PUBG Mobile 2.8 will have new updates in the weapon system. New weapons and features will be introduced in the upcoming Halloween update. These additions and enhancements will make great changes in the gameplay. Check it out here.

PUBG Mobile 2.8 leaks: Halloween mode, weapon system updates, and more.

I. Weapon Updates

AUG A3 has been in the airdrop for a long time. But it will be nerfed and removed from the airdrop in update 2.8. FAMAS 2.0 will replace this 5.56mm Assault Rifle (AR) to spawn in this advanced gear crate after the upcoming update. As leaked, FAMAS 2.0 is a special version of the current FAMAS spawning in the map with enhanced power.

FAMAS 2.0 will replace AUG A3 in the airdrop crate.

Apart from the replacement of the airdrop weapon, PUBG Mobile 2.8 also has an important update in the Frag Grenade. Since the upcoming update, your teammate will not receive damage from your Frag Grenade. So, you will no longer knock your teammate down with this throwable. Besides, the vehicle explosion damage for teammates is also removed. You cannot cause damage to your teammate by making the vehicle explode.

The frag grenade will no longer cause damage to your allies after update 2.8.

Additionally, a new crossbow attachment is coming to PUBG Mobile in the next update, called Tactical Gunpowder Attachment. This enhancement will make this traditional weapon more powerful and dangerous. It may increase the pickup rate of this silent weapon for campers.

The traditional crossbow will have a new attachment called Tactical Gunpowder Attachment.

PUBG Mobile 2.8 also introduced a new melee weapon - Combat Knife. But it's only available in the Zombie mode. After the Halloween mode ends, it will be removed from the game. Obviously, it will be an essential weapon for the zombie-fighting game.

II. Halloween Themed Modes

As usual, Halloween updates in PUBG Mobile often feature zombie-survival mode. The old Zombie Edge Mode will be rerun in the next update with familiar gameplay. Participants can experience thrilling survival games and face scary zombies on Erangel, Livik, and Miramar maps. Each game features an ultimate boss that you have to defeat.

A new Combat Knife will be added to the Halloween Zombie mode.

III. New Maps & Vehicle

Hoverboard is the new vehicle in PUBG Mobile 2.8. It's a convenient flying board for one passenger. Maglev Hoverboard can help you traverse the map faster when you don't have any vehicle to ride or drive. But it's not as safe as cars as there is no cover around you.

The hoverboard is a convenient vehicle in PUBG Mobile 2.8.

The parachute jump button can be customized after update 2.8. After the next update, PUBG Mobile players can adjust the button size, transparency, and location.

Moreover, there may be a new Desert Town map. But its official release has not been confirmed yet. According to recent rumors, this desert map is still under development. It's expected to be released in the upcoming update.

There can be a new map called Desert Town.

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