In the long story of Minecraft, gamers have witnessed a plethora of blocks as well as other items. Every block has its own use and texture. And while a number of blocks are made for adornment, others do have utilities.

The pixelated indie block game has come a long way. It has evolved from a game with trees, dirt, basic blocks, and stone to tons of more helpful features. In fact, the blocks have developed immensely, with blast furnaces helping to smelt ores, smokers help cook food items more quickly, and such.

5 Most Useful Blocks In Minecraft
See the most valuable blocks in Minecraft!

So here we introduce to you some of the most useful blocks in Minecraft. Without them, this game would never be the same.

5. Shulker Boxes

One of the most useful blocks in Minecraft names Shulker Boxes. Before its introduction, it took a long while to carry items between places. The developers added this box in the Minecraft 1.11 Exploration update.

Shulker Boxes
Shulker Boxes

For your information, Shulker boxes are the 27-slot portable chest.

In order to craft Shulker boxes, you will need one chest and two shulker shells. Not like chests, these boxes do not drop items on breaking. You can bring 1728 items maximum in a single shulker box which makes it a must-have in the game.

4. Ender Chest

In this title, every ender chest is inter-connected. You can place your items in it and access them from any random ender chest. Also, this ender chest owns 27 storage slots.

Ender Chest
How to make an Ender Chest

In order to craft an Ender chest, you need one eye of ender and eight obsidian. You can also make use of shulker boxes in the ender chest to carry 46656 items anywhere.

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3. Beacon

Another one among the most useful blocks in Minecraft is Beacon. Using it, you can benefit from helpful effects like Regeneration, Haste I, Strength I, Speed I, Resistance, and Jump Boost.

In order to make a beacon, gamers need to beat the wither boss. Players will obtain a nether star after defeating the wither. With this nether star, five glass, and three obsidian, you can craft a beacon.

Beacon boxes in Minecraft

For the unknown, this block is well-known for its haste impact. With haste and Efficiency V, you can immediately every kind of stone block.

2. Furnace

Furnaces are of the minority of blocks crafted by users in the early days. They are essential for smelting ores, cooking food, along other Minecraft items. Undoubtedly, it is among the most useful blocks in Minecraft, confirmed by!

A furnace box in Minecraft

The making of nether bricks, smooth stone, glass-making, and other items all need a furnace to be completed. In order to create a furnace, you will need eight cobblestones.

It is also used for making smokers and blast furnaces.

>>> Read more: How To Make Glass On Minecraft?

1. Wood

And the topper of this list is Wood. Players can use this to make sticks, crafting tables, planks which are vital elements to make weapons, tools among others.

Wood stays the element that is needed in every Minecraft game.

In the new world, cutting down a tree is the first and foremost thing most gamers do. Moreover, it is one of the first rules when it comes to speedrunning.

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