Streaming - Website for Indian gamers with latest gaming and technology news. Find release dates, trailers, and scores for all upcoming and recent video games in the world Mon, 16 Oct 2023 10:07:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Streaming - <![CDATA[The Growing Popularity of Streaming: Is the Niche Getting Bigger?]]> Tue, 05 Sep 2023 08:38:00 +0000
Has gaming streaming moved beyond its niche origins to become an integral part of modern gaming culture? The article aims to answer this pertinent question. ]]>

Table of Contents

  • A Glimpse into the streaming ecosystem
  • The rise of gaming celebrities
  • E-sports and competitive streaming
  • Challenges and evolution
  • The next level: Virtual reality and beyond
  • Conclusion

As gaming enthusiasts immerse themselves in virtual worlds, streaming platforms have emerged as an avenue for sharing gameplay and a global phenomenon altering the very fabric of interactive entertainment. With the rise of platforms like Twitch, YouTube Gaming, Facebook Gaming, and websites like providing insightful guidance and resources to upcoming streamers, the question arises: Has gaming streaming moved beyond its niche origins to become an integral part of modern gaming culture? The article aims to answer this pertinent question.

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A Glimpse into the streaming ecosystem

Streaming in gaming involves broadcasting live gameplay, commentary, and interactions with viewers in real time. The experience is mutual, accommodating streamers to engage with their audience through chat and donations, creating a dynamic and participatory experience. What began as a means for gamers to showcase skills and connect with others has evolved into a burgeoning industry, birthing careers, esports celebrities and philanthropic endeavors.

The rise of gaming celebrities

No longer confined to darkened basements, gaming streamers have ascended to near-celebrity status; household names like Ninja, Pokimane, and DrLupo have millions of followers across multiple platforms, effectively becoming digital influencers whose reach rivals Hollywood A-listers; the ability to interact with celebrities in real-time has led to an unprecedented increase in viewership and monetization.

E-sports and competitive streaming

Streaming has fueled the explosive growth of esports; major tournaments such as the International for Dota 2 and the League of Legends World Championship draw massive online audiences, with participants competing at the highest level. The symbiotic relationship between esports and streaming has cemented the latter's importance in the industry, with streaming platforms often securing exclusive rights to broadcast these events.

Challenges and evolution

Despite its meteoric rise, gaming streaming is not without its challenges, with an oversaturation of content, copyright issues, and platform exclusivity being debated ad infinitum. Moreover, the influx of new streamers aspiring to achieve fame and fortune has led to concerns about the sustainability of careers in an increasingly competitive field.

The next level: Virtual reality and beyond

As technology advances, the potential for gaming streaming appears limitless; the advent of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) promises to create more immersive experiences for streamers and viewers. With VR headsets becoming more accessible, streamers could soon invite their audience into their virtual worlds, providing unprecedented engagement.


Gaming streaming has morphed from a niche activity into an integral facet of modern gaming culture. Its ability to connect players, create celebrities, and push the boundaries of interactive entertainment is undeniable. While challenges persist, the trajectory is clear: gaming streaming is here to stay and will continue to evolve, shape, and redefine the gaming industry.

<![CDATA[Esports Streaming: Where to Watch Esports Tournaments Online?]]> Tue, 25 Jul 2023 02:59:00 +0000
Esports tournaments are extremely popular these days. People are going crazy over them and a great number of digital platforms are allowing live streaming of esports tournaments. However, not all are as good as others.]]>

Table of Contents

  • YouTube Live Gaming
  • BBC iPlayer 
  • Twitch 
  • The Final Word... 

Esports, also known as egames, as the name suggests, is competitive organized video gaming. It's all about different teams competing against each other in virtual tournaments in order to win a cash prize. It's quite similar to regular sports. The only difference is that it's virtual and even the esports tournaments take place virtually. 

Now the question is, how and where to watch esports tournaments? Thankfully, there are many platforms that bring esports tournaments for you. If you're looking for one, you've come to the right place. The following are some of the best platforms to stream esports tournaments, so have a look.

Esports Streaming

YouTube Live Gaming

If you're new to the world of esports, please know that the YouTube Live Gaming section needs to be your go-to platform whenever you feel like watching an esports tournament. From the League of Legends to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, the YouTube Live Gaming section has all major esports tournaments available to stream.

The best part of the story is that the user interface of the YouTube Live Gaming section is pretty similar to the regular YouTube app and web version, so you don't have to worry about finding and streaming tournaments even if you're a beginner. 

Besides that, you can also find a lot of user-created content regarding esports on YouTube. Whether you want to check out a mod showcase or a speed run, the YouTube Live Gaming section offers it all.

BBC iPlayer 

Another excellent option is BBC iPlayer. It offers you to stream esports tournaments whenever you want and apart from that, it also covers live esports. Some of the esports tournaments are also available to download there, so in case you're short on time or find it difficult to stream and watch at a given time, you can download the tournament and watch it later. Pretty convenient, eh? 

The only problem here is that BBC iPlayer isn't available everywhere in the world. It still hasn't launched in many countries and for others, it has different libraries. Therefore, if one thing is available in one country, it doesn't necessarily mean that it will be available in the other country, too. 

Due to that, you may come across a few geo-restrictions; however, you need not worry as you can easily access BBC iPlayer overseas for free using a VPN. The VPN will switch your location and remove your IP address, tricking BBC iPlayer into believing that you're in a different country. It's as simple as that. In this way, you'll be able to stream your favorite esports tournament without having to make a lot of effort. 


Last but not least, we have Twitch, a name that requires no introduction. Twitch is a digital platform that's mainly responsible for bringing esports to the limelight. If there are a hundred people that know about esports today, at least 50 of them know it because of Twitch. It has popularized live-streamed video games on the internet and as of now, Twitch has around 100 million monthly visitors and 1.5 million broadcasters of esports.

If you're looking for special esports events and large tournaments, please know that Twitch hosts them all. It's home to live-streamed broadcasts of all Blizzard esports. Also, the best news is that Twitch is free to use. In fact, you don't even need a registered account to use Twitch. It solely focuses on user convenience and that's what it provides.

The only downside is that the free version may come with limited shows. On the other hand, buying a subscription will allow you to watch as many esports shows and tournaments as you want. Plus, the subscription fee is minimal, so you don't have to think a lot before buying it.

The Final Word... 

Other than the ones mentioned above, there are a few other great platforms that you can check out, including Team Liquid, SmashCast, Dailymotion, and more. Although they're as huge as the ones we've shared above, they're worth trying, given the great esports tournaments they bring for you. All in all, watching esports tournaments as well as analyzing the game is a great activity that not only de-stresses your mind but also keeps you productive. Choose a digital platform today and enjoy your favorite esports!

<![CDATA[Game Streaming For Students: Twitch vs. YouTube – A Comprehensive Analysis]]> Thu, 15 Jun 2023 08:24:00 +0000
In this article, we will break down the pros and cons of Twitch and YouTube to help you make the most informed decision.]]>

Table of Contents

  • What is Twitch?
  • What is YouTube Gaming?
  • Twitch vs. YouTube Gaming: A Comparison
  • The Benefits of Game Streaming for Students
  • Case Studies
  • Challenges and Downsides
  • Conclusion

The evolution of digital technology has redefined many facets of our lives, including how we entertain ourselves. Video games, once seen as a solitary pastime, have evolved into a communal experience that transcends borders, ages, and cultures, largely thanks to game streaming. Game streaming platforms are more than just a way to share gameplay—they've become interactive arenas where communities gather, engage, and grow. But with the rise of these platforms, students now face a new question: which platform best suits their needs and interests? Two platforms often become the subjects of this debate: Twitch and YouTube.

Game streaming is not just about entertainment. It is about learning, connecting, and, for some, even making money. Imagine being a college student who loves gaming, wants to connect with other gamers, learn new strategies, maybe even write essays for money about gaming trends, or start streaming yourself. Sounds interesting, right? In this article, we will break down the pros and cons of Twitch and YouTube to help you make the most informed decision.

Twitch Vs Youtube Jpg

What is Twitch?

Born from a small startup in 2007, Twitch has risen to be the leading platform for live game streaming. The platform is a paradise for gamers, offering live streams, clips, chats, and even music broadcasts.

But what makes Twitch attractive to students? A few features stand out:

  • Its primary focus on gaming provides a dedicated space for gaming enthusiasts.
  • The chat feature enables real-time interaction between streamers and viewers.
  • A unique culture full of memes, emotes, and specific jargon, offering a sense of belonging to a specific community.

What is YouTube Gaming?

YouTube, the titan of video sharing, ventured into the world of game streaming with YouTube Gaming in 2015. Offering both live streams and video uploads, it provides a broader range of content than Twitch.

The benefits of YouTube Gaming for students include:

  • The platform's popularity makes it easy to reach a wider audience.
  • The combination of live streaming and video uploads offers more flexibility in content creation.
  • With YouTube's robust analytics, streamers can get detailed insights about their audience.

Twitch vs. YouTube Gaming: A Comparison

In this section, we will compare the two platforms based on viewer experience, streamer benefits, game selection, and accessibility.

1.   Viewer Experience

Twitch's layout is more complex than YouTube, offering a chat box, panels, and the stream itself, creating a more interactive experience. In contrast, YouTube has a simpler layout, with less emphasis on chat interaction but more focus on video quality and playback options.

2.   Streamer Benefits

Both platforms provide monetization opportunities, such as ads, donations, and subscriptions. However, Twitch's partner program is more exclusive, requiring a certain level of viewership. In comparison, YouTube's monetization is more accessible, allowing smaller channels to earn revenue.

3.   Game Selection

Both platforms cover a wide variety of games, but Twitch tends to focus more on popular games. Meanwhile, YouTube, thanks to its video upload feature, offers more variety, including playthroughs of less popular or older games.

4.   Accessibility and Compatibility

Both platforms support a wide range of devices. However, Twitch's mobile app has often been criticized for its limitations, while YouTube's app is generally seen as more user-friendly.

The Benefits of Game Streaming for Students

Game streaming is more than just fun—it's an opportunity for learning and personal development.

  • Skill Development: By watching professionals play, students can learn effective strategies, improving their problem-solving and decision-making skills.
  • Community: Streaming platforms offer a place for students to connect with like-minded individuals, fostering a sense of community.
  • Potential for Earnings: For students who want to start streaming themselves, there is potential to earn some money, either through ad revenue, donations, or sponsorships. Some successful streamers have been able to pay their tuition or support their lifestyles through their earnings.

In fact, some students even venture into related industries, such as offering paper writing services for gaming topics, where they leverage their gaming expertise to provide unique insights and analyses. This, in turn, adds a layer of practicality to their gaming passion.

Case Studies

  1. A student who went by the name "Hafu" started streaming her World of Warcraft games on Twitch while in school. Her streaming career took off, and she now streams full time, boasting over 800,000 followers on Twitch.
  2. A student known as "PewDiePie" started his YouTube channel with Let's Play videos while in college. He now has over 100 million subscribers, making him one of the most successful YouTube personalities of all time.

These examples show that with dedication and strategic use of platforms, students can make a significant impact and even turn their gaming hobby into a career.

Challenges and Downsides

Despite the numerous benefits, there are also challenges and potential downsides. These include:

  • Time Management: Balancing streaming or viewing time with academic responsibilities can be challenging.
  • Privacy Concerns: Live streaming involves sharing aspects of personal life, which can lead to privacy issues.
  • Monetary Risks: Investing in gaming and streaming equipment can be costly, and there's no guarantee of monetary return.


Game streaming is a dynamic world that offers students a chance to enjoy, learn, connect, and for some, earn. Whether you choose Twitch or YouTube depends on your goals, whether you value the interactive chat culture of Twitch or the broader reach and flexibility of YouTube. Remember to balance your streaming time with your studies, and always prioritize your safety and privacy online. Who knows? You may be the next streaming sensation or even start a successful career linked to gaming, like writing essays on gaming trends. In the digital world, opportunities are just a click away.

<![CDATA[How to Start a Profitable Streaming Career in 2023?]]> Fri, 10 Feb 2023 15:21:00 +0000
Only playing and making comments is not the best way to achieve success in streaming.]]>

Creating new content and being transparent about it is very trendy. People use social media and personal accounts, without creating a business page and sharing their opinion with society. This is how streaming became very popular. If years ago, only companies had live streams, today, you can watch many of them on social media platforms or on YouTube. People try different types of online services and comment on them from a personal view.

Nowadays the most popular streaming type is to play online games and make live streams about how you play, what you like and dislike, and others. People can watch the gaming process, listen to streamers’ positions and share their opinions with comments. Streaming was extremely popular in 2022. The market increased up to 29.5% compared to 2021. The simplicity of starting a career is one of the core reasons for its popularity. Anyone can become a streaming player and create a quite successful career. It does not require any large education or experience. All you need is creativity and good communication skills with your audience.

This market is very busy and there are hundreds of thousands of streamers. If you are one of those who are thinking to try luck in this career, this article is just for you! Down below, we will show you every needed aspect you have to know for achieving success in a streaming career. In addition, we will talk about some expected trends and changes in the streaming industry in 2023.

Twitch Streaming Platform


How To Choose Content

As we mentioned earlier in the streaming career, the most demanded and popular is content connected to gambling. People love watching streams where people play different types of online games and share their experiences with others. But it is not mandatory. The main thing is to create content according to your needs and knowledge. We do not imply years of experience in something. Just be good enough to talk about it and rate it. To give you a more clear vision, we will explain everything according to the gambling content streaming, as it’ll be the most demanded in 2023.

So, if you are good at gambling, choose the type of game, learn everything about it, and start testing. The first expectations and impressions about the game make content more diverse and attractive. Not only your interests must be followed but also trends. For example, slots are the most popular online games in 2023 and most users play them for crypto. So, you can use this trend as an advantage for your streaming career and start the streaming process of playing online crypto slots. You can find plenty of websites for playing crypto slot machines. For safety and diversity, we would like to recommend playing casino games for crypto at Coinplay, as their portfolio is impressive and diverse and the casino is completely safe to try.

Select the Right Social Media Platform

The main advice from us will be to not depend only on a single platform for streaming. Especially if it is live streaming. Selecting the right platform depends on how popular you are or how many people know you. If you are less experienced and are not very active on social media, we recommend you use your personal Facebook account and have access to the audience via groups related to your content.

For example, for gambling streaming, you choose some groups, join them and start sharing your streaming into these groups. That way you will simply increase the number of first viewers. If you achieve a specific number of weekly reviews, you will be able to use the Fan Subscriptions feature by Facebook. As you personally will be a bit popular in your audience, create a page and continue streaming via the page.

With Facebook, the great platform for beginners is Tik Tok. This is extremely useful in 2023. With simple videos, you can easily move your TikTok audience on your live streaming link and get more views. If you are a more experienced one, you can use YouTube.

Always Give Tips, Tricks and Merge Different Contents

Only playing and making comments is not the best way to achieve success in streaming. To avoid making boring content, you need to do two main things. The first is to give tips that are not available in the formal reviews. Everyone can find information about how to play games or how to choose them. No one needs detailed information about design quality or soundtrack. The audience needs information on how properly the game works and what strategies can be used for winning. This is what you need to talk about sometimes during the streaming.

The second key to success is to change content and make it diverse. Do not stick with a single type of game. Try slots as well as live dealer and table games. In 2023, It will also be very popular to play online e-sports or games such as Dota or CSGO. With diversity, you will give more valuable experience to your audience and simply become successful.

<![CDATA[LiveScore.GG Launches - Live Scores For All Esports]]> Thu, 10 Sep 2020 10:41:00 +0000 has officially launched!!!]]> has officially launched. Follow multiple esports matches in one place. Stream the games you want with your favourite streaming site and follow the rest on
Launched initially with CSGO, LOL, Dota2, FIFA, NBA2K, Starcraft and Overwatch, Livescore will soon be adding live score tracking for PUBG, COD, Rainbow 6, Rocket League and Valorant.

Livescore Gg has officially launched.

Although gamers love streaming, with multiple matches taking place at the same time, across tournaments, leagues and esports, it was difficult to follow multiple games at once. This is what was created for. You can now get a quick snapshot of the current status and score in multiple games at the same time. Then drill down into the game you want to know more about.

Livescore Gg Csgo
CSGO Live Scores

Along with esports live scores, get in-match metrics like average team ratings, player performance, as well as historical head2head match data.

Never miss a moment.

<![CDATA[Twitch Vs. YouTube Streaming, Which Is The Best Option For Spectators And Streamers? Let's Find Out]]> Tue, 18 Aug 2020 02:00:30 +0000
The dilemma between Twitch vs YouTube streaming is a tough one for both streamers and spectators. Here we will explain which is the better platform for you.]]>

The gaming & esports industry is growing day by day for both professional and amateur gamers. Live streaming platforms are used by creators to share their gameplays live, get feedback, grow a community, and earn a nice income. But with the competition between Twitch vs YouTube streaming, which is the better option?

When it comes to the popularity of streaming on Twitch vs YouTube, Twitch is the undisputed industry leader. YouTube Gaming, which since last year has ceased to be an independent app, is not at a distant second place. Even Facebook, which now has its own streaming app, is moving up in third place.

Twitch vs YouTube Streaming Which Is Best

The trend is repeated in almost all statistics, and it will be quite sometime before this podium gets a shake-up. But what will be the best game streaming platform for you? Live streaming on Twitch vs YouTube shares almost the same dynamics, but there are differences that are fundamental before choosing one or the other platform.

To find out, let's go over some of the main features of Twitch streaming vs YouTube streaming and see what they can offer either spectators or users:

Twitch Vs YouTube Streaming - Which Platform is Better For You?

Twitch Vs YouTube Streaming - YouTube Gaming

Google launched YouTube Gaming in 2015, but it has gone through a lot of strategy changes since then. And the result has been some very substantial growth, although it also had its setbacks. For example, YouTube Gaming last year closed its standalone app and all content went to the Video Games section of YouTube.

Twitch vs YouTube Streaming Which Is Best

This change in strategy was intended to focus all its efforts on empowering the gaming community directly from YouTube. It didn't want to be just a casual stop for streamers but to create an entire ecosystem powered by YouTube. And this strategy was reinforced with the arrival of exclusive streamers.

For example, YouTube Gaming welcomed the addition of three famous Fornite streamers: Lannan “Lazarbeam” Eacott, Elliot “Muselk” Walter, and Rachell “Valkyrae” Hofstetter. On the other hand, Andre “Typical Gamer” Rebelo confirmed that he will continue exclusively on YouTube.

YouTube has also closed other exclusive deals that elevate the platform to a premium level. For example, in January they announced the exclusive agreement with Activision Blizzard to broadcast the most important eSports events, such as Call of Duty League, Overwatch League, or Hearthstone.

As a streamer you can:

  • monetize streams through ads, channel memberships, and other options available on YouTube
  • create an audience, although it will take time since its dynamics is focused on specific audiences
  • have educational resources to improve the channel and your audience
  • take advantage of YouTube's algorithms and system to promote yourself

Twitch vs YouTube Streaming Which Is Best

On the other hand, a negative aspect of YouTube, which has cost the platform the exit of several popular streamers, is that it is usually not very streamer-friendly with its monetization policies, and the policies themselves are very prone to sudden changes, creating uncertainty about the income they can generate.

As a spectator you can:

  • watch live broadcasts and have an interesting collection of exclusive content
  • subscribe to specific games or follow your favorite streamers and interact with them
  • receive recommendations to discover new content according to your preferences.
  • have different ways to support your streamers during broadcasts

Twitch vs YouTube Streaming Which Is Best

Twitch Vs YouTube Streaming - Twitch

Twitch needs no introduction, it is the undisputed leader of live streaming video games with a huge community of users. Unlike Facebook Gaming and YouTube, Twitch is committed to reaching a wider audience. So in the Twitch catalog, you will see a variety of content ranging from esports coverage, shows related to games, broadcasting of gameplays, among others.

And you will even find Twitch channels organizing streams to raise money for different charitable causes.

As a streamer, you can

  • monetize streams, either as a partner or affiliate, with donations, paid subscriptions, collaborations with brands, among other options.
  • have options to support other channels and vice versa.
  • implement different ways of interacting with your audience within the chat room of each stream
  • have extension systems and other tools to personalize your streams
  • have a complete moderation system

It has tons of dynamics, programs, and options that streamers can take advantage of to build their audience and enjoy the process. Twitch can be as complex or simple as you like.

As a spectator you can:

  • browse hundreds of channels divided by categories that you can subscribe to
  • see recommendations of games, channels, and streamer, according to your preferences
  • use its functions from both mobile devices and the web browser
  • interact with other users and support your favorite streamers
  • have an incredible variety of content

Twitch vs YouTube Streaming Which Is Best

Twitch Vs YouTube Streaming - The Verdict

Want to be a popular streamer? Then TWITCH is best if you can establish a following by creating content on other platforms like Youtube, Twitter, or TikTok and migrate them to Twitch (which is harder for discovery) and then bring/invite that audience to Twitch. It is the best and friendliest interface so that the user can financially support the streamer with subscriptions, bits, or donations.

Twitch vs YouTube Streaming Which Is Best

For long-term success, streaming on YOUTUBE will be the better option as it has the most potential for discovery thanks to its machine learning algorithm that can bring new viewers to streamers and make them grow. YouTube is just an interface improvement to help you achieve it.

In short, on Twitch it is very difficult to stand out as a streamer since the competition is always soaring, and on YouTube, it takes time to build an audience. So getting started on either of these platforms is a real challenge. But if you just want a community to share your impressions of your favorite games and feel close to the streamers you follow, you can choose any of the platforms.

If you are looking for more news, updates, guides, lists, etc. on gaming and entertainment like this Twitch Vs YouTube Streaming article, visit our website at for more of what you need.

<![CDATA[Windows 10 Update Leads To Hacking Of YouTube Channels?]]> Sat, 29 Feb 2020 03:18:36 +0000
Microsoft recently announced that they have managed to fix 100 security holes in the new update of Windows 10 operating system.]]>

Since past two months several YouTube channels have been hacked belonging to renowned Indian streamers and professional esport players. Team SouL player Aman Jain was shocked to find that his YouTube channel with 275k subscribers was hacked. The hacker changed channel name to Ripple XRP [CEO Brad Garlinghouse] which is a cryptocurrency company.

Rishab Karanwal learnt about his channel being hacked when he was streaming on YouTube

After which Rishab Karanwal aka RakaZone Gaming lost his first YouTube channel Football Forever having over 100k subscribers to another bitcoin crytocurrency named Binance Exchange. Rishab was live streaming when his fans and audience alerted him that a video has been posted on his old channel. Realizing that it's not a prank from his audience, he immediately alerted YouTube team on Twitter. He is yet to get his channel back. Later he has revealed that such channels have been taking place in India. While speaking to GuruGamer, he said, "I want my channel to be retrieved. Such hackers on YouTube should be controlled and banned. "

Aman Jain managed to get back his YouTube channel with all the content which was deleted by the hacker. YouTube has a policy to store data of deleted content for a period of two months and it can be retrieved from the database. A report in The Sun claimed that over 800 million users were affected after Windows 10 update which led hackers to steal login details of the user.

Aman Jain managed to retrieve his account after appealing to the video content platform.

SouL Aman while clarifying how is channel got hacked revealed that an automatic update of Windows 10 on his computer system gave access to hackers which stole login details of his channel. He also said that he did not receive any email informing him about the change in ownership of his channel. Microsoft was informed about the bug by the National Security Agency after which they sent a free patch to 800 million users to fix the issue. Recently, Microsoft announced that they have managed to fix 100 security holes in Windows operating systems including Internet Explorer.

>>> Visit for more gaming updates!

<![CDATA[Meet Indian Youth Who Plays PUBG Mobile With His Only One Finger]]> Sun, 23 Feb 2020 06:28:00 +0000
Aditya Mishra from Lucknow strives to pursue his passion for gaming and wants to become a full-time gaming streamer.]]>

It would be quite fascinating to know that a 25-year-old youth from Lucknow in India plays PUBG Mobile with his one finger. Meet Aditya Mishra, a PUBG Mobile streamer who lost his nine fingers in a firecracker explosion. Striving to create his own identity, Mishra took to streaming PUBG Mobile through his YouTube channel FranKisLive. An undergraduate Arts student, he took up a challenge to continue gaming even after he lost his fingers.

He started live streaming since August 2019 on the emulator and used his gloves to handle keyboard and mouse. In an interview with GuruGamer, Aditya Mishra shares how important it is to follow his passion. He also wants to spread awareness among teenagers and youths to not mishandle firecrackers. Read the excerpts.

What inspired you to play computer games after your accident?

Aditya Mishra: I have been an addicted gamer. I have always played computer games and had a liking for it. So I practiced hard through emulator after the accident. Its been more than a year that I have been playing with my single finger. Now I think I have adapted to these settings. I have played several games since then but my audience love to see me play PUBG Mobile.

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Aditya Mishra was just 14 year old when he lost his nine fingers due to a firecracker explosion

Gaming and professional streaming are two different aspects, how did your friends and family support you in this new arena? 

Aditya Mishra: Many people advised me that if I play games then I should also stream. More importantly, I like to interact with people. I keep on learning from people and its fun to listen and share experiences. My family has always been supportive. So they gave me a go-ahead after I explained to them about the nitty-gritty of live streaming.

They have given me a year to prove my talent. They want me to join a government institute if I fail in this career. Basically they want me to be financially independent. Although I worked with my family business of timber mart.

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He plays several computer games through his thumb.

What was the response from your audience while seeing your live gameplay?

Aditya Mishra: I never wanted my viewers or subscribers to pity me and support me. I wanted to entertain them and grow my YouTube channel. After I reached a certain number of subscribers, I finally revealed that I play with my single finger. Everybody was shocked after hearing this from me. So I made an entire video explaining them about the situation. about editing my videos, I had a friend who helped but now I have started to learn and edit my videos. I don't want to depend on anybody.

It is often seen that the Indian audience indulges in trolling and abusing. How do you deal with such trolls?

Aditya Mishra: Many people try to troll me by claiming that I am a hacker as they never believe that I play with my single finger. It's hard for them to digest the fact that a disabled person has good gameplay. But I was prepared with a mindset that society has toxic people. But their density is very less and so I do not bother about trolls. The fact of the matter is that people do understand about disabilities and often respect people who try to achieve things that have never been achieved.

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Aditya Mishra wants to spread awareness about the dangers of firecrackers amongst youngsters.

Did you ever seek help from fellow YouTubers to help you spread a message of awareness? 

I did approach a few people to help me reach out to the mass audience. I sent them videos so that they could spread awareness about the dangers of firecrackers. Also, I am the right person to educate people dealing with such situations. Often after being disabled, a person either gets depressed or becomes too dependent. I can help such people by guiding them to live an independent life.

Thank Aditya Mishra for the interview!

<![CDATA[CarryMinati Clarifies That He Is Not Associated With Ebullient Gaming India]]> Tue, 28 Jan 2020 08:26:23 +0000
CarryMinati cleared the air that his business has been managed by his first cousin and he is not associated with EGI.]]>

Famous YouTuber Ajey Nagar aka CarryMinati took to social media to announce that he is not associated with Ebullient Gaming India (EGI). Calling the entire fiasco as a rumour, he clarified that his business was entirely managed by his first cousin. He urged his fans and business associates to be alert while contacting him for business queries. He went ahead to also inform that he was never ever been associated with Ebullient Gaming India.


Ebullient Gaming India is a talent management company to support full-time gamers and streamers. EGI deals with YouTubers to connect with brands to promote them on their social media accounts. In the next post, CarryMinati further stated that he is being questioned about a stream with EGI a long time back. A sponsored stream does not reflect him to be associated with the company. He also clarified that many people have a misunderstanding that he is one of the owners or partners in the company.


Sources in the gaming industry revealed that EGI has claimed its association with famous YouTubers. "It might be fallout with the agency which must have led Ajey to write a long post to explain that he is not associated with EGI. The second reason would be a failure to bring in more business for its current YouTubers leading them to back out from their deals. However, the growth in the gaming industry has seen a huge leap."


While an insider claimed that such rumors affect business for YouTubers. "As brands would often consider EGI as the only agency managing CarryMinati. This false perspective is often built to impress brands who approach agencies to promote their brands. It is not yet clear what could have been the reason behind such a huge fallout."

GuruGamer correspondent Imran Fazal approached Ebullient Gaming India for their reaction but it has failed to respond to any queries. The story will be updated as and when a quote is received from EGI.

<![CDATA[YouTube Provides Ten Language Options For Indian Users]]> Wed, 15 Jan 2020 07:12:00 +0000
YouTube initiated 10 languages for YouTube users in India to attract the audience from different states in North and South.]]>

Indian gaming content creators have increased threefold for the past two years. The sudden boom in the increase of audience and content creators also gave rise to regional streamers. YouTube provides Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Bengali, Punjabi, Gujarati, and Marathi language content. This helps regional streamers to easily connect with the audience. As per a report, only 33 percent of Popular YouTube videos are in the English language.


As per the KPMG report, 265 million Indian users are actively watching YouTube content. Indian audience has viewed 50 billion hours of gaming content. After YouTube introduced regional languages for the Indian audience, it came as a boon for content creators who are not fluent in Hindi. It also gave an opportunity for the audience living in a particular state to view content in their mother tongue.

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According to Satya Raghavan, Director for YouTube Partnerships, India believes that 2020 will see a rise in viewership of regional content. He said that last year witnessed the audience moving towards learning and gaming content. He also informed that 60 percent of watch time on YouTube comes from out of six major metro cities.

Sushil K, “It is great news that regional languages are being acknowledged by YouTube. Earlier, in India, only English and Hindi languages were considered widely. But I am happy that my regional language which is Tamil is to being watched widely by the audience. It has given an opportunity for regional streamers to showcase their talent.

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Malayalam streamers have a huge fan base in Dubai. Many streamers from Kerala are being widely watched in Abu Dhabi. “I feel happy that viewers from Dubai send me donations for supporting me. I play PUBG Mobile and other games on PC as well on mobile. Many people from Kerala are settled in Dubai and they love to watch streams in their mother tongue.”

Shreeman Legend a streamer from Maharashtra ensures to give a punch of Marathi one-liners to entertain his streamers. His audience which is largely from his home state appreciates him for being the only streamer to entertain his audience both in Hindi and in Marathi. "It becomes interesting to hear and watch a Marathi gaming streamer. He is funny and entertains his audience with a smile on his face. He has worked very hard to grow his YouTube channel and so we support him strongly," says Vicky Shinde, a resident of Pune and a fan of Shreeman Legend.

<![CDATA[MortaL Initiates Members-Only Mode For His Live Chat Section]]> Thu, 09 Jan 2020 08:36:00 +0000
Currently, to join MortaL's YouTube channel as members, fans have to pay a basic subscription fee of Rs 89 per month.]]>

This could be very heartbreaking news for fans of Naman Mathur aka MortaL. During one of his livestreams, MortaL announced that he will soon change his live chat section in members-only mode. It is very unclear as to why such a decision was taken by India's renowned PUBG Mobile streamer.

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MortaL has announced about the members-only mode for viewers recently

Since he started to stream on YouTube he has never turned his chat on members-only mode. He recently achieved a fete of 1.45 Lakh live audience on his YouTube channel MortaL. Sources revealed that he is planning to not only increase his subscribers this year but also wants to increase membership count on his YouTube channel.

Currently, MortaL's YouTube channel has 3.74 million subscribers. To join the channel, a basic subscription fee of Rs 89/month has to be paid via YouTube. Other subscriptions offered on his channel ranges from Rs 159 to Rs 7,999. These subscriptions provide benefits to users from participating in custom games, using emojis during live chats, exclusive badges of MortaL army. The benefits differ as per subscription to be paid per month.

He intends to increase membership count on his YouTube channel.

Sources have also revealed that existing members on the channel felt neglected while interacting with MortaL during live streams. A source said, "During live streams, over 50,000 live audience watches him play PUBG Mobile. Most of them are unpaid members. So it often happens that chats from members go unnoticed. While at times, Super Chats during the livestream is given more attention. It seems that he was pointed about the same by members which led him to take such a decision."

"I personally believe equal weightage should be given to members and non-member fans. Every MortaL fan is not capable to pay money every month to interact and support the streamer. Another reason could be to focus on increasing members on his channel like the Twitch pattern," said the source. Animesh Agarwal aka 8Bit_Thug, manager of MortaL failed to respond to query sent by GuruGamer correspondent Imran Fazal.

Well, it would be an interesting thing to watch MortaL's next move to grow his YouTube channel. Read this space for more updates on MortaL.

<![CDATA[PUBG Mobile Warns MortaL For Indulging Into In-Game Meetups]]> Mon, 06 Jan 2020 02:46:00 +0000
Several gamers and streamers have been banned for in-game meetups and teaming with other squad during matches.]]>

In what could be another spoiler for fans of Naman Mathur aka MortaL, PUBG Mobile has warned him for indulging in in-game meetups. During his daily stream, MortaL admitted that he has been warned by game developers for meeting his fans during the gameplay. Such meet-ups are often considered as teaming up with other squads which are amounted to cheating.

PUBG Mobile Warns MortaL For Indulging Into In-Game Meetups

Several renowned streamers and pro-players have been banned in various games such as Fortnite and PUBG Mobile. Such warnings are necessary to keep the integrity of fair play while playing the game. It has to be noted that Naman's YouTube channel MortaL received 1.45 Lakhs live audience recently. He becomes the only Indian game streamer to be watched by such a huge audience at a single time.

Avid gamer and follower of MortaL said, "We watch MortaL for his excellent gameplay and fun during his live stream. It often annoys the audience when his fans match his lobby to meet him while playing. The stream snipers follow him throughout the match and instead of a tough fight, they end up fighting with a pan. This takes away all the fun."

He further said, "Most of the time, his entire squad gets wiped out by the stream snipers who come on pretext of the meet-up. Most of the time, it becomes confusing when in-game meet-ups take place. MortaL and his squad often confuse an enemy with a fan and this leads to their squad kill."


During the live stream, MortaL was playing with his usual squad when few players approached him during the game. To which MortaL requested those players to not come for meet-ups as he has been warned by PUBG Mobile developers to stop such activities. He also said that if this continues, PUBG Mobile will ban him permanently.

This request and announcement have been made by him several times but his fans fail to adhere. However, we can just expect a fair play but it will be interesting to watch if in-game meetups and stream sniping ends completely.

<![CDATA[MortaL Announces No In-Game Meetup For Fans And Stream Viewers]]> Fri, 20 Dec 2019 02:38:00 +0000
PUBG Mobile rules say that teaming up with a different squad could lead to a ban. In-game meetups annoy live watching the audience and spoil their fun.]]>

Naman Mathur aka SouL MortaL during his live streaming session announced that he will not encourage in-game meetups. It often becomes annoying when players after watching his YouTube stream reach out to him during the game. The reason behind such a decision was after MortaL was killed by a fan on the pretext of a meetup. These incidents take place very often when fans come to greet players during a match. Stream snipers have become a major headache for game streamers which spoils the fun of the audience.


PUBG Mobile prevents in-game teaming as it gives an upper hand in a squad or a solo game. This could lead to the banning of accounts. Recently, PUBG Mobile revealed that they have banned 3,500 players in the month of September. The maximum banning period has been increased by 10 years.

Despite such measures, Indian gaming streamers are facing these issues. It should be noted that in-game meetups with famous streamers like MortaL, CarryMinati, and Dynamo are on the rise and this spoils the fun for viewing audience.

Shroud Gets Hit With A 30 Day Ban For Teaming Up W
Shroud received a 30-day ban for teaming up with a hacker

During the live stream, MortaL said, "We will no longer entertain in-game meetups and I request my viewers and fans to take a fight instead of just meeting and greeting. Shout-outs will be given to players who kill me or my squad. We like people when they take fights and not when they drop their clothes and weapons just to meet us."


Kaushal Das, an ardent fan and member on MortaL's channel complains, "We love MortaL in action. We don't watch his stream to see other players just running onto him while watching his stream and meeting-greeting him. It spoils the fun and it often happens that on the pretext of meet up, they kill MortaL and this becomes more annoying. So it is better that meet-ups should be stopped completely for more fun and action in PUBG Mobile."

Lalit Mathur a gamer and ardent fan has another view on this issue. "I have been playing for a very long time. I watch a lot of streams and I have noticed that Indian fans are in love with these game streamers. They often don't believe in killing them. But there are few miscreants who indulge in-stream sniping. Now it is on streamer if he/she wants to meet and greet fans while in a match. Instead PUBG Mobile should take such measures to curb teaming up in squad and solo matches."

<![CDATA[Hassled With Hate Messages, YouTubers Expect Mature Audience In 2020]]> Tue, 17 Dec 2019 09:04:00 +0000
Game streamers have faced harassment from their audiences in 2019, but now they expect 2020 would be much better for their career.]]>

Indian audiences can be nasty and brutal in trolling game streamers. Many streamers are facing similar issues of being bullied by the audience. PUBG Mobile streamer, Tanmay Singh aka Scout lost his control and abused the audience while streaming. Pro-gamers close to Scout revealed that he has been harassed by its audience in the chat section after failing to qualify PMCO Global. GuruGamer spoke to YouTubers playing PUBG Mobile, GTA V Roleplay, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Call Of Duty. They all are expecting a mature audience in 2020.

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One of the PUBG Mobile players who participated in PMCO Global while speaking to GuruGamer said, "I started streaming very late as I was more focused on competitive games. But I always heard from my fellow teammates and streamers that they faced a lot of harassment from their audience in chats. But now I too face the same thing. I always try to keep my calm while dealing with such situations. But at times it becomes difficult to control emotions when chat continues to abuse and spread hate. I always ask my moderators to directly block such users. Even if a person with membership badge abuses, I directly block them."

Discord Announces Streaming Feature Go Live 5

Indian audiences drew their attention to GTA V Roleplay when their favorite streamers took to Indian servers for generating quality content. The audience instantly connected with their characters and behavior during the roleplay. But with a lot of attention also comes criticism. Whenever streamers were caught by police officers amidst a robbery escape, they faced abuses and were bullied. Many budding YouTubers started from GTA V Roleplay in a recent while and were brutally trolled.

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A renowned game streamer said, "Indian audience should understand that its a game. At times you succeed while at times you fail. Nothing a big deal to abuse a streamer. Spreading hate messages in the chat section of streamers will only worsen the situation. There are times when both streamers come at loggerheads. This leads to bad content and failed role play. The audience should understand this part. It has been a difficult year for many streamers, but we all hope 2020 will be a year of a mature audience."

YouTubers playing Call Of Duty have a completely different issue. They say, "Its time that Indian audience should mature. Today, Call Of Duty players are neglected. They are treated as trash because people are more glued to PUBG Mobile. We play different games but the audience wants PUBG Mobile which at times is very weird. We as content creators would like the audience to watch different content rather than single gameplay."

<![CDATA[DreamHack Fiasco - Is This How An Esports Player Should Behave?]]> Thu, 12 Dec 2019 03:32:00 +0000
PUBG Mobile players Tanmay Singh aka Scout showed unprofessional attitude during DreamHack Delhi 2019.]]>

It was a shocking sight to see a viral video in which PUBG Mobile players Tanmay Singh aka Scout among others behaved during DreamHack Delhi 2019, India’s renowned gaming festival. They went live from the streaming arena provided by event organizers and abused their audience. The reason for the outburst was due to Scout facing severe criticism from the audience after his team Fnatic faced an exit from South Asia PMCO Fall Split in a group stage.


Fnatic’s dismal performance during South Asia semi-finals and finals led to an outrage among the team’s fan base. They criticized Scout and other team members for showing a lackadaisical attitude during all the matches. On 6th December, when Nodwin Gaming launched its second edition of DreamHack 2019, these miscreants were at their worst behavior.

What did they want to prove? We found it to be a few kids who are out there to show their muscle power. Instead, they should have proved it by their gameplay rather than wagging their tongues.

Scout Team Soul Pubg Mobile

A stage which has been provided by one of the renowned gaming company was misused for personal propaganda in the filthiest manner. Sports personalities to face criticism during their career-low, but do they come out and abuse their fans or audience? This is an epic example of a failed attempt to handle fame and control emotions. True sportsmen should accept the defeat and should be able to face criticism.


Team Soul ended up at the bottom of the table during PMCO Global, its in-game-leader, Naman Mathur aka MortaL too faced criticism but he did not come out and abused his audience. He accepted the defeat in a true sportsmanship spirit and promised to make a strong comeback. This is how an e-sports player behaves.

Unlike Scout and people present in the video, their outrage with the use of female-centric abuses to its audience comes at a time when the country is focusing to tackle crime against women.

Tanmay Singh

Why Is It Important To Criticize Such Indian Esports players?

India is considered as a top-three gaming market, with brands and gaming companies investing in India. This will not only grow the gaming industry but will also give birth to new gaming talent. With such a reckless attitude of Indian gamers will only give a bad name to the community. Criticizing and calling them out publicly is the only way to mend their behavior.

Nodwin Gaming itself is going international with renowned brands and it aims to leave footprints of the Indian gaming industry across the globe. But supporting such acts will raise fingers on them too. Will Nodwin Gaming take action against these streamers? Will they issue notifications to such streamers?

Maligning the name of DreamHack - India’s biggest gaming festival by such behavior will raise the question of a gamer's instinct. Is this how a pro-player should misuse a platform that has been provided to promote self and represent the Indian gaming community? The answer would be a big NO. It is time that such streamers and pro-players must be distanced by their brands, teams and Indian gaming community as a whole.

<![CDATA[Pratik Jogiya Plans To Never Enter Competitive Part Of Gaming Industry]]> Wed, 27 Nov 2019 03:32:00 +0000
Alpha Clasher believes that entertaining the audience is fun and he loves streaming. He wants to use his sense of humor and presence of mind to entertain the audience.]]>

Pratik Jogiya aka Alpha Clasher is a familiar name in the Indian game streaming scenario. Based in Mumbai, Pratik is an emulator play and streams PUBG for his audience. His YouTube channel Alpha Clasher has over 1.06 million subscribers.

Known for his quick wit and aggressive gameplay, Pratik Jogiya while streaming revealed why he doesn't want to enter into competitive esports. Being a streamer, he feels entertaining the audience is more lively.

Pratik Jogiya
Pratik Jogiya is a popular name in the gaming community.

During one of his livestreams, one of the audience questioned him why he is not interested in joining a competitive esports team, to which Pratik Jogiya said, "So far I am not interested in entering the competitive part of the gaming industry. I am really loving the way I entertain my audience. I love streaming and would like to continue entertaining the audience."

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He has a top massive number of followers on various platforms.

He further said,

"Honestly speaking even if I practice hard for two-three months playing PUBG on my cellphone, it can be possible. But what I want is to communicate with the audience, make them laugh and have fun rather than playing competitive sports. I want to use my sense of humor and my presence of mind while streaming to entertain people.

If I enter the competitive part, my sense of humor and presence of mind will be of no use. So even if I enter competitive esports I will be able to do it for a maximum of seven months or so but after that even I will get bored because of it. This is my mindset as of now. "

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Pratik Jogiya

"I did consider it earlier but my soul and heart say to entertain people. So even if I enter esports it will take time and this will only ruin my streaming career and moreover I won't be able to enjoy myself. I won't be happy with the content I create", said Pratik Jogiya.

<![CDATA[Pro PUBG Gamers MortaL And Raven Dating Each Other? Read To Know More Details]]> Sun, 10 Nov 2019 05:14:22 +0000
Both MortaL and Raven are enjoying the attention of their audience when they discuss their alleged affair.]]>

Naman Mathur aka MortaL has known the name in the Indian gaming industry with his pro-PUBG Mobile gaming skills. It is rumoured that MortaL and RaV3n, one of the leading female gaming streamer of India are dating each other. Their fans and teammates are often seen teasing both of them while they are streaming. Obviously, there will be no fire without a spark. They are often seen playing together as a team and their audience is loving their synergy in the game.


Paridhi Khullar aka Raven is from Indore and is a social media influencer. She has created content for various YouTube channels and her own YouTube channel has over 180k subscribers. She is a true animal lover and has three pet cats. Though none of the teammates has officially confirmed the rumour about MortaL and Raven dating each other, their social media posts speak wonders. Also, their audience is loving the fact that MortaL and Raven playing together as a team and commenting on each other's social media posts.


While streaming on Monday night, teammates of Raven were teasing her about an alleged affair with MortaL. Even Naman Mathur is often seen blushing when his teammates SouL Viper and SouL Regaltos utter Raven's name and call her as their sister-in-law. Fans of Raven were spamming her chat section by connecting her name with MortaL. Their synergy online and offline is growing in a steady pace and both are loving the attention of their fans.


One fan commented Raven Mathur is beautiful jodi and the entire team burst out laughing. One of the teammates asked the audience to spam different names of the rumoured couple and the audience went on a rampage with creative names for MortaL and Raven. One of the close friend to gamers revealed, "People are appreciating their bonding and it adds fun to the streaming experience. I think they are just friends for now but one never knows what clicks between both of them."

<![CDATA[Comedian Tanmay Bhat Enters The Gaming World, Streams For Fans]]> Wed, 06 Nov 2019 03:43:00 +0000
Famously known for his show All India Bakchod, Tanmay Bhatt plans to stream with cricketers and Bollywood celebrities.]]>

Comedian Tanmay Bhat has recently entered the gaming world and will be streaming PUBG for his fans. The comedian while streaming also revealed his plans that he will soon invite celebrities and Indian cricketers to play PUBG while streaming. Tanmay Bhat rose to fame with his witty jokes on social issues and was recently embroiled in a controversy for mimicking legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar and master blaster Sachin Tendulkar.

Tanmay Bhat has 19.9k subscribers on his YouTube channel. He gained over 6000 followers in a week and while streaming he invites his friends and fans to play. According to a source close to the comedian said, "Tanmay has been an avid gamer since his childhood. When he visited a few known streamers, he was shocked to know that the audience in India is spending their time watching the streams of pro players. In the future, he plans to upload content related to gaming and entertain his fans. Live streaming is a medium in which he can constantly be in touch with his fans."

Tanmay Bhat while interacting with his fans often roasts them and entertains the audience by talking about social issues, his daily experience, and his future plans. "Though he might not be a pro gamer, in the coming days we will see Bollywood celebrities and cricketers interacting with their fans via streaming on Tanmay's YouTube channel", said the source.

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Tanmay Bhat

Indian cricketers like all-rounder Krunal Pandya, former captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni, bowler Yuzvendra Chahal among others are avid gamers. Recently, a pro player Salman Ahmad which goes by the gaming name 8bit Mamba had raided the channel of Tanmay Bhat and after which subscribers to his channel increased at a rapid speed.

While streaming, the comedian said, "I will be very active on this channel and will soon hold a meet and greet session with my fans. I have always received love and support from them. I am happy that I have got supportive fans and they love whatever I do in my career."
