaur will stop the giant ground T-Rex from escaping.

Pterosaurs Vs T Rex
Pterosaurs can also stop a T-Rex while taking no damage.

#4. T-Rex Crosses Military Base Bridge

As the T-Rex is very tall, it cannot cross the horizontal poles of the Military Base bridge. However, it can run on the sidewalks of the bridge to bring you to the other riverbank. It's much faster and safer to cross the river in this way than by swimming. Players on the bridge can shoot you down as the the moving speed is reduced when this dinosaur is in the water.

T Rex On Bridge
The T-Rex can cross the bridge through this sidewalk.

#5. Survive When Facing A T-Rex

T-Rex is a giant vehicle that can crush players under its foot. If you want to avoid being killed by a running T-Rex, you should ride a bike. The T-Rex cannot cause damage to you and your bike. It's a good way to survive in the wilderness in this Dinoground mode. But don't let it step on you, or it will kill you.

T Rex Vs Bike
T-Rex cannot destroy your bike if it does not step on you directly. 

Besides, you cannot stop a T-Rex with a car. But the car can block the Velociraptor. But you can control the Raptor to jump and cross the vehicle. Play more to find out more tips and tricks for the new Dinoground mode in PUBG Mobile 2.6.

>>> Also Read: Get Free Superstar Skins In PUBG Mobile x Karol G Collaboration Event

<![CDATA[Top 3 Close-Range Mistakes You Must Stop Making In PUBG Mobile 2023]]> Sun, 07 May 2023 10:31:00 +0000
Making mistakes in close combat makes you drop your ranks in PUBG Mobile. Avoid these mistakes that pro players don't want to let you know.]]>

Close-range combat in PUBG Mobile requires players to have pro skills and tips. You also have to avoid making mistakes to survive. Avoid these close-range mistakes in PUBG Mobile that pro players don't want to let you know.

Table of Contents

  • #1. Wrong Movement
  • #2. When Being Rushed
  • #3. Hip-Fire Failure

#1. Wrong Movement

Many PUBG Mobile players believe that jiggle movement makes them dodge the enemy's bullets. However, it only works in long-range combat. When facing enemies in close-range combat, you should avoid jiggle movement to the left and right. From the perspective of the opponent, you are still an easy target.

Instead, moving straight to the left or right helps you dodge the bullets better and stay safe. Follow these steps to move correctly and win close combat.

  1. Step back a bit from your cover.
  2. Don't prefire.
  3. Pull your joystick 20 degrees.
  4. Sprint out and fire with the gun aiming at the head level of the enemy.
Aim Before Get Out Of Cover
You must aim before getting out of cover.

That's the solution to close combat in every mode, including Deathmatch and Battle Royale.

#2. When Being Rushed

Noob players often get panic when being rushed and run out of cover to attack first. But it's one of the most deadly close-range mistakes when you face pro players. You will become their chicken dinner quickly when rushing back and shooting without knowing the target.

Instead, pro players often stay defended and learn the opponent's location to aim precisely and end them quickly. It also helps them save bullets and their lives. Check out how pro players react when being rushed.

  1. Rotate your camera to spot enemies.
  2. Check his moving path from your perspective.
  3. Adjust your crosshair at the head level of the enemy.
  4. Run out and shoot to headshot him.
Check The Enemy First
Check the enemy first to get prepared by rotating the camera.

Don't pre-fire because it can slow down your movement and make them an easy target to enemies. Besides, the cover can block your bullets.

#3. Hip-Fire Failure

When the opponent is a bit away about 10 meters, he is still small and harder to aim. Therefore, hip-firing will make bullets scatter and fail to hit the target even when you block the aim. But pro players have a solution to make every bullet hit the target correctly.

Here are tips to make your aim more precise when the opponent is more precise.

  • Use a red dot or holo to aim.
  • Open and close the scope instantly

It helps you gain a 100% headshot rate. But it does not work at a very close range when the enemy stands in front of you. Opening the scope in face-to-face combat make you slower than the opponent. Full hip fire is better because the enemy is big enough to shoot accurately despite bullet scatter.

Open And Close Scope Quickly
Open and close the scope quickly to increase the headshot rate.

Don't forget to use the cover wisely when the enemy is very close to you. In the battle royale mode, you will lose the combat when stay uncovered. Avoiding these close-range mistakes is also a pro tip in this game.

>>> Also Read: Must-know Tips To Survive & Clear Imagination Plaza In PUBG Mobile 2.5

<![CDATA[Must-know Tips To Survive & Clear Imagination Plaza In PUBG Mobile 2.5]]> Tue, 21 Mar 2023 15:19:00 +0000
Imagination Plaza is a big addition to PUBG Mobile 2.5 during the 5th anniversary. Check out the best tips to survive and clear these areas in this update.]]>

Imagination Plaza is a big addition to PUBG Mobile 2.5 during the 5th anniversary. The two new plazas are brand-new hot spots in Erangel. Check out the best tips to survive and clear these areas in this update. It's the first step to getting your Chicken Dinner.

Table of Contents

  • Land On Imagination Plaza
  • Gear Up Quickly
  • Loot New Items
  • Anniversary Crates
  • Stay Alert 

Land On Imagination Plaza

There are two brand-new Imagination Plazas in the Ranked Mode - Erangel. You can see these two locations marked on the minimap. The plazas are located in Stalber and the Quarry in the northeast and southwest corners of the map.

Choose the best time and distance to jump based on the flight route. Then, make sure you land before other players. If someone lands before you, avoid countering them directly. You ought to land behind an obstacle to loot weapons, bullets, and armor first.

Clear Clear Imagination Plaza
Learn how to master Imagination Plaza and get all decent loot.

Gear Up Quickly

After landing, try to gear up rapidly and get ready for early combat. There are tons of weapons, armor items, and supplies in these two plazas. Therefore, you usually encounter many enemies. Grab any weapons and bullets around you to react quickly. Armor and helmet are also key elements to keep you alive.

Loot New Items

Grab some Block Covers to protect you in these hot spots. You can build some instant shields to stay behind and heal your HP, reload bullets, and fire back. Imagination Plaza visitors can also get some Dual-Purpose Cannon and Portable Trampolines. Don't ignore these useful items that can launch you far away from the center of combat.

The Dual-Purpose Cannon will help you reach high places, such as towers. The Portable Trampolines also launch you and your teammates into the air.

Use New Items
New items will help you win combat.

Anniversary Crates

There are four keys to unlock the Anniversary Crates in the Imagination Plazas. You go find and loot the key for the secret crates. Then, bring them to the marked locations of key processing platforms. After the bar is filled, you successfully unlock the crate.

But make sure that there are no assassins around this area or they will shoot you down before the progress completes. You should unlock the crate with teammates and enjoy your achievements together. Your teammates can give you enough support and protection during this process.

Unlock The Secret Crate
Unlock the secret crate

Stay Alert

If you play in single-player mode, use the Block Cover to cover yourself when you stand on the platform and wait for the full bar. You don't want to become an easy target of many enemies around. All four platforms must be activated.

After unlocking the crate, use the cannon to launch your character to the crate on the tower. There are tons of advanced and rare supplies in the crate. Don't lose your alert and let enemies get them all after knocking you down.

Team Up With Friends To Win
Team up with friends to win

>>> Also Read: PUBG Mobile To Introduce World of Wonder, Bugatti Cars & Tons Of Updates

<![CDATA[PUBG Mobile 2.4 New Myths & Tips About Grappling Hook]]> Sun, 29 Jan 2023 10:29:00 +0000
Check out new myths and tips in PUBG Mobile 2.4. This update has introduced many new features, such as a grappling hook, Dancing Lion, explosive bow, etc.]]>

PUBG Mobile 2.4 has introduced many new features, such as a grappling hook, Dancing Lion, explosive bow, etc. The following myths can give you some secret tips to play better and get more Chicken Dinner from now on.

Table of Contents

  • #1. Grappling Hook Fall Damage
  • #2. Dancing Lion Speed
  • #3. Anti-flame Dancing Lion
  • #4. Flaming Arrow

#1. Grappling Hook Fall Damage

The grappling hook is a new gear that works like the old Web Shooter in the Spiderman update. According to a grappling hook myth, you won't get fall damage when using this device. It's true in PUBG Mobile 2.4. No matter how high you try to reach with the grappling hook, you won't get fall damage but it even helps you move faster.

Besides, when you toss a pan into the sky and aim at the flying pan with your grappling hook, you can fly up. It's a useful tip to fly over mesh fences around the Military Base or traverse the map quickly.

Grappling Hook
The grappling hook is a useful and safe gear.

#2. Dancing Lion Speed

PUBG Mobile players can get the new vehicle Dancing Lion from the material art arena crates. You can put it in your bag when you don't need to move. This vehicle can help you run at a high speed of 80 to 120km/h.

Moreover, there is a confirmed myth that the running speed of the Dancing Lion remains when you run on a flat road or climb mountains. But you cannot climb the bridge using this new vehicle.

Run Fast With Dancing Lion
Run fast with Dancing Lion.

A useful piece of advice for noobs is not to stand in the path of the Dancing Lion. This vehicle can hit and kill players on its path at maximum speed.

#3. Anti-flame Dancing Lion

There is a secret tip with the Dancing Lion that not many players know. You can use this new vehicle to run through Molotov's flame. Players in the Dancing Lion don't take any burning damage from the flame of the Molotov Cocktails.

It's useful when you are surrounded and attacked in the apartment. Many pro players can locate you in the house and throw a Molotov Cocktail to drain your HP out. In this dangerous situation, use the Dancing Lion to run out of the flame and escape the enemies' rush.

Dancing Lion
Dancing Lion can save your life.

Besides, the Dancing Lion vehicle can also save your life from a grenade explosion. When the opponent throws an exact grenade to your hiding position, you have to switch to the Dancing Lion immediately to protect yourself. But the explosion will destroy this vehicle, so you should loot and keep some Dancing Lions in your backpack.

#4. Flaming Arrow Myths

According to a new myth in Genshin Impact 2.4, you can knock down the enemy wearing a fully intact level-3 helmet with one flaming arrow headshot. This myth can be confirmed easily if you are a pro headshot player. The flaming arrow is as powerful as the crossbow in this game which can also make an on-shot headshot kill.

Explosive Arrow Is Noisy
The new explosive arrow is noisy.

But another confirmed myth also unveiled that your enemies can hear the explosive bow reloading sound clearly. Therefore, this new weapon can be worse than the old crossbow in PUBG Mobile which is totally silent.

>>> Also Read: PUBG Mobile 2.3 Football Mania Update: Football Myths & New Pro Tips

<![CDATA[PUBG Mobile Honey Badger Full Guide & Tips For Pro Players]]> Wed, 25 Jan 2023 14:23:00 +0000
PUBG Mobile Honey Badger is a new AR for tankers and aggressive players in close combat. Check out some tips to use this AR as a pro player.]]>

PUBG Mobile Honey Badger is a new assault rifle in Update 2.4. It's a novel option for tankers and aggressive players in close combat with many advantages. Check out some tips to use this AR as a pro player.

Table of Contents

  • I. Honey Badger Guide
  • II. Tips To Control Honey Badger

I. Honey Badger Guide

Honey Badger is a new 7.62 AR that can be found in Erangel, Sanhok, and Livik only. It's better to understand this weapon before figuring out some tips to use it as a pro player.

Honey Badger
Honey Badger is a new AR in update 2.4.

#1. Damage

Honey Badger has a pretty low hit DMG of 43 HP/hit though this gun uses 7.62mm ammo. In fact, its damage only equals that of M416 which uses 5.56mm ammo and has been nerfed several times. That's also the reason why it's not a good choice for single shots.

#2. Rate of fire

Despite the low hit damage, Honey Badger has a high rate of fire. It can fire 11.5 bullets per second on average, which is much higher than the firing rate of AKM and slightly lower than M762. But this new 7.62 AR cannot outperform AUG and Groza in terms of firing speed. It's understandable because AUG and Groza are two airdrop guns.

New Ar For Close Combat
Use this new gun for close combat

#3. Damage Per Second

But it's the DPS stat that tells us how powerful an AR is because this type of weapon is designed for bullet spray in close and mid-range combat. Honey Badger has a pretty decent DPS of 493 HP/s, which outperforms AKM and M762. It's enough to knock down an enemy with level-3 armor and helmet set in a few seconds.

#4. Recoil

Honey Badger almost doesn't have horizontal recoil. It makes this gun easier to control. The barrel goes up in almost a straight line. Its verticle recoil pattern almost doubles that of the M416, but the Honey Badger is still one of the most stable ARs for beginners.

It Only Has Verticle Recoil
It only has verticle recoil.

II. Tips To Control Honey Badger

PUBG Mobile Honey Badger has a high verticle recoil. Therefore, the barrel often chokes up very quickly. It makes many players confused. You can practice your shooting skill in the training ground and learn to pull the gun down quickly.

You should practice this tip more on the training ground before starting the battle royale game. Besides, bring a more stable gun with you for long-range combat because Honey Badger does not perform well in long distances. It's the best gun for close-range hip fire.

Learn To Pull The Barrel Down
Learn to pull the barrel down rapidly to control the gun recoil.

But its bullet velocity is lower than that of AKM and Beryl. Then, it's only good for mid-range and close-range spray to stable targets. Don't use this gun to spray at moving targets, such as cars and motorbikes. You should use it to replace UZI and other SMGs that you often use in close combat when playing on Erangel, Sanhok, and Livik maps.

>>> Also Read: PUBG Mobile 2.4 New Myths & Tips About Grappling Hook, Dancing Lion & New Features

<![CDATA[PUBG Mobile 2.3 Football Mania Update: Football Myths & New Pro Tips]]> Sun, 04 Dec 2022 10:10:00 +0000
Check out some myths in PUBG Mobile 2.3 Football Mania Update from which players can learn some valuable tips and tricks to play better.]]>

PUBG Mobile 2.3 Football Mania Update makes many fans and players excited, especially football fans. Check out some myths in this new game mode from which players can learn some valuable tips and tricks to play better.

Table of Contents

  • #1. Ball Switching Myth
  • #2. Messi's Shoes Myths
  • #3. Backpack Capacity Myth
  • #4. Stable's Cable Car Myth
  • #5. Football Flare Gun

#1. Ball Switching Myth

There is a new myth that you can survive and stay safe in grenade explosions by switching to the ball. In this new update, players can switch to a ball and move as using a vehicle. When you turn into the football when an enemy attacks you with a grenade, you won't take any damage from the explosion. This tip is also useful to save you from flames from Molotov Cocktails.

Pubg Mobile Football
PUBG Mobile football mode has many new features.

#2. Messi's Shoes Myths

According to a new myth in PUBG Mobile 2.3 Football Mania Update, Messi's shoes keep players safe from Molotov's flame. However, it's not confirmed because players still get damage from the flame. Therefore, you shouldn't try to confirm it because the Molotov flame can still cause damage to you and those shoes only make you run faster to get out of the flaming area.

Besides, after you activate the power of Messi's shoes, there is no button to stop it. But you can deactivate this mode by holding a weapon. When you run in Messi's shoes, your character won't hold the weapon.

Messis Shoes
Messi's golden shoes in PUBG Mobile have special effects.

#3. Backpack Capacity Myth

In the new football update, the football vehicle and Messi's shoes do not take up any space in your backpack. This myth is confirmed by many players. Therefore, you can pick up more shoes and football vehicles for your teammates. These new features are very useful in this new mode of PUBG Mobile 2.3.

#4. Stable's Cable Car Myth

There is another valuable tip you can learn from the cable car in Stable. When you jump down from the cable car, you won't take any fall damage. It's also new in this game because PUBG Mobile players often get fall damage when falling down from a high place. That's why many players haven't known this useful tip to surprise enemies from the sky.

Stable Cable Car
Use the cable car in Stable to surprise enemies

#5. Football Flare Gun

As usual, PUBG Mobile players will get a BRDM when using the flare gun outside the playing zone. But you still get the football airdrop with airdrop weapons when using the new football flare gun outside the white circle. Therefore, the football flare gun is better than the normal flare gun in battle royale mode. Moreover, the football airdrop falls faster than the normal one. So, you can loot and get into the playing zone on time.

Football Airdrops
Get more loot and play aggressively in PUBG Mobile 2.3 with new football airdrops.

There are many other interesting features in this new football update. If you have any useful tips and interesting myths, leave a comment and discuss them with other players.

>>> Also Read: PUBG Mobile 2.3 Review: New Features In Aftermath 2.0

<![CDATA[PUBG Mobile 2.3 Review: New Features In Aftermath 2.0]]> Sun, 13 Nov 2022 12:48:00 +0000
The post-apocalyptic-themed Aftermath 2.0 map is highly expected in PUBG Mobile 2.3. The enhanced map has many new exciting features.]]>

Aftermath 2.0 was introduced in January with the name Livik. But players want a post-apocalyptic-themed map that retains the charm of wars and destruction in the original version. It's highly expected in the enhanced map in PUBG Mobile 2.3.

New Features In Aftermath 2.0

In general, Aftermath 2.0 has some significant changes in the design but the gameplay will be retained. Players also land on a small island and try to be the last survivor to leave it alive before the electric zone swallows the whole island.

The game developers mostly change the gear features in this game. But it's great enough to make the survival game on this post-apocalyptic map fiercer and more exciting.

Aftermath 2 0 Review
Visit Aftermath 2.0 with lots of new exciting additions.

#1. Supply spawning rate

The spawn rate in Aftermath 2.0 increases significantly. Players can loot more advanced supplies inside hidden bunkers around the map while small houses also have better loot now. Then, combat takes place earlier when players get enough supplies faster.

#2. Weapon Upgrade

Tencent allows players to increase the DMG of all weapons in Aftermath. Moreover, each weapon can be upgraded twice with an increase of 10% DMG per customization kit. You can buy these kits from supply vendors that cost 15 money tokens each. After this update, you should find level-3 armor sets and play more carefully because every single shot is more deadly now.

Aftermath 2 0
Aftermath 2.0 has many new features, including the weapon upgrade.

#3. Armor Upgrade

If you cannot find level-3 armor sets, it's important to use Armor pieces to enhance your vests. As weapon damage increases due to weapon customization kits, players are more vulnerable. Therefore, armor enhancement pieces become essential to save your life in this post-apocalyptic map now.

Armor pieces are brought from Metro Royale mode to this map. Therefore, a lot of players know how to use it well. You can use two armor pieces for the level-2 vest and three pieces for the level-3 vest. The rarer armor set is better.

#4. Military Bunkers

New military bunkers in Aftermath 2.0 have tons of advanced supplies. But players have to clear AI guards and enemies to struggle for these rare gears. AI enemies often use weak firearms, but you must be careful because your gun's sound can still attract other real players.

A New Bunker
A new bunker on the enhanced map Aftermath 2.0.

After fierce combat, players can loot some supply cabinets in these bunkers. These cabinets have lots of essential supplies, such as shop tokens, alloy armor, and concentrated energy drink. It's a great reward for combat winners. So, try to perform well and win both AI guards and opponent players if any.

#5. New Consumables

A concentrated energy drink is a new red drink that heals your HP. It's better than the old blue energy drink in this game. Besides, there is a new first-aid kit that can heal the full HP bar while the old one can only heal 75% of the bar.

New Consumables
There are many new consumable items.

These changes make the gameplay on the map Aftermath 2.0 more exciting.

>>> Also Read: Top 10 PUBG Mobile 2.2 Myths On NUSA Map & New Updates

<![CDATA[Must-Know PUBG Mobile Gear Front Mode Tips & Tricks]]> Fri, 07 Oct 2022 14:34:00 +0000
Check out the top skills to select in the new mode PUBG Mobile Gear Front and how to make them useful to get an easy Chicken Dinner here.]]>

Gear Front is a new mode in PUBG Mobile 2.2. This new game mode is pretty strange for PUBG Mobile players with new gameplay and skills. Here are the best tips and tricks for players to win PUBG Mobile Gear Front.

There is a collection of eight new skills. You need to pick up one skill from this collection to play with it till the end of the game. Check out the top skills to select and how to make them useful.

Table of Contents

  • #1. Gliding Doll
  • #2. Healing Smoke
  • #3. Vehicle Airdrop
  • Less Useful Skills

#1. Gliding Doll

The gliding doll at the bottom of the list is the best skill in PUBG Mobile Gear Front to select. You can summon a puppet to bring you to glide forward when you press the button. It lets you move between buildings and rooftops easily and quietly to surprise enemies.

To use this skill correctly and effectively, you should jump down before summoning the puppet. You can also climb to a wall, jump, and quickly activate the skill to glide up higher. The puppet can also bring you from window to window between different buildings.

Gliding Doll
Gliding Doll

#2. Healing Smoke

Healing smoke is the next useful skill you can select. But it's the best skill for assaulters and aggressive players who often prefer rushing. This skill is the combination of the two most essential things for healing: smoke and healing effect.

When you throw the healing smoke, it releases blue smoke to heal everyone inside, including your teammates and enemies. The cooldown time for this skill is 3 minutes. Therefore, you still need some bandages.

Healing Smoke
Healing Smoke

#3. Vehicle Airdrop

Vehicle airdrop is not as useful as the two previous skills, but you should select it if you often play solo or take the driver role in your squad. Many players often land far from the playing zone to start the game safely and slowly to loot more supplies.

It's very essential for these players to have a vehicle to rush into the playing zone, especially when they play PUBG Mobile Gear Front on large maps like Miramar and Erangel.

Vehicle Airdrop
Vehicle Airdrop

Less Useful Skills

Apart from the top three useful skills above, you have five other skills to select from. Check out the advantages of these skills and consider choosing a proper one for your team.

  • Supply scan: When the scanner is launched, it shows you the location of nearby advanced supplies, such as level-3 gears, M416, AKM, etc.
  • Trace: after you hit an enemy, it will trace his location automatically. Then, you know his move within 5 seconds even through walls.
Lucky Backpack
Lucky Backpack
  • Lucky backpack: It only increases 50 capacity points for your backpack. But you get a lucky slot to convert weapons or items you get in your bag. But you can only convert 5 items for the whole match.
  • Playzone analysis: This skill lets you know the next circle but you can only use it three times.
  • Black markets: Players with this skill can summon a supply shop to purchase gear. But enemies and teammates can also buy items from this shop as long as they get money.
Gear Front Mode
Choose the best skill to help you win.

>>> Also Read: Top 10 PUBG Mobile 2.2 Myths On NUSA Map & New Updates

<![CDATA[Top 10 PUBG Mobile 2.2 Myths On NUSA Map & New Updates]]> Tue, 04 Oct 2022 14:02:00 +0000
You can get some useful tips from new myths in PUBG Mobile 2.2. Check out the top 10 new PUBG Mobile 2.2 myths now and get Chicken Dinner.]]>

PUBG Mobile 2.2 has many new features and myths. You can get some useful tips from these myths. Check out the top 10 new PUBG Mobile 2.2 myths now.

Table of Contents

  • #1. Grass Myth
  • #2. Recoil Myth
  • #3. Players Falling Down
  • #4. Tactical Crossbow
  • #5. Molotov 
  • #6. Zipline
  • #7. Zipline Repair
  • #8. Boat Kill
  • #9. Secret Tunnel
  • #10. Cavern

#1. Grass Myth

According to the myth, the grass starts to render beyond 100 meters. It means that you can spot enemies lying on the grass when they are 100 meters away from you and above. You are also visible clearly when you are above 100 meters from the opponents. Therefore, don't wear in the open ground if you hear the sound of an M24 or AWM in the 100m range.

Glass Renders
Glass renders above 100m.

#2. Recoil Myth

When you reach the limit when looking up in PUBG Mobile, you won't suffer from recoil. Therefore, if you stand on the ground and look up to the second, third, or top floors of the apartment buildings to shoot the enemy, the barrel seems to stay still.

#3. Two Players On Zipline

If two players use the zipline at the same time from two opposite sides of the line, they will bump into each other and both fall down. The new map NUSA has many zip lines to help players travel faster from two mountain cliffs. If you fall down from a high zipline, you will take falling damage and die.

Two Players On The Zip Line
Two players on the zip line.

#4. Tactical Crossbow

The new tactical crossbow is the exclusive weapon in PUBG Mobile 2.2 NUSA. This weapon nearly does not have bullet drop which is similar to many bolt-action sniper rifles. It's the upgraded version of the normal bow in Erangel. But the arrows nearly fly straight to the target.

#5. Molotov

There is a myth that PUBG Mobile players can set the wooden buts on NUSA on fire with Molotov. But you cannot find this throwable on this map. Therefore, this myth is busted. Instead, you can use the flammable arrows to set fire and burn down the straw hut.

Burn The Hut
Burn the hut.

#6. Zipline

In PUBG Mobile 2.2, players can destroy and repair the zipline. No matter how many times the zipline is broken, you can repair it unlimitedly. But don't cut the zipline when your friend is using it because you can kill your teammate accidentally.

#7. Zipline Repair

PUBG Mobile players can repair the zipline by using the crossbow. When the zipline is cut, you need to stand next to an end of the line and fire at the other end. The zipline will be repaired instantly.

#8. Boat Kill

You can kill an enemy in the water by boat. It works like a vehicle on the road. Therefore, if you see a strange boat around when you are in the water, dive deep into the water and try to escape.

Kill An Enemy With Boat
Kill an enemy with boat.

#9. Secret Tunnel

There is a secret room on Crystal Bay Island and a secret tunnel below the door of that room. Many players think that they can enter the room by swimming through this tunnel. However, this myth is busted because the tunnel is blocked.

#10. Cavern

There is another tunnel under the Bulan bay building. The secret tunnel has some secret doors leading to a secret room and an underground cave in Cavern. To enter the Cavern, you have to shoot to break the door.

>>> Also Read: Tips For PUBG Mobile Erangel 2.2: Fuel Stations, Bicycle Shed & Seaports

<![CDATA[Tips For PUBG Mobile Erangel 2.2: Fuel Stations, Bicycle Shed & Seaports]]> Fri, 23 Sep 2022 14:11:00 +0000
PUBG Mobile Erangel 2.2 has many new exciting features, such as fuel stations, Seaports, and bicycle sheds. Check out the best tips for this map.]]>

PUBG Mobile Erangel 2.2 has many new exciting features, such as fuel stations, Seaports, and bicycle sheds. Check out their locations and the best tips to use these new features wisely and get Chicken Dinner.

Table of Contents

  • #1. Fuel Stations
  • #2. Bicycle Shed
  • #3. Seaports
  • #4. Vehicle Storage
  • #5. Other Changes

#1. Fuel Stations

The Fuel Station is the most exciting addition to PUBG Mobile Erangel 2.2. There are many fuel stations in Erangel. But they only work after update 2.2. If your car is low on fuel but you cannot find any gas can to refill your vehicle, go to the nearest gas station.

But you cannot pump fuel for free. A full vehicle fuel tank costs you one shop token. The refilling time depends on how much fuel you need to pump until it's full. If your car fuel tank is totally empty, it takes you a long time. Therefore, you should refill fuel before it's not totally empty.

Fuel Stations
Go to Fuel Stations to refill your vehicle.

#2. Bicycle Shed

You can find some Bicycle sheds and take a bicycle to ride. There is a shed in Stalber in Erangel. Sometimes, you can encounter some enemies at this location who also come to get the vehicle. The bicycle is not a new vehicle for PUBG Mobile players but the bicycle shed is totally new.

Bicycle Shed
Go to the bicycle shed to take a bike.

#3. Seaports

The legendary map Erangel has three new seaports. You can find them in Ferry Pier, the shore below the Farm, and in the Northern short of Sosnovka Military Base. Your full squad can find a lot of advanced equipment in these seaports.

More importantly, you can find boats for a full squad to go along the waterway and enter the playing zone. It's a safe way to cross the river without engaging in bridge combat.

New Seaports
There are some new Seaports with lots of supplies and boats.

#4. Vehicle Storage

In Update 2.2, players can use the storage in their car or motorbike to store supplies. It lets PUBG Mobile players loot more essential supplies to get ready for combat in later zones. Your team can exchange supplies when sitting in the car, which is much safer than exchanging supplies in the open field.

#5. Other Changes

NUSA got the spotlight in the current update. But there are many changes in some old locations in PUBG Mobile Erangel 2.2 that make this map still attractive.

  • The Hospital is destroyed and it has many big holes in the wall and ceilings.
  • There is a new Flash Shop with many discounted items for players to buy.
  • You can find new supply crates in houses to loot equipment or token to buy fuel.
  • Mini-14 is more powerful and easier to control now with reduced recoil and slightly higher base damage.
  •  The base damage of AUG is also lightly increased.
Pubg Mobile Erange
PUBG Mobile Erangel has many new features.

The new map PUBG Mobile Erangel 2.2 with many new features is an interesting update. Just play and enjoy the game by yourself or with permanent teammates now.

>>> Also Read: PUBG Mobile To Feature Dragon Ball Heroes In The Upcoming Collaboration

<![CDATA[Best Locations On PUBG Mobile NUSA & Tips For Chicken Dinner]]> Mon, 19 Sep 2022 14:28:00 +0000
You need some new tips and tricks to play well on PUBG Mobile NUSA and get Chicken Dinner. Check out the best places and tips to play well.]]>

The new map NUSA in PUBG Mobile 2.2 has many new features. Therefore, you need some new tips and tricks to play well on PUBG Mobile NUSA and get Chicken Dinner.

Table of Contents

  • Landing Tips
  • The Quad
  • NS200 Tips
  • Flammable Bow
  • Locations On NUSA
Heart Shape Island
Explore NUSA now.

Landing Tips

NUSA is the smallest map in PUBG Mobile 2.2, which is only 1km x 1km. Therefore, you should jump earlier than on other maps. The best distance to jump on this map is 375m from the marked location. You can jump at the distance of 300m to 400m and head down to reach the marked location fast.

Landing Tips
Landing tips

The Quad

The new vehicle "Quad" in NUSA is specially designed for the terrain here. You can easily climb the hill with this vehicle. Therefore, it's the best choice to dash into the safe zone when your team is very far outside the white circle. But you need to Quads for your squad. Then, drive it straight to the playing zone before the electric zone attacks you.

NS200 Tips

NS200 is the new exclusive weapon in NUSA. It's one of the best choices for last-circle combat with insane damage for one shot-one kill. The tip is using NS200 for hip-firing because this gun has much higher damage in this firing mode. It's not necessary to scope for mid-range and long-range combat because the damage of this shotgun decreases when the distance increases.


Flammable Crossbow

The flammable crossbow is another exclusive weapon in NUSA. It's very useful on this map because you can shoot and burn the wooden huts on NUSA. Then, these huts are not safe places for players because these houses can be burned down and then reveal campers inside. Each team should have at least one flammable bow to rush hut campers safely.

Burn The Hut
Burn the hut

Best Locations On NUSA

PUBG Mobile NUSA is a small map but it still has many rich cities and towns. Check out the details about these locations and choose the best one that fits your gameplay.

  • Telepak Town: It's the largest city in NUSA with many buildings. There are working elevators inside 7-story apartment buildings in this city. It's a rich source of supplies if you play well and clear all AI bots on the second floor.
Telepak Town
Telepak Town
  • Shipyard: It's the next best location for PUBG Mobile players on this map. This location has some warehouses and a lot of containers. It's a new hot-drop location on this map with lots of supplies and combat.
  • Cavern: It's similar to some underground caves in older maps like Sanhok and Erangel. But you can find a secret submarine and a big warehouse inside the cave in NUSA. Moreover, it has a secret tunnel leading to a vault above the ground.
Play On Nusa
Have fun on NUSA
  • Bulan Bay: It's next to Cavern. It's a stunning bay with a beautiful beach and some houses. If you don't want to start the match in a hot-drop location, this bay is the best choice.
  • Science Center: It would be the hottest drop location in NUSA with a lot of advanced weapons.
Science Center
Science Center

You can also land in some small places, such as Sunset Street and Regal Resort to start the game slowly. Or else, go on an adventure in Crystal Bay and explore the secret cave. The Pink Beach is the best place for couples to visit for a hangout.

>>> Also Read: PUBG Mobile Vector - Tips To Use The Most Underrated Gun Like A Pro

<![CDATA[PUBG Mobile Vector - Tips To Use The Most Underrated Gun Like A Pro]]> Sun, 11 Sep 2022 13:21:00 +0000
Vector is one of the most underrated guns in PUBG Mobile. Check out some tips to use PUBG Mobile vector that pro players wouldn't tell you.]]>

Vector is one of the most underrated guns in PUBG Mobile. But it would be different when you know how to master this gun and use it effectively. Check out some tips and tricks that pro players wouldn't tell you.

Table of Contents

  • #1. Game Mode
  • #2. Extended Quickdraw Mag
  • #3. Bullet Spray

#1. Game Mode

You should use Vector in solo or duo mode because of the limited magazine of the gun. Though you use an extended mag, Vector still holds only 33 bullets. Therefore, it's not a wise choice in the squad mode because you don't have enough bullets to clear the whole enemy team.

If you can't switch the weapon quickly and respond in a timely manner, the opponent's teammate can take you down and revive the enemy you have knocked down.

Pubg Mobile Vector
Use Vector in solo mode to avoid damage drop.

#2. Extended Quickdraw Mag

The extended quickdraw mag is a must. Though it only increases the load by 7 bullets, it's still a big change for this gun, especially in the duo mode. Don't use up bullets before reloading. You should leave some bullets in the mag and reload. It helps decrease the reload duration.

That's why pro players often use ARs and LMGs that have big bullet magazines with large loading capacities. With 30-40 bullets per load, pro players often clear a full enemy team.

Use An Extended Mag
Use an extended mag to increase the bullet capacity and take down more opponents.

It's not difficult to find SMG attachments. When you land in a big city, you can easily find this attachment in a squad house or a medium building.

#3. Bullet Spray

As the base damage of Vector is not high, its single shots cannot take much HP from the enemy. But it has high bullet speed, which makes the damage per second pretty good. Therefore, you should use Vector to spray bullets in close combat.

Don't use Vector to fire single shots in mid-range and long-range combat. You may give the target the chance to escape from your sight. Therefore, you need an AR to use as the main weapon and use Vector as the secondary gun.

Use It To Spray Bullets
Use it to spray bullets to attribute damage and take down enemies quickly.

When you can master this gun and take advantage of Vector, this SMG will be useful and deadly as if it was in the hand of pro players. You can win noobs with ARs.

>>> Also Read: PUBG Mobile 2.2 - Release Date, New Map NUSA, New Shotgun & AR, Enhanced Erangel
