Pubg Mobile becomes the most loved and grossing Battle Royale online FPS game. In today's world, the popularity of pubg mobile had touched the skies. And every gamer in India's head played the pubg mobile game once. For some players, the game had changed their life. The hangover of pubg mobile is very high all over the world. Game head covers the minds of the Indian gaming community and is now a right between the gaming community of India. When Tencent games release pubg mobile, it gained all the market of other games. The pubg mobile had made a great name of itself in the world of esports gaming—the same hangover words on the cricketers of the Indian team. Here we will provide you top 5 cricketers who used to play pubg as a daily routine.

1)MS Dhoni

Interestingly, the game also has a very famous user. Former Indian team skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni, who is best known for his incredible skills behind the stumps and with the bat, tweeted that he too is a part of the this game's fever.
Ms Dhoni Plays Pubg With Yuzvendra Chahal
Ms Dhoni plays pubg with Yuzvendra Chahal
If we talk about the details of gameplay of MS dhoni then He's an aggressive player who loves to rush, while Kedar gives a lot of the calls to the squad, Dhoni loves to hunt opponents down. He picked it up in 2018, by that time players such as Kedar, Chahal, Dhawan was all regular players, but he was quick learner, and eventually, he used to play post-dinner or while travelling. But, he was never as regular as the others. The in-game name of MS Dhoni is not known yet, but his PUBG ID is 5412274130.

2)PUBG ID of KL Rahul

The recent event of one plus domain 8 was very entertaining for all the pubg mobile fans. All the fans enjoy watching there favourite cricketers playing with the professional pubg mobile players. This was a very great moment for all the fans of pubg mobile. The one plus domain 8 event, very entertaining and fabulous. The Team Smriti won the competition held in the event. There are all professional players in the team of Smriti. They are Ghatak, Clutchgod, and Ash.
Pubg Mobile Id Of Kl Rahul
Pubg mobile ID Of KL Rahul
If we talk about cricketers in India, it is impossible that everything even doesn't know KL Rahul. He is one of the most prolific Indian batsmen. He's a regular starter for the Indian team as well. And he used to play pubg mobile in his free time it other pro players. KL Rahul's ID is being seen as a live stream of popular YouTubers recently. The PUBG Mobile ID of KL Rahul is 5866952660. His in-game name is klrahulklr1. You can search for pubg mobile, and if KL Rahul accepts your request, you can enjoy playing with him. He is playing pubg mobile from a long time and is not a noob now. If you play with him, you will surely see some addition to your rank.

3)Hardik Pandya

Game head covers the minds of the Indian gaming community and is now a right between the gaming community of India. The same is true for Indian cricketers who were seen earlier last year playing PUBG Mobile while waiting for their flight. The game is quite popular among Indian cricketers. One such player who is hooked to this game is all-rounder Hardik Pandya. The PUBG Mobile ID of Hardik Pandya is 5223664720. His in-game name is HARDIKPANDYA11.
Hardik Pandyas Pubg Mobile Id
Hardik pandya's pubg mobile ID
He is playing pubg mobile in her daily routine. And it's you somehow found Hardik Pandya in your game, and he accepts your request then surely he will help you in reaching ace and crown in pubg mobile with a daily routine. Hardik Pandya had recently shared an Instagram post in which he enjoys playing the game, and the setup of Hardik Pandya was revealed in that post.
Hardik Pandya used to play with three fingers, and both of the fire buttons are on the left side of his screen. He used to play pubg mobile in his Apple iPad, which helps Hardik Pandya to improve his gameplay. He had played a total of 350 matches till now and rich in the top 10 214 of them. By this, you can understand how professional he is. He had gained chicken dinner for a total of 74 times. The KD of Hardik Pandya is 2.62, and he had killed a total of 913 players till now. He has an average kill rate of three kills per match which is not as easy as it looks.

4) Yuzvendra Chahal

In all likelihood, the second most active player behind Kedar Jadhav, Chahal picked up the game towards the start of 2018. You will see a famous picture of him playing the game at the airport while waiting for his flight on the internet. Both Kedar and Chahal play on the same squad, whenever they get a chance. They always play together, even at night, if they are not allotted as roommates, they go to the hotel lobby and play. They are quite competitive about things happening in the game, Chahal is more fun-loving, you can see he does things, that make Kedar angry, but he's genuinely having a good time."
Yadvendra Chahal Sharing Pubg Post On Instagram
Yujvendra chahal sharing their opinion of playing pubg mobile on Instagram
A story of Chahal purposely not reviving Kedar was a joke among the team's players for a long time. His in-game name is REIGN YUZI, and his UID is 5156504323.

5) Mohammed Shami

The 'tab player' as the teammates often know him, Shami was one of the latecomers to the national team's group. According to our source, the 29-year old played multiple times before with his brothers. However, he was too shy to start playing with the national team. It was only when Jadhav insisted, did the team realise he has played the game before.
Mohammed Shami Playing Pubg With Deepak Chahar
Mohammed Shami playing pubg with Deepak chahar
Mohammed Shami said "He always carries around a tab, so when Jadhav got him to play, he was immediately good. He didn't tell anyone he used to play with his brother out of embarrassment, but now he's a regular player with the team. I think he uses the sniper a lot, that's what one can make out from the communication."
Mohammed Shami is a superb player with an outstanding KD and a massive amount of kills. However, we are unable to find their in-game name and in-game UID on the internet. It is also said that Shami's ease of using the sniper on tab prompted other national team members to switch from mobile.