The Hydro Archon Focalors or Furina will be released in Genshin Impact 4.2. You can start to farm materials for this powerful character now. Here are three things you should prepare for the Hydro Archon before her official release now.

I. Energy Recharge Weapon

Furina will play as an off-field DPS with her powerful elemental burst at CM0. Therefore, Splendor of Still Waters is not the best weapon for Furina C0. But she needs tons of Energy for her burst. Therefore, you may need 200% Energy Recharge and pick Energy particles for her elemental burst. Here are three recommended weapons for Furina CM0 in update 4.1.

  • Festering Desire (4-star): Besides ER, this sword also buffs Elemental Skill - the main source of damage. The base ATK stats do not matter as it doesn't make a huge change at CM0. Normal attacks at CM0 are usually too weak to focus on.
The Hydro Archon needs tons of Energy particles to charge her elemental burst and skill.
  • The Dockhand’s Assistant (4-star): It's a new 4-star weapon in Neuvillette's weapon banner. It provides HP and recharges 2-12 energy points based on the level of refinement.
  • Favonius Sword (4-star): It's one of the most preferred weapons when Genshin Impact players need to boost Energy Recharge for their characters. This 4-star sword also creates many energy particles on the ground when she stays on-field.

Her 5-star signature sword Splendor of Still Waters is more useful at CM2. Therefore, you should save Primogems for Furina CM2 before pulling this weapon. These three 4-star weapons are great options for the Hydro Archon of F2P players who can't afford either Splendor of Still Waters or Furina CM2.

The Hydro Archon can be cheap to build as an off-field DPS at CM0 with one of three 4-star ER weapons.

II. A Goblet With An HP Buff

The Hydro Archon at CM0 is prone to the role of an off-field DPS, so the Golden Troupe is the best option for a 70% Elemental Damage buff. But you should get a goblet with an HP buff instead of a Hydro damage buff. Here are the reasons.

  • Furina's ability scales on HP

Firstly, all skills and attacks of Furina scale on HP, except for her normal attack. Therefore, a goblet with %HP is more beneficial than any other status. In addition, Furina also heals her teammates better and buffs the Fanfare, which will boost the output damage of the whole team massively. Furina CM0 with level-10 elemental burst buff her team with 99% output damage.

The best goblet for Furina should raise her HP status for further advantages.
  • Because of her second passive talent

The second passive talent of the Hydro Archon buffs her elemental skill damage by 28% and reduces the interval between two healing times by 16%. But you need 40,000 HP to get these insane buffs.

As an off-field DPS, her elemental burst is a must to produce a huge output damage. Therefore, you need a weapon and other artifacts for her energy recharge stats. That's why a goblet with HP buff is better than the one with Hydro elemental damage buff.

Furina can take advantage of this goblet in many ways and at different levels of constellation.
  • Beneficial for Furina CM2

If you all-in your Primogems to get Furina CM2, this HP-buff goblet is also beneficial for normal attacks. It raises the output damage of Furina's normal attacks by 15%, scaling on her max HP. With 40,000 HP, each slash of Furina gets a 6,000 DMG bonus excluding Crit Rate and reaction buffs. Try to obtain and maximize the level of your Golden Troupe HP-buff goblet for the Hydro Archon now.

III. Golden Troupe Or Marechaussee Hunter

Both Golden Troupe and Marechaussee Hunter are excellent for Furina in different ways. Let's check out which is better for her here.

  • Golden Troupe is a perfect option for Furina CM0 in the role of an off-field DPS.
  • Marechaussee Hunter is better for Furina CM2 with a 36% Crit Rate bonus.

Boosting the Crit Rate and Crit DMG makes the Hydro Archon become an overwhelming DPS unit. At level 90, her Crit Rate reaches 24.2%. With a 36% Crit Rate bonus from the Marechaussee Hunter artifact set, you get a 60.2% Crit Rate for this character. It's an ideal status for the main DPS character who relies mainly on the elemental burst.

Golden Troupe is better for Furina CM0 while Marechaussee Hunter is more ideal for CM2.

It's still a long way from the official release of the Hydro Archon - Furina. But we can start to save Primogems, weapons, and materials for this highly-anticipated character now. One of the best 4-star weapons for Furina CM0 is available to roll in the current weapon banner.

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